OMNIQ and NEC Work Jointly to Enhance Public Safety and Security

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OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS) announces its ongoing collaboration with NEC to enhance public safety and security solutions. This partnership combines OMNIQ's AI-driven face capture and vehicle recognition technologies with NEC's advanced facial recognition and database capabilities. The collaboration aims to address key challenges in law enforcement, transportation, military, and urban infrastructure sectors.

The announcement follows the completion of a vital homeland security project and recent successful deployments of AI-based access control systems in Ohio and Texas. OMNIQ's CEO, Shai Lustgarten, emphasizes the synergy between their proprietary AI systems and NEC's innovations in advancing critical infrastructure protection. John Whiteman, OMNIQ's Executive Director of Sales, highlights the comprehensive solution their combined technologies offer for modern security challenges.

The partnership focuses on creating access control for secure sites using facial recognition biometrics while providing real-time analytics, enhanced situational awareness, and proactive threat detection. Both companies are committed to developing more robust, scalable solutions for cities and public institutions, positioning themselves at the forefront of shaping the future of public safety.

OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS) annuncia la sua continua collaborazione con NEC per migliorare le soluzioni di sicurezza e protezione pubblica. Questa partnership combina le tecnologie di cattura facciale e riconoscimento veicoli basate su AI di OMNIQ con le avanzate capacità di riconoscimento facciale e di database di NEC. L'obiettivo della collaborazione è affrontare le principali sfide nei settori dell'applicazione della legge, dei trasporti, militare e delle infrastrutture urbane.

L'annuncio arriva dopo il completamento di un importante progetto di sicurezza nazionale e i recenti successi nell'implementazione di sistemi di accesso basati su AI in Ohio e Texas. L'amministratore delegato di OMNIQ, Shai Lustgarten, sottolinea la sinergia tra i loro sistemi di AI proprietari e le innovazioni di NEC nell'avanzare la protezione delle infrastrutture critiche. John Whiteman, Direttore Esecutivo delle Vendite di OMNIQ, evidenzia la soluzione globale che le loro tecnologie combinate offrono per le sfide moderne della sicurezza.

La partnership si concentra sulla creazione di controlli di accesso per siti sicuri utilizzando le biometrie di riconoscimento facciale, fornendo al contempo analisi in tempo reale, consapevolezza situazionale migliorata e rilevamento proattivo delle minacce. Entrambe le aziende sono impegnate a sviluppare soluzioni più solide e scalabili per città e istituzioni pubbliche, posizionandosi all'avanguardia nella definizione del futuro della sicurezza pubblica.

OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS) anuncia su colaboración continua con NEC para mejorar las soluciones de seguridad y protección pública. Esta asociación combina las tecnologías de captura facial y reconocimiento de vehículos impulsadas por AI de OMNIQ con las avanzadas capacidades de reconocimiento facial y de base de datos de NEC. El objetivo de la colaboración es abordar los principales desafíos en los sectores de aplicación de la ley, transporte, militar e infraestructuras urbanas.

El anuncio sigue la finalización de un proyecto vital de seguridad nacional y recientes implementaciones exitosas de sistemas de control de acceso basados en AI en Ohio y Texas. El CEO de OMNIQ, Shai Lustgarten, enfatiza la sinergia entre sus sistemas de AI patentados y las innovaciones de NEC en la protección de infraestructuras críticas. John Whiteman, Director Ejecutivo de Ventas de OMNIQ, destaca la solución integral que ofrecen sus tecnologías combinadas para los desafíos modernos de seguridad.

La asociación se centra en crear control de acceso para sitios seguros utilizando biometría de reconocimiento facial, mientras proporciona análisis en tiempo real, conciencia situacional mejorada y detección proactiva de amenazas. Ambas empresas están comprometidas a desarrollar soluciones más robustas y escalables para ciudades e instituciones públicas, posicionándose a la vanguardia en la formación del futuro de la seguridad pública.

OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS)는 공공 안전 및 보안 솔루션을 강화하기 위한 NEC와의 지속적인 협력을 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 OMNIQ의 AI 기반 얼굴 캡처 및 차량 인식 기술과 NEC의 고급 얼굴 인식 및 데이터베이스 기능을 결합합니다. 협력의 목표는 법 집행, 교통, 군사 및 도시 인프라 분야의 주요 과제를 해결하는 것입니다.

이번 발표는 중요한 국내 안전 프로젝트의 완료와 오하이오 및 텍사스에서의 AI 기반 출입 통제 시스템의 최근 성공적인 배치 이후 이루어졌습니다. OMNIQ의 CEO인 Shai Lustgarten은 그들의 독자적인 AI 시스템과 NEC의 혁신 사이의 시너지를 강조합니다. OMNIQ의 영업 전무 이사인 John Whiteman은 현대 보안 문제에 대한 종합 솔루션을 강조합니다.

파트너십은 얼굴 인식 생체 인식을 사용하여 안전한 사이트에 대한 출입 통제를 만드는 데 중점을 두고 있으며, 실시간 분석, 향상된 상황 인식 및 사전 위협 탐지를 제공합니다. 두 회사는 도시 및 공공 기관을 위한 보다 강력하고 확장 가능한 솔루션을 개발하는 데 전념하고 있으며, 공공 안전의 미래를 형성하는 데 앞장서고 있습니다.

OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS) annonce sa collaboration continue avec NEC pour améliorer les solutions de sécurité et de sûreté publique. Ce partenariat combine les technologies de capture faciale et de reconnaissance des véhicules, pilotées par l'IA d'OMNIQ, avec les capacités avancées de reconnaissance faciale et de base de données de NEC. L'objectif de la collaboration est de répondre aux défis majeurs dans les secteurs de l'application de la loi, des transports, militaire et des infrastructures urbaines.

L'annonce fait suite à l'achèvement d'un projet vital de sécurité intérieure et à des déploiements récents réussis de systèmes de contrôle d'accès basés sur l'IA dans l'Ohio et le Texas. Le PDG d'OMNIQ, Shai Lustgarten, souligne la synergie entre leurs systèmes d'IA propriétaires et les innovations de NEC pour faire avancer la protection des infrastructures critiques. John Whiteman, directeur exécutif des ventes d'OMNIQ, met en avant la solution globale que leurs technologies combinées offrent face aux défis de sécurité moderne.

Le partenariat se concentre sur la création de contrôles d'accès pour des sites sécurisés en utilisant la biométrie de reconnaissance faciale, tout en fournissant des analyses en temps réel, une meilleure conscience situationnelle et une détection proactive des menaces. Les deux entreprises s'engagent à développer des solutions plus robustes et évolutives pour les villes et les institutions publiques, se positionnant à l'avant-garde de la définition de l'avenir de la sécurité publique.

OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS) kündigt ihre fortlaufende Zusammenarbeit mit NEC an, um die Lösungen zur öffentlichen Sicherheit und zum Schutz zu verbessern. Diese Partnerschaft kombiniert die KI-gesteuerten Gesichtsaufnahme- und Fahrzeugerkennungstechnologien von OMNIQ mit den fortschrittlichen Gesichtserkennungs- und Datenbankfähigkeiten von NEC. Ziel der Zusammenarbeit ist es, zentrale Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Strafverfolgung, Verkehr, Militär und städtische Infrastruktur anzugehen.

Die Ankündigung folgt dem Abschluss eines wichtigen Projekts zur nationalen Sicherheit und den jüngsten erfolgreichen Implementierungen von KI-basierten Zugangskontrollsystemen in Ohio und Texas. Der CEO von OMNIQ, Shai Lustgarten, betont die Synergie zwischen ihren proprietären KI-Systemen und den Innovationen von NEC zum Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen. John Whiteman, der Handelsdirektor von OMNIQ, hebt die umfassende Lösung hervor, die ihre kombinierten Technologien für moderne Sicherheitsherausforderungen bieten.

Die Partnerschaft konzentriert sich auf die Schaffung von Zugangskontrollen für sichere Standorte unter Verwendung von biometrischer Gesichtserkennung, während sie Echtzeitanalysen, verbesserte situative Wahrnehmung und proaktive Bedrohungserkennung bietet. Beide Unternehmen setzen sich dafür ein, robustere, skalierbare Lösungen für Städte und öffentliche Institutionen zu entwickeln und sich an die Spitze der Gestaltung der Zukunft der öffentlichen Sicherheit zu positionieren.

  • Collaboration with global leader NEC enhances OMNIQ's market position
  • Successful completion of a vital homeland security project
  • Recent deployments of AI-based access control systems in Ohio and Texas
  • New purchase orders received for OMNIQ's advanced security technologies
  • Potential for expanded market reach in law enforcement, transportation, military, and urban infrastructure sectors
  • None.
  • This follows the completion of a vital homeland security project, further strengthening OMNIQ’s role in national safety initiatives.
  • This announcement builds on recent successful deployments of AI-based access control systems in Ohio and Texas.
  • It comes in response to new purchase orders for OMNIQ’s advanced security technologies.
  • OMNIQ’s machine vision technology enhanced by NEC’s biometric capabilities.

SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS), a leading provider of AI-based solutions, is proud to announce its continued collaboration with NEC, one of the global leaders in biometric information technology and network solutions. Together, the companies are bringing modern innovations to public safety and security markets, harnessing the strengths of both organizations to deliver unparalleled technological advancements.

NEC release graphic

This relationship aims to greatly enhance security and operational efficiency in public safety. By combining OMNIQ’s AI-driven face capture and vehicle recognition with NEC’s advanced facial recognition and database technologies, this collaboration provides comprehensive solutions to key challenges in law enforcement, transportation, military, and urban infrastructure sectors.

Shai Lustgarten, CEO of OMNIQ, commented, “Our relationship with a global, reputable company like NEC has allowed us to deliver high-tech solutions that meet the evolving demands of public safety. The synergy between our proprietary AI-driven systems and NEC’s cutting-edge innovations is instrumental in advancing critical infrastructure protection, enabling authorities to respond more effectively to threats and ensure safer environments for communities.”

John Whiteman, OMNIQ's Executive Director of Sales, added, “NEC has been an exceptional partner, and together, we are targeting significant milestones. Our combined technologies provide a comprehensive solution for modern security challenges. As we look to the future, we are excited to continue building on this success and delivering even more innovative solutions to our clients.”

The relationship between OMNIQ and NEC combines OMNIQ's advanced vision recognition systems with NEC's expertise in biometrics, artificial intelligence, and network technologies. Together, these systems create access control for secure sites using facial recognition biometrics while also giving real-time analytics, enhanced situational awareness, and proactive threat detection.

“We are confident that by continuing to combine our technical capabilities, OMNIQ and NEC will be at the forefront of shaping the future of public safety,” Lustgarten added. “Our focus is to build on the momentum of our previous projects and extend our offerings with more robust, scalable solutions for cities and public institutions.”

The OMNIQ-NEC collaboration exemplifies the potential of cross-industry collaboration, as both companies draw on their expertise to create value for government agencies and private enterprises alike. Together, they are poised to lead the charge in transforming security technologies, enabling safer cities and more efficient public infrastructure.

OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS) provides computerized and machine vision image processing solutions that use patented and proprietary AI technology to deliver real-time object identification, tracking, surveillance, and monitoring for the Supply Chain Management, Public Safety, and Traffic Management applications. The technology and services provided by the Company help clients move people, objects, and big data safely and securely through airports, warehouses, schools, and national borders and in many other applications and environments.

OMNIQ’s customers include government agencies and leading Fortune 500 companies from several sectors, including manufacturing, retail, distribution, food and beverage, transportation and logistics, healthcare, and oil, gas, and chemicals. Since 2014, annual revenues have more than doubled, reaching $81 million in 2023, from clients in more than forty countries.

The Company currently addresses several billion-dollar markets with double-digit growth, including the Global Smart City & Public Safety markets.

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About NEC Corporation of America
NEC Corporation of America (NEC) is a leading technology integrator providing solutions that improve the way people work and communicate. NEC delivers integrated Solutions for Society that are aligned with our customers’ priorities to create new value for people, businesses, and society, with a special focus on safety, security, and efficiency. We deliver one of the industry’s strongest and most innovative portfolios of communications, analytics, security, biometrics, and technology solutions that unleash customers’ productivity potential. Through these solutions, NEC combines its best-in-class solutions and technology and leverages a robust partner ecosystem to solve today’s most complex business problems. NEC Corporation of America is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NEC Corporation, a global technology leader with 284 group companies in more than 50 countries and $25 billion in revenues. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements:
“Safe Harbor” Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements in this press release relating to plans, strategies, economic performance and trends, projections of results of specific activities or investments, and other statements that are not descriptions of historical facts may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

This release contains “forward-looking statements” that include information relating to future events and future financial and operating performance. The words “anticipate,” “may,” “would,” “will,” “expect,” “estimate,” “can,” “believe,” “potential” and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by, which that performance or those results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time they are made and/or management’s good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in or suggested by the forward-looking statements.

Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements made in this press release regarding the closing of the private placement and the use of proceeds received in the private placement. Important factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to: fluctuations in demand for the Company’s products particularly during the current health crisis, the introduction of new products, the Company’s ability to maintain customer and strategic business relationships, the impact of competitive products and pricing, growth in targeted markets, the adequacy of the Company’s liquidity and financial strength to support its growth, the Company’s ability to manage credit and debt structures from vendors, debt holders and secured lenders, the Company’s ability to successfully integrate its acquisitions, and other information that may be detailed from time-to-time in OMNIQ Corp.’s filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Examples of such forward-looking statements in this release include, among others, statements regarding revenue growth, driving sales, operational and financial initiatives, cost reduction and profitability, and simplification of operations. For a more detailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting OMNIQ Corp., please refer to the Company’s recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings, which are available at OMNIQ Corp. undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, unless otherwise required by law.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the purpose of OMNIQ's collaboration with NEC?

OMNIQ's collaboration with NEC aims to enhance public safety and security solutions by combining OMNIQ's AI-driven face capture and vehicle recognition technologies with NEC's advanced facial recognition and database capabilities.

What recent projects has OMNIQ (OMQS) completed?

OMNIQ has recently completed a vital homeland security project and successfully deployed AI-based access control systems in Ohio and Texas.

How does the OMNIQ-NEC partnership benefit the public safety sector?

The partnership provides comprehensive solutions for law enforcement, transportation, military, and urban infrastructure sectors by offering access control for secure sites, real-time analytics, enhanced situational awareness, and proactive threat detection.

What technologies does OMNIQ (OMQS) contribute to the collaboration?

OMNIQ contributes its AI-driven face capture and vehicle recognition technologies to the collaboration with NEC.



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Software - Application
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United States of America