VTEX Vision: Unifying Logistics, Customer Experience and Omnichannel Capabilities for B2B and B2C Brands

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VTEX, a leading commerce platform for B2C and B2B brands, has announced its Fall '24 VTEX Vision product showcase. This edition introduces several key innovations to enhance customer experience and boost sales efficiency:

1. Google Merchant Connector: Improved integration with Google Shopping ads and Google Pay.
2. VTEX Ad Network: Delivering a 5.0x average return on ad spend with AI-driven optimization.
3. VTEX Sales App: Enhanced features for seamless offline and online commerce integration.
4. B2B FastStore: A solution for fast, composable, high-conversion B2B experiences.
5. VTEX Pick and Pack: Advanced fulfillment solution with AI-powered returns module.

These innovations aim to unify commerce operations, maximize investments, and future-proof operations for VTEX's global enterprise customer base across 43 countries.

VTEX, una piattaforma di commercio leader per marchi B2C e B2B, ha annunciato il suo showcase di prodotti VTEX Vision per l'autunno '24. Questa edizione introduce diverse innovazioni chiave per migliorare l'esperienza del cliente e aumentare l'efficienza delle vendite:

1. Google Merchant Connector: Integrazione migliorata con annunci di Google Shopping e Google Pay.
2. VTEX Ad Network: Fornisce un ritorno medio di 5.0x sulla spesa pubblicitaria grazie all'ottimizzazione basata sull'IA.
3. VTEX Sales App: Funzionalità migliorate per un'integrazione fluida del commercio offline e online.
4. B2B FastStore: Una soluzione per esperienze B2B veloci, componibili e ad alta conversione.
5. VTEX Pick and Pack: Soluzione avanzata di evasione ordini con modulo per resi alimentato da IA.

Queste innovazioni mirano a unificare le operazioni commerciali, massimizzare gli investimenti e garantire la futura sostenibilità delle operazioni per la base clienti globale di VTEX in 43 paesi.

VTEX, una plataforma de comercio líder para marcas B2C y B2B, ha anunciado su vitrina de productos VTEX Vision para el otoño del '24. Esta edición introduce varias innovaciones clave para mejorar la experiencia del cliente y aumentar la eficiencia en ventas:

1. Google Merchant Connector: Integración mejorada con anuncios de Google Shopping y Google Pay.
2. VTEX Ad Network: Proporcionando un retorno medio de 5.0x en el gasto publicitario con optimización impulsada por IA.
3. VTEX Sales App: Características mejoradas para una integración fluida entre el comercio offline y online.
4. B2B FastStore: Una solución para experiencias B2B rápidas, componibles y de alta conversión.
5. VTEX Pick and Pack: Solución avanzada de cumplimiento con un módulo de devoluciones impulsado por IA.

Estas innovaciones tienen como objetivo unificar las operaciones comerciales, maximizar las inversiones y asegurar la sostenibilidad futura de las operaciones para la base de clientes global de VTEX en 43 países.

VTEX는 B2C 및 B2B 브랜드를 위한 선도적인 상거래 플랫폼으로, '24년 가을 VTEX Vision 제품 쇼케이스를 발표했습니다. 이번 에디션은 고객 경험을 향상하고 판매 효율성을 높이기 위한 여러 핵심 혁신을 소개합니다:

1. Google Merchant Connector: Google Shopping 광고 및 Google Pay와의 통합 개선.
2. VTEX Ad Network: AI 기반 최적화를 통해 평균 5.0배의 광고 비용 수익을 제공.
3. VTEX Sales App: 오프라인 및 온라인 상거래 통합을 위한 향상된 기능.
4. B2B FastStore: 빠른, 구성 가능한 고전환 B2B 경험을 위한 솔루션.
5. VTEX Pick and Pack: AI 기반 반품 모듈이 포함된 고급 이행 솔루션.

이러한 혁신은 상거래 운영을 통합하고 투자 효율성을 극대화하며 VTEX의 43개국에 걸친 글로벌 기업 고객의 운영을 미래에 대비하도록 하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

VTEX, une plateforme de commerce leader pour les marques B2C et B2B, a annoncé sa vitrine de produits VTEX Vision pour l'automne '24. Cette édition introduit plusieurs innovations clés pour améliorer l'expérience client et accroître l'efficacité des ventes :

1. Google Merchant Connector: Intégration améliorée avec les annonces Google Shopping et Google Pay.
2. VTEX Ad Network: Fournissant un retour moyen de 5,0x sur les dépenses publicitaires grâce à l'optimisation basée sur l'IA.
3. VTEX Sales App: Fonctionnalités améliorées pour une intégration fluide du commerce hors ligne et en ligne.
4. B2B FastStore: Une solution pour des expériences B2B rapides, composables et à forte conversion.
5. VTEX Pick and Pack: Solution avancée de fulfillment avec un module de retours alimenté par IA.

Ces innovations visent à unifier les opérations commerciales, maximiser les investissements et assurer l'avenir des opérations pour la clientèle mondiale de VTEX dans 43 pays.

VTEX, eine führende Handelsplattform für B2C- und B2B-Marken, hat sein Produkt-Showcase VTEX Vision für den Herbst '24 angekündigt. Diese Ausgabe führt mehrere wichtige Innovationen ein, um die Kundenerfahrung zu verbessern und die Verkaufseffizienz zu steigern:

1. Google Merchant Connector: Verbesserte Integration mit Google Shopping-Anzeigen und Google Pay.
2. VTEX Ad Network: Liefert einen durchschnittlichen Return von 5,0x auf die Werbeausgaben durch KI-gesteuerte Optimierung.
3. VTEX Sales App: Verbesserte Funktionen für die nahtlose Integration von Offline- und Online-Handel.
4. B2B FastStore: Eine Lösung für schnelle, anpassbare und leistungsstarke B2B-Erfahrungen.
5. VTEX Pick and Pack: Fortschrittliche Fulfillment-Lösung mit einem KI-gestützten Retourenmodul.

Diese Innovationen zielen darauf ab, die Handelsaktivitäten zu vereinheitlichen, Investitionen zu maximieren und die Abläufe für die globale Unternehmensklientel von VTEX in 43 Ländern zukunftssicher zu gestalten.

  • VTEX Ad Network delivers a 5.0x average return on ad spend, with 90% of advertisers continuing to invest
  • Integration of Google Pay into VTEX Fast Checkout, potentially increasing conversion rates
  • VTEX Sales App now allows sales associates to sell both in-store and online products through a single checkout process
  • Introduction of B2B FastStore for high-conversion B2B experiences, potentially expanding VTEX's market reach
  • New AI-powered 'Returns Module' in VTEX Pick and Pack, reducing processing time to 60 seconds from weeks
  • None.

VTEX's Fall '24 Vision announcement showcases several product enhancements, but their impact on the stock is likely to be neutral. While the improvements in Google integration, ad network capabilities and B2B features are positive, they are incremental rather than transformative.

The company's focus on unifying commerce operations and enhancing customer experience aligns with industry trends. However, the lack of specific financial projections or new major partnerships makes it difficult to quantify the potential impact on VTEX's revenue or market share.

Investors should monitor how these enhancements translate into customer acquisition and retention rates in the coming quarters. The 5.0x average return on ad spend for the VTEX Ad Network is promising, but more data on adoption rates and revenue contribution would be needed to assess its true impact on the company's financials.

VTEX's product updates demonstrate a strategic focus on AI-driven solutions and seamless integrations, particularly with Google. The enhanced Google Merchant Connector and VTEX Ad Network improvements show potential for increased discoverability and ad revenue for VTEX's clients.

The B2B FastStore and VTEX Pick and Pack updates address critical needs in the B2B e-commerce space, which is a growing market segment. The AI-powered 'Returns Module' with 60-second feedback is particularly innovative and could be a significant differentiator in the competitive e-commerce platform landscape.

However, while these updates are solid improvements, they don't represent a major technological leap that would significantly alter VTEX's market position. The company appears to be keeping pace with industry trends rather than setting them, which is important for maintaining competitiveness but may not drive substantial stock growth in the short term.

Discover how VTEX Vision Fall ’24 unifies commerce with new innovations and Google enhancements for faster, more connected B2B and B2C experiences.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- VTEX (NYSE: VTEX), the composable and complete commerce platform for premier B2C and B2B brands and retailers, announces the second edition of ‘VTEX Vision’, its semi-annual product showcase to empower enterprise businesses striving to improve customer experience, fuel their growth, increase efficiency, and future-proof their operations.

For its Fall edition, VTEX's global enterprise customer base—2,600 B2C and B2B customers with 3,500 online stores across 43 countries—can expect cutting-edge innovations and powerful advancements to unify commerce operations and maximize investments, ensuring B2B and B2C brands sell more, operate efficiently, and deliver exceptional customer experiences now and in the future.

"Enterprises are constantly looking for differentiators that allow them to surpass their competitors and earn an advantage in the hard-fought ecommerce landscape. VTEX is leading the way, giving B2C and B2B brands and retailers seamless access to innovations that boost customer experience, conversion, and loyalty," said Santiago Naranjo, CRO at VTEX. “VTEX Vision’s Fall Edition innovations not only improve sales directly but also keep costs lower than other platforms, which makes us the most attractive option. This is what it means for us to be a commerce platform tailored for today's enterprises and the challenges of tomorrow.”

Below is a round-up of the biggest product news that VTEX will announce for the Fall ’24 edition of VTEX Vision:

Google Merchant Connector

Building on our continued partnership with Google to help enterprise brands boost discoverability and sales, Google’s Merchant Connector with VTEX is now more powerful than ever. It allows sellers to feature their products in organic Google search listings and utilize price comparison and tracking tools.

Brands can now effortlessly map their entire catalog with Google Shopping ads, activate offers for specific payment methods, and implement Google Pay with a single click. Soon, Google Pay will also be integrated into VTEX Fast Checkout.

VTEX Ad Network

Since its launch in Spring of 2024, VTEX Ad Network has delivered impressive results: advertisers are seeing a 5.0x average return on ad spend, and 90% of them continue to invest, generating sustainable revenue for retailers. Today, VTEX Ad Network is empowering brands to create a compelling product discovery experience while monetizing advertising space across all sales channels. The Ad Network leverages AI-driven optimization for higher conversions, precision targeting, and comprehensive ad campaign monitoring.

With the latest update, VTEX Ad Network now enhances visibility by displaying sponsored products in search auto-complete suggestions and product galleries. Advertisers can also effortlessly export campaign data, search terms, and product insights, enabling quick access to comprehensive reports.

VTEX Sales App

Since its launch, the VTEX Sales App has empowered enterprises to seamlessly integrate sales associates into the digital commerce journey, boosting sales and enhancing customer experiences by bridging offline and online commerce.

The Sales App enables associates to access real-time inventory from physical stores, warehouses, distribution centers, and third-party sellers, all within a unified commerce interface. Recent updates allow sales associates to sell both in-store and online products through a single checkout process. They can also manage multiple carts, offer complementary products, and provide value-added services like warranties and customizations.

VTEX also introduced a new payment provider protocol, making it seamless for brands to integrate their preferred payment providers and use Sales App in any region. This includes tailored integrations with MercadoPago in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, and Cielo in Brazil.

B2B FastStore

Since its inception, VTEX has prioritized developer experience, reflecting its roots as a developer-founded platform. Building on this foundation, B2B FastStore is our solution for fast, composable, high-conversion B2B experiences. It offers personalized purchasing with unique catalogs, custom pricing, and an efficient ordering process. This front-end solution provides a comprehensive B2B experience, featuring quick orders, advanced buyer management, and multi-hierarchy support to scale operations and streamline procurement. It also allows seamless switching between business units to ensure accurate purchase alignment.

VTEX Pick and Pack

VTEX's advanced fulfillment solution transforms logistics into a competitive advantage that boosts customer retention. Our streamlined interface improves item location searches, optimizes picking routes, and accelerates order dispatch, allowing pickers to handle multiple orders simultaneously. The new ‘Approvals and Transfers’ feature simplifies product replacements and enables other stores to fulfill missing items, enhancing flexibility in managing complex orders.

The updated Admin interface provides a detailed worksheet view for real-time order tracking, with instant notifications for pickers, time alerts, item audits, and transfers. The AI-powered ‘Returns Module’ expedites returns and exchanges, reducing fraud and enhancing shopper experiences. Imagine receiving return feedback within 60 seconds instead of waiting weeks—VTEX now makes this possible.

Explore the latest innovations and enhancements from VTEX Vision Fall Edition 2024 to create a truly unified commerce experience here.

About VTEX

VTEX (NYSE: VTEX) is the composable and complete commerce platform that delivers more efficiency and less maintenance to organizations seeking to make smarter IT investments and modernize their tech stack. Through our pragmatic composability approach, we empower brands, distributors, and retailers with unparalleled flexibility and comprehensive solutions, enabling them to invest solely in what provides a clear business advantage and boosts profitability. VTEX is trusted by 2,600 global B2C and B2B customers, including Carrefour, Colgate, Motorola, Sony, Stanley Black & Decker, and Whirlpool, having 3,500 active online stores across 43 countries (as of FY ended on December 31, 2023). For more information, visit

VTEX IR Contact

Julia Vater Fernández

VP of Investor Relations

Source: VTEX Commerce Cloud Solutions LLC


What new features does VTEX Vision Fall '24 introduce for Google integration?

VTEX Vision Fall '24 enhances the Google Merchant Connector, allowing sellers to feature products in organic Google search listings, utilize price comparison tools, map their catalog with Google Shopping ads, activate offers for specific payment methods, and implement Google Pay with a single click.

How has the VTEX Ad Network performed since its launch in Spring 2024?

The VTEX Ad Network has delivered impressive results since its launch, with advertisers seeing a 5.0x average return on ad spend, and 90% of them continuing to invest, generating sustainable revenue for retailers.

What new capabilities does the VTEX Sales App offer in the Fall '24 update?

The VTEX Sales App now allows sales associates to sell both in-store and online products through a single checkout process, manage multiple carts, offer complementary products, and provide value-added services like warranties and customizations.

What is B2B FastStore and what features does it offer?

B2B FastStore is VTEX's solution for fast, composable, high-conversion B2B experiences. It offers personalized purchasing with unique catalogs, custom pricing, efficient ordering process, quick orders, advanced buyer management, and multi-hierarchy support to scale operations and streamline procurement.



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