The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation Welcomes Applications for KidsGardening’s 2025 GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation has opened applications for its GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants program in partnership with KidsGardening for 2025. The initiative aims to connect children with gardens and outdoor activities. Organizations serving at least 15 youth can apply for funding to create new gardens or enhance existing greenspaces, including edible, community, pollinator, and urban farms.
The grant program will support 170 programs in 2025. Eligible applicants must be located in the United States or U.S. Territories and provide proof of 501(c)(3) status or tax-exempt qualification. Applications are open until January 31, 2025, with winners to be announced on March 17, 2025.
La Fondazione Scotts Miracle-Gro ha aperto le candidature per il suo programma di GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants in collaborazione con KidsGardening per il 2025. L'iniziativa mira a connettere i bambini con i giardini e le attività all'aperto. Le organizzazioni che servono almeno 15 giovani possono fare domanda di finanziamento per creare nuovi giardini o migliorare gli spazi verdi esistenti, inclusi giardini commestibili, comunitari, per impollinatori e fattorie urbane.
Il programma di sovvenzioni supporterà 170 programmi nel 2025. I candidati idonei devono trovarsi negli Stati Uniti o nei territori statunitensi e fornire prova di stato 501(c)(3) o qualifica di esenzione fiscale. Le domande sono aperte fino al 31 gennaio 2025, con i vincitori che saranno annunciati il 17 marzo 2025.
La Fundación Scotts Miracle-Gro ha abierto las solicitudes para su programa de GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants en asociación con KidsGardening para 2025. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo conectar a los niños con jardines y actividades al aire libre. Las organizaciones que atiendan a al menos 15 jóvenes pueden solicitar financiación para crear nuevos jardines o mejorar los espacios verdes existentes, incluidos jardines comestibles, comunitarios, para polinizadores y granjas urbanas.
El programa de subvenciones apoyará a 170 programas en 2025. Los solicitantes elegibles deben estar ubicados en los Estados Unidos o en territorios estadounidenses y proporcionar prueba de estatus 501(c)(3) o calificación de exención de impuestos. Las solicitudes están abiertas hasta el 31 de enero de 2025, y los ganadores se anunciarán el 17 de marzo de 2025.
스코츠 미라클-그로 재단은 2025년을 위해 GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants 프로그램의 신청을 KidsGardening과 함께 시작했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 아이들과 정원 및 야외 활동을 연결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 최소 15명의 청소년에게 서비스를 제공하는 조직은 새로운 정원을 만들거나 기존의 녹지 공간을 개선하기 위해 자금을 신청할 수 있습니다. 여기에는 식용 정원, 커뮤니티 정원, 꽃가루 매개자 정원, 도시 농장이 포함됩니다.
이 보조금 프로그램은 2025년에 170개의 프로그램을 지원할 것입니다. 자격이 있는 신청자는 미국 또는 미국 영토에 위치해야 하며, 501(c)(3) 상태 또는 세금 면제 자격을 증명해야 합니다. 신청은 2025년 1월 31일까지 열리며, 수상자는 2025년 3월 17일에 발표됩니다.
La Fondation Scotts Miracle-Gro a ouvert les candidatures pour son programme de GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants en partenariat avec KidsGardening pour 2025. L'initiative vise à connecter les enfants avec des jardins et des activités en plein air. Les organisations qui s'occupent d'au moins 15 jeunes peuvent postuler pour un financement afin de créer de nouveaux jardins ou d'améliorer les espaces verts existants, y compris des jardins comestibles, communautaires, pollinisateurs et urbains.
Le programme de subventions soutiendra 170 programmes en 2025. Les candidats éligibles doivent être situés aux États-Unis ou dans les territoires américains et fournir une preuve de statut 501(c)(3) ou de qualification d'exonération fiscale. Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu'au 31 janvier 2025, et les gagnants seront annoncés le 17 mars 2025.
Die Scotts Miracle-Gro Stiftung hat die Anträge für ihr Programm GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants in Partnerschaft mit KidsGardening für 2025 eröffnet. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, Kinder mit Gärten und Aktivitäten im Freien zu verbinden. Organisationen, die mindestens 15 Jugendliche betreuen, können Fördermittel beantragen, um neue Gärten zu schaffen oder bestehende Grünflächen zu verbessern, einschließlich essbarer, gemeinschaftlicher, bestäuberfreundlicher und urbaner Farmen.
Das Förderprogramm wird 170 Programme im Jahr 2025 unterstützen. Anspruchsberechtigte Antragsteller müssen sich in den Vereinigten Staaten oder US-Territorien befinden und einen Nachweis über den Status 501(c)(3) oder die Steuerbefreiung vorlegen. Anträge sind bis zum 31. Januar 2025 geöffnet, die Gewinner werden am 17. März 2025 bekannt gegeben.
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MARYSVILLE, Ohio, Jan. 16, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To connect more children to gardens and outdoor play, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation opened its GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants with national nonprofit KidsGardening. The grant application is open to a variety of organizations, serving at least 15 youth, that are planning to use the funds to install new or improve existing youth gardens or greenspaces.
"Gardening offers kids more than just the chance to get their hands dirty—it’s an opportunity to connect with nature, build a sense of community, and develop self-confidence, all while experiencing the joy of watching something grow," said Em Shipman, executive director of KidsGardening.
From edible and community gardens to pollinator and urban farms, the grant will benefit several types of gardens. Grant funding will support the creation of new gardens as well as the expansion of existing ones. The application is available now at:
“We’ve seen firsthand how gardens can impact children in profoundly different ways,” said Brian Herrington, president of The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation. “Whether it’s touching the dirt, learning about pollinators or growing fresh food, there are so many benefits kids receive from gardens. The reason we do this is to bring more youth those opportunities to interact with gardens and outdoor spaces.”
In 2025, 170 programs will receive funding to start or expand their youth garden or greenspace. Applicants must be in the United States or U.S. Territories, and applicants must provide proof of 501(c)(3) status or qualify as tax-exempt. Applications are due January 31, 2025. Winners will be announced on March 17, 2025.
About The Scotts Miracle-Gro FoundationThe mission of The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation is to inspire, connect and cultivate a community of purpose. The Foundation is deeply rooted in helping create healthier communities, empower the next generation, and preserve our planet. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that funds non-profit entities that support its core initiatives in the form of grants, endowments and multi-year capital gifts. For more information, visit
About KidsGardeningKidsGardening is a national nonprofit organization creating opportunities for kids to play, learn, and grow through gardening. They provide grants and original educational materials to more than 2.7 million kids across the country. For more information and to support their work, visit

How many organizations will receive GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants from SMG Foundation in 2025?
What is the application deadline for SMG Foundation's 2025 GroMoreGood Grassroots Grants?
What types of gardens are eligible for SMG Foundation's 2025 GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant?