Verizon Foundation Donates $2 Million towards Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton Relief Efforts

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The Verizon Foundation has announced a $2 million donation to support relief efforts for communities affected by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton. The donation includes:

  • $1 million to the American Red Cross for emergency relief and recovery efforts
  • $400,000 to Volunteer Florida for Hurricane Milton relief
  • $600,000 to organizations in Georgia and North Carolina for Hurricane Helene relief

The funds will support immediate needs such as food and shelter, as well as long-term recovery and rebuilding initiatives. Verizon's Chief Responsible Business Officer, Donna Epps, emphasized the company's commitment to supporting communities in times of need. Representatives from recipient organizations expressed gratitude for Verizon's contributions and highlighted the impact these donations will have on affected communities.

La Fondazione Verizon ha annunciato una donna di 2 milioni di dollari per sostenere gli sforzi di soccorso per le comunità colpite da Uragano Helene e Uragano Milton. La donazione include:

  • 1 milione di dollari per la Croce Rossa Americana per gli sforzi di soccorso e recupero in emergenza
  • 400.000 dollari per Volunteer Florida per il soccorso dovuto all'Uragano Milton
  • 600.000 dollari per organizzazioni in Georgia e Carolina del Nord per il soccorso dovuto all'Uragano Helene

I fondi supporteranno le necessità immediate come cibo e alloggio, oltre a iniziative di recupero e ricostruzione a lungo termine. La Direttore Responsabile delle Attività Aziendali di Verizon, Donna Epps, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nel sostenere le comunità nei momenti di bisogno. I rappresentanti delle organizzazioni beneficiarie hanno espresso gratitudine per i contributi di Verizon e hanno evidenziato l'impatto che queste donazioni avranno sulle comunità colpite.

La Fundación Verizon ha anunciado una para apoyar los esfuerzos de ayuda para las comunidades afectadas por el Huracán Helene y el Huracán Milton. La donación incluye:

  • 1 millón de dólares para la Cruz Roja Americana para los esfuerzos de alivio y recuperación de emergencia
  • 400,000 dólares para Volunteer Florida para la ayuda del Huracán Milton
  • 600,000 dólares para organizaciones en Georgia y Carolina del Norte para la ayuda del Huracán Helene

Los fondos apoyarán necesidades inmediatas como comida y alojamiento, así como iniciativas de recuperación y reconstrucción a largo plazo. Donna Epps, Directora de Responsabilidad Empresarial de Verizon, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa para apoyar a las comunidades en momentos de necesidad. Los representantes de las organizaciones receptoras expresaron su gratitud por las contribuciones de Verizon y destacaron el impacto que estas donaciones tendrán en las comunidades afectadas.

버라이즌 재단은 200만 달러 기부를 발표하며 허리케인 헬렌과 허리케인 밀턴에 의해 영향을 받은 지역 사회를 지원하는 구호 노력을 지원합니다. 기부금은 다음을 포함합니다:

  • 비상 구호 및 복구 작업을 위해 미국 적십자사에 100만 달러
  • 허리케인 밀턴 구호를 위해 플로리다 자원봉사자에게 40만 달러
  • 허리케인 헬렌 구호를 위해 조지아주와 노스캐롤라이나주 조직에 60만 달러

이 자금은 식량 및 주거와 같은 즉각적인 필요와 장기적인 회복 및 재건 계획을 지원합니다. Verizon의 책임 있는 비즈니스 책임자 도나 엡스는 기업이 필요할 때 지역 사회를 지원하겠다는 의지를 강조했습니다. 수혜 기관의 대표들은 Verizon의 기부에 감사의 뜻을 전하고 이러한 기부가 영향을 받는 지역 사회에 미칠 영향을 강조했습니다.

La Fondation Verizon a annoncé une donation de 2 millions de dollars pour soutenir les efforts de secours pour les communautés touchées par le ouragan Helene et l'ouragan Milton. La donation comprend :

  • 1 million de dollars pour la Croix-Rouge américaine pour les efforts de secours et de récupération d'urgence
  • 400 000 dollars pour Volunteer Florida pour l'aide à la suite de l'ouragan Milton
  • 600 000 dollars pour des organisations en Géorgie et en Caroline du Nord pour l'aide à la suite de l'ouragan Helene

Les fonds permettront de répondre aux besoins immédiats tels que l'alimentation et le logement, ainsi qu'aux initiatives de récupération et de reconstruction à long terme. Donna Epps, Directrice Générale des Activités Responsables de Verizon, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à soutenir les communautés en temps de besoin. Les représentants des organisations bénéficiaires ont exprimé leur gratitude pour les contributions de Verizon et ont souligné l'impact que ces dons auront sur les communautés touchées.

Die Verizon-Stiftung hat eine Spende von 2 Millionen Dollar angekündigt, um die Hilfsmaßnahmen für die von Hurrikan Helene und Hurrikan Milton betroffenen Gemeinden zu unterstützen. Die Spende umfasst:

  • 1 Million Dollar für das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz zur Unterstützung von Notfallhilfe und Wiederherstellungsmaßnahmen
  • 400.000 Dollar für Volunteer Florida zur Unterstützung der Hurrikan-Milton-Hilfe
  • 600.000 Dollar für Organisationen in Georgia und North Carolina zur Unterstützung der Hurrikan-Helene-Hilfe

Die Mittel werden umgehende Bedürfnisse wie Nahrung und Unterkunft sowie langfristige Wiederaufbau- und Erholungsinitiativen unterstützen. Donna Epps, Chief Responsible Business Officer von Verizon, hob das Engagement des Unternehmens hervor, den Gemeinden in Zeiten der Not beizustehen. Vertreter der empfangenden Organisationen drückten ihre Dankbarkeit für die Beiträge von Verizon aus und hoben die Auswirkungen hervor, die diese Spenden auf die betroffenen Gemeinden haben werden.

  • Verizon Foundation's $2 million donation demonstrates corporate social responsibility
  • The donation supports both immediate relief and long-term recovery efforts
  • Partnerships with established organizations ensure efficient distribution of aid
  • None.

Funding supports the American Red Cross and local recovery organizations in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina

NEW YORK, Oct. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Verizon Foundation is stepping up to support communities devastated by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton with a total of $2 million in donations to aid relief and recovery efforts. The contributions will provide essential support and rebuilding efforts to those who have been devastated by the storms.

The donations include $1 million to the American Red Cross to assist with emergency relief and recovery efforts for both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton.

The remaining $1 million is directed to various regional organizations providing crucial services on the ground in the hardest-hit areas, including $400,000 allocated to organizations in Florida for Hurricane Milton relief and $600,000 to support communities in Georgia and North Carolina affected by Hurricane Helene:

  • $400,000 to Volunteer Florida: Supporting Hurricane relief efforts, these funds will assist organizations providing food, shelter, and recovery resources to those affected by the storm.
  • $600,000 to Georgia and North Carolina: Focused on aiding communities devastated by Hurricane Helene, these contributions will help address immediate needs like food and shelter while also supporting longer-term recovery and rebuilding initiatives. Specifically, these contributions include:
    • $300,000 to NC Hurricane Helene Fund–United Way of North Carolina
    • $50,000 to Second Harvest of South Georgia, Inc., Valdosta, Georgia
    • $50,000 to United Way of Greater Valdosta, Georgia
    • $100,000 to Community Foundation for the CSRA, Augusta, Georgia
    • $100,000 to Weathered But Strong Fund–Georgia Foundation for Agriculture

"We are committed to supporting communities when they need it most, and we are working closely with local organizations to ensure resources reach those who need them urgently," said Donna Epps, Verizon’s Chief Responsible Business Officer. "In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, the Verizon Foundation is here to support the American Red Cross and other trusted partners as they provide relief for communities to recover and rebuild."

“The American Red Cross is working around the clock to provide help and hope to people across the country impacted by disasters big and small, including storms and countless other crises,” said Cliff Holtz, president and CEO of the American Red Cross. “We cannot thank Verizon Foundation enough for their generosity as we work together to offer relief and comfort to those in need.”

"On behalf of Volunteer Florida, we are deeply grateful for the Verizon Foundation’s generous $400,000 donation in response to Hurricanes Helene and Milton. This contribution will have an immediate and lasting impact on our communities as they recover and rebuild," said Volunteer Florida CEO Josie Tamayo. "The generosity of our donors allows us to provide essential resources and support to those in need during these challenging times."

“We want to express our gratitude to Verizon for the additional contribution of $300,000 to the NC Disaster Relief Fund. Your commitment to supporting our community in times of need makes a profound difference in the lives of those affected by Hurricane Helene,” said President and CEO of United Way of North Carolina, Brittany Pruitt Fletcher. “This generous donation will help provide essential resources and aid to individuals and families working to rebuild their lives. Your dedication to making a positive impact showcases the true spirit of corporate responsibility and compassion. Thank you for standing with us during this challenging time. Together, we are stronger, and your support brings hope and healing to our community.”

"The Greater Valdosta United Way is honored to receive these funds so recovery and healing can happen. It will take communication and connections which Verizon understands for communities to recover. Thank you for stepping up and supporting South Georgia,” said CEO of Greater Valdosta United Way, Michael Smith.

"Second Harvest of South Georgia is grateful for this gift from Verizon. It will help the impacted families of South Georgia following the devastating destruction caused by hurricane Helene,” said President and CEO of Second Harvest of South Georgia Franklin J. Richards II. “Gifts like this truly make a difference in these difficult times and help Second Harvest of South Georgia provide much needed food and resources to all the citizens that were affected by the storm."

“I’m incredibly thankful to the team at Verizon, not only for their generous donation of $100,000 to the Weathered But Strong Hurricane Relief Fund but also for all their work to get Georgians back online in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene,” said Commissioner of Georgia Department of Agriculture, Tyler Harper. “When disaster hits our state, we need all hands on deck to help our fellow Georgians recover, and this donation will go a long way to help Georgia farm families bounce back stronger than before.”

About Verizon
Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

Media contacts:
Hope Armanus

Katie Magnotta


How much did Verizon (VZ) donate for Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton relief efforts?

Verizon Foundation donated a total of $2 million for Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton relief efforts.

Which organizations received donations from Verizon (VZ) for hurricane relief?

The American Red Cross received $1 million, Volunteer Florida received $400,000, and various organizations in Georgia and North Carolina received a total of $600,000.

How will Verizon's (VZ) donation be used for hurricane relief?

The donation will support emergency relief, recovery efforts, food, shelter, and long-term rebuilding initiatives in communities affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

When did Verizon (VZ) announce its donation for hurricane relief?

Verizon Foundation announced its $2 million donation for hurricane relief on October 13, 2024.

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