Gold Reserve Provides Update on Delaware Proceedings
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) provides an update on the sale and bidding process for PDV Holdings, Inc. (PDVH), the indirect parent of CITGO Petroleum Corp. On October 1, 2024, the Delaware Court held a hearing on the Sale Process, where multiple parties objected to the bid for PDVH shares. The Special Master stated the bid was non-binding.
Key court orders issued on October 2, 2024 include:
- Cancellation of the November 19, 2024 Sale Hearing
- Requirement for a joint status report by October 18, 2024
- Further submissions on the Special Master's motion to enjoin alter ego claimants
- Denial of Venezuela and PDVSA's motion for a 4-month pause
Paul Rivett, Executive Vice Chair, welcomed the court's rulings and stated that Gold Reserve continues to consider all options regarding the Sale Process.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) fornisce un aggiornamento sul processo di vendita e di offerta per PDV Holdings, Inc. (PDVH), la società madre indiretta di CITGO Petroleum Corp. Il 1° ottobre 2024, il Tribunale del Delaware ha tenuto un'udienza sul Processo di Vendita, durante la quale più parti hanno sollevato obiezioni all'offerta per le azioni di PDVH. Il Maestro Speciale ha dichiarato che l'offerta non era vincolante.
Le principali ordinanze del tribunale emesse il 2 ottobre 2024 includono:
- Annullamento dell'udienza di vendita del 19 novembre 2024
- Obbligo di presentare un rapporto di stato congiunto entro il 18 ottobre 2024
- Ulteriori presentazioni sulla mozione del Maestro Speciale per inibire i richiedenti alter ego
- Rigetto della mozione del Venezuela e di PDVSA per una pausa di 4 mesi
Paul Rivett, Vicepresidente Esecutivo, ha accolto le decisioni del tribunale e ha dichiarato che Gold Reserve continua a considerare tutte le opzioni riguardo al Processo di Vendita.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) proporciona una actualización sobre el proceso de venta y licitación de PDV Holdings, Inc. (PDVH), la matriz indirecta de CITGO Petroleum Corp. El 1 de octubre de 2024, la Corte de Delaware celebró una audiencia sobre el Proceso de Venta, donde múltiples partes se opusieron a la oferta por las acciones de PDVH. El Maestro Especial declaró que la oferta no era vinculante.
Las principales órdenes judiciales emitidas el 2 de octubre de 2024 incluyen:
- Cancelación de la audiencia de venta del 19 de noviembre de 2024
- Requerimiento de un informe de estado conjunto antes del 18 de octubre de 2024
- Presentaciones adicionales sobre la moción del Maestro Especial para inhibir a los reclamantes de alter ego
- Denegación de la moción de Venezuela y PDVSA para una pausa de 4 meses
Paul Rivett, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo, dio la bienvenida a las decisiones del tribunal y afirmó que Gold Reserve sigue considerando todas las opciones respecto al Proceso de Venta.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF)는 CITGO Petroleum Corp.의 간접 모회사인 PDV Holdings, Inc. (PDVH)의 판매 및 입찰 프로세스에 대한 업데이트를 제공합니다. 2024년 10월 1일 델라웨어 법원은 PDVH 주식에 대한 입찰에 여러 당사자들이 이의를 제기하는 판매 프로세스에 대한 청문회를 열었습니다. 특별 마스터는 이 입찰이 구속력이 없다고 밝혔습니다.
2024년 10월 2일에 발행된 주요 법원 명령은 다음과 같습니다:
- 2024년 11월 19일 판매 청문회 취소
- 2024년 10월 18일까지 공동 상태 보고서 제출 의무
- 본인 대리 청구인을 금지하기 위한 특별 마스터의 동의서에 대한 추가 제출
- 베네수엘라와 PDVSA의 4개월 일시 중지 요청 기각
폴 리벳, 부회장은 법원의 판결을 환영하며 Gold Reserve가 판매 프로세스와 관련하여 모든 옵션을 계속 고려하고 있다고 말했습니다.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) fournit une mise à jour sur le processus de vente et d'enchère pour PDV Holdings, Inc. (PDVH), la société mère indirecte de CITGO Petroleum Corp. Le 1er octobre 2024, le tribunal du Delaware a tenu une audience sur le processus de vente, où plusieurs parties ont exprimé leur objection à l'offre pour les actions de PDVH. Le Maître spécial a déclaré que l'offre n'était pas contraignante.
Les principales ordonnances judiciaires émises le 2 octobre 2024 incluent :
- Annulation de l’audience de vente prévue le 19 novembre 2024
- Exigence d’un rapport d’état conjoint d’ici le 18 octobre 2024
- Soumissions supplémentaires concernant la motion du Maître spécial visant à interdire les demandeurs alter ego
- Classement de la motion du Venezuela et de PDVSA pour une pause de 4 mois
Paul Rivett, vice-président exécutif, a salué les décisions du tribunal et a déclaré que Gold Reserve continue d'examiner toutes les options concernant le processus de vente.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) gibt ein Update zum Verkaufs- und Bietprozess für PDV Holdings, Inc. (PDVH), die indirekte Muttergesellschaft von CITGO Petroleum Corp. Am 1. Oktober 2024 fand eine Anhörung des Delaware-Gerichts zum Verkaufsprozess statt, bei der mehrere Parteien gegen das Gebot für PDVH-Aktien Einspruch erhoben. Der Sonderbeauftragte stellte fest, dass das Gebot nicht bindend war.
Wichtige Gerichtsbeschlüsse, die am 2. Oktober 2024 erlassen wurden, umfassen:
- Aufhebung der Verkaufsanhörung am 19. November 2024
- Verpflichtung zur Einreichung eines gemeinsamen Statusberichts bis zum 18. Oktober 2024
- Weitere Eingaben zur Motion des Sonderbeauftragten zur Verhinderung von Alter-Ego-Antragstellern
- Abweisung des Antrags Venezuelas und PDVSA auf eine 4-monatige Pause
Paul Rivett, Executive Vice Chair, begrüßte die Entscheidungen des Gerichts und erklärte, dass Gold Reserve weiterhin alle Optionen bezüglich des Verkaufsprozesses in Betracht zieht.
- Gold Reserve maintains involvement in the PDVH sale process, potentially leading to asset recovery
- Court's cancellation of the Sale Hearing and request for a joint status report may allow for a more thorough evaluation of bids
- Denial of Venezuela's request for a 4-month pause keeps the sale process moving forward
- Multiple parties objected to the bid for PDVH shares, indicating potential challenges in the sale process
- Cancellation of the Sale Hearing may delay the potential resolution and asset recovery for Gold Reserve
- Ongoing legal complexities and uncertainties surrounding the sale process could impact Gold Reserve's recovery efforts
This update is qualified in its entirety by reference to such documentation which is available on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”) system in the
On October 1, 2024, the
On October 2, 2024, the
- The court cancelled the Sale Hearing scheduled for November 19, 2024.
- The court ordered the Special Master and all parties to meet and confer and file a joint status report by October 18, 2024, setting out the parties’ positions on various issues concerning how the Sale Process should now proceed.
- The court ordered further submissions on the Special Master’s “Motion to Enjoin the Alter Ego Claimants from Enforcing Claims Against the Republic or PDVSA by Collecting from PDVH or its Subsidiaries in Other Forums.”
The court denied without prejudice the motion filed by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Petróleos de
Venezuela , S.A. for a 4-month pause of the Sale Process.
“We welcome the rulings made by the
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
Paul Rivett
Executive Vice-Chairman
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking statements
This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable
We caution that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other risks that may cause the actual events, outcomes or results of Gold Reserve to be materially different from our estimated outcomes, results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: the Sale Process may not be consummated, including that it may not result in a sale of the PDVH Shares to any person, including to the Buyer; the Company may not receive any monies under the Sale Process, including under the Proposed Sale Transaction, any potential transaction of the Company solely or with one or more other parties ( “Potential Transaction”) in relation to the sale of PDVH Shares pursuant to the Sale Process, including, but not limited to: complying with the topping bid terms under the Proposed Purchase Agreement, discretion of the Special Master to otherwise considering any Potential Transaction, entering into any discussions or negotiation with respect thereto and that the Special Master may reject any Potential Transaction including without limitation because the Special Master’s view is that the Potential Transaction is not of sufficient value, does not sufficiently take account of the PDVSA 2020 Notes, does not have sufficient certainty of closing and/or for any other reason; the form of consideration and/or proceeds that may be received by the Company in any Potential Transaction; that any Potential Transaction, and/or the form of proceeds received by the Company in any Potential Transaction, may be substantially less than the amounts outstanding under the Company’s September 2014 arbitral award (the “Award”) and/or corresponding November 20, 2015 U.S. judgement; the failure of the Company to put forth or negotiate any Potential Transaction, including as a result of failing to obtain sufficient equity and/or debt financing; that any Potential Transaction of the Company will not be selected as a “Successful Bid” under the Sale Process including complying with any topping bid procedures, and if selected may not close, including as a result of
Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to Gold Reserve or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. Gold Reserve disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements or the foregoing list of assumptions or factors, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, subject to its disclosure obligations under applicable rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and applicable Canadian provincial and territorial securities laws.
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Gold Reserve Inc. Contact
Jean Charles Potvin
999 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 401
Tel: (509) 623-1500
Fax: (509) 623-1634
Source: Gold Reserve Inc.