New SolarWinds Next-Gen Government IT: AI and Observability Insights Report Offers a Comprehensive Look at the Current State of IT Security and Observability
SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI) has released its Next-Gen Government IT: AI and Observability Insights Report, based on a survey of 200 U.S. IT decision-makers from Federal, State, Local, and Education sectors. The study reveals that digital transformation remains a work in progress, with only 6% of organizations having completed their journey, while 41% report well-underway efforts and 42% are in early implementation stages.
Key findings show that data privacy and security concerns (62%), budget constraints (57%), and integration complexity (56%) are the main challenges. The general hacking community (59%) and careless/untrained insiders (58%) represent the top security threats. Over 33% of respondents are using AI for cybersecurity operations and IT observability, though 4 in 10 express significant concerns about AI adoption risks.
The report also highlights a shift in infrastructure preferences, with government cloud now leading at 70% adoption, while traditional on-premises usage has declined to 58% from 91% in 2023. Hybrid environments are expected to remain dominant, with 48% anticipating this as the future standard.
SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI) ha pubblicato il suo rapporto 'Next-Gen Government IT: AI and Observability Insights', basato su un sondaggio condotto tra 200 decisori IT negli Stati Uniti, provenienti dai settori Federale, Statale, Locale e dell'Istruzione. Lo studio rivela che la trasformazione digitale è ancora un lavoro in corso, con solo il 6% delle organizzazioni che ha completato il proprio percorso, mentre il 41% segnala progressi significativi e il 42% è nelle fasi iniziali di implementazione.
I risultati chiave mostrano che le preoccupazioni per la privacy e la sicurezza dei dati (62%), le limitazioni di budget (57%) e la complessità dell'integrazione (56%) sono le principali sfide. La comunità di hacker generale (59%) e gli insider distratti/non formati (58%) rappresentano le principali minacce alla sicurezza. Oltre il 33% dei rispondenti utilizza l'AI per le operazioni di cybersecurity e l'osservabilità IT, sebbene 4 su 10 esprimano preoccupazioni significative sui rischi legati all'adozione dell'AI.
Il rapporto evidenzia anche un cambiamento nelle preferenze infrastrutturali, con il cloud governativo che ora guida con un'adozione del 70%, mentre l'uso tradizionale on-premises è diminuito al 58% rispetto al 91% nel 2023. Si prevede che gli ambienti ibridi rimangano dominanti, con il 48% che anticipa questo come lo standard futuro.
SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI) ha publicado su informe 'Next-Gen Government IT: AI and Observability Insights', basado en una encuesta a 200 tomadores de decisiones de TI en EE. UU. de los sectores Federal, Estatal, Local y Educativo. El estudio revela que la transformación digital sigue siendo un trabajo en progreso, con solo el 6% de las organizaciones que han completado su viaje, mientras que el 41% informa sobre esfuerzos bien avanzados y el 42% está en las primeras etapas de implementación.
Los hallazgos clave muestran que las preocupaciones sobre la privacidad y la seguridad de los datos (62%), las limitaciones presupuestarias (57%) y la complejidad de la integración (56%) son los principales desafíos. La comunidad de hackers en general (59%) y los insiders descuidados/no capacitados (58%) representan las principales amenazas de seguridad. Más del 33% de los encuestados utilizan IA para operaciones de ciberseguridad y observabilidad de TI, aunque 4 de cada 10 expresan preocupaciones significativas sobre los riesgos de la adopción de IA.
El informe también destaca un cambio en las preferencias de infraestructura, con la nube gubernamental liderando ahora con un 70% de adopción, mientras que el uso tradicional en las instalaciones ha disminuido al 58% desde el 91% en 2023. Se espera que los entornos híbridos sigan siendo dominantes, con un 48% que anticipa esto como el estándar futuro.
SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI)는 연방, 주, 지방 및 교육 부문에서 200명의 미국 IT 의사 결정자를 대상으로 한 설문 조사를 바탕으로 '차세대 정부 IT: AI 및 관찰 가능성 통찰력 보고서'를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 디지털 혁신이 여전히 진행 중임을 보여주며, 오직 6%의 조직만이 여정을 완료했으며, 41%는 잘 진행되고 있는 노력을 보고하고, 42%는 초기 구현 단계에 있습니다.
주요 결과는 데이터 프라이버시 및 보안 문제 (62%), 예산 제약 (57%), 통합 복잡성 (56%)이 주요 도전 과제임을 보여줍니다. 일반 해킹 커뮤니티 (59%)와 부주의한/교육받지 않은 내부자 (58%)가 주요 보안 위협을 나타냅니다. 응답자의 33% 이상이 사이버 보안 작업 및 IT 관찰 가능성을 위해 AI를 사용하고 있지만, 10명 중 4명은 AI 채택 위험에 대해 상당한 우려를 표명하고 있습니다.
보고서는 또한 인프라 선호도의 변화를 강조하며, 정부 클라우드가 현재 70%의 채택률로 선두를 차지하고 있으며, 전통적인 온프레미스 사용은 2023년 91%에서 58%로 감소했습니다. 하이브리드 환경은 지배력을 유지할 것으로 예상되며, 48%는 이를 미래 표준으로 예상하고 있습니다.
SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI) a publié son rapport 'Next-Gen Government IT: AI and Observability Insights', basé sur une enquête auprès de 200 décideurs IT aux États-Unis dans les secteurs fédéral, étatique, local et éducatif. L'étude révèle que la transformation numérique est toujours en cours, avec seulement 6% des organisations ayant terminé leur parcours, tandis que 41% rapportent des efforts bien avancés et 42% sont dans les premières étapes de mise en œuvre.
Les principales conclusions montrent que les préoccupations concernant la confidentialité et la sécurité des données (62%), les contraintes budgétaires (57%) et la complexité d'intégration (56%) sont les principaux défis. La communauté de hackers générale (59%) et les insiders négligents/non formés (58%) représentent les principales menaces à la sécurité. Plus de 33% des répondants utilisent l'IA pour les opérations de cybersécurité et l'observabilité IT, bien que 4 sur 10 expriment des inquiétudes significatives concernant les risques liés à l'adoption de l'IA.
Le rapport met également en lumière un changement dans les préférences d'infrastructure, avec le cloud gouvernemental désormais en tête avec 70% d'adoption, tandis que l'utilisation traditionnelle sur site a chuté à 58% contre 91% en 2023. On s'attend à ce que les environnements hybrides restent dominants, 48% anticipant cela comme la norme future.
SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI) hat seinen Bericht 'Next-Gen Government IT: AI and Observability Insights' veröffentlicht, der auf einer Umfrage unter 200 IT-Entscheidungsträgern in den USA aus den Bereichen Bund, Staat, Kommune und Bildung basiert. Die Studie zeigt, dass die digitale Transformation noch im Gange ist, wobei nur 6% der Organisationen ihren Weg abgeschlossen haben, während 41% von gut fortgeschrittenen Bemühungen berichten und 42% sich in den frühen Implementierungsphasen befinden.
Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsbedenken (62%), Budgetbeschränkungen (57%) und Integrationskomplexität (56%) die größten Herausforderungen darstellen. Die allgemeine Hacker-Community (59%) und nachlässige/untrainierte Insider (58%) stellen die größten Sicherheitsbedrohungen dar. Über 33% der Befragten nutzen KI für Cybersecurity-Operationen und IT-Observability, obwohl 4 von 10 erhebliche Bedenken hinsichtlich der Risiken der KI-Adoption äußern.
Der Bericht hebt auch einen Wandel in den Infrastrukturpräferenzen hervor, wobei die staatliche Cloud jetzt mit einer Akzeptanz von 70% anführt, während die traditionelle On-Premises-Nutzung von 91% im Jahr 2023 auf 58% gesunken ist. Hybride Umgebungen werden voraussichtlich dominant bleiben, wobei 48% dies als zukünftigen Standard erwarten.
- 33% of respondents already leveraging AI for cybersecurity operations
- 70% adoption of government cloud infrastructure showing digital progression
- 48% anticipating hybrid environments as future standard indicating clear strategic direction
- Only 6% of organizations have completed digital transformation
- 62% facing data privacy and security concerns
- 57% constrained by budget limitations
- 73% struggling with complexity of managing hybrid environments
- Decline in confidence managing IT environments compared to previous year
Digital transformation is a work in progress for most organizations, with privacy, security concerns, and the complexity of integrating new systems remaining key barriers
For most organizations, digital transformation is a work in progress, with the complexity of integrating new systems and privacy and security concerns remaining key barriers. Few respondents (
“As the public sector navigates the rapidly evolving technology landscape, more organizations will continue to redirect operations and workloads to the cloud and adopt hybrid IT solutions,” said Travis Galloway, Senior Advisor, Government Affairs at SolarWinds. “This adds another layer of complexity to data security and compliance across operations, along with the added pressures of budget constraints. To be a valuable partner in this dynamic process, SolarWinds has actively focused on identifying trends, challenges, and solutions to help government entities build operationally resilient environments, helping keep our nation safe from threats.”
The most pressing security challenges today include vulnerabilities in monitoring systems and the critical need to safeguard sensitive information from cyber threats. Participants ranked the general hacking community (
AI adoption is also gaining momentum, with benefits like predictive analytics and issue detection, but concerns still linger. Over
Additional insights into the obstacles faced by public sector organizations include:
Digital Transformation Journey
Data privacy and security concerns (
62% ), budget constraints (57% ), and the complexity of integration (56% ) are the top challenges in respondents’ digital transformation journey.- Notably, education-sector respondents are more likely to cite the complexity of integration as a challenge.
- Improving the observability of systems and processes and advancing digital transformation are high or very high priorities for over half of the respondents. In contrast, integrating AI into operations is regarded as a lower priority.
Data privacy and security concerns (
Threat Trends and Assessments
Budget constraints (
28% ) top this year’s list of significant obstacles to maintaining or improving IT security. Closely following is the complexity of the internal environment (20% ). - The primary sources of security threats for the SLED audience have remained relatively consistent since 2019. However, in 2024, the education audience saw a shift, with the general hacking community surpassing careless/untrained insiders as the leading source of threats.
Budget constraints (
Current and Future Environments
In 2024, government (private) cloud has taken the lead as the most prevalent environment (
70% ), driven by a decline in traditional on-premises data center usage (58% ), which was the most common in 2023 (91% ). Consistent with last year, respondents continue to anticipate that hybrid environments will be the most common in the future (48% ). - Over half of respondents report their IT environment is extremely or very complex to manage, though this has decreased compared to last year. Additionally, less than half feel extremely or very confident in their ability to manage it effectively.
In 2024, government (private) cloud has taken the lead as the most prevalent environment (
Hybrid IT Infrastructure Challenges
The complexity of managing hybrid environments is the top challenge (
73% ), especially for federal respondents. Security issues (67% ), issues with legacy system integration (55% ), and cost concerns (51% ) are also challenges for the majority of participants. -
When considering both overall rankings and being ranked as the top priority, data protection and privacy concerns, along with safeguarding sensitive information from cyber threats, emerge as the leading security challenges in a hybrid IT infrastructure at
51% . -
63% of respondents face challenges with monitoring across multiple environments, hindering their ability to gain visibility into their organization’s hybrid IT infrastructure.
The complexity of managing hybrid environments is the top challenge (
For the full
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SolarWinds (NYSE:SWI) is a leading provider of simple, powerful, secure observability and IT management software built to enable customers to accelerate their digital transformation. Our solutions provide organizations worldwide—regardless of type, size, or complexity—with a comprehensive and unified view of today’s modern, distributed, and hybrid network environments. We continuously engage with IT service and operations professionals, DevOps and SecOps professionals, and database administrators (DBAs) to understand the challenges they face in maintaining high-performing and highly available hybrid IT infrastructures, applications, and environments. The insights we gain from them, in places like our THWACK community, allow us to address customers’ needs now and in the future. Our focus on the user and our commitment to excellence in end-to-end hybrid IT management have established SolarWinds as a worldwide leader in solutions for observability, IT service management, application performance, and database management. Learn more today at
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Source: SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC.
What are the main security threats identified in SolarWinds' (SWI) 2024 Government IT report?
How many organizations have completed their digital transformation according to SWI's 2024 report?
What percentage of organizations are using AI for cybersecurity in SWI's 2024 report?
How has government cloud adoption changed in SWI's 2024 report compared to 2023?