3M joins consortium to accelerate semiconductor technology in the US
3M (MMM) has joined the US-JOINT Consortium, a strategic partnership of 12 leading semiconductor suppliers focused on advancing semiconductor technology in the United States. The consortium, founded in 2023 and led by Japan-based Resonac, aims to drive research and development in next-generation semiconductor advanced packaging and back-end processing technologies.
The partnership will be anchored by a new cutting-edge facility in Silicon Valley, expected to be unveiled later this year. 3M brings over 25 years of experience as a supplier of materials and processing aids for semiconductor polishing, advanced packaging, and chip transport applications, along with expertise across more than 50 technology platforms.
3M (MMM) si è unita al Consorzio US-JOINT, una partnership strategica di 12 fornitori leader nel settore dei semiconduttori, focalizzata sull'avanzamento della tecnologia dei semiconduttori negli Stati Uniti. Il consorzio, fondato nel 2023 e guidato dalla giapponese Resonac, mira a favorire la ricerca e lo sviluppo delle tecnologie avanzate di packaging e di lavorazione di backend dei semiconduttori di prossima generazione.
La partnership sarà sostenuta da una nuova struttura all'avanguardia nella Silicon Valley, che si prevede sarà inaugurata entro la fine dell'anno. 3M porta con sé oltre 25 anni di esperienza come fornitore di materiali e ausili per la lavorazione della lucidatura dei semiconduttori, packaging avanzato e applicazioni di trasporto dei chip, insieme a una competenza su più di 50 piattaforme tecnologiche.
3M (MMM) se ha unido al Consorcio US-JOINT, una asociación estratégica de 12 proveedores líderes en semiconductores centrada en el avance de la tecnología de semiconductores en Estados Unidos. El consorcio, fundado en 2023 y liderado por Resonac, con sede en Japón, tiene como objetivo impulsar la investigación y el desarrollo de tecnologías avanzadas de empaquetado y procesamiento posterior de semiconductores de próxima generación.
La asociación se basará en una nueva instalación innovadora en Silicon Valley, que se espera que se presente más adelante este año. 3M aporta más de 25 años de experiencia como proveedor de materiales y ayudas de procesamiento para el pulido de semiconductores, empaquetado avanzado y aplicaciones de transporte de chips, junto con experiencia en más de 50 plataformas tecnológicas.
3M (MMM)는 US-JOINT 컨소시엄에 합류했습니다. 이는 미국에서 반도체 기술 발전에 집중하는 12개 주요 반도체 공급업체의 전략적 파트너십입니다. 2023년에 설립된 이 컨소시엄은 일본에 본사를 둔 Resonac이 주도하며, 차세대 반도체 고도화 패키징 및 후처리 기술에 대한 연구 및 개발을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
이 파트너십은 올해 말 공개될 예정인 실리콘밸리에 있는 최신 시설을 기반으로 합니다. 3M은 반도체 연마, 고급 패키징, 칩 운송 응용 분야를 위한 소재 및 처리 보조 장치 공급업체로서 25년 이상의 경험을 갖추고 있으며, 50개 이상의 기술 플랫폼에 대한 전문성도 보유하고 있습니다.
3M (MMM) a rejoint le Consortium US-JOINT, un partenariat stratégique de 12 fournisseurs leaders en semi-conducteurs, axé sur l'avancement de la technologie des semi-conducteurs aux États-Unis. Le consortium, fondé en 2023 et dirigé par le japonais Resonac, vise à stimuler la recherche et le développement de technologies avancées de packaging et de traitement en fin de production des semi-conducteurs de nouvelle génération.
Le partenariat sera soutenu par une nouvelle installation à la pointe de la technologie dans la Silicon Valley, qui devrait être dévoilée plus tard cette année. 3M apporte plus de 25 ans d'expérience en tant que fournisseur de matériaux et d'aides au traitement pour le polissage des semi-conducteurs, le packaging avancé et les applications de transport de chip, ainsi qu'une expertise couvrant plus de 50 plateformes technologiques.
3M (MMM) ist dem US-JOINT-Konsortium beigetreten, einer strategischen Partnerschaft von 12 führenden Halbleitersuppliern, die sich auf den Fortschritt der Halbleitertechnologie in den Vereinigten Staaten konzentriert. Das 2023 gegründete Konsortium wird von dem in Japan ansässigen Unternehmen Resonac geleitet und hat das Ziel, Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich fortschrittlicher Halbleiterverpackungen und Backend-Verarbeitungstechnologien der nächsten Generation voranzutreiben.
Die Partnerschaft wird durch eine neue, hochmoderne Einrichtung im Silicon Valley gestützt, die voraussichtlich noch in diesem Jahr eröffnet wird. 3M bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung als Lieferant von Materialien und Prozesshilfsmitteln für die Halbleiterpolitur, fortschrittliche Verpackungen und Chips Transportanwendungen mit, zudem Expertise über mehr als 50 Technologieplattformen.
- Strategic entry into high-growth semiconductor technology consortium
- Access to new R&D facility in Silicon Valley
- Partnership with 12 leading semiconductor industry players
- Potential expansion of semiconductor business segment
- None.
The strategic significance of 3M joining the US-JOINT Consortium extends far beyond a simple partnership announcement. This move positions 3M at the forefront of the $600+ billion semiconductor industry, particularly in the rapidly growing advanced packaging segment, which is important for AI and high-performance computing applications.
The timing is particularly strategic, aligning with the CHIPS Act's implementation and the broader push for semiconductor manufacturing reshoring. By partnering with Resonac and other industry leaders, 3M gains privileged access to cutting-edge R&D facilities and collaborative innovation opportunities in Silicon Valley, potentially accelerating its product development cycle and market responsiveness.
3M's extensive materials science portfolio, spanning 50 technology platforms, could be a significant differentiator in addressing critical challenges in semiconductor advanced packaging. The company's 25-year track record in semiconductor materials, combined with this consortium's resources, positions it to capture a larger share of the growing advanced packaging market, projected to reach $42 billion by 2027.
The US-Japan collaboration aspect is particularly noteworthy, as it creates a robust supply chain alliance between two technological powerhouses, potentially reducing dependence on other regions for critical semiconductor technologies. This could result in preferential access to government incentives and contracts under various semiconductor initiatives.
"As the demands of AI and other high performance computing technologies increase, suppliers must work together to provide comprehensive solutions to tough challenges on increasingly shorter timelines." said Steven Vander Louw, 3M's president of display and electronics product platforms. "The companies in the US-JOINT Consortium represent US and Japanese innovation leaders in a range of advanced packaging technologies. 3M is pleased to join the consortium in order to bring our decades of materials science expertise, across more than 50 technology platforms, to help address these challenges."
For more than 25 years, 3M has been a supplier of materials and processing aids for semiconductor polishing, advanced packaging, and chip transport applications. Teaming up with industry leaders continues to reinforce 3M's commitment to be an integrated total solutions provider for the semiconductor industry.
The consortium was founded in 2023 and led by
"We are delighted to welcome 3M to the US-JOINT Consortium," said Hidenori Abe, CTO for semiconductor materials, Resonac. "3M's expertise in materials science and commitment to innovation in advanced packaging device and process solutions will be an asset as we work together to solve difficult technical and integration challenges for customers onshore in
The new US-JOINT Consortium R&D facility is expected to be unveiled later this year in conjunction with a public launch event.
Learn more about semiconductor advanced packaging technologies on 3M.com.
About 3M
3M believes science helps create a brighter world for everyone. By unlocking the power of people, ideas and science to reimagine what's possible, our global team uniquely addresses the opportunities and challenges of our customers, communities, and planet. Learn how we're working to improve lives and make what's next at 3M.com/news.
About the Resonac Group:
The Resonac Group was established in January 2023 as a result of the integration of the Showa Denko Group and the Showa Denko Materials Group (former Hitachi Chemical Group). The Group's annual sales of semiconductor and electronic materials amount to approximately
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SOURCE 3M Company