Cango Inc. Announces Receipt of a Preliminary Non-Binding Letter of Intent and Formation of Special Committee
Cango Inc. (NYSE: CANG) has received a preliminary non-binding letter of intent from Enduring Wealth Capital (EWCL), proposing significant control changes. The key proposals include:
- Acquisition of 10,000,000 Class B ordinary shares from co-founders Xiaojun Zhang and Jiayuan Lin
- Maintaining 20 votes per share for EWCL's acquired shares
- Founders to convert remaining Class B shares to Class A shares and resign from leadership positions
- Complete restructuring of Board and management
- Disposal of existing PRC business to focus on crypto mining operations outside China
- Termination of company's status as a 'China Concept Stock'
The Board has formed a special committee of three independent directors to evaluate the proposal. No definitive decisions have been made, and there's no guarantee of transaction completion.
Cango Inc. (NYSE: CANG) ha ricevuto una lettera di intenti preliminare non vincolante da Enduring Wealth Capital (EWCL), che propone significativi cambiamenti di controllo. Le proposte chiave includono:
- Acquisizione di 10.000.000 di azioni ordinarie di Classe B dai co-fondatori Xiaojun Zhang e Jiayuan Lin
- Mantenimento di 20 voti per azione per le azioni acquisite da EWCL
- I fondatori convertiranno le restanti azioni di Classe B in azioni di Classe A e si dimetteranno dalle posizioni di leadership
- Ristrutturazione completa del Consiglio e della direzione
- Disposizione dell'attività esistente in Cina per concentrarsi sulle operazioni di mining di criptovalute al di fuori della Cina
- Terminazione dello status dell'azienda come 'China Concept Stock'
Il Consiglio ha formato un comitato speciale di tre direttori indipendenti per valutare la proposta. Non sono state prese decisioni definitive e non c'è alcuna garanzia di completamento della transazione.
Cango Inc. (NYSE: CANG) ha recibido una carta de intención preliminar no vinculante de Enduring Wealth Capital (EWCL), que propone cambios significativos en el control. Las propuestas clave incluyen:
- Adquisición de 10.000.000 de acciones ordinarias de Clase B de los cofundadores Xiaojun Zhang y Jiayuan Lin
- Mantenimiento de 20 votos por acción para las acciones adquiridas por EWCL
- Los fundadores convertirán las acciones restantes de Clase B en acciones de Clase A y renunciarán a sus puestos de liderazgo
- Reestructuración completa de la Junta y la dirección
- Deshacerse del negocio existente en China para centrarse en las operaciones de minería de criptomonedas fuera de China
- Terminación del estatus de la empresa como 'China Concept Stock'
La Junta ha formado un comité especial de tres directores independientes para evaluar la propuesta. No se han tomado decisiones definitivas y no hay garantía de que la transacción se complete.
Cango Inc. (NYSE: CANG)는 Enduring Wealth Capital (EWCL)로부터 비구속적인 초기 의향서를 받았으며, 이는 중요한 지배구조 변화를 제안합니다. 주요 제안 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 공동 창립자인 Xiaojun Zhang과 Jiayuan Lin으로부터 10,000,000주 클래스 B 보통주 인수
- EWCL이 인수한 주식에 대해 주당 20표 유지
- 창립자들은 남은 클래스 B 주식을 클래스 A 주식으로 전환하고 리더십 직책에서 사임
- 이사회 및 경영진의 완전한 재구성
- 중국 내 기존 사업 매각 및 중국 외부의 암호화폐 채굴 운영에 집중
- 회사의 '중국 개념 주식' 지위 종료
이사회는 제안을 평가하기 위해 세 명의 독립 이사로 구성된 특별 위원회를 구성했습니다. 최종 결정은 내려지지 않았으며, 거래 완료에 대한 보장은 없습니다.
Cango Inc. (NYSE: CANG) a reçu une lettre d'intention préliminaire non contraignante de Enduring Wealth Capital (EWCL), proposant des changements de contrôle significatifs. Les principales propositions incluent :
- Acquisition de 10 000 000 d'actions ordinaires de Classe B auprès des co-fondateurs Xiaojun Zhang et Jiayuan Lin
- Maintien de 20 voix par action pour les actions acquises par EWCL
- Les fondateurs convertiront les actions restantes de Classe B en actions de Classe A et démissionneront de leurs postes de direction
- Restructuration complète du Conseil et de la direction
- Cession de l'activité existante en Chine pour se concentrer sur les opérations de minage de cryptomonnaies en dehors de la Chine
- Résiliation du statut de l'entreprise en tant que 'China Concept Stock'
Le Conseil a formé un comité spécial de trois directeurs indépendants pour évaluer la proposition. Aucune décision définitive n'a été prise et il n'y a aucune garantie que la transaction sera finalisée.
Cango Inc. (NYSE: CANG) hat ein vorläufiges, unverbindliches Absichtsschreiben von Enduring Wealth Capital (EWCL) erhalten, das bedeutende Kontrolländerungen vorschlägt. Die wichtigsten Vorschläge umfassen:
- Erwerb von 10.000.000 Stammaktien der Klasse B von den Mitbegründern Xiaojun Zhang und Jiayuan Lin
- Beibehaltung von 20 Stimmen pro Aktie für die von EWCL erworbenen Aktien
- Die Gründer werden die verbleibenden Klasse B Aktien in Klasse A Aktien umwandeln und von ihren Führungspositionen zurücktreten
- Komplette Umstrukturierung des Vorstands und des Managements
- Veräußerung des bestehenden Geschäfts in China, um sich auf Krypto-Mining-Operationen außerhalb Chinas zu konzentrieren
- Beendigung des Status des Unternehmens als 'China Concept Stock'
Der Vorstand hat einen speziellen Ausschuss aus drei unabhängigen Direktoren gebildet, um den Vorschlag zu bewerten. Es wurden keine endgültigen Entscheidungen getroffen, und es gibt keine Garantie für den Abschluss der Transaktion.
- Potential strategic pivot to crypto mining business outside China
- Experienced blockchain and finance professionals leading the transformation
- Formation of independent special committee to evaluate the proposal
- Complete exit from existing Chinese market operations
- Significant corporate governance changes with founder departures
- Uncertainty regarding transaction completion and final terms
- Potential business model risk in transition to crypto mining
Cango has received a preliminary non-binding letter of intent that could fundamentally transform the company. Enduring Wealth Capital (EWCL) proposes to acquire control through purchasing 10 million Class B shares (with 20 votes per share) from the co-founders, who would convert their remaining shares to lower-voting Class A shares and resign from all positions.
The proposed transaction represents a complete strategic pivot. EWCL intends to have Cango divest its existing China business and refocus on international markets, particularly crypto mining. This would dramatically alter Cango's risk profile, revenue model, and regulatory environment. The company would also seek termination of its status as a "China Concept Stock" under CSRC jurisdiction.
Investors should understand several critical aspects: First, this is merely a preliminary proposal without binding terms or agreed purchase price. Second, the Board has formed a special committee of independent directors to evaluate the offer - a standard governance procedure that doesn't indicate likelihood of approval. Third, the maintenance of the super-voting share structure under new ownership would concentrate control in EWCL's hands.
EWCL's leadership includes Mr. Dal Mas, who reportedly has blockchain expertise, and Mr. Yu, described as an experienced finance professional. However, their track record in executing such business transformations remains unverified, adding another layer of uncertainty to this potential transaction.
According to the Letter of Intent and information provided by EWCL, Mr. Andrea Dal Mas ("Mr. Dal Mas"), Mr. Peng Yu ("Mr. Yu") and Ms. Anggun Mulia Fortunata are the directors of EWCL; Mr. Dal Mas and Mr. Yu are the key decision makers of EWCL in connection with the Proposed Transactions; Mr. Dal Mas has vast experiences in and deep knowledge of the blockchain ecosystem, as well as bitcoin and other crypto-related investments; and Mr. Yu is a seasoned and accomplished finance professional with extensive experience in investment management and asset management.
On March 14, 2025, the Board resolved to form a special committee consisting of its three independent directors, Mr. Chi Ming Lee, Mr. Dongsheng Zhou and Mr. Rong Liu, to assess and consider the Letter of Intent and the Proposed Transactions and, if the special committee decides to pursue any of the Potential Transactions, to negotiate the terms and conditions thereof. The special committee is expected to retain independent legal and financial advisors in due course to assist it in evaluating the Proposed Transactions.
The Board cautions the Company's shareholders and others considering trading the Company's securities that the Board has not had an opportunity to carefully review or evaluate the proposals set forth in the Letter of Intent or perform sufficient due diligence on EWCL and its directors, or make any decision with respect to the Company's response to the proposals. There can be no assurance that any definitive action will be taken, that any definitive agreement will be executed relating to the Proposed Transactions, or that these or any other transactions will be approved or consummated. The Company does not undertake any obligation to provide any updates with respect to these or any other transactions, except as required under applicable law.
About Cango Inc.
Cango Inc. (NYSE: CANG) primarily operates a leading Bitcoin mining business. Headquartered in
Safe Harbor Statement
This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates" and similar statements. Cango may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the SEC, in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about Cango's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to the following: Cango's goal and strategies; Cango's expansion plans; Cango's future business development, financial condition and results of operations; Cango's expectations regarding demand for, and market acceptance of, its solutions and services; Cango's expectations regarding keeping and strengthening its relationships with dealers, financial institutions, car buyers and other platform participants; general economic and business conditions; and assumptions underlying or related to any of the foregoing. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in Cango's filings with the SEC. All information provided in this press release and in the attachments is as of the date of this press release, and Cango does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law.
Investor Relations Contact
Yihe Liu
Cango Inc.
Tel: +86 21 3183 5088 ext.5581
Helen Wu
Piacente Financial Communications
Tel: +86 10 6508 0677
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