urban-gro Contracted to Provide Architectural Design Services for University Student Center Renovation at Columbus State University

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urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO) has been selected to provide architectural design services for the renovation of the Davidson Student Center at Columbus State University (CSU) in Columbus, Georgia. The project involves remodeling student service and activity spaces, updating life safety and code compliance, refreshing furnishings and interior finishes, adding windows for natural light, and incorporating modular seating and flex spaces.

The Davidson Student Center, originally built in 1968 and 1978, is a central hub on CSU's main campus. urban-gro's Chairman and CEO, Bradley Nattrass, expressed enthusiasm for continuing the firm's long-standing relationship with CSU, which spans nearly two decades. The company's local office in Columbus strengthens its connection to both the university and the broader community.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO) è stata selezionata per fornire servizi di design architettonico per la ristrutturazione del Davidson Student Center presso la Columbus State University (CSU) a Columbus, Georgia. Il progetto prevede la ristrutturazione degli spazi dedicati ai servizi e alle attività degli studenti, l'aggiornamento della sicurezza e della conformità alle norme, il rinnovamento degli arredi e delle finiture interne, l'aggiunta di finestre per la luce naturale e l'incorporazione di posti modulari e spazi flessibili.

Il Davidson Student Center, originariamente costruito nel 1968 e nel 1978, è un punto nevralgico nel campus principale della CSU. Il presidente e CEO di urban-gro, Bradley Nattrass, ha espresso entusiasmo per il proseguimento del lungo rapporto della società con la CSU, che dura da quasi due decenni. L'ufficio locale dell'azienda a Columbus rafforza il suo legame sia con l'università che con la comunità più ampia.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO) ha sido seleccionada para proporcionar servicios de diseño arquitectónico para la renovación del Davidson Student Center en la Universidad Estatal de Columbus (CSU) en Columbus, Georgia. El proyecto incluye la remodelación de los espacios de servicios y actividades estudiantiles, la actualización de la seguridad y el cumplimiento de normativas, la renovación del mobiliario y acabados interiores, la adición de ventanas para luz natural, y la incorporación de asientos modulares y espacios flexibles.

El Davidson Student Center, construido originalmente en 1968 y 1978, es un centro neurálgico en el campus principal de la CSU. El presidente y CEO de urban-gro, Bradley Nattrass, expresó su entusiasmo por continuar la larga relación de la firma con la CSU, que se extiende por casi dos décadas. La oficina local de la empresa en Columbus refuerza su conexión tanto con la universidad como con la comunidad en general.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO)는 조지아주 컬럼버스에 있는 컬럼버스 주립대학교(CSU)의 데이비슨 학생 센터 리노베이션을 위한 건축 디자인 서비스를 제공하기 위해 선정되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 학생 서비스 및 활동 공간의 리모델링, 생명 안전 및 법규 준수 업데이트, 가구 및 내부 마감 재료의 새로 고침, 자연광을 위한 창문 추가, 모듈형 좌석 및 유연한 공간 통합을 포함합니다.

데이비슨 학생 센터는 1968년과 1978년에 처음 건립되었으며, CSU의 주요 캠퍼스에 있는 중앙 허브입니다. urban-gro의 회장 겸 CEO인 브래들리 내트라스는 CSU와의 오랜 관계를 계속 유지하게 되어 기쁘다고 밝혔습니다. 이 관계는 거의 20년에 걸쳐 이어지고 있습니다. 콜럼버스에 있는 회사의 지역 사무소는 대학 및 광범위한 지역 사회와의 연결을 강화합니다.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO) a été sélectionné pour fournir des services de conception architecturale pour la rénovation du Davidson Student Center à la Columbus State University (CSU) à Columbus, Géorgie. Le projet comprend la restructuration des espaces de services et d'activités pour les étudiants, la mise à jour de la sécurité et de la conformité réglementaire, le rafraîchissement des meubles et des finitions intérieures, l'ajout de fenêtres pour la lumière naturelle et l'incorporation de sièges modulaires et d'espaces flexibles.

Le Davidson Student Center, construit à l'origine en 1968 et 1978, est un point névralgique sur le campus principal de la CSU. Le président et PDG d'urban-gro, Bradley Nattrass, a exprimé son enthousiasme à continuer une relation de longue date avec la CSU, qui dure depuis près de deux décennies. Le bureau local de l'entreprise à Columbus renforce son lien avec l'université et la communauté en général.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO) wurde ausgewählt, um architektonische Design-Dienstleistungen für die Renovierung des Davidson Student Centers an der Columbus State University (CSU) in Columbus, Georgia, bereitzustellen. Das Projekt umfasst die Umgestaltung von Studentendienst- und Aktivitätsräumen, die Aktualisierung der Lebenssicherheit und der Vorschriften, die Auffrischung von Möbeln und Innenausstattungen, die Hinzufügung von Fenstern für natürliche Beleuchtung sowie die Integration von modularen Sitzgelegenheiten und flexiblen Räumen.

Das Davidson Student Center, das ursprünglich 1968 und 1978 erbaut wurde, ist ein zentrales Zentrum auf dem Hauptcampus der CSU. Der Vorstandsvorsitzende und CEO von urban-gro, Bradley Nattrass, äußerte seine Begeisterung über die Fortsetzung der langjährigen Beziehung des Unternehmens zur CSU, die sich über fast zwei Jahrzehnte erstreckt. Das lokale Büro des Unternehmens in Columbus stärkt seine Verbindung sowohl zur Universität als auch zur breiteren Gemeinschaft.

  • Secured contract for architectural design services with Columbus State University
  • Continuation of long-standing relationship with CSU, spanning almost two decades
  • Local office presence strengthens connection to the university and community
  • None.

LAFAYETTE, CO / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO) ("urban-gro" or the "Company"), an integrated professional services and Design-Build firm offering solutions to multiple sectors, today announced that its architectural professional services division has been selected to provide design services for the renovation of the Davidson Student Center located on the Columbus State University ("CSU") Campus in Columbus, Georgia.

Originally built in two phases (1968 and 1978), the Davidson Student Center is situated at the crossroads of CSU's main campus and is heavily used by the student population. Key elements of the renovation will include a remodel of student service and activity spaces, modifications for life safety and code compliance, updated furnishings and interior finishes, the addition of windows to enhance natural light and views, and the addition of modular seating and flex spaces.

"We are thrilled to continue to build our firm's longstanding relationship with CSU, a partnership that has allowed us to contribute to the growth and development of their campus for almost two decades," said Bradley Nattrass, Chairman and CEO. "Having a local office gives us a deep connection to not only the university but also to the broader Columbus community."

About urban-gro, Inc.

urban-gro, Inc.® (NASDAQ:UGRO) is an integrated professional services and Design-Build firm. We offer value-added architectural, engineering, and construction management solutions to the Controlled Environment Agriculture ("CEA"), industrial, healthcare, and other commercial sectors. Innovation, collaboration, and creativity drive our team to provide exceptional customer experiences. With offices across North America and in Europe, we deliver Your Vision - Built. Learn more by visiting

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This press release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. When used in this release, terms such as "believes," "will," "expects," "anticipates," "may," "projects" and similar expressions and variations as they relate to the Company or its management are intended to identify forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this press release include, without limitation, financial projections, financial guidance, future events, business strategy, future performance, future operations, future demand, backlog, financial position, estimated revenues, losses, adjusted EBITDA, prospects, plans and objectives of management, including the future ability to position the Company for long-term profitable growth. These and other forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, forecasts, and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those anticipated or expected, including, among others, our ability to successfully manage and integrate acquisitions, our ability to accurately forecast revenues and costs, competition for projects in our markets, our ability to predict and respond to new laws and governmental regulatory actions, including delays granting licenses to clients or potential clients and delays in passage of legislation expected to benefit our clients or potential clients, our ability to successfully develop new and/or enhancements to our product offerings and develop a product mix to meet demand, risks related to adverse weather conditions, supply chain issues, rising interest rates, economic downturn or other factors that could cause delays or the cancellation of projects in our backlog or our ability to secure future projects, our ability to maintain favorable relationships with suppliers, risks associated with reliance on key customers and suppliers, our ability to attract and retain key personnel, results of litigation and other claims and insurance coverage issues, risks related to our information technology systems and infrastructure, risks associated with climate change and ESG matters, our ability to maintain effective internal controls, our ability to execute on our strategic plans, our ability to achieve and maintain cost savings, the sufficiency of our liquidity and capital resources, and our ability to achieve our key initiatives for 2023, particularly our growth initiatives. A more detailed description of these and certain other factors that could affect actual results is included in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, except as may be required by law.

Investor Contacts:
Dan Droller - urban-gro, Inc.
Jeff Sonnek - ICR, Inc.
(720) 730-8160

Media Contact:
Barbara Graham - urban-gro, Inc.
(720) 903-1139

SOURCE: urban-gro, Inc.

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What project has urban-gro (UGRO) been contracted for at Columbus State University?

urban-gro has been contracted to provide architectural design services for the renovation of the Davidson Student Center at Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia.

What are the key elements of the Davidson Student Center renovation at CSU that urban-gro (UGRO) will work on?

Key elements include remodeling student service and activity spaces, updating life safety and code compliance, refreshing furnishings and interior finishes, adding windows for natural light, and incorporating modular seating and flex spaces.

How long has urban-gro (UGRO) been working with Columbus State University?

urban-gro has had a longstanding relationship with Columbus State University, contributing to the growth and development of their campus for almost two decades.

When was the Davidson Student Center at Columbus State University originally built?

The Davidson Student Center was originally built in two phases, in 1968 and 1978.

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