Silver One Resources (SLVRF) has announced results from its 2024 diamond drill program at the Phoenix Silver Property's 417 area in Arizona. The program, consisting of 30 core holes totaling 1,955 meters, traced vein structures over 250 meters east-west. The best intercept yielded 3,800 g/t silver with 0.97% copper over 0.35m within a quartz breccia near the 417 vein fragment area.
The company identified five silver targets outside the 417 area and two porphyry copper-silver targets through geological mapping, sampling, and a recent ZTEM airborne electromagnetic survey. A notable silver target, the Nuggets-North Target, features a 1.5 km train of 40 silver fragments weighing up to 9 kg.
Future plans include conducting a close-spaced gravity survey over the 417 area, mapping and sampling at the Nuggets-North area, and induced polarization over the porphyry targets to prepare for future drilling campaigns.
Silver One Resources (SLVRF) ha annunciato i risultati del suo programma di perforazione a diamante 2024 nell'area 417 della Phoenix Silver Property in Arizona. Il programma, composto da 30 fori di sondaggio per un totale di 1.955 metri, ha tracciato le strutture vein su oltre 250 metri in direzione est-ovest. Il miglior intercettamento ha fornito 3.800 g/t di argento con 0,97% di rame su 0,35m all'interno di una breccia di quarzo vicino all'area del frammento della vena 417.
L'azienda ha identificato cinque obiettivi argentiferi al di fuori dell'area 417 e due obiettivi di rame-argento porfirico attraverso mappature geologiche, campionamenti e un recente sondaggio elettromagnetico aereo ZTEM. Un obiettivo argentifero notevole, il Nuggets-North Target, presenta un treno di 1,5 km di 40 frammenti d'argento che pesano fino a 9 kg.
I piani futuri includono la conduzione di un'indagine gravitazionale a distanza ravvicinata sull'area 417, mappatura e campionamento nell'area Nuggets-North e polarizzazione indotta sugli obiettivi porfirici per prepararsi a future campagne di perforazione.
Silver One Resources (SLVRF) ha anunciado los resultados de su programa de perforación de diamante 2024 en el área 417 de la Phoenix Silver Property en Arizona. El programa, que consta de 30 perforaciones de núcleo que suman 1,955 metros, trazó estructuras de veta a lo largo de más de 250 metros de este a oeste. La mejor intersección arrojó 3,800 g/t de plata con 0.97% de cobre sobre 0.35m dentro de una brecha de cuarzo cerca del área del fragmento de la veta 417.
La empresa identificó cinco objetivos de plata fuera del área 417 y dos objetivos de cobre-plata porfirita a través de mapeo geológico, muestreo y una reciente encuesta electromagnética aérea ZTEM. Un objetivo de plata notable, el Nuggets-North Target, presenta un tren de 1.5 km de 40 fragmentos de plata que pesan hasta 9 kg.
Los planes futuros incluyen realizar una encuesta de gravedad de alta densidad sobre el área 417, mapeo y muestreo en el área Nuggets-North, y polarización inducida sobre los objetivos porfiríticos para prepararse para futuras campañas de perforación.
실버 원 리소스(SLVRF)는 애리조나의 피닉스 실버 자산 417 지역에서 2024년 다이아몬드 시추 프로그램의 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 프로그램은 총 1,955미터에 달하는 30개의 코어 홀로 구성되어 있으며, 동서 방향으로 250미터 이상에 걸쳐 광맥 구조를 추적했습니다. 가장 좋은 시추 결과는 0.35m에서 3,800 g/t의 은과 0.97%의 구리를 포함한 석영 브레치아 내에서 나왔습니다.
회사는 지질 조사, 샘플링 및 최근 ZTEM 공중 전자기 조사 등을 통해 417 지역 외부에 5개의 은 목표와 2개의 포르피리 구리-은 목표를 확인했습니다. 주목할 만한 은 목표인 너겟스-노스 타겟은 최대 9kg의 40개의 은 조각으로 이루어진 1.5km 길이의 연속체를 특징으로 합니다.
미래 계획에는 417 지역에 대한 밀접 중력 조사 수행, 너겟스-노스 지역에서의 지도 작성 및 샘플링, 포르피리 목표에 대한 유도 분극 조사가 포함되어 있으며, 이는 향후 시추 캠페인을 준비하기 위한 것입니다.
Silver One Resources (SLVRF) a annoncé les résultats de son programme de forage diamant 2024 dans la zone 417 de la Phoenix Silver Property en Arizona. Le programme, composé de 30 forages de carottage totalisant 1 955 mètres, a tracé les structures de veine sur plus de 250 mètres d'est en ouest. La meilleure interception a donné 3 800 g/t d'argent avec 0,97 % de cuivre sur 0,35 m au sein d'une brèche de quartz près de la zone du fragment de la veine 417.
L'entreprise a identifié cinq cibles d'argent en dehors de la zone 417 et deux cibles de cuivre-argent porphyrique grâce à une cartographie géologique, un échantillonnage et une récente enquête électromagnétique aérienne ZTEM. Une cible d'argent notable, la cible Nuggets-North, présente un train de 1,5 km de 40 fragments d'argent pesant jusqu'à 9 kg.
Les plans futurs incluent la réalisation d'une enquête gravimétrique à proximité de la zone 417, la cartographie et l'échantillonnage dans la zone Nuggets-North, ainsi qu'une polarisation induite sur les cibles porphyriques pour se préparer aux futures campagnes de forage.
Silver One Resources (SLVRF) hat die Ergebnisse seines Diamantbohrprogramms 2024 im Bereich 417 der Phoenix Silver Property in Arizona bekannt gegeben. Das Programm besteht aus 30 Kernbohrungen mit einer Gesamtlänge von 1.955 Metern und hat die Gangstrukturen über 250 Meter in Ost-West-Richtung verfolgt. Der beste Schnitt ergab 3.800 g/t Silber mit 0,97% Kupfer über 0,35m innerhalb einer Quarzbrekzie in der Nähe des Fragmentbereichs der 417er Ader.
Das Unternehmen identifizierte fünf Silberziele außerhalb des Bereichs 417 und zwei porphyrische Kupfer-Silber-Ziele durch geologische Kartierung, Probenahme und eine kürzlich durchgeführte ZTEM-Luftmessung. Ein bemerkenswertes Silberziel, das Nuggets-North-Ziel, weist einen 1,5 km langen Zug von 40 Silberfragmenten auf, die bis zu 9 kg wiegen.
Zukünftige Pläne umfassen die Durchführung einer engmaschigen Schwereuntersuchung im Bereich 417, Kartierung und Probenahme im Bereich Nuggets-North sowie induzierte Polarisation über den porphyrischen Zielen, um sich auf zukünftige Bohrkampagnen vorzubereiten.
- Best drill intercept showed high-grade results of 3,800 g/t silver with 0.97% copper
- Successfully traced silver-copper bearing structure along 250 meters strike length
- Identified five new silver targets and two porphyry copper-silver targets
- Property located within 5km of major mining operations including Freeport McMoRan's Miami-Inspiration complex
- Most drill holes showed only elevated (not high-grade) silver and base metals values
- Did not encounter very high-grade intercepts similar to surface vein fragments
- Three holes (1, 10, and 22) either missed the vein, were barren, or failed to recover core
The program consisted of 30 core holes from 6 drill pads, totalling 1,955 meters which traced the vein- structures for over 250 m east-west. The drill holes were drilled in HQ size core (63.5mm diameter) with an average depth of 64 m. The best intercept returned 3,800 g/t silver with
Several other silver and copper exploration targets have been outlined through geological mapping, sampling and the recent ZTEM airborne electromagnetic survey completed by the Company in late 2024 (see Company news release of February 20, 2025). Five silver targets outside the 417 area were identified and two porphyry copper-silver targets were prioritized for additional exploration. The silver target at higher elevations to the north of 417 is of particular importance, as it is characterized by a 1.5 km train comprised of 40 silver fragments weighing up to 9 kg (20 lb) (Nuggets-North Target - Figure 3). Further work on this silver anomaly is highly warranted.
Silver One will look at conducting a close spaced gravity survey over the 417 area to help define the locations of potential concentrations of silver. The gravity survey will examine strong density differences between the host rock (average density of 2.65 - 2.90 gm/cubic centimeter) and concentrations of silver (
Greg Crowe, Silver One's President, CEO and Director, commented, "The results of the 2024 drill program illustrate the continuity of the silver and base metal bearing structures along the 250+ meters of strike tested. The 2024 drill program did not encounter very high-grade intercepts similar to the large angular vein fragments in the 417 area, as these lens-like concentrations of high-grade material may be present between drill intercepts or down-dip of the area tested. These structures appear to continue westwards towards the Mexican Mine (see Figure 1), where high-grade silver has been historically documented (Arizona Republic, 23 April 1903 originally published in the
Also, the recently completed airborne ZTEM survey, along with select surface copper and silver rock samples, have identified two high priority copper-silver targets in the southern part of the property (see news release of February 20, 2025, and Figure 3). Phoenix Silver is within a prolific 50+ km long porphyry copper and silver producing belt. Freeport McMoRan's Miami-Inspiration mining complex and BHP's new Ocelot porphyry discovery are along strike and lie within 5 km of Phoenix Silver.
The Phoenix Silver property remains highly prospective for both silver vein and porphyry style mineralization. More detailed geophysical and mapping/sampling programs are being considered in preparation for future drilling."
Table 1. Selected anomalous assays from Phoenix Silver core drilling samples. Intervals reported are near true widths, except for holes 3, 5, 7, 24 (
HOLE ID | Sample Number | From (m) | To (m) | Interval (m) | Ag g/t | Cu ppm | Pb ppm | Zn ppm |
PS-24-02 | 200921 | 15.24 | 17.68 | 12 | 55 | 55 | 128 | 587 |
PS-24-02 | 200922 | 17.68 | 19.81 | 33 | 33 | 34 | 143 | 603 |
PS-24-03 | 200923 | 13.26 | 15.24 | 52 | 52 | 114 | 103 | 906 |
PS-24-03 | 200924 | 15.24 | 17.83 | 30 | 30 | 376 | 159 | 567 |
PS-24-03 | 200925 | 17.83 | 19.81 | 1.98 | 13 | 136 | 42 | 705 |
PS-24-03 | 200926 | 19.81 | 21.79 | 1.98 | 15 | 165 | 69 | 695 |
PS-24-03 | 200927 | 21.79 | 23.32 | 1.52 | 20 | 67 | 54 | 626 |
PS-24-03 | 200928 | 23.32 | 24.84 | 1.52 | 10 | 42 | 36 | 835 |
PS-24-03 | 200929 | 24.84 | 26.37 | 1.52 | 12 | 70 | 74 | 568 |
PS-24-04 | 200910 | 18.67 | 19.08 | 0.41 | 68 | 725 | 374 | 892 |
PS-24-04 | 200911 | 19.08 | 19.43 | 0.35 | 3,816 | 9,725 | 3,628 | 922 |
PS-24-04 | 200912 | 19.43 | 21.11 | 1.68 | 79 | 567 | 213 | 1,086 |
PS-24-04 | 200913 | 21.11 | 23.13 | 2.03 | 90 | 221 | 41 | 1,209 |
PS-24-04 | 200914 | 23.13 | 25.09 | 1.95 | 85 | 113 | 26 | 812 |
PS-24-04 | 200915 | 25.09 | 27.89 | 2.80 | 63 | 34 | 28 | 737 |
PS-24-04 | 200916 | 27.89 | 29.57 | 1.68 | 34 | 5 | 26 | 821 |
PS-24-05 | 200931 | 23.47 | 25.60 | 2.13 | 11 | 24 | 74 | 652 |
PS-24-05 | 200932 | 25.60 | 27.74 | 2.13 | 35 | 258 | 86 | 1,003 |
PS-24-05 | 200933 | 43.89 | 46.33 | 2.44 | 24 | 406 | 52 | 784 |
PS-24-05 | 200934 | 46.33 | 48.54 | 2.21 | 28 | 328 | 61 | 972 |
PS-24-07 | 200936 | 12.80 | 15.24 | 2.44 | 12 | 45 | 61 | 578 |
PS-24-07 | 200937 | 15.24 | 17.37 | 2.13 | 21 | 146 | 65 | 626 |
PS-24-14 | 200947 | 45.42 | 47.55 | 2.13 | 33 | 346 | 62 | 791 |
PS-24-14 | 200948 | 54.25 | 56.39 | 2.13 | 15 | 160 | 27 | 497 |
PS-24-16 | 303 | 23.47 | 24.68 | 1.21 | 49 | 1,316 | 349 | 1,282 |
PS-24-20 | 335 | 35.36 | 39.93 | 4.57 | 16 | 47 | 61 | 502 |
PS-24-21 | 306 | 85.34 | 87.17 | 1.83 | 26 | 83 | 330 | 601 |
PS-24-21 | 307 | 87.17 | 89.00 | 1.83 | 30 | 100 | 232 | 721 |
PS-24-21 | 308 | 89.00 | 90.53 | 1.52 | 20 | 68 | 252 | 1,387 |
PS-24-21 | 309 | 90.53 | 93.04 | 2.51 | 10 | 40 | 231 | 1,151 |
PS-24-23 | 318 | 114.00 | 115.82 | 1.83 | 54 | 1,169 | 136 | 1,100 |
PS-24-24 | 319 | 41.15 | 43.89 | 2.74 | 31 | 120 | 139 | 722 |
PS-24-28 | 324 | 53.95 | 56.54 | 2.59 | 11 | 96 | 66 | 1,385 |
PS-24-28 | 326 | 81.99 | 83.82 | 1.83 | 14 | 15 | 241 | 828 |
PS-24-28 | 327 | 95.94 | 97.11 | 1.17 | 19 | 17 | 259 | 784 |
PS-24-30 | 331 | 36.26 | 37.62 | 1.36 | 3 | 30 | 2,747 | 468 |
Sampling, Analytical and QA/QC
Seventy-six rock samples from core drilling were collected by Company geologists. All core was drilled in HQ diameter and samples were saw-cut on site after being washed, logged, photographed and analyzed with a portable X-ray pXRF Delta Professional analyzer. One-half was used for wet-chemical analysis and the other half returned to its box for storage at a company facility in
Table 2. Drill hole coordinates (UTM NAD83-12S) and other ID data. Phoenix Silver Core-Drilling.
Hole | Easting UTM NAD83 | Northing UTM NAD83 | Elevation meters | Azimuth | Incl | Depth meters |
PS24-01 | 519179 | 3705806 | 1191 | 0.0 | -90.0 | 51.8 |
PS24-02 | 519181 | 3705801 | 1191 | 173.0 | -50.0 | 29.9 |
PS24-03 | 519181 | 3705801 | 1191 | 173.0 | -75.0 | 32.0 |
PS24-04 | 519181 | 3705806 | 1191 | 235.0 | -45.0 | 39.0 |
PS24-05 | 519181 | 3705805 | 1191 | 235.0 | -72.0 | 53.0 |
PS24-06 | 519182 | 3705797 | 1191 | 140.0 | -45.0 | 32.3 |
PS24-07 | 519182 | 3705797 | 1191 | 140.0 | -75.0 | 55.2 |
PS24-08 | 519233 | 3705827 | 1201 | 180.0 | -45.0 | 58.2 |
PS24-09 | 519233 | 3705827 | 1201 | 180.0 | -60.0 | 61.0 |
PS24-10 | 519233 | 3705832 | 1201 | 0.0 | -90.0 | 119.9 |
PS24-11 | 519233 | 3705836 | 1201 | 205.0 | -45.0 | 55.2 |
PS24-12 | 519233 | 3705836 | 1201 | 205.0 | -75.0 | 77.1 |
PS24-13 | 519233 | 3705831 | 1201 | 160.0 | -45.0 | 28.1 |
PS24-13A | 519233 | 3705831 | 1201 | 160.0 | -45.0 | 70.4 |
PS24-14 | 519233 | 3705832 | 1201 | 160.0 | -75.0 | 67.4 |
PS24-15 | 519233 | 3705832 | 1201 | 160.0 | -60.0 | 69.2 |
PS24-16 | 519273 | 3705822 | 1209 | 180.0 | -45.0 | 48.8 |
PS24-17 | 519273 | 3705822 | 1209 | 180.0 | -75.0 | 71.0 |
PS24-18 | 519274 | 3705822 | 1209 | 0.0 | -90.0 | 75.6 |
PS24-19 | 519273 | 3705823 | 1209 | 150.0 | -50.0 | 60.0 |
PS24-20 | 519130 | 3705770 | 1190 | 0.0 | -50.0 | 51.2 |
PS24-21 | 519130 | 3705767 | 1190 | 0.0 | -70.0 | 103.0 |
PS24-22 | 519130 | 3705767 | 1190 | 30.0 | -50.0 | 53.3 |
PS24-23 | 519130 | 3705767 | 1190 | 30.0 | -70.0 | 124.4 |
PS24-24 | 519130 | 3705767 | 1190 | 332.0 | -50.0 | 62.5 |
PS24-25 | 519059 | 3705776 | 1179 | 355.0 | -50.0 | 46.3 |
PS24-26 | 519059 | 3705776 | 1179 | 355.0 | -75.0 | 73.1 |
PS24-27 | 519059 | 3705776 | 1179 | 25.0 | -45.0 | 53.6 |
PS24-28 | 519274 | 3705823 | 1209 | 120.0 | -45.0 | 100.0 |
PS24-29 | 519274 | 3705823 | 1209 | 205.0 | -50.0 | 86.3 |
PS24-30 | 519113 | 3705733 | 1186 | 140.0 | -75.0 | 46.4 |
Qualified Person
The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Robert M. Cann, P. Geo, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and an independent consultant to the Company.
About Silver One
Silver One is focused on the exploration and development of quality silver projects. The Company holds
The Company owns 636 lode claims and five patented claims on its Cherokee project located in
Silver One also owns a
For more information, please contact:
Silver One Resources Inc.
Gary Lindsey - VP, Investor Relations
Phone: 604-974‐5274
Mobile : (720) 273-6224
Email :
Forward-Looking Statements
Information set forth in this news release contains forward-looking statements that are based on assumptions as of the date of this news release. These statements reflect management's current estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations. They are not guarantees of future performance. Silver One cautions that all forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and that actual performance may be affected by a number of material factors, many of which are beyond Silver One's control. Such factors include, among other things: risks and uncertainties relating to Silver One's limited operating history, ability to obtain sufficient financing to carry out its exploration and development objectives on the Candelaria Project, obtaining the necessary permits to carry out its activities and the need to comply with environmental and governmental regulations. Accordingly, actual and future events, conditions and results may differ materially from the estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking information. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, Silver One undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information.
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SOURCE Silver One Resources Inc.
What were the best drill results from SLVRF's Phoenix Silver Project in 2024?
How many drill holes did SLVRF complete at Phoenix Silver in 2024?
What new targets has SLVRF identified at the Phoenix Silver project?
What is SLVRF's next exploration plan for the Phoenix Silver project?