Safe and Green Development Corporation Secures Construction Loan for Model Home

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Safe and Green Development (NASDAQ: SGD) has secured financing terms for the vertical construction of a model home in South Texas. This development marks a significant step for the company, showcasing its design and construction capabilities to potential buyers and partners. The model home will serve as a foundation for SG Devco's expansion in South Texas, where it plans to launch multiple residential communities.

The construction will be financed through a construction loan, subject to certain terms and conditions, including the payoff of an existing note. SG Devco expects to close on the loan within 30 days. CEO David Villarreal expressed excitement about this milestone, emphasizing the company's commitment to innovation and sustainability in real estate.

Safe and Green Development (NASDAQ: SGD) ha ottenuto le condizioni di finanziamento per la costruzione verticale di una casa modello nel Sud del Texas. Questo sviluppo rappresenta un passo significativo per l'azienda, mostrando le sue capacità di progettazione e costruzione a potenziali acquirenti e partner. La casa modello servirà come base per l'espansione di SG Devco nel Sud del Texas, dove prevede di lanciare diverse comunità residenziali.

La costruzione sarà finanziata attraverso un prestito per la costruzione, soggetto a condizioni specifiche, inclusa la chiusura di una nota esistente. SG Devco prevede di finalizzare il prestito entro 30 giorni. L'amministratore delegato David Villarreal ha espresso entusiasmo per questo traguardo, sottolineando l'impegno dell'azienda per l'innovazione e la sostenibilità nel settore immobiliare.

Safe and Green Development (NASDAQ: SGD) ha conseguido las condiciones de financiamiento para la construcción vertical de una casa modelo en el Sur de Texas. Este desarrollo marca un paso significativo para la compañía, mostrando sus capacidades de diseño y construcción a posibles compradores y socios. La casa modelo servirá como base para la expansión de SG Devco en el Sur de Texas, donde planea lanzar múltiples comunidades residenciales.

La construcción será financiada a través de un préstamo de construcción, sujeto a ciertos términos y condiciones, incluida la cancelación de una nota existente. SG Devco espera cerrar el préstamo en un plazo de 30 días. El CEO David Villarreal expresó su entusiasmo por este hito, enfatizando el compromiso de la compañía con la innovación y la sostenibilidad en bienes raíces.

Safe and Green Development (NASDAQ: SGD)는 텍사스 남부의 모델 하우스 수직 건설을 위한 금융 조건을 확보했습니다. 이번 개발은 회사에 중요한 이정표가 되며, 잠재적인 구매자와 파트너에게 디자인 및 건설 능력을 보여주는 기회가 됩니다. 이 모델 하우스는 SG Devco의 텍사스 남부 확장의 기초로 활용될 것이며, 여러 주거 단지를 발족할 계획입니다.

건설은 특정 조건을 충족하는 건설 대출을 통해 자금이 조달될 예정이며, 기존 채무의 상환이 포함됩니다. SG Devco는 30일 이내에 대출을 마무리할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. CEO David Villarreal는 이 획기적인 성과에 대한 기대감을 표명하며, 부동산에서의 혁신과 지속 가능성에 대한 회사의 약속을 강조했습니다.

Safe and Green Development (NASDAQ: SGD) a sécurisé les conditions de financement pour la construction verticale d'une maison modèle dans le Sud du Texas. Ce développement marque une étape significative pour l'entreprise, mettant en avant ses capacités de conception et de construction auprès des acheteurs et partenaires potentiels. La maison modèle servira de base à l'expansion de SG Devco dans le Sud du Texas, où elle prévoit de lancer plusieurs communautés résidentielles.

La construction sera financée par un prêt de construction, sous réserve de certaines conditions, y compris le remboursement d'une note existante. SG Devco s'attend à finaliser le prêt dans un délai de 30 jours. Le PDG David Villarreal a exprimé son enthousiasme pour cette étape, soulignant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'innovation et la durabilité dans l'immobilier.

Safe and Green Development (NASDAQ: SGD) hat die Finanzierungsbedingungen für den vertikalen Bau eines Mustermo­dells im Süden von Texas gesichert. Diese Entwicklung stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt für das Unternehmen dar und zeigt seine Design- und Baukompetenzen potenziellen Käufern und Partnern. Das Mustermodell wird als Grundlage für die Expansion von SG Devco im Süden von Texas dienen, wo mehrere Wohnanlagen geplant sind.

Der Bau wird durch einen Bau­kredit finanziert, der bestimmten Bedingungen unterliegt, einschließlich der Rückzahlung eines bestehenden Darlehens. SG Devco erwartet, den Kredit innerhalb von 30 Tagen abzuschließen. CEO David Villarreal äußerte sich begeistert über diesen Meilenstein und betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit im Immobiliensektor.

  • Secured financing terms for model home construction
  • Potential expansion into multiple residential communities in South Texas
  • Showcasing design and construction capabilities to potential buyers and partners
  • Loan closing subject to terms and conditions, including payoff of existing note
  • 30-day timeline for loan closing may pose potential delays

MIAMI, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Safe and Green Development Corporation (NASDAQ: SGD) ("SG Devco" or the "Company"), a leading real estate development firm focused on eco-friendly and sustainable projects, is pleased to announce that it has successfully secured financing terms for the vertical construction of a model home in South Texas.

The model home will provide potential buyers and partners with a tangible example of the Company's design and construction capabilities, helping to streamline the decision-making process for future projects. Additionally, this development sets the stage for the expansion of SG Devco's footprint in the South Texas area, where the Company anticipates launching multiple residential communities in the near future.

The financing arrangement will be facilitated through a construction loan that will enable SG Devco to commence the vertical construction of the model home. However, the closing of the construction loan is subject to several terms and conditions, including the payoff of the existing St. Mary's note. The Company is actively working towards fulfilling these terms and conditions and expects to close on the loan within 30 days.

"We are thrilled to have secured financing terms for the vertical construction of our model home in South Texas," said David Villarreal, CEO at SG Devco. "This represents a milestone for our company as we continue our efforts to drive innovation and sustainability in the real estate sector. We are excited about our future growth and the opportunity to bring high-quality housing options to the South Texas region"

About Safe and Green Development Corporation (SG Devco)

Safe and Green Development Corporation is a real estate development company. Formed in 2021, it focuses on the development of sites using purpose-built, prefabricated modules built from both wood and steel. The thesis of development is to build strong, innovative and green, single or multifamily projects across all income and asset classes. Additionally, a majority owned subsidiary of SG DevCo, Majestic World Holdings LLC, is a prop-tech company that has created a real estate AI Platform. The Platform aims to decentralize the real estate marketplace, creating an all-in-one solution that brings banks, institutions, home builders, clients, agents, vendors, gig workers, and insurers into a seamlessly integrated and structured AI-driven environment. MyVONIA Innovations LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary, is the owner of MyVONIA which is an AI-powered personal assistant designed to help simplify daily tasks and improve productivity for individuals and businesses. MyVONIA aims to assist with managing both personal and professional tasks.

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements other than statements of historical fact are, or may be deemed to be, forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "may," "should," "potential," "continue," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," and similar expressions, and include statements regarding the Company's plans to construct a model home in South Texas providing potential buyers and partners with a tangible example of  the Company's design and construction capabilities, streamlining the decision-making process for future projects, expanding the Company's footprint in the South Texas area, launching multiple residential communities in the near future, facilitating the financing arrangement through a construction loan, fulfilling the terms and conditions to the loan and closing on the loan within 30 days,  driving innovation and sustainability in the real estate sector, bringing high-quality housing options to the South Texas region and creating an all-in-one solution that brings banks, institutions, home builders, clients, agents, vendors, gig workers, and insurers into a seamlessly integrated and structured AI-driven environment.

These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by us in light of our experience and our perception of historical trends, current conditions, and expected future developments, as well as other factors we believe are appropriate in the circumstances. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, among others, the Company's ability to commence construction and complete the model home in South Texas as planned, the Company's ability to expand its footprint in the South Texas area and launch multiple residential communities in the near future, the Company's ability to fulfill the terms and conditions to the loan and close within 30 days, the Company's ability to drive innovation and sustainability in the real estate sector, the Company's ability to create an all-in-one solution that brings banks, institutions, home builders, clients, agents, vendors, gig workers, and insurers into a seamlessly integrated and structured AI-driven environment, the Company's ability to obtain the capital necessary to fund its activities, the Company's ability to monetize its real estate holdings, and other factors discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and its subsequent filings with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.

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SOURCE Safe and Green Development Corporation


What is the purpose of Safe and Green Development 's model home in South Texas?

The model home will showcase SG Devco's (SGD) design and construction capabilities to potential buyers and partners, facilitating decision-making for future projects and supporting the company's expansion in South Texas.

How is Safe and Green Development (SGD) financing the construction of its model home?

SG Devco has secured financing terms through a construction loan for the vertical construction of the model home in South Texas.

What conditions must be met for Safe and Green Development (SGD) to close on the construction loan?

The closing of the construction loan is subject to several terms and conditions, including the payoff of the existing St. Mary's note. SG Devco expects to close on the loan within 30 days.

What are Safe and Green Development 's (SGD) future plans for South Texas?

SG Devco anticipates launching multiple residential communities in the South Texas area in the near future, using the model home as a foundation for expansion.

Safe and Green Development Corporation


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