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The Boston Beer Company (NYSE: SAM) has appointed Biz Stone and Joe Jordan to its Board of Directors, effective July 29, 2024. Stone, co-founder of Twitter and other tech ventures, will serve as an independent Class B Director on the Compensation and Nominating/Governance Committees. Jordan, currently President of U.S. and Global Services at Domino's, will serve as an independent Class A Director on the Audit and Compensation Committees.

Stone brings entrepreneurial and innovative experience, while Jordan offers expertise in brand management and consumer packaged goods. These appointments aim to strengthen the board's capabilities in technology, innovation, and industry knowledge. The move comes as part of Boston Beer's strategy to enhance its leadership in the craft brewing and 'beyond beer' product categories.

La Boston Beer Company (NYSE: SAM) ha nominato Biz Stone e Joe Jordan nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, con effetto dal 29 luglio 2024. Stone, co-fondatore di Twitter e di altre iniziative tecnologiche, servirà come Direttore indipendente di Classe B nelle Commissioni per la Compensazione e per le Nomine/Governance. Jordan, attualmente Presidente dei Servizi negli Stati Uniti e Globali di Domino's, fungerà da Direttore indipendente di Classe A nelle Commissioni di Audit e Compensazione.

Stone porta un'esperienza imprenditoriale e innovativa, mentre Jordan offre competenze nella gestione del marchio e nei beni di consumo confezionati. Queste nomine mirano a rafforzare le capacità del consiglio in tecnologia, innovazione e conoscenza del settore. Questa decisione fa parte della strategia di Boston Beer per migliorare la propria leadership nelle categorie della birra artigianale e dei prodotti 'oltre la birra'.

La Boston Beer Company (NYSE: SAM) ha nombrado a Biz Stone y Joe Jordan en su Junta Directiva, con efecto a partir del 29 de julio de 2024. Stone, cofundador de Twitter y otros proyectos tecnológicos, se desempeñará como Director Independiente de Clase B en los Comités de Compensación y Nominaciones/Gobernanza. Jordan, actualmente Presidente de Servicios en EE. UU. y Globales en Domino's, será Director Independiente de Clase A en los Comités de Auditoría y Compensación.

Stone aporta experiencia emprendedora e innovadora, mientras que Jordan ofrece conocimientos en gestión de marcas y bienes de consumo empaquetados. Estos nombramientos buscan fortalecer las capacidades de la junta en tecnología, innovación y conocimiento de la industria. Este movimiento forma parte de la estrategia de Boston Beer para mejorar su liderazgo en las categorías de cervezas artesanales y productos 'más allá de la cerveza'.

보스턴 비어 컴퍼니 (NYSE: SAM)는 2024년 7월 29일부터 Biz StoneJoe Jordan를 이사회에 임명했습니다. Twitter와 기타 기술 기업의 공동 창립자인 Stone은 보수 및 임명/거버넌스 위원회에서 독립적인 B 등급 이사로 활동할 것입니다. 현재 Domino's의 미국 및 글로벌 서비스 사장인 Jordan은 감사 및 보수 위원회에서 독립적인 A 등급 이사로 임명될 것입니다.

Stone은 기업가적이고 혁신적인 경험을 제공하며, Jordan은 브랜드 관리 및 소비재에 대한 전문성을 갖추고 있습니다. 이러한 임명은 기술, 혁신 및 산업 지식에서 이사회의 역량을 강화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이번 조치는 보스턴 맥주가 수제 맥주 및 '비어 외' 제품 범주에서의 리더십을 강화하려는 전략의 일환으로 이루어진 것입니다.

La Boston Beer Company (NYSE: SAM) a nommé Biz Stone et Joe Jordan à son Conseil d'Administration, avec effet à partir du 29 juillet 2024. Stone, co-fondateur de Twitter et d'autres projets technologiques, occupera le poste de Directeur Indépendant de Classe B au sein des Comités de Rémunération et de Nominations/Gouvernance. Jordan, actuellement Président des Services aux États-Unis et Mondiaux chez Domino's, sera Directeur Indépendant de Classe A au sein des Comités d'Audit et de Rémunération.

Stone apporte une expérience entrepreneuriale et innovante, tandis que Jordan offre une expertise en gestion de marque et en biens de consommation emballés. Ces nominations visent à renforcer les capacités du conseil en matière de technologie, d'innovation et de connaissance du secteur. Cette décision s'inscrit dans la stratégie de Boston Beer visant à renforcer sa position de leader dans les catégories de bières artisanales et de produits 'au-delà de la bière'.

Die Boston Beer Company (NYSE: SAM) hat Biz Stone und Joe Jordan mit Wirkung zum 29. Juli 2024 in ihren Vorstand berufen. Stone, Mitbegründer von Twitter und anderer Technologieunternehmen, wird als unabhängiger Direktor der Klasse B in den Kommissionen für Vergütung sowie Nominierung/Governance tätig sein. Jordan, derzeit Präsident der U.S. und Global Services bei Domino's, wird als unabhängiger Direktor der Klasse A in den Prüfungs- und Vergütungskommissionen fungieren.

Stone bringt unternehmerische und innovative Erfahrungen mit, während Jordan Fachkenntnisse im Markenmanagement und in Verbraucherverpackungswaren bietet. Diese Ernennungen zielen darauf ab, die Fähigkeiten des Vorstands in den Bereichen Technologie, Innovation und Branchenkenntnis zu stärken. Dieser Schritt ist Teil der Strategie von Boston Beer, die Führungsposition im Bereich der Craft-Biere und der Produktkategorien 'jenseits von Bier' auszubauen.

  • Addition of two experienced directors with diverse backgrounds in technology and consumer goods
  • Strengthening of board expertise in innovation, brand management, and industry knowledge
  • Expansion of board size with the addition of a new Class A Director seat
  • None.

BOSTON, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Boston Beer Company, Inc. (NYSE: SAM) today announced that it appointed Biz Stone and Joe Jordan to its Board of Directors, effective July 29, 2024. Mr. Stone will serve as an independent Class B Director, filling the vacancy created by the retirement of David A. Burwick, sitting on the Board’s Compensation Committee and Nominating/Governance Committee. Mr. Jordan will serve as an independent Class A Director, a new seat recently added to the Board, sitting on the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee.

Biz Stone is an entrepreneur known best as co-founder of Twitter, Medium, Jelly, and the investment firm Future Positive. He is a Visiting Fellow at The University of Oxford, an award-winning filmmaker, and author. He has been honored with the International Center for Journalism Innovation Award, INC Magazine named him Entrepreneur of the Decade, TIME listed him as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World, and GQ named him Nerd of the Year.

Joe Jordan currently serves as President - U.S. and Global Services for Domino’s, a global food services chain based in Ann Arbor, Mich., a position he has held since 2022. In this role, he oversees Domino's U.S. business and key global centers of excellence. He has been with Domino’s since 2011, including as Executive Vice President – International from 2018 to 2022; Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer from 2015 to 2018; and Vice President of Innovation from 2011 to 2014. Prior to joining Domino's, Mr. Jordan worked at PepsiCo North America for six years, where he last served as a Senior Director of Marketing. Prior to PepsiCo, he held marketing roles at Philips Electronics and Unilever, and was a consultant for Accenture in Washington D.C.

“We’re pleased to welcome Biz and Joe to our Board of Directors,” said Boston Beer Company Chairman, Founder, and Brewer Jim Koch. “I expect that Biz will bring significant entrepreneurial, technical, and innovative experience, while Joe will bring impressive brand management, consumer packaged goods industry, and innovation expertise to the Board.”

Boardspan Inc., a leading provider of board and governance expertise through cloud-based and traditional advisory services, advised the Company on the appointment of Mr. Stone and Mr. Jordan.

About Boston Beer Company

The Boston Beer Company, Inc. (NYSE: SAM) began brewing Samuel Adams beer in 1984 and has since grown to become one of the largest and most respected craft brewers in the United States. We consistently offer the highest-quality products to our drinkers, and we apply what we’ve learned from making great-tasting craft beer to making great-tasting and innovative “beyond beer” products. Boston Beer Company has pioneered not only craft beer but also hard cider, hard seltzer and hard tea. Our core brands include household names like Angry Orchard Hard Cider, Dogfish Head, Truly Hard Seltzer, Twisted Tea Hard Iced Tea, and Samuel Adams. We have taprooms and hospitality locations in California, Delaware, Massachusetts, New York and Ohio. For more information, please visit our website at, which includes links to our respective brand websites.



Who are the new board members appointed by Boston Beer Company (SAM)?

Boston Beer Company (SAM) has appointed Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, and Joe Jordan, President of U.S. and Global Services at Domino's, to its Board of Directors effective July 29, 2024.

What positions will Biz Stone and Joe Jordan hold on SAM's board?

Biz Stone will serve as an independent Class B Director on the Compensation and Nominating/Governance Committees. Joe Jordan will serve as an independent Class A Director on the Audit and Compensation Committees.

How might these new appointments benefit Boston Beer Company (SAM)?

These appointments are expected to bring significant entrepreneurial, technical, and innovative experience from Biz Stone, and brand management, consumer packaged goods industry, and innovation expertise from Joe Jordan, potentially strengthening SAM's strategic capabilities.

When did the new board appointments for Boston Beer Company (SAM) take effect?

The appointments of Biz Stone and Joe Jordan to Boston Beer Company's (SAM) Board of Directors took effect on July 29, 2024.

Boston Beer Company


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Beverages - Brewers
Malt Beverages
United States of America