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Silver One Resources Inc. (SLVRF) has initiated a property-wide airborne geophysical survey at its Phoenix Silver Project near Globe, Arizona. The survey aims to identify areas of alteration potentially associated with buried porphyry-related mineralized systems. The project is located at the northeast end of a 50+ kilometer belt hosting multiple porphyry copper mines and prospects.

The survey covers 100 km2 using a Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic system (ZTEM), conducted by Geotech This method has been successful in delineating alteration halos associated with porphyry copper deposits globally. The survey is expected to outline structures and areas of hydrothermal alteration potentially related to mineralization.

Scheduled for completion in October 2024, the survey data will be integrated with existing geological, geochemical, and geophysical data to identify new silver and copper targets. Silver One's CEO, Greg Crowe, emphasized that while silver targets remain the focus, the copper potential is compelling, prompting the ZTEM survey to assess porphyry copper potential in the property.

Silver One Resources Inc. (SLVRF) ha avviato un'indagine geofisica aerea su tutta la proprietà presso il suo Phoenix Silver Project vicino a Globe, in Arizona. L'indagine mira a identificare aree di alterazione potenzialmente associate a sistemi mineralizzati di tipo porfirico sepolti. Il progetto si trova all'estremità nord-est di una cintura di oltre 50 chilometri che ospita numerose miniere di rame porfirico e prospettive.

L'indagine copre 100 km² utilizzando un Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic system (ZTEM), condotto da Geotech. Questo metodo ha avuto successo nel delineare aloni di alterazione associati a depositi di rame porfirico a livello globale. Si prevede che l'indagine delinei strutture e aree di alterazione idrotermale potenzialmente legate alla mineralizzazione.

Programmata per essere completata nell'ottobre 2024, i dati dell'indagine saranno integrati con dati geologici, geochimici e geofisici esistenti per identificare nuovi obiettivi di argento e rame. Il CEO di Silver One, Greg Crowe, ha sottolineato che, sebbene gli obiettivi di argento rimangano al centro dell'attenzione, il potenziale di rame è notevole, spingendo l'indagine ZTEM a valutare il potenziale di rame porfirico nella proprietà.

Silver One Resources Inc. (SLVRF) ha iniciado una encuesta geofísica aérea en toda la propiedad de su Phoenix Silver Project cerca de Globe, Arizona. La encuesta tiene como objetivo identificar áreas de alteración potencialmente asociadas con sistemas mineralizados relacionados con pórfidos enterrados. El proyecto se ubica en el extremo noreste de una cinturón de más de 50 kilómetros que alberga múltiples minas y prospectos de cobre pórfido.

La encuesta cubre 100 km² utilizando un Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic system (ZTEM), realizado por Geotech. Este método ha tenido éxito en la delimitación de halos de alteración asociados con depósitos de cobre pórfido a nivel global. Se espera que la encuesta trace estructuras y áreas de alteración hidrotermal potencialmente relacionadas con mineralización.

Programada para concluir en octubre de 2024, los datos de la encuesta se integrarán con datos geológicos, geoquímicos y geofísicos existentes para identificar nuevos objetivos de plata y cobre. El CEO de Silver One, Greg Crowe, enfatizó que si bien los objetivos de plata siguen siendo el enfoque, el potencial de cobre es convincente, lo que llevó a la encuesta ZTEM a evaluar el potencial de cobre pórfido en la propiedad.

Silver One Resources Inc. (SLVRF)는 애리조나 주 글로브 근처에 있는 Phoenix Silver Project에서 전반적인 항공 지구물리학 조사를 시작했습니다. 이 조사는 매장된 쇠망치 관련 광물화 시스템과 연관될 수 있는 변형 지역을 식별하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 50킬로미터 이상의 벨트 끝 북동쪽에 위치하고 있으며, 여러 개의 구리 광맥과 광 prospect가 있습니다.

조사는 Geotech이 진행하는 Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic system (ZTEM)을 사용하여 100km² 범위를 커버합니다. 이 방법은 전 세계적으로 구리 포르피리 매장과 관련된 변형 반경을 정의하는 데 성공적이었습니다. 이 조사는 광물화와 관련될 수 있는 수열 변형 구조와 지역을 개요할 것으로 예상됩니다.

2024년 10월 완료 예정인 이 조사의 데이터는 기존의 지질학적, 화학적, 지구물리학적 데이터와 통합되어 새로운 은과 구리 목표를 식별할 것입니다. Silver One의 CEO인 Greg Crowe는 은 목표가 집중되는 것은 사실이나 구리 잠재성도 매력적이라고 강조하며, ZTEM 조사가 부동산 내의 구리 포르피리 가능성을 평가하도록 촉구했습니다.

Silver One Resources Inc. (SLVRF) a lancé une enquête géophysique aérienne sur l'ensemble de la propriété de son Phoenix Silver Project près de Globe, en Arizona. L'enquête vise à identifier des zones d'altération potentiellement associées à des systèmes minéralisés liés à des porphyres enterrés. Le projet est situé à l'extrémité nord-est d'une ceinture de plus de 50 kilomètres abritant plusieurs mines et perspectives de cuivre porphyrique.

L'enquête couvre 100 km² à l'aide d'un Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic system (ZTEM), réalisé par Geotech. Cette méthode a été couronnée de succès pour délimiter des halos d'altération associés à des dépôts de cuivre porphyrique à l'échelle mondiale. L'enquête devrait esquisser des structures et des zones d'altération hydrothermale potentiellement liées à la minéralisation.

Prévue pour être achevée en octobre 2024, les données de l'enquête seront intégrées aux données géologiques, géochimiques et géophysiques existantes afin d'identifier de nouveaux objectifs d'argent et de cuivre. Le PDG de Silver One, Greg Crowe, a souligné que bien que les objectifs en argent restent la priorité, le potentiel en cuivre est convaincant, incitant l'enquête ZTEM à évaluer le potentiel de cuivre porphyrique sur la propriété.

Silver One Resources Inc. (SLVRF) hat eine flächendeckende luftgestützte geophysikalische Untersuchung bei ihrem Phoenix Silver Project nahe Globe, Arizona, gestartet. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, Bereiche der Veränderung zu identifizieren, die potenziell mit verborgenen porphyrbezogenen Mineralisierungssystemen verbunden sind. Das Projekt befindet sich am nordöstlichen Ende eines mehr als 50 Kilometer langen Gürtels, der mehrere Kupfer-Porphyr-Minen und -Aussichten beherbergt.

Die Untersuchung erstreckt sich über 100 km² und verwendet ein Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic system (ZTEM), das von Geotech durchgeführt wird. Diese Methode war weltweit erfolgreich bei der Abgrenzung von Veränderungshalos, die mit Kupfer-Porphyr-Depositen verbunden sind. Es wird erwartet, dass die Untersuchung Strukturen und Bereiche hydrothermaler Veränderungen skizziert, die potenziell mit Mineralisierungen verbunden sind.

Die Fertigstellung ist für Oktober 2024 geplant. Die Daten der Untersuchung werden mit bestehenden geologischen, geochemischen und geophysikalischen Daten kombiniert, um neue Silber- und Kupferziele zu identifizieren. Der CEO von Silver One, Greg Crowe, betonte, dass zwar die Silberziele im Fokus stehen, das Kupferpotenzial jedoch überzeugend ist, was die ZTEM-Untersuchung dazu veranlasst hat, das Kupfer-Porphyr-Potenzial auf dem Grundstück zu bewerten.

  • None.
  • None.

VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Silver One Resources Inc. (TSXV: SVE) (OTCQX: SLVRF) (FSE: BRK1) ("Silver One" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has commenced a property-wide airborne geophysical survey at its high-grade Phoenix Silver Project located near Globe, Arizona.

The goal of this survey is to potentially outline areas of alteration that may be associated with buried porphyry related mineralized systems.  The property lies at the northeast end of a 50+ kilometer belt that is host to multiple porphyry copper mines and prospects.  These include the nearby Miami-Inspiration producing complex operated by Freeport McMoRan and the newly discovered Ocelot project being explored by BHP.  Both occur along strike from our Phoenix Silver property, where multiple select grab samples have returned high copper and silver values (see Figures 1 and 2 and News Release of June 6, 2024).

The geophysical program will cover an area of 100 km2 and consists of a helicopter borne Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic system (ZTEM) survey that will be conducted by Geotech Ltd.  This type of electromagnetic survey has been particularly successful in delineating alteration halos associated with porphyry copper deposits around the world.  At the Phoenix Silver project, the survey is expected to be useful in outlining structures as well as areas of hydrothermal alteration potentially related to mineralization.

The survey will be completed in October 2024, with data processing and interpretation to follow.  Once this data is integrated with existing geological, geochemical, and geophysical data, it is hoped that new silver and copper targets will be identified.

Greg Crowe, Silver One's President, CEO and Director, commented, "The silver targets on the property continue being the focus of our exploration and, to that end, the company commenced drilling the first week of October (see News Release of Oct. 2, 2024).  The potential for copper, however, is also compelling and as such we have commenced an airborne ZTEM survey to assess the porphyry copper potential in the property.  This type of mineralization is similar to the along strike and nearby Miami copper complex being operated by Freeport McMoRan and the recently discovered Ocelot porphyry system being explored by BHP.  The Ocelot hosts multiple intercepts of 250+ meters averaging 0.6-0.7% copper and lies beneath the historic Dominion mine that produced base metals, silver, and gold from near surface veins.  Both the Miami and Ocelot are along strike and are part of a 50+ km long porphyry belt that projects northeastwards beneath the Phoenix Silver project."

Qualified Person

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Robert M. Cann, P. Geo, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and an independent consultant to the Company.


Figure 1: Phoenix Silver location map showing copper belts of the Miami-Globe porphyry copper district. Major mines and deposits include the Miami-Inspiration mining complex and BHP's porphyry copper discovery area.  Blue contours are regional magnetic (MVI – contour interval 0.0002 SI) anomalies which are spatially coincident with the mineral belts of the Miami-Globe copper district.

Figure 1: Phoenix Silver location map showing copper belts of the Miami-Globe porphyry copper district. Major mines and deposits include the Miami-Inspiration mining complex and BHP’s porphyry copper discovery area.  Blue contours are regional magnetic (MVI – contour interval 0.0002 SI) anomalies which are spatially coincident with the mineral belts of the Miami-Globe copper district.

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Figure 2 – Map of the Phoenix Silver property, showing main veins and targets. Target#1 (or 417 Target Area) encompasses the 417 lb silver fragment and multiple veins currently undergoing drilling. Targets south of the 417 area, include polymetallic veins as well as alteration zones potentially associated with porphyry-style mineralization.

Figure 2 – Map of the Phoenix Silver property, showing main veins and targets. Target#1 (or 417 Target Area) encompasses the 417 lb silver fragment and multiple veins currently undergoing drilling. Targets south of the 417 area, include polymetallic veins as well as alteration zones potentially associated with porphyry-style mineralization.

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About Silver One

Silver One is focused on the exploration and development of quality silver projects.  The Company holds a 100% interest in its flagship project, the past-producing Candelaria Mine located in Nevada.  Potential reprocessing of silver from the historic leach pads at Candelaria provides an opportunity for possible near-term production.  Additional opportunities lie in previously identified high-grade silver intercepts down-dip and potentially increasing the substantive silver mineralization along-strike from the two past-producing open pits.

The Company owns 636 lode claims and five patented claims on its Cherokee project located in Lincoln County, Nevada, host to multiple silver-copper-gold vein systems, traced to date for over 11 km along-strike.

Silver One also owns a 100% interest in the Silver Phoenix Project. The Silver Phoenix Project is a very high-grade native silver prospect that lies within the "Arizona Silver Belt," immediately adjacent to the prolific copper producing area of Globe, Arizona.

For more information, please contact:

Silver One Resources Inc.
Gary Lindsey - VP, Investor Relations
Phone: 604-974–5274
Mobile : (720) 273-6224
Email :

Forward-Looking Statements

Information set forth in this news release contains forward-looking statements that are based on assumptions as of the date of this news release. These statements reflect management's current estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations. They are not guarantees of future performance. Silver One cautions that all forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and that actual performance may be affected by a number of material factors, many of which are beyond Silver One's control. Such factors include, among other things: risks and uncertainties relating to Silver One's limited operating history, ability to obtain sufficient financing to carry out its exploration and development objectives on the Candelaria Project, obtaining the necessary permits to carry out its activities and the need to comply with environmental and governmental regulations. Accordingly, actual and future events, conditions and results may differ materially from the estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking information. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, Silver One undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information.


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(PRNewsfoto/Silver One Resources Inc.)

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SOURCE Silver One Resources Inc.


What is the purpose of the ZTEM geophysical survey at Silver One's Phoenix Silver Project?

The ZTEM geophysical survey at Silver One's (SLVRF) Phoenix Silver Project aims to outline areas of alteration potentially associated with buried porphyry-related mineralized systems. It's expected to identify structures and areas of hydrothermal alteration that may be related to mineralization.

When will the ZTEM survey at Silver One's Phoenix Silver Project be completed?

The ZTEM survey at Silver One's (SLVRF) Phoenix Silver Project is scheduled to be completed in October 2024, with data processing and interpretation to follow.

What area does the ZTEM survey cover at Silver One's Phoenix Silver Project?

The ZTEM geophysical survey at Silver One's (SLVRF) Phoenix Silver Project covers an area of 100 km2 near Globe, Arizona.

What is Silver One (SLVRF) exploring for at the Phoenix Silver Project besides silver?

In addition to silver, Silver One (SLVRF) is exploring for copper potential at the Phoenix Silver Project. The ZTEM survey is being conducted to assess the porphyry copper potential in the property.



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