Adobe Unveils Innovations in Adobe Experience Cloud for Brands to Personalize and Measure AI-generated Content

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Adobe has unveiled new innovations across Adobe Experience Cloud to help brands maximize the value of AI-generated marketing content. The key features include:

1. Adobe Content Analytics: Provides attribute-level insights on content across platforms, allowing marketers to understand which creative elements resonate most with audiences.

2. AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Adobe Journey Optimizer: Generates on-brand marketing assets for various channels, optimized for target audiences.

3. AEM Edge Delivery Services, Self-Learning Experimentation: Enables real-time experimentation with AI-generated content variations on web pages.

These innovations aim to help brands personalize, test, and measure AI-generated content, addressing key challenges in content supply chains and enabling real-time campaign optimization.

Adobe ha svelato nuove innovazioni nell'Adobe Experience Cloud per aiutare i marchi a massimizzare il valore dei contenuti di marketing generati dall'IA. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Adobe Content Analytics: Fornisce approfondimenti a livello di attributo sui contenuti attraverso le varie piattaforme, consentendo ai marketer di capire quali elementi creativi risuonano di più con il pubblico.

2. AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Adobe Journey Optimizer: Genera asset di marketing in linea con il marchio per vari canali, ottimizzati per i pubblici target.

3. AEM Edge Delivery Services, Self-Learning Experimentation: Abilita la sperimentazione in tempo reale con variazioni di contenuti generati dall'IA sulle pagine web.

Queste innovazioni mirano ad aiutare i marchi a personalizzare, testare e misurare i contenuti generati dall'IA, affrontando le principali sfide nelle catene di fornitura di contenuti e consentendo l'ottimizzazione delle campagne in tempo reale.

Adobe ha presentado nuevas innovaciones en Adobe Experience Cloud para ayudar a las marcas a maximizar el valor del contenido de marketing generado por IA. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Adobe Content Analytics: Proporciona información a nivel de atributo sobre el contenido en diferentes plataformas, permitiendo a los marketeros entender qué elementos creativos resuenan más con las audiencias.

2. AI Assistant Content Accelerator en Adobe Journey Optimizer: Genera activos de marketing de acuerdo con la marca para varios canales, optimizados para audiencias específicas.

3. AEM Edge Delivery Services, Self-Learning Experimentation: Permite la experimentación en tiempo real con variaciones de contenido generadas por IA en las páginas web.

Estas innovaciones tienen como objetivo ayudar a las marcas a personalizar, probar y medir el contenido generado por IA, abordando desafíos clave en las cadenas de suministro de contenido y permitiendo la optimización de campañas en tiempo real.

어도비는 브랜드가 AI 생성 마케팅 콘텐츠의 가치를 극대화할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 Adobe Experience Cloud 전체에서 새로운 혁신을 공개했습니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. Adobe Content Analytics: 여러 플랫폼에서 콘텐츠에 대한 속성 수준의 통찰력을 제공하여 마케터가 어떤 창의적 요소가 청중과 가장 잘 연결되는지 이해할 수 있도록 합니다.

2. AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Adobe Journey Optimizer: 다양한 채널에 맞게 브랜드에 최적화된 마케팅 자산을 생성합니다.

3. AEM Edge Delivery Services, Self-Learning Experimentation: 웹 페이지에서 AI가 생성한 콘텐츠 변형에 대한 실시간 실험을 가능하게 합니다.

이 혁신은 브랜드가 AI 생성 콘텐츠를 개인화하고, 테스트하고, 측정할 수 있도록 도와주는 것을 목표로 하며, 콘텐츠 공급망의 주요 과제를 다루고 실시간 캠페인 최적화를 가능하게 합니다.

Adobe a dévoilé de nouvelles innovations dans Adobe Experience Cloud pour aider les marques à maximiser la valeur du contenu marketing généré par l'IA. Les principales caractéristiques comprennent :

1. Adobe Content Analytics : Fournit des informations au niveau des attributs sur le contenu à travers les plateformes, permettant aux marketeurs de comprendre quels éléments créatifs résonnent le plus avec les audiences.

2. AI Assistant Content Accelerator dans Adobe Journey Optimizer : Génère des actifs marketing conformes à la marque pour divers canaux, optimisés pour des publics cibles.

3. AEM Edge Delivery Services, Self-Learning Experimentation : Permet une expérimentation en temps réel avec des variations de contenu générées par l'IA sur les pages web.

Ces innovations visent à aider les marques à personnaliser, tester et mesurer le contenu généré par l'IA, en répondant aux principaux défis des chaînes d'approvisionnement en contenu et en permettant l'optimisation des campagnes en temps réel.

Adobe hat neue Innovationen in der Adobe Experience Cloud vorgestellt, um Marken zu helfen, den Wert von KI-generierten Marketinginhalten zu maximieren. Zu den Hauptfunktionen gehören:

1. Adobe Content Analytics: Bietet Attributebene-Einblicke in Inhalte über verschiedene Plattformen hinweg, sodass Marketer verstehen können, welche kreativen Elemente am besten bei den Zielgruppen ankommen.

2. AI Assistant Content Accelerator im Adobe Journey Optimizer: Generiert markenkonforme Marketingressourcen für verschiedene Kanäle, die auf Zielgruppen optimiert sind.

3. AEM Edge Delivery Services, Self-Learning Experimentation: Ermöglicht Echtzeiterprobungen von KI-generierten Inhaltsvariationen auf Webseiten.

Diese Innovationen zielen darauf ab, Marken zu helfen, KI-generierte Inhalte zu personalisieren, zu testen und zu messen, indem sie zentrale Herausforderungen in den Inhaltslieferketten angehen und eine Echtzeit-Optimierung von Kampagnen ermöglichen.

  • Introduction of Adobe Content Analytics for attribute-level content insights
  • Launch of AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Adobe Journey Optimizer for generating optimized marketing assets
  • Implementation of Self-Learning Experimentation in AEM Edge Delivery Services for real-time content testing
  • None.

Adobe's new innovations in Experience Cloud represent a significant leap in AI-driven marketing capabilities. The introduction of Content Analytics and AI-assisted content generation and optimization tools addresses a critical need in the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape.

These advancements are likely to strengthen Adobe's position in the $220 billion global digital advertising market. By enabling brands to measure and optimize AI-generated content in real-time, Adobe is tackling a key challenge in the adoption of generative AI for marketing.

The ability to personalize content at scale and provide attribute-level insights could lead to increased customer engagement and higher ROI for brands, potentially driving greater adoption of Adobe's suite of products. This could positively impact Adobe's revenue growth in its Digital Experience segment, which accounted for 30% of the company's revenue in Q2 2023.

Adobe's latest innovations showcase a sophisticated integration of AI into its marketing technology stack. The Content Analytics feature, leveraging AI to analyze content attributes, represents a significant advancement in marketing analytics. This deep-learning approach to content performance could set a new industry standard.

The AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Journey Optimizer is particularly noteworthy. By generating multiple content variations optimized for specific audiences, it addresses the scalability challenge in personalized marketing. This could dramatically reduce the time and resources required for content creation and testing.

The self-learning experimentation feature in AEM Edge Delivery Services introduces an element of autonomous optimization to web content. This real-time, AI-driven content selection could significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates, potentially disrupting traditional A/B testing methodologies.

Adobe's strategic focus on AI-driven marketing solutions aligns well with market trends and could drive significant revenue growth. The company's Digital Experience segment, which includes these new features, generated $1.18 billion in revenue in Q2 2023, up 12% year-over-year.

These innovations could accelerate adoption of Adobe's Experience Cloud, potentially increasing the segment's growth rate. The ability to demonstrate clear ROI on AI-generated content could be a key differentiator in the competitive martech landscape.

Moreover, these features could drive upselling opportunities within Adobe's existing customer base, improving customer retention and lifetime value. With a current gross margin of 87.3%, any increase in high-margin software sales could positively impact Adobe's profitability.

Investors should monitor the adoption rate of these new features and their impact on Adobe's Digital Experience segment growth in upcoming quarters.

  • New innovations across Adobe Experience Cloud will enable brands to demonstrate the impact of AI-generated marketing content through real-time experimentation and robust performance insights
  • Adobe Content Analytics unlocks the ability for brands to understand the performance of content down to an attribute level, using AI to pinpoint specific colors, objects and styles that resonate with target audiences
  • In Adobe Journey Optimizer and Adobe Experience Manager, new offerings will enable brands to personalize AI-generated content variations across channels such as web and email, boosting customer engagement

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) announced innovations across Adobe Experience Cloud that will empower brands to unlock greater value with AI-generated content and demonstrate business impact. As organizations embrace image and copy generation tools—from Adobe Firefly to Adobe Experience Manager—to assist in the ideation and refinement of marketing assets, the need to show return-on-investment has also heightened. Brands can address this by matching AI-generated content with customer preferences, while creating a feedback loop through actionable insights. These AI innovations address key pain points in brands’ content supply chains by ensuring that campaigns can be adjusted and optimized in real time.

(Graphic: Adobe)

(Graphic: Adobe)

Adobe’s latest solutions enable brands to drive greater performance and meet business goals for customer engagement. New offerings across Adobe Experience Cloud will enable teams to personalize, test and measure AI-generated content. With Adobe Content Analytics, actionable insights will pinpoint specific content attributes that resonate most with target audiences, informing what teams create in the future. In Adobe Experience Manager, real-time experimentation capabilities on the web—a digital front door for many brands—will direct visitors towards AI-generated variants that are driving the best conversion. And with Adobe Journey Optimizer, brands can now instantly generate multiple variations of marketing content based on performance goals to automate testing and optimization.

“Personalizing customer experiences in today’s environment can require thousands of variations for different marketing channels and regions, a problem that has been alleviated with the support of generative AI,” said Amit Ahuja, senior vice president, Digital Experience Business at Adobe. “Marketers are being challenged to ensure that AI-generated variants also resonate with customers, and Adobe’s latest innovations will help brands meet the moment through real-time experimentation and actionable insights.”

New Adobe Experience Cloud innovations include:

  • Adobe Content Analytics: Now in beta, Adobe Content Analytics within Customer Journey Analytics (CJA) provides attribute-level insights on content spanning platforms such as web and mobile. Users can then bring these insights directly into CJA, providing a holistic view of the entire customer journey across touchpoints. Adobe Content Analytics is made possible by correlating specific attributes–including colors, objects and locations–with direct customer interactions. For example, a marketer promoting a new hotel property would be able to optimize their web content based on which creative elements—mountains, green spaces or cityscapes—result in more bookings.
  • AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO): Now generally available, AI Assistant Content Accelerator in AJO allows marketers to generate on-brand marketing assets for channels including email, SMS and more, while having it optimized for certain target audiences based on language, tone and content type. As the assets are being generated, marketers instantly receive multiple copy and imagery variations to drive real-time performance testing and experimentation.
  • Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Edge Delivery Services, Self-Learning Experimentation: For AI-generated content variations, such as text or images on a web page, brands will be able to drive real-time experimentation with AEM Edge Delivery Services. Consumers will be automatically presented with top-performing content variations, providing marketers a better understanding of which assets resonate most with target audiences.

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Jasmine Boaler


Kevin Fu


Source: Adobe


What new features has Adobe (ADBE) introduced in Experience Cloud for AI-generated content?

Adobe has introduced Adobe Content Analytics, AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Adobe Journey Optimizer, and Self-Learning Experimentation in AEM Edge Delivery Services to help brands personalize, test, and measure AI-generated content more effectively.

How does Adobe Content Analytics benefit marketers using AI-generated content?

Adobe Content Analytics provides attribute-level insights on content across platforms, allowing marketers to understand which specific creative elements (like colors, objects, and locations) resonate most with their target audiences, helping optimize content creation and performance.

What is the purpose of the AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Adobe Journey Optimizer (ADBE)?

The AI Assistant Content Accelerator in Adobe Journey Optimizer allows marketers to generate on-brand marketing assets for various channels, optimized for target audiences based on language, tone, and content type. It also provides multiple variations for real-time performance testing and experimentation.

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