Israel Acquisitions Corp. and Pomvom Ltd. announce a mutual termination of the Business Combination Agreement

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Israel Acquisitions Corp (NASDAQ: ISRL) and Pomvom (TASE: PMVM) have mutually terminated their Business Combination Agreement due to changing global market conditions. The decision was announced on August 22, 2024, with both parties agreeing to waive any claims against each other, except for violations of the Termination Agreement or confidentiality obligations.

The chairmen of both companies stated that the current state of capital markets does not allow the transaction to proceed under the originally agreed financial parameters. To avoid additional expenses for both parties, they decided to terminate the deal in good spirit.

Israel Acquisitions Corp (NASDAQ: ISRL) e Pomvom (TASE: PMVM) hanno reciprocamente terminato il loro Accordo di Combinazione Aziendale a causa delle mutevoli condizioni del mercato globale. La decisione è stata annunciata il 22 agosto 2024, con entrambe le parti che hanno concordato di rinunciare a qualsiasi rivendicazione l'una contro l'altra, eccetto per le violazioni dell'Accordo di Risoluzione o degli obblighi di riservatezza.

I presidenti di entrambe le aziende hanno dichiarato che l'attuale stato dei mercati dei capitali non consente alla transazione di procedere secondo i parametri finanziari originariamente concordati. Per evitare spese aggiuntive per entrambe le parti, hanno deciso di interrompere l'affare in modo amichevole.

Israel Acquisitions Corp (NASDAQ: ISRL) y Pomvom (TASE: PMVM) han terminado mutuamente su Acuerdo de Combinación Empresarial debido a las cambiantes condiciones del mercado global. La decisión fue anunciada el 22 de agosto de 2024, con ambas partes acordando renunciar a cualquier reclamación entre ellas, exceptuando las violaciones del Acuerdo de Terminación u obligaciones de confidencialidad.

Los presidentes de ambas empresas afirmaron que el estado actual de los mercados de capitales no permite que la transacción proceda bajo los parámetros financieros acordados originalmente. Para evitar gastos adicionales para ambas partes, decidieron cancelar el trato en un buen espíritu.

이스라엘 인수 주식회사 (NASDAQ: ISRL)와 포몬 (TASE: PMVM)은 상호 비즈니스 조합 계약을 종료했습니다 글로벌 시장 상황 변화로 인해. 이 결정은 2024년 8월 22일에 발표되었으며, 양측은 종료 계약이나 비밀 유지 의무 위반을 제외하고 서로에 대한 모든 주장을 포기하기로 합의했습니다.

두 회사의 의장은 현재 자본 시장의 상태가 원래 합의된 재무 파라미터에 따라 거래가 진행될 수 없다고 밝혔습니다. 양측에 추가 비용을 피하기 위해 그들은 선의의 정신으로 거래를 종료하기로 결정했습니다.

Israel Acquisitions Corp (NASDAQ: ISRL) et Pomvom (TASE: PMVM) ont mutuellement résilié leur accord de combinaison d'entreprises en raison des conditions changeantes du marché mondial. La décision a été annoncée le 22 août 2024, les deux parties convenant de renoncer à toute réclamation l'une contre l'autre, sauf en cas de violations de l'accord de résiliation ou des obligations de confidentialité.

Les présidents des deux entreprises ont déclaré que l'état actuel des marchés de capitaux ne permet pas à la transaction de se poursuivre selon les paramètres financiers initialement convenus. Pour éviter des coûts supplémentaires pour les deux parties, ils ont décidé de mettre fin à l'accord dans un bon esprit.

Israel Acquisitions Corp (NASDAQ: ISRL) und Pomvom (TASE: PMVM) haben ihren Geschäftsabschlussvertrag einvernehmlich beendet aufgrund sich ändernder globaler Marktbedingungen. Die Entscheidung wurde am 22. August 2024 bekannt gegeben, wobei beide Parteien vereinbart haben, auf etwaige Ansprüche gegeneinander zu verzichten, ausgenommen bei Verstößen gegen den Kündigungsvertrag oder die Verpflichtungen zur Vertraulichkeit.

Die Vorsitzenden beider Unternehmen erklärten, dass der aktuelle Zustand der Kapitalmärkte es nicht zulässt, dass die Transaktion nach den ursprünglich vereinbarten finanziellen Parametern fortgesetzt wird. Um zusätzliche Kosten für beide Parteien zu vermeiden, entschieden sie sich, das Geschäft in gutem Geist zu beenden.

  • None.
  • Termination of the Business Combination Agreement
  • Unfavorable capital market conditions preventing the merger
  • Potential loss of strategic opportunities for both companies
  • Sunk costs associated with the initial merger preparations


The mutual termination of the Business Combination Agreement between Israel Acquisitions Corp (ISRL) and Pomvom is a significant development for both companies and their investors. This decision, driven by changing global market conditions, highlights the volatility and uncertainty in the current SPAC market.

The termination likely reflects challenges in meeting the initially agreed financial parameters, which could indicate valuation concerns or difficulties in securing necessary funding. For ISRL shareholders, this means a return to square one in the search for a suitable acquisition target. The SPAC now faces pressure to identify a new target within its specified timeframe or risk liquidation.

For Pomvom, the termination may delay its plans to access public markets and could potentially impact its growth strategy. However, the amicable nature of the termination, including the mutual waiver of claims, suggests both parties are keeping options open for future opportunities.

The termination of this SPAC merger reflects broader trends in the global SPAC market. We've seen a significant cooling in SPAC activity since the 2020-2021 boom, with investors becoming more discerning and regulators increasing scrutiny. This development aligns with a market-wide reassessment of SPAC valuations and deal structures.

The mention of "change in global market conditions" likely refers to factors such as rising interest rates, inflationary pressures and geopolitical uncertainties. These conditions have made investors more risk-averse, particularly towards speculative growth companies often targeted by SPACs.

For the broader market, this termination serves as another data point in the evolving SPAC landscape, potentially influencing investor sentiment towards other pending SPAC deals. It also underscores the importance of robust due diligence and flexible deal structures in navigating volatile market conditions.

TEL-AVIV, Israel, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Israel Acquisitions Corp (NASDAQ: ISRL) (NASDAQ: ISRLU) (NASDAQ: ISRLW) ("ISRL"), a publicly-traded special purpose acquisition company, Pomvom Ltd. (TASE: PMVM) ("Pomvom"), an Israeli technology company developing and providing experiential content to amusement parks and attractions globally, announced today that they have signed a mutual termination and release agreement (the "Termination Agreement") to terminate the Business Combination Agreement and additional related agreements (the "Merger Agreement"), due to the change in global market conditions.

Pursuant to the Termination Agreement, the parties also mutually agreed to waive any claim or demand on the part of any of the parties against the other parties, except in relation to a violation of the Termination Agreement or a violation of the confidentiality obligations stipulated in the Merger Agreement.

Shira Fayans Birenbaum, Pomvom's Chairman and Izhar Shay, ISRL\SPAC's Chairman released a joint statement: "The decision to terminate the Merger Agreement was made jointly by the companies, with the understanding that the current state of the capital markets does not allow for the transaction to proceed at this time based on the same financial parameters that had been agreed upon originally. Considering these factors and in order to avoid additional expenses related to the transaction for both parties, it was decided in good spirit to terminate the transaction."

About Pomvom Ltd:

Pomvom, which is traded on the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: POMO; PMVM), is a technology company, which develops and provides experiential documentation solutions to the global amusement parks and attractions market, which replace the existing operative photographic solutions. Pomvom has developed a digital platform, which combines innovative technology for photographing and creating content, automatically in a cloud environment, the distribution and the sale thereof to the ultimate user for the purpose of their personal use and for sharing on social networks. Pomvom provides its customers with comprehensive media documentation services, which is done by means of the digital platform, in addition to which it provides photographic equipment and manpower, the creation of content and media processing, printing or the distribution of pictures and the sale thereof to visitors to amusement parks and attractions. See Pomvom's website for additional details - Pomvom - Any media. Any device. Anyone.

About Israel Acquisitions Corp.

ISRL, which is traded on Nasdaq (NASDAQ: ISRL, ISRLU, ISRLW), is a Cayman Islands exempted company incorporated as a blank-check company and formed for the purpose of entering into a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, recapitalization, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities. ISRL intends to focus on high-growth technology companies that are domiciled in Israel, and that either carry out all or a substantial portion of their activities in Israel or have some other significant Israeli connection. ISRL's management team is led by Chairman, Izhar Shay, Chief Executive Officer, Ziv Elul, and Chief Financial Officer, Sharon Barzik Cohen.

Forward Looking Statements

This press release may include, and oral statements made from time to time by representatives of ISRL or Pomvom may include, "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Statements regarding possible business combinations and the financing thereof, and related matters, as well as all other statements other than statements of historical fact included in this press release are forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, words such as "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "might," "plan," "possible," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "would" and similar expressions, as they relate to ISRL, Pomvom or either management team, identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of ISRL's and Pomvom's management, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, ISRL's and Pomvom's management. Actual results could differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements as a result of certain factors detailed in ISRL's filings with the SEC. All subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to ISRL's, Pomvom's or persons acting on ISRL's or Pomvom's behalf are qualified in their entirety by this paragraph. Forward-looking statements are subject to numerous conditions, many of which are beyond the control of ISRL or Pomvom, including those set forth in the Risk Factors section of ISRL's annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on March 28, 2024. ISRL undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this press release, except as required by law.

Investor Contact:
Meirav Gomeh-Bauer

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SOURCE Pomvom Ltd.; Israel Acquisitions Corp.


Why did Israel Acquisitions Corp (ISRL) and Pomvom terminate their merger agreement?

The companies mutually terminated their Business Combination Agreement due to changing global market conditions that made it unfeasible to proceed with the transaction under the originally agreed financial parameters.

What are the financial implications of the terminated merger for ISRL shareholders?

The specific financial implications for ISRL shareholders are not detailed in the press release. However, the termination likely means the loss of potential synergies and growth opportunities that the merger might have provided.

Will there be any legal consequences from the termination of the ISRL-Pomvom merger agreement?

According to the press release, both parties have agreed to waive any claims against each other, except for violations of the Termination Agreement or confidentiality obligations stipulated in the original Merger Agreement.

How did the stock market react to the news of ISRL's terminated merger with Pomvom on August 22, 2024?

The press release does not provide information on the stock market's reaction to the news. Investors would need to check ISRL's stock performance on and after August 22, 2024, for this information.

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