NRC Health ranked #1 Best in KLAS for Healthcare Experience Management
NRC Health has been awarded the 2025 Best in KLAS Award for Healthcare Experience Management, marking its second win in three years. The company, which specializes in providing data-driven insights and advanced technology for healthcare experience management, received top ranking in recognition of its comprehensive platform that enhances patient, consumer, care provider, and healthcare employee experiences.
The award validates NRC Health's commitment to creating human-centered healthcare experiences through its innovative solutions and partnerships. According to Helen Hrdy, NRC Health's Chief Operating Officer, this recognition highlights their dedication to providing actionable insights that drive meaningful improvement in healthcare. KLAS CEO Adam Gale emphasized that winning this award demonstrates outstanding value and innovation in healthcare delivery.
The formal award ceremony will take place at the HIMSS Global Health Conference in Las Vegas on March 3, 2025.
NRC Health ha ricevuto il premio Best in KLAS 2025 per la Gestione dell'Esperienza Sanitaria, segnando la sua seconda vittoria in tre anni. L'azienda, specializzata nella fornitura di intuizioni basate sui dati e tecnologia avanzata per la gestione dell'esperienza sanitaria, ha ottenuto il punteggio più alto in riconoscimento della sua piattaforma completa che migliora le esperienze di pazienti, consumatori, fornitori di cure e dipendenti del settore sanitario.
Il premio convalida l'impegno di NRC Health nella creazione di esperienze sanitarie centrate sull'individuo attraverso le sue soluzioni innovative e partnership. Secondo Helen Hrdy, Chief Operating Officer di NRC Health, questo riconoscimento mette in evidenza la loro dedizione a fornire intuizioni utilizzabili che guidano un miglioramento significativo nella sanità. Il CEO di KLAS, Adam Gale, ha sottolineato che vincere questo premio dimostra un valore e un'innovazione eccezionali nella fornitura dei servizi sanitari.
La cerimonia di premiazione ufficiale si terrà durante il HIMSS Global Health Conference a Las Vegas il 3 marzo 2025.
NRC Health ha sido galardonada con el Premio Best in KLAS 2025 por la Gestión de la Experiencia Sanitaria, marcando su segunda victoria en tres años. La empresa, que se especializa en brindar información basada en datos y tecnología avanzada para la gestión de la experiencia sanitaria, recibió la mejor calificación en reconocimiento de su plataforma integral que mejora las experiencias de pacientes, consumidores, proveedores de atención y empleados del sector salud.
El premio valida el compromiso de NRC Health de crear experiencias sanitarias centradas en la persona a través de sus soluciones innovadoras y asociaciones. Según Helen Hrdy, Directora de Operaciones de NRC Health, este reconocimiento resalta su dedicación a proporcionar información procesable que impulsan una mejora significativa en la atención médica. Adam Gale, CEO de KLAS, enfatizó que ganar este premio demuestra un valor y una innovación excepcionales en la entrega de atención sanitaria.
La ceremonia de premiación formal se llevará a cabo en la Conferencia Global de Salud HIMSS en Las Vegas el 3 de marzo de 2025.
NRC Health는 2025년 의료 경험 관리 분야에서 Best in KLAS 상을 수상하였으며, 이는 3년 내 두 번째 수상입니다. 데이터 기반 통찰력과 고급 기술을 제공하는 회사로서, 환자, 소비자, 치료 제공자 및 의료 직원의 경험을 향상하는 포괄적인 플랫폼으로 최고 순위를 달성했습니다.
이번 상은 혁신적인 솔루션과 파트너십을 통해 인간 중심의 의료 경험을 창출하려는 NRC Health의 노력을 검증합니다. NRC Health의 최고 운영 담당자인 헬렌 흐르디는 이 인식이 의료 분야의 의미 있는 개선을 유도하는 실행 가능한 통찰력을 제공하겠다는 헌신을 강조한다고 말했습니다. KLAS의 CEO인 아담 게일은 이 상을 수상하는 것이 의료 제공에서의 뛰어난 가치와 혁신을 보여준다고 강조했습니다.
정식 시상식은 2025년 3월 3일 라스베가스에서 HIMSS 글로벌 건강 회의 중에 열릴 예정입니다.
NRC Health a reçu le prix Best in KLAS 2025 pour la gestion de l'expérience patient, marquant sa deuxième victoire en trois ans. L'entreprise, qui se spécialise dans la fourniture d'informations basées sur les données et de technologies avancées pour la gestion de l'expérience en santé, a obtenu la meilleure note en reconnaissance de sa plateforme complète qui améliore les expériences des patients, des consommateurs, des prestataires de soins et des employés du secteur de la santé.
Ce prix valide l'engagement de NRC Health à créer des expériences de santé centrées sur l'humain grâce à ses solutions et partenariats innovants. Selon Helen Hrdy, Directrice des opérations de NRC Health, cette reconnaissance souligne leur dévouement à fournir des insights actionnables qui entraînent des améliorations significatives dans le domaine de la santé. Adam Gale, CEO de KLAS, a souligné que remporter ce prix démontre une valeur et une innovation exceptionnelles dans la prestation des soins de santé.
La cérémonie officielle de remise des prix aura lieu lors de la HIMSS Global Health Conference à Las Vegas le 3 mars 2025.
NRC Health wurde mit dem KLAS Award 2025 für Management der Patientenerfahrung ausgezeichnet, was den zweiten Gewinn in drei Jahren markiert. Das Unternehmen, das sich auf datengestützte Einsichten und fortschrittliche Technologien für das Management der Patientenerfahrung spezialisiert hat, erhielt die beste Bewertung in Anerkennung seiner umfassenden Plattform, die die Erfahrungen von Patienten, Verbrauchern, Pflegeanbietern und Mitarbeitern im Gesundheitswesen verbessert.
Der Preis bestätigt das Engagement von NRC Health, menschenzentrierte Gesundheitserlebnisse durch innovative Lösungen und Partnerschaften zu schaffen. Laut Helen Hrdy, COO von NRC Health, hebt diese Auszeichnung ihre Hingabe hervor, um umsetzbare Einsichten zu bieten, die bedeutende Verbesserungen im Gesundheitswesen fördern. Adam Gale, CEO von KLAS, betonte, dass der Gewinn dieses Preises herausragenden Wert und Innovation in der Gesundheitsversorgung demonstriert.
Die formelle Preisverleihung findet am 3. März 2025 auf der HIMSS Global Health Conference in Las Vegas statt.
- Won prestigious 2025 Best in KLAS Award for Healthcare Experience Management
- Second win in three years, demonstrating consistent industry leadership
- Ranked #1 in Healthcare Experience Management category
- None.

NRC Health, a leader in advanced technology and data-driven insights to deliver Human Understanding across the healthcare ecosystem, has proudly announced its recognition as the recipient of the esteemed 2025 Best in KLAS Award for Healthcare Experience Management for the second time in three years. (Photo: Business Wire)
This award once again underscores NRC Health’s relentless pursuit of excellence in healthcare experience management through innovation and deep partnerships, in which it brings together its comprehensive platform, advanced technology, and proven techniques to drive the most human healthcare experiences.
Ranked #1 again in the Healthcare Experience Management category, NRC Health proves that its solutions not only elevate the experience of the patient, consumer, care provider, and healthcare employee, but also reinforce the essential value of meaningful personal interactions that build Human Understanding®. As NRC Health continues to innovate, its team of healthcare experts and thought leaders remain dedicated to reshaping the future of healthcare through valuable insights and genuine human connections.
“NRC Health is honored to receive this recognition and independent validation from KLAS, which highlights our dedication to making a significant impact in healthcare,” said Helen Hrdy, NRC Health’s Chief Operating Officer. “Our partners rely on us to provide actionable insights that drive meaningful improvement and innovation. This award affirms our role in leading the charge toward a more human-centered approach in healthcare.”
The KLAS Research Healthcare Experience Management category recognizes top-performing solutions that help healthcare organizations measure and improve the healthcare experience for patients, family members, clinicians, and staff. NRC Health has built the most comprehensive experience management stack in the industry to create a game-changing platform that’s driving human-centered healthcare experiences for everyone—from patients and caregivers to consumers and communities.
“Congratulations to the 2025 winners of the Best in KLAS awards! In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, achieving excellence is no small feat,” said KLAS CEO Adam Gale. “Winning a Best in KLAS award signifies a commitment to delivering outstanding value and innovation to healthcare providers and patients alike. It is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and passion—all of which are needed to drive our industry forward. It is my hope that these awards inspire the winners and other companies to reach new heights.”
NRC Health will be formally recognized at the Best in KLAS Awards Show in
To read the full 2025 Best in KLAS report, click here.
About NRC Health:
For more than 40 years, NRC Health (NASDAQ: NRC) has led the charge to humanize healthcare and support organizations in their understanding of each unique individual.
NRC Health’s commitment to Human Understanding helps leading healthcare systems get to know each person they serve not as point-in-time insights, but in the context of an ongoing relationship. Guided by its uniquely empathic heritage, patient-focused approach, unmatched market research, and emphasis on consumer preferences, NRC Health is transforming the healthcare experience and creating strong outcomes for patients and entire healthcare systems.
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About KLAS:
KLAS is a research and insights firm on a global mission to improve healthcare. Working with thousands of healthcare professionals and clinicians, KLAS gathers data and insights on software and services to deliver timely reports and performance data that represent provider and payer voices and act as catalysts for improving vendor performance. The KLAS research team publishes reports covering the most pressing questions facing healthcare technology today, including emerging technology insights, that provide early insights on the future of healthcare technology solutions. KLAS also fosters measurement and collaboration between healthcare providers and payers and best practice adoption.
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Source: NRC Health
What award did NRC Health win in 2025?
How many times has NRC Health won the Best in KLAS award?
When will NRC Health receive their 2025 Best in KLAS award?