urban-gro Signs Approximately $12 Million in New Cannabis Sector Contracts in the Third Quarter

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urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO), a Design-Build firm specializing in Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) and commercial sectors, has announced new contracts worth approximately $12 million in the cannabis sector. These contracts, signed with over fifteen clients, encompass equipment procurement, engineering, architecture, and design services for cultivation, extraction, and retail dispensary projects across the U.S. The company expects to recognize most of the revenue by Q1 2025.

CEO Bradley Nattrass attributes this momentum to the anticipated positive results of Florida's Amendment 3 ballot initiative and the release of licenses in new markets. He emphasized the company's strategic decision to retain their entire cannabis business unit during the sector's downturn, positioning them to capitalize on emerging opportunities. Nattrass also expressed support for the Smart and Safe Florida campaign, urging Floridians to vote Yes on Amendment 3 on November 5th.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO), una società di Design-Build specializzata in Agricoltura a Ambiente Controllato (CEA) e settori commerciali, ha annunciato nuovi contratti del valore di circa 12 milioni di dollari nel settore della cannabis. Questi contratti, firmati con più di quindici clienti, riguardano la fornitura di attrezzature, ingegneria, architettura e servizi di progettazione per progetti di coltivazione, estrazione e punti vendita al dettaglio in tutto gli Stati Uniti. L'azienda prevede di riconoscere la maggior parte delle entrate entro il primo trimestre del 2025.

Il CEO Bradley Nattrass attribuisce questo slancio ai risultati positivi previsti dall'iniziativa referendaria della Florida, l'emendamento 3, e al rilascio di licenze in nuovi mercati. Ha sottolineato la decisione strategica dell'azienda di mantenere l'intera unità commerciale cannabis durante il calo del settore, posizionandosi per sfruttare le opportunità emergenti. Nattrass ha anche espresso supporto per la campagna Smart and Safe Florida, esortando i Floridiani a votare Sì sull'Emendamento 3 il 5 novembre.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO), una firma de diseño y construcción especializada en Agricultura en Entorno Controlado (CEA) y sectores comerciales, ha anunciado nuevos contratos por aproximadamente 12 millones de dólares en el sector del cannabis. Estos contratos, firmados con más de quince clientes, abarcan la adquisición de equipos, ingeniería, arquitectura y servicios de diseño para proyectos de cultivo, extracción y dispensarios minoristas en los EE. UU. La compañía espera reconocer la mayor parte de los ingresos para el primer trimestre de 2025.

El CEO Bradley Nattrass atribuye este impulso a los resultados positivos anticipados de la iniciativa de boleta enmienda 3 de Florida y la liberación de licencias en nuevos mercados. Enfatizó la decisión estratégica de la compañía de retener toda su unidad de negocio de cannabis durante la recesión del sector, posicionándose para aprovechar las oportunidades emergentes. Nattrass también expresó su apoyo a la campaña Smart and Safe Florida, instando a los floridanos a votar Sí a la enmienda 3 el 5 de noviembre.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO)는 통제된 환경 농업(CEA) 및 상업 부문 전문 디자인-빌드 회사로, 약 1천200만 달러의 새로운 계약을 대마초 분야에서 발표했습니다. 이 계약은 15명 이상의 고객과 체결되었으며, 미국 전역의 재배, 추출 및 소매 점포 프로젝트를 위한 장비 조달, 엔지니어링, 건축 및 디자인 서비스를 포함합니다. 회사는 2025년 1분기까지 대부분의 수익을 인식할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

CEO 브래들리 내트라스는 플로리다의 수정안 3 투표 제안과 새로운 시장에서의 라이센스 발급이 예상되는 긍정적인 결과에 따른 상승세를 언급했습니다. 그는 산업 침체 동안 전체 대마초 사업 부문을 유지하기로 한 회사의 전략적 결정이 신흥 기회를 활용할 수 있는 입지를 다졌다고 강조했습니다. 또한 내트라스는 Smart and Safe Florida 캠페인을 지지하며, 플로리다 주민들에게 11월 5일 수정안 3에 찬성 투표를 할 것을 촉구했습니다.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO), une société de design et de construction spécialisée dans l'Agriculture à Environnement Contrôlé (CEA) et les secteurs commerciaux, a annoncé de nouveaux contrats d'une valeur d'environ 12 millions de dollars dans le secteur du cannabis. Ces contrats, signés avec plus de quinze clients, englobent l'approvisionnement en équipement, l'ingénierie, l'architecture et les services de design pour des projets de culture, d'extraction et de distributeurs de détail aux États-Unis. L'entreprise s'attend à reconnaître la plus grande partie des revenus d'ici le premier trimestre 2025.

Le PDG Bradley Nattrass attribue cet élan aux résultats positifs anticipés de l'initiative référendaire sur l'amendement 3 de la Floride et à la distribution de licences sur de nouveaux marchés. Il a souligné la décision stratégique de l'entreprise de conserver toute son unité d'affaires cannabis pendant la baisse du secteur, ce qui les place dans une position favorable pour saisir les opportunités émergentes. Nattrass a également exprimé son soutien à la campagne Smart and Safe Florida, appelant les Floridiens à voter Oui pour l'amendement 3 le 5 novembre.

urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO), ein Design-Bau-Unternehmen, das sich auf Landwirtschaft in kontrollierten Umgebungen (CEA) und kommerzielle Sektoren spezialisiert hat, hat neue Verträge im Wert von etwa 12 Millionen Dollar im Cannabissektor bekannt gegeben. Diese Verträge, die mit über fünfzehn Kunden unterzeichnet wurden, umfassen die Beschaffung von Geräten, Ingenieurwesen, Architektur und Design-Dienstleistungen für Anbau-, Extraktions- und Einzelhandelsprojekte in den USA. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass der Großteil der Einnahmen bis zum ersten Quartal 2025 erfasst wird.

CEO Bradley Nattrass schreibt diesen Aufschwung den erwarteten positiven Ergebnissen der Abstimmung über Floridas Änderungsantrag 3 sowie der Erteilung von Lizenzen in neuen Märkten zu. Er unterstrich die strategische Entscheidung des Unternehmens, sein gesamtes Cannabis-Geschäftssegment während des Marktrückgangs beizubehalten, um sich in einer Position zu bringen, die aufkommende Chancen nutzen kann. Nattrass sprach sich auch für die Kampagne Smart and Safe Florida aus und forderte die Floridianer auf, am 5. November mit Ja für den Änderungsantrag 3 zu stimmen.

  • Secured new contracts worth approximately $12 million in the cannabis sector
  • Signed agreements with over fifteen clients for various services
  • Expected revenue recognition by Q1 2025
  • Strategic retention of entire cannabis business unit during sector downturn
  • Positioned to capitalize on emerging opportunities in new markets
  • None.


The announcement of $12 million in new cannabis sector contracts is a significant development for urban-gro (UGRO), especially considering its current market cap of about $16.3 million. This contract value represents approximately 73.6% of the company's market capitalization, indicating a substantial boost to potential revenue.

The contracts span multiple areas of urban-gro's business, including equipment procurement and various professional services. With revenue recognition expected primarily by Q1 2025, this provides near-term visibility for the company's financial performance. The diversification across more than fifteen clients also helps mitigate risk.

Importantly, management's decision to maintain their cannabis business unit through the sector's downturn appears to be paying off, positioning them to capitalize on emerging opportunities. The potential legalization in Florida and other markets could further accelerate growth in the cannabis sector, benefiting urban-gro's business prospects.

However, investors should note that the cannabis industry remains volatile and subject to regulatory risks. The company's heavy reliance on this sector could be a double-edged sword, offering high growth potential but also exposure to industry-specific challenges.

The $12 million in new contracts signifies a potential turning point for the cannabis industry, which has faced headwinds in recent years. This uptick in activity suggests renewed investor confidence and possible market expansion, particularly in states like Florida where legalization is on the ballot.

Urban-gro's diverse service offerings position it well to capture value across the cannabis supply chain, from cultivation to retail. This integrated approach could provide a competitive advantage as the market evolves. The company's ability to secure multiple contracts across various states also indicates a broad market reach and strong industry relationships.

The timing of these contracts, ahead of potential regulatory changes, shows urban-gro's proactive approach to market opportunities. If Florida's Amendment 3 passes, it could trigger a domino effect in other states, potentially leading to a surge in demand for urban-gro's services.

However, the cannabis market remains fragmented and highly competitive. Urban-gro's success will depend on its ability to execute these projects efficiently and leverage them for future growth in a rapidly changing regulatory landscape.

LAFAYETTE, CO / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ:UGRO) ("urban-gro" or the "Company"), an integrated professional services and Design-Build firm offering solutions to the Controlled Environment Agriculture ("CEA") and commercial sectors, today announced that the Company has signed multiple new contracts with more than fifteen clients in the cannabis sector, with aggregate expected contract revenue of approximately $12 million. The contracted scopes of work include equipment procurement as well as engineering, architecture, and design services for cultivation, extraction, and retail dispensary projects across the U.S. The Company expects the majority of revenue from these projects to be recognized by the end of the first quarter of 2025.

"Fueled by the anticipation of positive results in November on Florida's Amendment 3 ballot initiative as well as the release of licenses in other new markets, we're excited to see our momentum in the cannabis sector continue to accelerate," said Bradley Nattrass, Chairman and CEO. "Despite the downturn over the past couple of years, we've remained confident in the sector's long-term growth potential. Our decision to retain the entire cannabis business unit team through this period has strategically positioned us to quickly capitalize on emerging opportunities with new and existing clients. As it relates to the Florida ballot initiative, we remain unwavering in our support for the Smart and Safe Florida campaign, and I strongly encourage all of our Floridian friends to vote Yes on 3 this November 5th."

About urban-gro, Inc.

urban-gro, Inc.® (NASDAQ:UGRO) is an integrated professional services and Design-Build firm. We offer value-added architectural, engineering, and construction management solutions to the Controlled Environment Agriculture ("CEA"), industrial, healthcare, and other commercial sectors. Innovation, collaboration, and creativity drive our team to provide exceptional customer experiences. With offices across North America and in Europe, we deliver Your Vision - Built. Learn more by visiting

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. When used in this release, terms such as "believes," "will," "expects," "anticipates," "may," "projects" and similar expressions and variations as they relate to the Company or its management are intended to identify forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this press release include, without limitation, the expected amount and timing of revenue receipts from the projects described herein and the prospectus of success for the approval of adult use cannabis in Florida . These and other forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, forecasts, and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those anticipated or expected, including, among others, our ability to deliver services in a timely fashion, our ability to accurately forecast revenues and costs, our ability to predict and respond to new laws and governmental regulatory actions, including delays granting licenses to clients or potential clients and delays in passage of legislation expected to benefit our clients or potential clients, risks related to adverse weather conditions, supply chain issues, rising interest rates, economic downturn or other factors that could cause delays or the cancellation of projects in our backlog or our ability to secure future projects, and our ability to attract and retain key personnel . A more detailed description of these and certain other factors that could affect actual results is included in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, except as may be required by law..

Investor Contacts:
Dan Droller - urban-gro, Inc.
Jeff Sonnek - ICR, Inc.
(720) 730-8160

Media Contact:
Barbara Graham - urban-gro, Inc.
(720) 903-1139

SOURCE: urban-gro, Inc.

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What is the total value of new contracts signed by urban-gro (UGRO) in Q3 2024?

urban-gro (UGRO) signed new contracts in the cannabis sector with an aggregate expected contract revenue of approximately $12 million in the third quarter of 2024.

What types of services are included in urban-gro's (UGRO) new cannabis sector contracts?

The new contracts signed by urban-gro (UGRO) include equipment procurement, engineering, architecture, and design services for cultivation, extraction, and retail dispensary projects across the U.S.

When does urban-gro (UGRO) expect to recognize the majority of revenue from these new contracts?

urban-gro (UGRO) expects to recognize the majority of revenue from these new contracts by the end of the first quarter of 2025.

What factors are contributing to urban-gro's (UGRO) momentum in the cannabis sector?

urban-gro's (UGRO) momentum is fueled by the anticipation of positive results for Florida's Amendment 3 ballot initiative in November and the release of licenses in other new markets.

urban-gro, Inc.


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