Unisys Partners with Chicago Quantum Exchange to Drive Quantum Technology Applications
Unisys (NYSE: UIS) has joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) to advance quantum technology applications across various industries. The partnership aims to develop quantum solutions in logistics, meteorology, financial modeling, and cryptography while strengthening the Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana quantum ecosystem.
The collaboration provides Unisys access to leading quantum researchers and top-tier talent through CQE, recognized as an intellectual hub in quantum research. According to Mike Thomson, Unisys president and COO, the partnership will enable the company to engage with elite talent, participate in quantum innovation through workshops and conferences, and establish strategic alliances for co-developing industry-specific quantum solutions.
Unisys (NYSE: UIS) si è unita al Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) per promuovere le applicazioni della tecnologia quantistica in vari settori. L'obiettivo della partnership è sviluppare soluzioni quantistiche in logistica, meteorologia, modellazione finanziaria e crittografia, rafforzando nel contempo l'ecosistema quantistico dell'Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana.
La collaborazione offre a Unisys l'accesso ai principali ricercatori quantistici e alle migliori risorse attraverso il CQE, riconosciuto come un centro intellettuale nella ricerca quantistica. Secondo Mike Thomson, presidente e COO di Unisys, la partnership permetterà all'azienda di interagire con talenti d'élite, partecipare a innovazioni quantistiche attraverso workshop e conferenze, e stabilire alleanze strategiche per co-sviluppare soluzioni quantistiche specifiche per l'industria.
Unisys (NYSE: UIS) se ha unido al Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) para avanzar en las aplicaciones de tecnología cuántica en diversas industrias. La asociación tiene como objetivo desarrollar soluciones cuánticas en logística, meteorología, modelado financiero y criptografía, al tiempo que fortalece el ecosistema cuántico de Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana.
La colaboración proporciona a Unisys acceso a destacados investigadores cuánticos y talento de primer nivel a través de CQE, reconocido como un centro intelectual en la investigación cuántica. Según Mike Thomson, presidente y COO de Unisys, la asociación permitirá a la empresa involucrarse con talento de élite, participar en innovaciones cuánticas a través de talleres y conferencias, y establecer alianzas estratégicas para co-desarrollar soluciones cuánticas específicas de la industria.
유니시스 (NYSE: UIS)는 시카고 양자 거래소 (CQE)에 합류하여 다양한 산업에서 양자 기술 응용을 발전시키고 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 물류, 기상학, 금융 모델링 및 암호화에서 양자 솔루션을 개발하고 일리노이-위스콘신-인디애나 양자 생태계를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
이 협력은 유니시스에게 CQE를 통해 주요 양자 연구자와 최고 인재에 대한 접근을 제공합니다. CQE는 양자 연구의 지식 중심지로 인정받고 있습니다. 유니시스의 회장 겸 COO인 마이크 톰슨에 따르면, 이 파트너십은 회사가 엘리트 인재와 소통하고, 워크숍 및 회의를 통해 양자 혁신에 참여하며, 산업별 양자 솔루션을 공동 개발하기 위한 전략적 동맹을 구축할 수 있도록 할 것입니다.
Unisys (NYSE: UIS) a rejoint le Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) pour promouvoir l'application de la technologie quantique dans divers secteurs. Le partenariat vise à développer des solutions quantiques dans la logistique, la météorologie, la modélisation financière et la cryptographie, tout en renforçant l'écosystème quantique de l'Illinois, du Wisconsin et de l'Indiana.
Cette collaboration offre à Unisys l'accès à des chercheurs quantiques de premier plan et à des talents de haut niveau grâce au CQE, reconnu comme un pôle intellectuel de la recherche quantique. Selon Mike Thomson, président et COO d'Unisys, ce partenariat permettra à l'entreprise d'interagir avec des talents d'élite, de participer à l'innovation quantique lors d'ateliers et de conférences, et d'établir des alliances stratégiques pour co-développer des solutions quantiques spécifiques à l'industrie.
Unisys (NYSE: UIS) hat sich mit dem Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) zusammengeschlossen, um die Anwendungen der Quantentechnologie in verschiedenen Branchen voranzutreiben. Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, quantenbasierte Lösungen in den Bereichen Logistik, Meteorologie, Finanzmodellierung und Kryptografie zu entwickeln und gleichzeitig das Quantenökosystem von Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana zu stärken.
Die Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht es Unisys, über das CQE auf führende QuantResearcher und Top-Talente zuzugreifen, das als intellektuelles Zentrum in der Quantenforschung anerkannt ist. Laut Mike Thomson, Präsident und COO von Unisys, wird die Partnerschaft es dem Unternehmen ermöglichen, mit Elite-Talenten in Kontakt zu treten, an quantenbezogenen Innovationen durch Workshops und Konferenzen teilzunehmen und strategische Allianzen zu bilden, um branchenspezifische quante Lösungen gemeinsam zu entwickeln.
- Strategic partnership with Chicago Quantum Exchange enhances Unisys's quantum technology capabilities
- Access to leading quantum researchers and top-tier talent pool
- Opportunity to develop industry-specific quantum solutions across multiple sectors
- None.
Unisys brings extensive expertise in quantum solutions and services across logistics, meteorology, financial modeling, and cryptography, contributing greatly to the advancement of quantum technology.
"Unisys shares our deep commitment to developing quantum technology solutions and exploring ways to benefit from its many applications through collaboration, workforce development, and strong communication between academic researchers and industry," said David Awschalom, the Liew Family Professor of Molecular Engineering and Physics at the University of
The Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE), recognized as an intellectual hub in advancing quantum research and driving the quantum economy, provides Unisys with access to leading quantum researchers and top-tier talent. The collaboration paves the way for mutual exploration and development of innovative quantum technology solutions to help solve complex business challenges.
"This collaboration between Unisys and the CQE demonstrates our commitment to pushing the boundaries of quantum while underscoring the goal of delivering tailored solutions for industry-specific challenges," stated Mike Thomson, president and chief operating officer at Unisys. "The partnership enables Unisys to engage with top-tier talent, stay at the forefront of quantum innovation through workshops and conferences, establish strategic alliances for co-developing industry-specific quantum solutions, and exchange expertise within the CQE network."
About the Chicago Quantum Exchange
The CQE is based at the University of
About Unisys
Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world's leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, AI, digital workplace, logistics and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn how we have been helping clients push what's possible for more than 150 years, visit unisys.com and follow us on LinkedIn.
RELEASE NO.: 0204/9985
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SOURCE Unisys Corporation