Mastercard and Amazon Payment Services to Enable Digital Payment Acceptance Across Middle East and Africa
Mastercard and Amazon Payment Services have signed a multi-year partnership to digitize payment acceptance across Middle East and Africa. The collaboration covers key countries including Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, South Africa and UAE. Amazon Payment Services will adopt Mastercard Gateway, a single touchpoint for payment processing available in 40 markets in the region.
This integration aims to provide fast, seamless, and secure transactions for thousands of merchants, including Amazon online stores in UAE and Egypt. The partnership aligns with the increasing demand for digital payments, with 95% of consumers in the region considering emerging payment methods. Both companies will also co-create innovative multi-rail payment solutions, including Secure Card on File, Click to Pay, and token authentication services.
Mastercard e Amazon Payment Services hanno firmato una partnership pluriennale per digitalizzare l'accettazione dei pagamenti in Medio Oriente e Africa. La collaborazione copre paesi chiave tra cui Bahrain, Egitto, Giordania, Kuwait, Libano, Oman, Qatar, Sudafrica e UAE. Amazon Payment Services adotterà Mastercard Gateway, un unico punto di contatto per l'elaborazione dei pagamenti disponibile in 40 mercati della regione.
Questa integrazione mira a fornire transazioni veloci, senza soluzione di continuità e sicure per migliaia di commercianti, incluse le negozi online di Amazon negli UAE e in Egitto. La partnership è in linea con la crescente domanda di pagamenti digitali, con il 95% dei consumatori nella regione che considera metodi di pagamento emergenti. Entrambe le aziende co-creeranno anche soluzioni innovative di pagamento multi-rail, inclusi Secure Card on File, Click to Pay e servizi di autenticazione tramite token.
Mastercard y Amazon Payment Services han firmado una asociación de varios años para digitalizar la aceptación de pagos en Medio Oriente y África. La colaboración abarca países clave como Bahréin, Egipto, Jordania, Kuwait, Líbano, Omán, Catar, Sudáfrica y los EAU. Amazon Payment Services adoptará Mastercard Gateway, un único punto de contacto para el procesamiento de pagos disponible en 40 mercados de la región.
Esta integración tiene como objetivo proporcionar transacciones rápidas, fluidas y seguras para miles de comerciantes, incluidas las tiendas online de Amazon en los EAU y Egipto. La asociación se alinea con la creciente demanda de pagos digitales, ya que el 95% de los consumidores en la región considera métodos de pago emergentes. Ambas compañías también co-crearán soluciones innovadoras de pago multi-raíl, incluidos Secure Card on File, Click to Pay y servicios de autenticación de tokens.
Mastercard와 Amazon Payment Services는 중동과 아프리카에서 결제 수락 디지털화를 위한 다년간의 파트너십을 체결했습니다. 이 협력은 바레인, 이집트, 요르단, 쿠웨이트, 레바논, 오만, 카타르, 남아프리카 공화국 및 UAE를 포함한 주요 국가를 다룹니다. Amazon Payment Services는 40개 시장에서 사용 가능한 결제 처리의 단일 접점인 Mastercard Gateway를 채택할 것입니다.
이번 통합은 UAE와 이집트의 Amazon 온라인 상점을 포함하여 수천 개의 상인을 위한 빠르고 원활하며 안전한 거래를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 파트너십은 95%의 소비자가 새로운 결제 방법을 고려하는 가운데 디지털 결제에 대한 수요 증가와 일치합니다. 두 회사는 Secure Card on File, Click to Pay 및 토큰 인증 서비스를 포함한 혁신적인 다중 레일 결제 솔루션을 공동 제작할 것입니다.
Mastercard et Amazon Payment Services ont signé un partenariat pluriannuel pour numériser l'acceptation des paiements à travers le Moyen-Orient et l' Afrique. La collaboration couvre des pays clés, notamment Bahreïn, Égypte, Jordanie, Koweït, Liban, Oman, Qatar, Afrique du Sud et Émirats Arabes Unis. Amazon Payment Services adoptera Mastercard Gateway, un point de contact unique pour le traitement des paiements disponible dans 40 marchés de la région.
Cette intégration vise à fournir des transactions rapides, fluides et sécurisées pour des milliers de commerçants, y compris les boutiques en ligne Amazon aux Émirats et en Égypte. Le partenariat s'aligne sur la demande croissante de paiements numériques, 95 % des consommateurs de la région considérant des méthodes de paiement émergentes. Les deux entreprises co-créeront également des solutions de paiement multi-rails innovantes, y compris Secure Card on File, Click to Pay et des services d'authentification par jeton.
Mastercard und Amazon Payment Services haben eine mehrjährige Partnerschaft unterzeichnet, um die Akzeptanz digitaler Zahlungen im Mittleren Osten und Afrika zu verbessern. Die Zusammenarbeit umfasst wichtige Länder wie Bahrain, Ägypten, Jordanien, Kuwait, Libanon, Oman, Katar, Südafrika und die VAE. Amazon Payment Services wird Mastercard Gateway übernehmen, einen einzigen Kontaktpunkt für die Zahlungsabwicklung, der in 40 Märkten der Region verfügbar ist.
Diese Integration soll schnelle, nahtlose und sichere Transaktionen für Tausende von Händlern ermöglichen, einschließlich Amazon-Onlineshops in den VAE und Ägypten. Die Partnerschaft entspricht der steigenden Nachfrage nach digitalen Zahlungen, da 95 % der Verbraucher in der Region neue Zahlungsmethoden in Betracht ziehen. Beide Unternehmen werden auch innovative Multi-Rail-Zahlungslösungen co-kreieren, darunter Secure Card on File, Click to Pay und Token-Authentifizierungsdienste.
- Partnership expands Mastercard's presence in Middle East and Africa
- Integration of Mastercard Gateway in 40 markets
- Potential for increased transaction volume and revenue from thousands of merchants
- Development of innovative payment solutions like Secure Card on File and Click to Pay
- None.
This partnership between Mastercard and Amazon Payment Services is a significant move in the digital payments landscape of the Middle East and Africa. It leverages Mastercard's Gateway technology to enhance payment acceptance across nine key countries in the region. The collaboration addresses the growing demand for digital payment methods, with
The integration of Mastercard Gateway will benefit thousands of merchants, including Amazon's online stores, by offering faster and more secure transactions. This aligns with regional trends, where
For Mastercard, this deal expands its footprint in a rapidly digitizing market. For Amazon Payment Services, it provides access to Mastercard's global network, potentially accelerating its growth as a payment service provider in the region. The collaboration could lead to increased transaction volumes and market share for both companies in this high-growth area.
This partnership taps into a significant market opportunity in the Middle East and Africa. The region is showing a strong appetite for digital payment solutions, with banks seeing digital transactions increase from
The collaboration between Mastercard, a global payments leader and Amazon Payment Services, with its strong regional presence, creates a powerful combination. It addresses key consumer demands for convenience and security in digital transactions. The wide geographical coverage of the partnership, spanning nine countries, provides a substantial addressable market.
For investors, this move signals potential revenue growth opportunities in emerging markets for Mastercard. It also demonstrates the company's strategy to partner with established regional players to penetrate new markets effectively. The focus on innovation, evidenced by the plans to develop new payment solutions, suggests ongoing efforts to maintain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving fintech landscape.
- The payment service provider will adopt the Mastercard Gateway to support fast, seamless, and secure transactions across the region
Partnership covers key countries including
Bahrain ,Egypt ,Jordan ,Kuwait ,Lebanon ,Oman ,Qatar ,South Africa andUAE - The two partners will also co-create innovative multi-rail payment solutions for customers

Mastercard and Amazon Payment Services executives at the signing ceremony (Photo: AETOSWire)
As part of the collaboration, the leading payment service provider (PSP) will adopt Mastercard Gateway – a single touchpoint for payment processing – as a payment solution available in 40 markets in the region. The integration of the solution will enable merchants to offer fast, seamless, and secure transactions as well as convenient payment choices to customers.
In line with the rapid increase in digital payments, the partnership will benefit thousands of Amazon Payment Services merchants, including Amazon online stores for shoppers across the
According to the Mastercard Payment Industry Insights Index,
“We are proud to partner with Amazon Payment Services to scale payment acceptance and accelerate digitization of payments with innovation solutions,” said Amnah Ajmal, Executive Vice President, Market Development, EEMEA, Mastercard.
The two organizations have also signed an innovation agreement to develop Secure Card on File, Click to Pay, and token authentication services to provide multi-rail checkout options to merchants, and a faster checkout experience to end customers.
Peter George, Managing Director, Amazon Payment Services,
Mastercard Gateway is a trusted solution that offers a single connection to help customers accept payments globally and expand into new markets with ease while protecting them from risk and fraud. Powered by frictionless digital checkout solutions, it removes the need for manual card and password entry for online shoppers. As one of the largest gateways in the region that is utilized by many players in the financial space, it allows its partners to accept a wide range of digital transactions, including all leading card brands and non-card payment options.
Amazon Payment Services continues to enable online payments in MENA, supporting over 4,000 merchants and businesses across the region. The company’s services are available for businesses in the
Source: AETOSWire
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Halima Islam, Mastercard
Source: Mastercard
What countries are covered in the Mastercard and Amazon Payment Services partnership?
How will the Mastercard Gateway benefit merchants using Amazon Payment Services?
What percentage of consumers in Middle East and Africa are considering emerging payment methods according to Mastercard's study?