Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2025

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Gartner has unveiled its top 10 strategic technology trends for 2025 at the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2024. These trends focus on AI imperatives and risks, new computing frontiers, and human-machine synergy. The list includes:

  • Agentic AI
  • AI Governance Platforms
  • Disinformation Security
  • Postquantum Cryptography
  • Ambient Invisible Intelligence
  • Energy-Efficient Computing
  • Hybrid Computing
  • Spatial Computing
  • Polyfunctional Robots
  • Neurological Enhancement

These trends are expected to shape the future of organizations through responsible and ethical innovation. Gartner predicts significant impacts, such as 15% of day-to-day work decisions being made by agentic AI by 2028 and 80% of humans engaging with smart robots daily by 2030. The report aims to help IT leaders navigate upcoming technological disruptions and opportunities.

Gartner ha svelato le sue 10 principali tendenze strategiche tecnologiche per il 2025 durante il Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2024. Queste tendenze si concentrano su impegni e rischi dell'IA, nuove frontiere informatiche e sinergia uomo-macchina. La lista include:

  • IA agentica
  • Piattaforme di governance dell'IA
  • Sicurezza contro la disinformazione
  • Crittografia post-quantistica
  • Intelligenza invisibile ambientale
  • Calcolo energeticamente efficiente
  • Calcolo ibrido
  • Calcolo spaziale
  • Robot polifunzionali
  • Miglioramento neurologico

Si prevede che queste tendenze plasmeranno il futuro delle organizzazioni attraverso un'innovazione responsabile ed etica. Gartner prevede impatti significativi, come il 15% delle decisioni lavorative quotidiane sarà preso da IA agentica entro il 2028 e l'80% degli esseri umani interagirà con robot intelligenti quotidianamente entro il 2030. Il rapporto mira ad aiutare i leader IT a orientarsi attraverso le prossime interruzioni e opportunità tecnologiche.

Gartner ha presentado sus 10 principales tendencias tecnológicas estratégicas para 2025 en el Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2024. Estas tendencias se centran en los imperativos y riesgos de la IA, nuevas fronteras computacionales y la sinergia entre humanos y máquinas. La lista incluye:

  • IA agentiva
  • Plataformas de gobernanza de IA
  • Seguridad contra la desinformación
  • Cryptografía postcuántica
  • Inteligencia invisible ambiental
  • Computación eficiente en energía
  • Computación híbrida
  • Computación espacial
  • Robots polifuncionales
  • Mejora neurológica

Se espera que estas tendencias den forma al futuro de las organizaciones a través de una innovación responsable y ética. Gartner predice impactos significativos, como que el 15% de las decisiones diarias de trabajo serán tomadas por IA agentiva para 2028 y el 80% de los humanos interactuarán con robots inteligentes diariamente para 2030. El informe tiene como objetivo ayudar a los líderes de TI a navegar por las disrupciones y oportunidades tecnológicas venideras.

Gartner는 2025년을 위한 10대 전략 기술 트렌드를 Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2024에서 발표했습니다. 이러한 트렌드는 AI 필수 요소와 위험, 새로운 컴퓨팅 경계, 인간-기계 시너지에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 목록에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 주체적 AI
  • AI 거버넌스 플랫폼
  • 허위정보 보안
  • 포스트양자 암호화
  • 환경적 투명한 지능
  • 에너지 효율적인 컴퓨팅
  • 하이브리드 컴퓨팅
  • 공간 컴퓨팅
  • 다기능 로봇
  • 신경 강화

이러한 트렌드는 책임감 있고 윤리적인 혁신을 통해 조직의 미래를 형성할 것으로 예상됩니다. Gartner는 2028년까지 일상 업무 결정의 15%가 주체적 AI에 의해 결정될 것이며 2030년까지 80%의 인간이 매일 스마트 로봇과 상호작용할 것으로 예측합니다. 이 보고서는 IT 리더들이 다가오는 기술적 중단과 기회를 탐색하는 데 도움을 주는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Gartner a dévoilé ses 10 principales tendances technologiques stratégiques pour 2025 lors du Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2024. Ces tendances se concentrent sur les impératifs et les risques de l'IA, les nouvelles frontières informatiques et la synergie homme-machine. La liste comprend :

  • IA agentive
  • Plateformes de gouvernance de l'IA
  • Sécurité contre la désinformation
  • Cryptographie post-quantique
  • Intelligence invisible ambiante
  • Informatique économe en énergie
  • Informatique hybride
  • Informatique spatiale
  • Robots polyfonctionnels
  • Amélioration neurologique

On s'attend à ce que ces tendances façonnent l'avenir des organisations grâce à une innovation responsable et éthique. Gartner prévoit des impacts significatifs, tels que 15 % des décisions de travail quotidien prises par l'IA agentive d'ici 2028 et 80 % des humains interagissant quotidiennement avec des robots intelligents d'ici 2030. Le rapport vise à aider les dirigeants informatiques à naviguer dans les perturbations et opportunités technologiques à venir.

Gartner hat seine 10 wichtigsten strategischen Technologietrends für 2025 auf dem Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2024 enthüllt. Diese Trends konzentrieren sich auf KI-Imperative und Risiken, neue Computergrenzen und Mensch-Maschine-Synergie. Die Liste umfasst:

  • Agentic AI
  • KI-Governance-Plattformen
  • Desinformationssicherheit
  • Post-Quanten-Kryptografie
  • Umgebende unsichtbare Intelligenz
  • Energiem effizientes Rechnen
  • Hybrides Rechnen
  • Räumliches Rechnen
  • Polyfunktionale Roboter
  • Neurologische Verbesserung

Diese Trends werden voraussichtlich die Zukunft der Organisationen durch verantwortungsvolle und ethische Innovationen prägen. Gartner prognostiziert signifikante Auswirkungen, wie 15% der alltäglichen Arbeitsentscheidungen bis 2028 von Agentic AI getroffen werden und 80% der Menschen bis 2030 täglich mit intelligenten Robotern interagieren. Der Bericht soll IT-Führungskräften helfen, sich in den bevorstehenden technologischen Störungen und Chancen zurechtzufinden.

  • None.
  • None.

Analysts Explore Industry Trends at Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2024, October 21-24

ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Gartner, Inc. today announced its list of 10 top strategic technology trends that organizations need to explore in 2025. Analysts presented their findings during Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, taking place here through Thursday.

“This year’s top strategic technology trends span AI imperatives and risks, new frontiers of computing and human-machine synergy,” said Gene Alvarez, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner. “Tracking these trends will help IT leaders shape the future of their organizations with responsible and ethical innovation.”

The top strategic technology trends for 2025 are:

Agentic AI 
Agentic AI systems autonomously plan and take actions to meet user-defined goals. Agentic AI offers the promise of a virtual workforce that can offload and augment human work. Gartner predicts that by 2028, at least 15% of day-to-day work decisions will be made autonomously through agentic AI, up from 0% in 2024. The goal-driven capabilities of this technology will deliver more adaptable software systems, capable of completing a wide variety of tasks.

Agentic AI has the potential to realize CIOs’ desire to increase productivity across the organization. This motivation is driving both enterprises and vendors to explore, innovate and establish the technology and practices needed to deliver this agency in a robust, secure and trustworthy way.

AI Governance Platforms 
AI governance platforms are a part of Gartner’s evolving AI Trust, Risk and Security Management (TRiSM) framework that enables organizations to manage the legal, ethical and operational performance of their AI systems. These technology solutions have the capability to create, manage and enforce policies for responsible AI use, explain how AI systems work and provide transparency to build trust and accountability.

Gartner predicts that by 2028, organizations that implement comprehensive AI governance platforms will experience 40% fewer AI-related ethical incidents compared to those without such systems.

Disinformation Security 
Disinformation security is an emerging category of technology that systematically discerns trust and aims to provide methodological systems for ensuring integrity, assessing authenticity, preventing impersonation and tracking the spread of harmful information. By 2028, Gartner predicts that 50% of enterprises will begin adopting products, services or features designed specifically to address disinformation security use cases, up from less than 5% today.

The wide availability and advanced state of AI and machine learning tools being leveraged for nefarious purposes is expected to increase the number of disinformation incidents targeting enterprises. If this is left unchecked, disinformation can cause significant and lasting damage to any organization.

Postquantum Cryptography 
Postquantum cryptography provides data protection that is resistant to quantum computing decryption risks. As quantum computing developments have progressed over the last several years, it is expected there will be an end to several types of conventional cryptography that is widely used. It is not easy to switch cryptography methods so organizations must have a longer lead time to ready themselves for robust protection of anything sensitive or confidential.

Gartner predicts that by 2029, advances in quantum computing will make most conventional asymmetric cryptography unsafe to use.

Ambient Invisible Intelligence 
Ambient invisible intelligence is enabled by ultra-low cost, small smart tags and sensors which will deliver large-scale affordable tracking and sensing. In the long term, ambient invisible intelligence will enable a deeper integration of sensing and intelligence into everyday life.

Through 2027, early examples of ambient invisible intelligence will focus on solving immediate problems, such as retail stock checking or perishable goods logistics, by enabling low-cost, real-time tracking and sensing of items to improve visibility and efficiency.

Energy-Efficient Computing 
IT impacts sustainability in many ways and in 2024 the leading consideration for most IT organizations is their carbon footprint. Compute-intensive applications such as AI training, simulation, optimization and media rendering, are likely to be the biggest contributors to organizations' carbon footprint as they consume the most energy.

It is expected that starting in the late 2020s, several new compute technologies, such as optical, neuromorphic and novel accelerators, will emerge for special purpose tasks, such as AI and optimization, which will use significantly less energy.

Hybrid Computing 
New computing paradigms keep popping up including central processing units, graphic processing units, edge, application-specific integrated circuits, neuromorphic, and classical quantum, optical computing paradigms. Hybrid computing combines different compute, storage and network mechanisms to solve computational problems. This form of computing helps organizations explore and solve problems which helps technologies, such as AI, perform beyond current technological limits. Hybrid computing will be used to create highly efficient transformative innovation environments that perform more effectively than conventional environments.

Spatial Computing 
Spatial computing digitally enhances the physical world with technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality. This is the next level of interaction between physical and virtual experiences. The use of spatial computing will increase organizations’ effectiveness in the next five to seven years through streamlined workflows and enhanced collaboration.

By 2033, Gartner predicts spatial computing will grow to $1.7 trillion, up from $110 billion in 2023.

Polyfunctional Robots 
Polyfunctional machines have the capability to do more than one task and are replacing task-specific robots that are custom designed to repeatedly perform a single task. The functionality of these new robots improve efficiency and provide a faster ROI. Polyfunctional robots are designed to operate in a world with humans which will make for fast deployment and easy scalability.

Gartner predicts that by 2030, 80% of humans will engage with smart robots on a daily basis, up from less than 10% today.

Neurological Enhancement 
Neurological enhancement improves human cognitive abilities using technologies that read and decode brain activity. This technology reads a person’s brain by using unidirectional brain-machine interfaces or bidirectional brain-machine interfaces (BBMIs). This has huge potential in three main areas: human upskilling, next-generation marketing and performance. Neurological enhancement will enhance cognitive abilities, enable brands to know what consumers are thinking and feeling, and enhance human neural capabilities to optimize outcomes.

By 2030, Gartner predicts 30% of knowledge workers will be enhanced by, and dependent on, technologies such as BBMIs (both employer-and-self-funded) to stay relevant with the rise of AI in the workplace, up from less than 1% in 2024.

This year’s top strategic technology trends highlight those trends that will drive significant disruption and opportunity for CIOs and other IT leaders within the next 10 years. Gartner clients can read more in the Gartner Special Report “Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2025.”

About Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 
Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo is the world's most important gathering for CIOs and other IT executives. IT executives rely on these conferences to learn how to amplify the impact of the technology, insights and trends shaping the future of IT and business. Follow news and updates from the conferences on X using #GartnerSYM, and on the Gartner Newsroom.

Upcoming dates and locations for Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo include: 
October 28-30 2024 | Tokyo, Japan 
November 4-7 2024 | Barcelona, Spain 
November 11-13 2024 | Kochi, India

About Gartner for Information Technology Executives 
Gartner for Information Technology Executives provides actionable, objective insight to CIOs and IT leaders to help them drive their organizations through digital transformation and lead business growth. Additional information is available at

Follow news and updates from Gartner for IT Executives on X and LinkedIn using #GartnerIT. Visit the IT Newsroom for more information and insights.

About Gartner 
Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) delivers actionable, objective insight that drives smarter decisions and stronger performance on an organization’s mission-critical priorities. To learn more, visit

Matt LoDolce


Catherine Howley


Source: Gartner, Inc.


What are Gartner's top strategic technology trends for 2025?

Gartner's top 10 strategic technology trends for 2025 include Agentic AI, AI Governance Platforms, Disinformation Security, Postquantum Cryptography, Ambient Invisible Intelligence, Energy-Efficient Computing, Hybrid Computing, Spatial Computing, Polyfunctional Robots, and Neurological Enhancement.

How much of day-to-day work decisions will be made by agentic AI by 2028?

According to Gartner's predictions, by 2028, at least 15% of day-to-day work decisions will be made autonomously through agentic AI, up from 0% in 2024.

What is the projected growth of spatial computing by 2033?

Gartner predicts that spatial computing will grow to $1.7 trillion by 2033, up from $110 billion in 2023.

How many humans are expected to engage with smart robots daily by 2030?

Gartner predicts that by 2030, 80% of humans will engage with smart robots on a daily basis, up from less than 10% today.

What percentage of knowledge workers will be enhanced by brain-machine interfaces by 2030?

Gartner predicts that by 2030, 30% of knowledge workers will be enhanced by technologies such as bidirectional brain-machine interfaces to stay relevant with the rise of AI in the workplace, up from less than 1% in 2024.

Gartner, Inc.


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