TTEC Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results
TTEC Holdings reported challenging Q4 and full-year 2024 results. Q4 revenue declined 9.4% to $567.4M, with net income of $4.6M. Full-year revenue dropped 10.4% to $2.208B, with a net loss of $310.6M, primarily due to a $196M impairment charge in Q2.
Key financial metrics include Q4 Adjusted EBITDA of $50.9M (9.0% of revenue) and full-year Adjusted EBITDA of $202.3M (9.2% of revenue). The company reported negative cash flow from operations of $58.8M for 2024, largely due to discontinuation of accounts receivable factoring.
Notable developments include: suspension of semi-annual cash dividend to prioritize debt reduction, sale of Englewood property for $45.5M, and relocation of headquarters to Austin, Texas. The company's net debt position stood at $893.0M as of December 31, 2024.
TTEC Holdings ha riportato risultati difficili per il quarto trimestre e per l'intero anno 2024. I ricavi del Q4 sono diminuiti del 9,4% a $567,4 milioni, con un utile netto di $4,6 milioni. I ricavi per l'intero anno sono scesi del 10,4% a $2,208 miliardi, con una perdita netta di $310,6 milioni, principalmente a causa di un addebito per svalutazione di $196 milioni nel secondo trimestre.
I principali indicatori finanziari includono un EBITDA rettificato del Q4 di $50,9 milioni (9,0% dei ricavi) e un EBITDA rettificato dell'intero anno di $202,3 milioni (9,2% dei ricavi). L'azienda ha riportato un flusso di cassa negativo dalle operazioni di $58,8 milioni per il 2024, principalmente a causa della cessazione del factoring dei crediti.
Sviluppi notevoli includono: sospensione del dividendo in contante semestrale per dare priorità alla riduzione del debito, vendita della proprietà di Englewood per $45,5 milioni e trasferimento della sede centrale ad Austin, Texas. La posizione di debito netto dell'azienda era di $893,0 milioni al 31 dicembre 2024.
TTEC Holdings reportó resultados desafiantes para el cuarto trimestre y para todo el año 2024. Los ingresos del Q4 disminuyeron un 9.4% a $567.4 millones, con una ganancia neta de $4.6 millones. Los ingresos del año completo cayeron un 10.4% a $2.208 mil millones, con una pérdida neta de $310.6 millones, principalmente debido a un cargo por deterioro de $196 millones en el segundo trimestre.
Los principales indicadores financieros incluyen un EBITDA ajustado del Q4 de $50.9 millones (9.0% de los ingresos) y un EBITDA ajustado del año completo de $202.3 millones (9.2% de los ingresos). La compañía reportó un flujo de caja negativo de $58.8 millones por operaciones para 2024, en gran parte debido a la descontinuación del factoring de cuentas por cobrar.
Desarrollos notables incluyen: suspensión del dividendo en efectivo semestral para priorizar la reducción de la deuda, venta de la propiedad de Englewood por $45.5 millones y reubicación de la sede en Austin, Texas. La posición de deuda neta de la compañía era de $893.0 millones al 31 de diciembre de 2024.
TTEC Holdings는 2024년 4분기 및 연간 실적이 어려웠다고 보고했습니다. 4분기 수익은 9.4% 감소한 5억 6,740만 달러였으며, 순이익은 460만 달러였습니다. 연간 수익은 10.4% 감소한 22억 8,000만 달러였으며, 순손실은 3억 1,060만 달러로, 주로 2분기 1억 9,600만 달러의 손상 차감 때문입니다.
주요 재무 지표로는 4분기 조정 EBITDA가 5,090만 달러(수익의 9.0%)이고, 연간 조정 EBITDA는 2억 2,030만 달러(수익의 9.2%)입니다. 회사는 2024년 운영에서 5,880만 달러의 부정적인 현금 흐름을 보고했으며, 이는 주로 외상 매출 채권 팩토링 중단 때문입니다.
주요 발전 사항으로는: 부채 감소를 우선시하기 위해 반기 현금 배당금 중단, 4,550만 달러에 Englewood 부동산 매각, 그리고 본사를 텍사스주 오스틴으로 이전한 것입니다. 2024년 12월 31일 기준으로 회사의 순부채는 8억 9,300만 달러였습니다.
TTEC Holdings a annoncé des résultats difficiles pour le quatrième trimestre et pour l'année entière 2024. Les revenus du Q4 ont diminué de 9,4 % pour atteindre 567,4 millions de dollars, avec un bénéfice net de 4,6 millions de dollars. Les revenus pour l'année entière ont chuté de 10,4 % pour atteindre 2,208 milliards de dollars, avec une perte nette de 310,6 millions de dollars, principalement en raison d'une charge de dépréciation de 196 millions de dollars au deuxième trimestre.
Les principaux indicateurs financiers comprennent un EBITDA ajusté de 50,9 millions de dollars pour le Q4 (9,0 % des revenus) et un EBITDA ajusté de 202,3 millions de dollars pour l'année entière (9,2 % des revenus). L'entreprise a signalé un flux de trésorerie négatif provenant des opérations de 58,8 millions de dollars pour 2024, principalement en raison de l'arrêt du factoring des créances.
Les développements notables incluent : la suspension du dividende en espèces semestriel pour donner la priorité à la réduction de la dette, la vente de la propriété d'Englewood pour 45,5 millions de dollars et le déménagement du siège social à Austin, Texas. La position d'endettement net de l'entreprise s'élevait à 893,0 millions de dollars au 31 décembre 2024.
TTEC Holdings hat herausfordernde Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das gesamte Jahr 2024 gemeldet. Die Einnahmen im Q4 sanken um 9,4% auf 567,4 Millionen USD, mit einem Nettogewinn von 4,6 Millionen USD. Die Einnahmen für das gesamte Jahr fielen um 10,4% auf 2,208 Milliarden USD, mit einem Nettoverlust von 310,6 Millionen USD, hauptsächlich aufgrund einer Wertminderung von 196 Millionen USD im zweiten Quartal.
Wichtige Finanzkennzahlen umfassen ein bereinigtes EBITDA von 50,9 Millionen USD im Q4 (9,0% der Einnahmen) und ein bereinigtes EBITDA für das gesamte Jahr von 202,3 Millionen USD (9,2% der Einnahmen). Das Unternehmen berichtete für 2024 von einem negativen Cashflow aus den operativen Tätigkeiten in Höhe von 58,8 Millionen USD, was hauptsächlich auf die Einstellung des Factoring von Forderungen zurückzuführen ist.
Bemerkenswerte Entwicklungen umfassen: Aussetzung der halbjährlichen Bardividende zur Priorisierung der Schuldenreduzierung, Verkauf der Englewood-Immobilie für 45,5 Millionen USD und Verlegung des Hauptsitzes nach Austin, Texas. Die Nettoverschuldung des Unternehmens betrug zum 31. Dezember 2024 893,0 Millionen USD.
- Sale of Englewood property for $45.5M improving liquidity
- Increased borrowing capacity to $225M from $90M YoY
- Engage segment showed profitability improvement in H2 2024
- Cost optimization initiatives implemented for margin improvements in 2025
- Revenue declined 10.4% YoY to $2.208B
- Net loss of $310.6M in 2024 vs profit in 2023
- Negative cash flow from operations of $58.8M
- Suspension of dividend payments
- Net debt increased to $893.0M from $826.5M YoY
- Q4 Digital segment revenue dropped 3.5% with declining margins
Fourth Quarter 2024
Revenue was
Net Income was
Adjusted EBITDA was
Full Year 2024
Revenue was
Net Loss of
(Net Income of
Adjusted EBITDA was
Provides Outlook for Full Year 2025
"2024 was a challenging transitional year for TTEC. However, we continued to advance our three top priorities, including enhancing our diversification strategy with an expanded geographic delivery footprint and client portfolio, broadening our end-to-end digital CX value proposition with differentiated, technology-enabled solutions, and achieving our goal of meeting or exceeding our historical growth and margin targets," commented Ken Tuchman, chairman and chief executive officer of TTEC.
"With our strengthened leadership alongside the actions we have taken in the second half of the year, we are on our way to healthier financial performance in 2025 and beyond," Tuchman continued.
- Fourth quarter 2024 GAAP revenue was
, a 9.4 percent decrease compared to$567.4 million .2 million in the prior year.$626 - Foreign exchange had a
negative impact on revenue in the fourth quarter of 2024.$2.1 million
Income from Operations
- Fourth quarter 2024 GAAP income from operations was
, or 2.7 percent of revenue, compared to$15.3 million .9 million, or 2.7 percent of revenue in the prior year.$16 - Non-GAAP income from operations, excluding restructuring and impairment charges, equity-based compensation expenses, amortization of purchased intangibles, and other items, was
.9 million, or 6.2 percent of revenue, compared to$34 , or 6.7 percent of revenue in the prior year.$41.8 million - Foreign exchange had a
positive impact on Non-GAAP income from operations in the fourth quarter 2024.$4.4 million
Adjusted EBITDA
- Fourth quarter 2024 Non-GAAP Adjusted EBITDA was
, or 9.0 percent of revenue, compared to$50.9 million .5 million, or 9.2 percent of revenue in the prior year.$57
Net Income (Loss) Per Share
- Fourth quarter 2024 GAAP fully diluted net income per share was
compared to a fully diluted net loss per share of$0.10 in the prior year.$0.17 - Non-GAAP fully diluted net income per share was
compared to$0.19 in the prior year.$0.37
- Full year 2024 GAAP revenue was
, a 10.4 percent decrease compared to$2.20 8 billion in the prior year.$2.46 3 billion - Foreign exchange had a
negative impact on revenue for the full year 2024.$2.6 million
Income (Loss) from Operations
- Full year 2024 GAAP loss from operations was
, or negative 7.9 percent of revenue, compared to income from operations of$173.5 million .0 million, or 4.8 percent of revenue in the prior year. The significant decrease in operating income was primarily the result of a second quarter 2024 one-time non-cash pre-tax$118 $196 million impairment charge related to the fair value of the TTEC Engage reporting unit, in addition to other factors. - Non-GAAP income from operations, excluding restructuring and impairment charges, equity-based compensation expenses, amortization of purchased intangibles, and other items, was
.5 million, or 6.2 percent of revenue, compared to$136 , or 8.1 percent in the prior year.$200.4 million - Foreign exchange had a
positive impact on Non-GAAP income from operations for the full year 2024.$7.2 million
Adjusted EBITDA
- Full year 2024 Non-GAAP Adjusted EBITDA was
, or 9.2 percent of revenue, compared to$202.3 million .5 million, or 11.0 percent of revenue in the prior year.$271
Net Income (Loss) Per Share
- Full year 2024 GAAP fully diluted net loss per share was
compared to net income per share of$6.52 in the prior year.$0.39 - Non-GAAP fully diluted net income per share was
compared to$0.71 in the prior year.$2.18
- Cash flow from operations in the fourth quarter of 2024 was a negative
compared to a positive$1.1 million for the fourth quarter 2023. For the full year 2024, cash flow from operations was a negative$31.5 million compared to a positive$58.8 million for the same period 2023. The decline in 2024 cash flow from operations was primarily related to the discontinuation of the accounts receivable factoring facility in the third quarter, negatively impacting our cash flow by$144.8 million . Excluding the factoring facility impact, 2024 cash flow from operations was a positive$101.2 million .$42.4 million
- Free cash flow in the fourth quarter of 2024 was a negative
compared to a positive$9.8 million for the fourth quarter 2023. For the full year 2024, free cash flow was a negative$18.4 million compared to a positive$104.0 million for the same period in 2023. Excluding the factoring facility discontinuation impact of$76.9 million and including the proceeds from the sale of real estate of$101.2 million , 2024 free cash flow was a positive$45.5 million .$42.7 million
- Capital expenditures in the fourth quarter 2024 were
compared to$8.7 million for the fourth quarter 2023. For the full year 2024, capital expenditures were$13.1 million compared to$45.2 million .8 million for the same period 2023.$67
- As of December 31, 2024, TTEC had cash and cash equivalents of
and debt of$85.0 million .0 million, resulting in a net debt position of$978 . This compares to a net debt position of$893.0 million for the same period 2023.$826.5 million
- As of December 31, 2024, TTEC's remaining borrowing capacity under its revolving credit facility was approximately
compared to$225 million for the same period 2023.$90 million
- On November 4, 2024, TTEC's Board of Directors suspended the company's semi-annual cash dividend as part of its ongoing shift to prioritize debt reduction. The cash dividend will continue to be suspended until further notice, as TTEC continues to focus on debt reduction and the Special Committee of the company's Board of Directors is considering a potential take-private transaction proposed by TTEC's founder and CEO.
- On November 5, 2024, the company closed a sale of real estate asset in
Englewood, Colorado for , subject to customary adjustments. Prior to the COVID pandemic, the building was used as TTEC's principal place of business. The company used the proceeds from the sale to reduce its outstanding balance under its revolving credit facility.$45.5 million dollars
- As part of our strategic review of our business priorities, we decided to designate our office in
Austin, Texas as our new principal place of business.Texas has been an important part of TTEC's operations for decades, and this move provides us with access to a business-friendly environment, a strong economy, a skilled workforce, and a dynamic technology and innovation hub. This change does not impact our 70+ other global locations, including our Denver Center for Experience and Innovation inGreenwood Village, Colorado . It also does not impact the jobs of those who are currently working inColorado .
TTEC reports financial results for TTEC Digital and TTEC Engage business segments. Financial highlights for the two business segments are provided below.
TTEC Digital – Design, build and operate tech-enabled, insight-driven CX solutions
- Fourth quarter 2024 GAAP revenue for TTEC Digital was
, a decrease of 3.5 percent compared to$115.0 million in the year ago period. Income from operations was$119.1 million or 6.0 percent of revenue compared to an operating income of$6.9 million or 8.4 percent of revenue in the prior year.$10.0 million - Non-GAAP income from operations was
, or 11.0 percent of revenue compared to operating income of$12.7 million or 14.8 percent of revenue in the prior year.$17.7 million
TTEC Engage – Technology-enabled customer care, acquisition, and fraud mitigation services
- Fourth quarter 2024 GAAP revenue for TTEC Engage was
, a 10.8 percent decrease from$452.5 million for the year ago period. Income from operations was$507.1 million or 1.9 percent of revenue compared to operating income of$8.4 million , or 1.4 percent of revenue in the prior year.$6.9 million - Non-GAAP income from operations was
, or 4.9 percent of revenue, compared to operating income of$22.3 million , or 4.8 percent of revenue in the prior year.$24.1 million - Foreign exchange had a
negative impact on revenue and a$2.0 million positive impact on income from operations.$4.4 million
"At the company level, our fourth quarter financial performance was in line with the most recent guidance expectations communicated last quarter, and we are particularly pleased with our Engage segment's profitability improvement in the second half of the year," commented Kenny Wagers, chief financial officer of TTEC. Wagers continued, "During 2024, we implemented several profit optimization initiatives within Engage and are confident our Digital segment will return to growth through our expanded suite of CX technology offerings, laying the foundation for margin improvements in 2025."
TTEC Full Year 2025 Outlook | |||
Full Year 2025 | Full Year 2025 | ||
Revenue | |||
Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA | |||
Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA margins | 11.0 % | ||
Non-GAAP operating income | |||
Non-GAAP operating income margins | 8.0 % | ||
Interest expense, net | ( | ( | |
Non-GAAP adjusted tax rate | 40 % | ||
Diluted share count | 48.2M — 48.6M | 48.4M | |
Non-GAAP earnings per a share | |||
Engage Full Year 2025 Outlook | |||
Full Year 2025 | Full Year 2025 | ||
Revenue | |||
Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA | |||
Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA margins | 10.0 % | ||
Non-GAAP operating income | |||
Non-GAAP operating income margins | 6.8 % | ||
Digital Full Year 2025 Outlook | |||
Full Year 2025 | Full Year 2025 | ||
Revenue | |||
Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA | |||
Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA margins | 14.5 % | ||
Non-GAAP operating income | |||
Non-GAAP operating income margins | 12.1 % |
The company has not quantitatively reconciled its guidance for Non-GAAP operating income, Non-GAAP operating income margins, Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA, Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA margins, Non-GAAP adjusted tax rate, or Non-GAAP earnings per share to their respective most comparable GAAP measures because certain of the reconciling items that impact these metrics, including restructuring and impairment charges, equity-based compensation expense, changes in acquisition contingent consideration, depreciation and amortization expense, and provision for income taxes are dependent on the timing of future events outside of the Company's control or cannot be reliably predicted. Accordingly, the Company is unable to provide reconciliations to GAAP operating income, operating income margins, EBITDA margins, and diluted earnings per share without unreasonable effort. Please note that the unavailable reconciling items could significantly impact the Company's 2025 financial results as reported under GAAP.
This press release contains a discussion of certain Non-GAAP financial measures that the company includes to allow investors and analysts to measure, analyze and compare its financial condition and results of operations in a meaningful and consistent manner. A reconciliation of these Non-GAAP financial measures can be found in the tables accompanying this press release.
- GAAP metrics are presented in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
- Non-GAAP - As reflected in the attached reconciliation table, the definition of Non-GAAP may exclude from operating income, EBITDA, net income and earnings per share restructuring and impairment charges, equity-based compensation expenses, amortization of purchased intangibles, among other items.
TTEC will host a live webcast and conference call at 8:30 a.m. ET on Friday, February 28, 2025. You are invited to join a live webcast of the conference call by visiting the "Investors Relations" section of the TTEC website at If you are unable to participate during the live webcast, a replay will be available on the TTEC website.
TTEC (pronounced T-TEC) Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTEC) is a leading global CX (customer experience) technology and services innovator for AI-enabled digital CX solutions. Serving iconic and disruptive brands, TTEC's outcome-based solutions span the entire enterprise, touch every virtual interaction channel, and improve each step of the customer journey. Leveraging next-gen digital technology, the Company's TTEC Digital business designs, builds, and operates omnichannel contact center technology, CRM, AI and analytics solutions. The company's TTEC Engage business delivers AI-enabled customer engagement, customer acquisition and growth, tech support, back office, and fraud prevention services. Founded in 1982, the company's singular obsession with CX excellence has earned it leading client, customer, and employee satisfaction scores across the globe. The company's employees operate on six continents and bring technology and humanity together to deliver happy customers and differentiated business results. To learn more visit us at
This Earnings Press Release and related oral statements contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to our operations, expected financial position, results of operation, effective tax rate, cash flow, leverage, liquidity, business strategy, profit improvement actions, competitive position, demand for our services in international operations, acquisition opportunities and impact of acquisitions, capital allocation and dividends, growth opportunities, spending, capital expenditures and investments, competition and market forecasts, industry trends, our human capital resources, and other business, operational and financial matters that are based on our current expectations, assumptions, and projections with respect to the future, and are not a guarantee of performance.
In this Release when we use words such as "may," "believe," "plan," "will," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "project," "would," "could," "target," or similar expressions, or when we discuss our strategy, plans, goals, initiatives, or objectives, we are making forward-looking statements. Unless otherwise indicated or except where the context otherwise requires, the terms "TTEC," "the Company," "we," "us" and "our" and other similar terms in this report refer to TTEC Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries. We caution you not to rely unduly on any forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, and you should review and consider carefully the risks, uncertainties, and other factors that affect our business and may cause such differences as outlined in Item 1A. Risk Factors in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024 and any subsequent filings with the
Our forward-looking statements speak only as of the date that this release is issued. We undertake no obligation to update them, except as may be required by applicable law. Although we believe that our forward-looking statements are reasonable, they depend on many factors outside of our control and we can provide no assurance that they will prove to be correct.
(In thousands, except per share data) | |||||||||
Three months ended | Twelve months ended | ||||||||
December 31, | December 31, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||||||
Revenue | $ 567,437 | $ 626,181 | |||||||
Operating Expenses: | |||||||||
Cost of services | 448,931 | 505,814 | 1,735,865 | 1,932,877 | |||||
Selling, general and administrative | 73,161 | 74,744 | 293,042 | 290,873 | |||||
Depreciation and amortization | 23,697 | 24,904 | 97,955 | 101,272 | |||||
Restructuring charges, net | 3,806 | 3,145 | 10,152 | 8,041 | |||||
Impairment losses | 2,549 | 650 | 244,093 | 11,733 | |||||
Total operating expenses | 552,144 | 609,257 | 2,381,107 | 2,344,796 | |||||
Income / (Loss) From Operations | 15,293 | 16,924 | (173,520) | 118,021 | |||||
Other income (expense), net | (2,424) | (21,988) | (62,997) | (77,297) | |||||
Income / (Loss) Before Income Taxes | 12,869 | (5,064) | (236,517) | 40,724 | |||||
Provision for income taxes | (8,250) | (3,142) | (74,100) | (22,460) | |||||
Net Income / (Loss) | 4,619 | (8,206) | (310,617) | 18,264 | |||||
Net income / (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest | (2,618) | (1,694) | (10,348) | (9,836) | |||||
Net Income / (Loss) Attributable to TTEC Stockholders | $ 2,001 | $ (9,900) | $ (320,965) | $ 8,428 | |||||
Net Income / (Loss) Per Share | |||||||||
Basic | $ 0.10 | $ (0.17) | $ (6.52) | $ 0.39 | |||||
Diluted | $ 0.10 | $ (0.17) | $ (6.52) | $ 0.39 | |||||
Net Income / (Loss) Per Share Attributable to TTEC Stockholders | |||||||||
Basic | $ 0.04 | $ (0.21) | $ (6.74) | $ 0.18 | |||||
Diluted | $ 0.04 | $ (0.21) | $ (6.74) | $ 0.18 | |||||
Income / (Loss) From Operations Margin | 2.7 % | 2.7 % | (7.9) % | 4.8 % | |||||
Net Income / (Loss) Income Margin | 0.8 % | -1.3 % | (14.1) % | 0.7 % | |||||
Net Income / (Loss) Attributable to TTEC Stockholders Margin | 0.4 % | (1.6) % | (14.5) % | 0.3 % | |||||
Effective Tax Rate | 64.1 % | (62.0) % | (31.3) % | 55.2 % | |||||
Weighted Average Shares Outstanding | |||||||||
Basic | 47,736 | 47,425 | 47,614 | 47,335 | |||||
Diluted | 48,150 | 47,425 | 47,614 | 47,419 |
(In thousands) | ||||||||
Three months ended | Twelve months ended | |||||||
December 31, | December 31, | |||||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||
Revenue: | ||||||||
TTEC Digital | $ 114,950 | $ 119,118 | $ 459,018 | $ 486,882 | ||||
TTEC Engage | 452,487 | 507,063 | 1,748,569 | 1,975,935 | ||||
Total | $ 567,437 | $ 626,181 | $ 2,207,587 | |||||
Income / (Loss) From Operations | ||||||||
TTEC Digital | $ 6,921 | $ 9,982 | $ 23,691 | $ 29,846 | ||||
TTEC Engage | 8,372 | 6,942 | (197,211) | 88,175 | ||||
Total | $ 15,293 | $ 16,924 | $ (173,520) | $ 118,021 |
(In thousands) | ||||
December 31, | December 31, | |||
2024 | 2023 | |||
ASSETS | ||||
Current assets: | ||||
Cash and cash equivalents | $ 84,991 | $ 172,747 | ||
Accounts receivable, net | 452,573 | 394,868 | ||
Prepaids and other current assets | 92,947 | 95,064 | ||
Income and other tax receivables | 21,785 | 18,524 | ||
Total current assets | 652,296 | 681,203 | ||
Property and equipment, net | 132,051 | 191,003 | ||
Operating lease assets | 91,263 | 121,574 | ||
Goodwill | 571,197 | 808,988 | ||
Other intangibles assets, net | 164,808 | 198,433 | ||
Income and other tax receivables, long-term | 31,781 | 44,673 | ||
Other assets | 109,984 | 139,724 | ||
Total assets | $ 1,753,380 | $ 2,185,598 | ||
Current liabilities: | ||||
Accounts payable | $ 84,180 | $ 96,577 | ||
Accrued employee compensation and benefits | 137,636 | 146,184 | ||
Deferred revenue | 64,752 | 81,171 | ||
Current operating lease liabilities | 33,358 | 38,271 | ||
Other current liabilities | 34,010 | 40,824 | ||
Total current liabilities | 353,936 | 403,027 | ||
Long-term liabilities: | ||||
Line of credit | 975,000 | 995,000 | ||
Non-current operating lease liabilities | 71,008 | 96,809 | ||
Other long-term liabilities | 85,317 | 75,220 | ||
Total long-term liabilities | 1,131,325 | 1,167,029 | ||
Equity: | ||||
Common stock | 477 | 474 | ||
Additional paid in capital | 420,181 | 407,415 | ||
Treasury stock | (584,900) | (589,807) | ||
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) | (132,121) | (89,876) | ||
Retained earnings | 546,617 | 870,429 | ||
Noncontrolling interest | 17,865 | 16,907 | ||
Total equity | 268,119 | 615,542 | ||
Total liabilities and equity | $ 1,753,380 | $ 2,185,598 |
(In thousands) | |||
Twelve months ended | Twelve months ended | ||
December 31, | December 31, | ||
2024 | 2023 | ||
Cash flows from operating activities: | |||
Net (loss) income | $ (310,617) | $ 18,264 | |
Adjustment to reconcile net (loss) income to net cash provided by operating activities : | |||
Depreciation and amortization | 97,955 | 101,272 | |
Amortization of contract acquisition costs | 1,995 | 2,288 | |
Amortization of debt issuance costs | 2,020 | 1,067 | |
Imputed interest expense and fair value adjustments to contingent consideration | (1,496) | 7,579 | |
Provision for credit losses | 3,596 | 2,009 | |
Loss on disposal of assets | (13,281) | 2,219 | |
Impairment losses | 244,093 | 11,733 | |
Loss on dissolution of subsidiary | 301 | ||
Deferred income taxes | 58,530 | (7,528) | |
Excess tax benefit from equity-based awards | 4,352 | 1,705 | |
Equity-based compensation expense | 18,690 | 22,071 | |
Loss / (gain) on foreign currency derivatives | 384 | (3) | |
Changes in assets and liabilities, net of acquisitions: | |||
Accounts receivable | (66,329) | 22,359 | |
Prepaids and other assets | (17,120) | 8,570 | |
Accounts payable and accrued expenses | (43,220) | 9,518 | |
Deferred revenue and other liabilities | (38,370) | (58,659) | |
Net cash provided by operating activities | (58,818) | 144,765 | |
Cash flows from investing activities: | |||
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment | 45,650 | 261 | |
Purchases of property, plant and equipment | (45,173) | (67,839) | |
Net cash used in investing activities | 477 | (67,578) | |
Cash flows from financing activities: | |||
Net proceeds from / (repayments of) line of credit | (20,000) | 35,000 | |
Payments on other debt | (2,405) | (2,317) | |
Payments of contingent consideration and hold back payments to acquisitions | (37,676) | ||
Dividends paid to shareholders | (2,847) | (49,232) | |
Payments to noncontrolling interest | (9,226) | (10,972) | |
Tax payments related to the issuance of restricted stock units | (1,014) | (3,037) | |
Payments of debt issuance costs | (2,804) | - | |
Net cash used in financing activities | (38,296) | (68,234) | |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash | 7,723 | (2,112) | |
(Decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash | (88,914) | 6,841 | |
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of period | 173,905 | 167,064 | |
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of period | $ 84,991 | $ 173,905 |
(In thousands, except per share data) | ||||||||||||||
Three months ended | Twelve months ended | |||||||||||||
December 31, | December 31, | |||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||
Revenue | $ 567,437 | $ 626,181 | ||||||||||||
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Income from Operations and EBITDA: | ||||||||||||||
Net (Loss) / Income from Operations | $ 15,293 | $ 16,924 | $ (173,520) | $ 118,021 | ||||||||||
Restructuring charges, net | 3,806 | 3,145 | 10,152 | 8,041 | ||||||||||
Impairment losses | 2,549 | 650 | 244,093 | 11,733 | ||||||||||
Cybersecurity incident related impact, net of insurance recovery | - | - | - | (3,210) | ||||||||||
Grant income for pandemic relief | - | - | - | 40 | ||||||||||
Property costs not related to operations | (96) | 757 | 2,233 | 1,501 | ||||||||||
Change in acquisition related obligation | - | - | - | 483 | ||||||||||
Liability related to notifications triggered by labor scheme (1) | - | 6,000 | (187) | 6,000 | ||||||||||
Fees related to non-binding offer | 1,956 | - | 1,956 | - | ||||||||||
Equity-based compensation expenses | 3,441 | 5,661 | 18,690 | 22,071 | ||||||||||
Amortization of purchased intangibles | 7,986 | 8,676 | 33,039 | 35,759 | ||||||||||
Non-GAAP Income from Operations | $ 34,935 | $ 41,813 | $ 136,456 | $ 200,439 | ||||||||||
Non-GAAP Income from Operations Margin | 6.2 % | 6.7 % | 6.2 % | 8.1 % | ||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 15,711 | 15,894 | 63,863 | 64,840 | ||||||||||
Changes in acquisition contingent consideration | - | 616 | (1,496) | 7,480 | ||||||||||
Change in escrow balance related to acquisition | - | - | - | 625 | ||||||||||
Loss on dissolution of subsidiary | - | - | - | 301 | ||||||||||
Gain on property sale | (15,453) | - | (15,453) | - | ||||||||||
Foreign SS Tax Recovery | - | - | (853) | - | ||||||||||
Foreign VAT receivable write-off | - | - | 770 | - | ||||||||||
Foreign exchange loss / (gain), net | (1,961) | 1,112 | 420 | 1,950 | ||||||||||
Other Income (expense), net | 17,633 | (1,894) | 18,586 | (4,126) | ||||||||||
Adjusted EBITDA | $ 50,865 | $ 57,541 | $ 202,293 | $ 271,509 | ||||||||||
Adjusted EBITDA Margin | 9.0 % | 9.2 % | 9.2 % | 11.0 % | ||||||||||
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP EPS: | ||||||||||||||
Net (Loss) Income | $ 4,619 | $ (8,206) | $ (310,617) | $ 18,264 | ||||||||||
Add: Asset impairment and restructuring charges | 6,355 | 3,795 | 254,245 | 19,774 | ||||||||||
Add: Equity-based compensation expenses | 3,441 | 5,661 | 18,690 | 22,071 | ||||||||||
Add: Amortization of purchased intangibles | 7,986 | 8,676 | 33,039 | 35,759 | ||||||||||
Add: Cybersecurity incident related impact, net of insurance recovery | - | - | - | (3,210) | ||||||||||
Add: Grant income for pandemic relief | - | - | - | 40 | ||||||||||
Add: Change in acquisition related obligation | - | - | - | 483 | ||||||||||
Add: Property costs not related to operations | (96) | 757 | 2,233 | 1,501 | ||||||||||
Add: Fees related to non-binding offer | 1,956 | - | 1,956 | - | ||||||||||
Add: Gain on sale of property | (15,453) | - | (15,453) | - | ||||||||||
Add: Liability related to notifications triggered by labor scheme | - | 6,000 | (187) | 6,000 | ||||||||||
Add: Foreign SS Tax Recovery | - | - | (853) | - | ||||||||||
Add: Foreign VAT receivable write-off | - | - | 770 | - | ||||||||||
Add: Changes in acquisition contingent consideration | - | 616 | (1,496) | 7,480 | ||||||||||
Add: Changes in escrow balance related to acquisition | - | - | - | 625 | ||||||||||
Add: Loss on dissolution of subsidiary | - | - | - | 301 | ||||||||||
Add: Foreign exchange loss / (gain), net | (1,961) | 1,112 | 420 | 1,950 | ||||||||||
Less: Changes in valuation allowance, return to provision adjustments and | 2,108 | (885) | 50,860 | (7,859) | ||||||||||
Non-GAAP Net Income | $ 8,955 | $ 17,526 | $ 33,607 | $ 103,179 | ||||||||||
Diluted shares outstanding | 48,150 | 47,425 | 47,614 | 47,419 | ||||||||||
Non-GAAP EPS | ||||||||||||||
Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow: | ||||||||||||||
Cash Flow From Operating Activities: | ||||||||||||||
Net (loss) / income | $ 4,619 | $ (8,206) | $ (310,617) | $ 18,264 | ||||||||||
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: | ||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 23,697 | 24,904 | 97,955 | 101,272 | ||||||||||
Other | (29,402) | 14,836 | 153,844 | 25,229 | ||||||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities | (1,086) | 31,534 | (58,818) | 144,765 | ||||||||||
Less - Total Cash Capital Expenditures | 8,708 | 13,117 | 45,173 | 67,839 | ||||||||||
Free Cash Flow | $ (9,794) | $ 18,417 | $ (103,991) | $ 76,926 | ||||||||||
(1) - For further information, please see discussion in the Risk Factors section of the 2023 Form 10-K filed on February 29, 2024. | ||||||||||||||
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Income from Operations and Adjusted EBITDA by Segment : | ||||||||||||||
TTEC Engage | TTEC Digital | TTEC Engage | TTEC Digital | |||||||||||
Q4 24 | Q4 23 | Q4 24 | Q4 23 | YTD 24 | YTD 23 | YTD 24 | YTD 23 | |||||||
Income / (Loss) from Operations | $ 8,372 | $ 6,942 | $ 6,921 | $ 9,982 | $ (197,213) | $ 88,175 | $ 23,692 | $ 29,846 | ||||||
Restructuring charges, net | 3,394 | 1,823 | 412 | 1,322 | 9,091 | 4,250 | 1,062 | 3,791 | ||||||
Impairment losses | 2,549 | 700 | - | (50) | 241,149 | 8,929 | 2,944 | 2,804 | ||||||
Cybersecurity incident related impact, net of insurance recovery | - | - | - | - | - | (3,210) | - | - | ||||||
Grant income for pandemic relief | - | - | - | - | - | 40 | - | - | ||||||
Property costs not related to operations | (96) | 757 | - | - | 2,233 | 1,501 | - | - | ||||||
Fees related to non-binding offer | 1,956 | - | - | - | 1,956 | - | ||||||||
Change in acquisition related obligation | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 483 | ||||||
Liability related to notifications triggered by labor scheme | - | 6,000 | - | - | (187) | 6,000 | - | - | ||||||
Equity-based compensation expenses | 2,006 | 3,658 | 1,435 | 2,003 | 11,754 | 14,257 | 6,936 | 7,814 | ||||||
Amortization of purchased intangibles | 4,088 | 4,264 | 3,898 | 4,412 | 16,394 | 18,215 | 16,645 | 17,544 | ||||||
Non-GAAP Income from Operations | $ 22,269 | $ 24,144 | $ 12,666 | $ 17,669 | $ 85,177 | $ 138,157 | $ 51,279 | $ 62,282 | ||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 12,780 | 13,458 | 2,931 | 2,436 | 52,629 | 55,153 | 11,234 | 9,688 | ||||||
Changes in acquisition contingent consideration | - | 616 | - | (1,496) | 7,480 | - | - | |||||||
Change in escrow balance related to acquisition | - | - | - | - | 625 | - | - | |||||||
Loss on dissolution of subsidiary | - | - | - | - | 301 | - | - | |||||||
Foreign VAT receivable write-off | - | - | - | 770 | - | - | ||||||||
Foreign SS Tax Recovery | - | - | - | (853) | - | - | ||||||||
Gain on property sale | (15,453) | (15,453) | ||||||||||||
Foreign exchange loss / (gain), net | (1,724) | 1,271 | (237) | (159) | 794 | 2,085 | (375) | (135) | ||||||
Other Income (expense), net | 17,478 | (1,728) | 155 | (166) | 18,311 | (4,060) | 276 | (67) | ||||||
Adjusted EBITDA | $ 35,350 | $ 37,761 | $ 15,515 | $ 19,780 | $ 139,879 | $ 199,741 | $ 62,414 | $ 71,768 |
Corporate Comms | Investor Relations |
Meredith Matthews | Robert Belknapp | | |
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SOURCE TTEC Holdings, Inc.
What caused TTEC's significant net loss in 2024?
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How much did TTEC's revenue decline in Q4 2024?