Interactive Brokers Group Issues Form 8-K/A Disclosing Revised Operating Results for 3Q2024

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Interactive Brokers Group (Nasdaq: IBKR) has filed a Form 8-K/A to revise its operating results for the third quarter of 2024. The amendment comes after Interactive Brokers reached agreements to settle certain disputes related to events that occurred before the end of the quarter. As a result, the company will add $78 million to its reported general and administrative expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.

This revision follows the initial financial results press release issued on October 15, 2024. The Form 8-K/A provides updated information reflecting the impact of these settlements on the company's financial statements. Investors and interested parties can access more detailed information about the revised results through the SEC filing link provided in the press release.

Interactive Brokers Group (Nasdaq: IBKR) ha presentato un modulo 8-K/A per rivedere i suoi risultati operativi per il terzo trimestre del 2024. Questa modifica arriva dopo che Interactive Brokers ha raggiunto degli accordi per risolvere alcune controversie relative a eventi che si sono verificati prima della fine del trimestre. Di conseguenza, l'azienda aggiungerà 78 milioni di dollari alle sue spese generali e amministrative riportate per il trimestre chiuso il 30 settembre 2024.

Questa revisione segue il comunicato stampa sui risultati finanziari iniziali emesso il 15 ottobre 2024. Il modulo 8-K/A fornisce informazioni aggiornate che riflettono l'impatto di questi insediamenti sui bilanci finanziari dell'azienda. Gli investitori e gli interessati possono accedere a informazioni più dettagliate sui risultati revisionati tramite il link di registrazione SEC fornito nel comunicato stampa.

Interactive Brokers Group (Nasdaq: IBKR) ha presentado un formulario 8-K/A para revisar sus resultados operativos del tercer trimestre de 2024. La enmienda se produce después de que Interactive Brokers alcanzara acuerdos para resolver ciertas disputas relacionadas con eventos ocurridos antes del final del trimestre. Como resultado, la empresa añadirá 78 millones de dólares a sus gastos generales y administrativos reportados para el trimestre que finalizó el 30 de septiembre de 2024.

Esta revisión sigue el comunicado de prensa de los resultados financieros iniciales emitido el 15 de octubre de 2024. El formulario 8-K/A proporciona información actualizada que refleja el impacto de estos acuerdos en los estados financieros de la empresa. Los inversores y partes interesadas pueden acceder a información más detallada sobre los resultados revisados a través del enlace de presentación de la SEC proporcionado en el comunicado de prensa.

인터랙티브 브로커스 그룹(Nasdaq: IBKR)은 2024년 3분기 운영 결과를 수정하기 위해 양식 8-K/A를 제출했습니다. 이 수정은 인터랙티브 브로커스가 분기 종료 이전에 발생한 사건과 관련된 특정 분쟁을 해결하기 위한 합의에 도달한 후에 이루어졌습니다. 그 결과, 회사는 2024년 9월 30일에 종료된 분기에 대한 보고된 일반 및 관리 비용에 7800만 달러를 추가할 것입니다.

이 개정판은 2024년 10월 15일에 발표된 초기 재무 결과 보도 자료에 이어 나왔습니다. 양식 8-K/A는 이러한 합의가 회사의 재무 제표에 미치는 영향을 반영하는 업데이트된 정보를 제공합니다. 투자자 및 관련자는 보도 자료에 제공된 SEC 제출 링크를 통해 수정된 결과에 대한 보다 자세한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.

Interactive Brokers Group (Nasdaq: IBKR) a déposé un formulaire 8-K/A pour réviser ses résultats d'exploitation du troisième trimestre 2024. Cette modification survient après qu'Interactive Brokers a conclu des accords pour régler certains différends liés à des événements survenus avant la fin du trimestre. En conséquence, la société ajoutera 78 millions de dollars à ses dépenses générales et administratives déclarées pour le trimestre se terminant le 30 septembre 2024.

Cette révision fait suite au communiqué de presse des résultats financiers initiaux publié le 15 octobre 2024. Le formulaire 8-K/A fournit des informations mises à jour reflétant l'impact de ces règlements sur les états financiers de l'entreprise. Les investisseurs et les parties intéressées peuvent accéder à des informations plus détaillées sur les résultats révisés via le lien de dépôt SEC fourni dans le communiqué de presse.

Interactive Brokers Group (Nasdaq: IBKR) hat ein Formular 8-K/A eingereicht, um seine Betriebsergebnisse für das dritte Quartal 2024 zu überarbeiten. Diese Änderung erfolgt, nachdem Interactive Brokers Vereinbarungen zur Beilegung bestimmter Streitigkeiten, die vor Ende des Quartals aufgetreten sind, getroffen hat. Infolgedessen wird das Unternehmen 78 Millionen US-Dollar zu den berichteten allgemeinen und Verwaltungskosten für das zum 30. September 2024 endende Quartal hinzufügen.

Diese Überarbeitung folgt auf die Bekanntgabe der ursprünglichen Finanzierungsresultate, die am 15. Oktober 2024 veröffentlicht wurde. Das Formular 8-K/A enthält aktualisierte Informationen, die die Auswirkungen dieser Vergleiche auf die Finanzberichte des Unternehmens widerspiegeln. Investoren und Interessierte können über den im Pressebericht bereitgestellten SEC-Einreichungslink auf detailliertere Informationen zu den überarbeiteten Ergebnissen zugreifen.

  • Proactive disclosure of revised financial results
  • Settlement of disputes, potentially reducing future legal uncertainties
  • $78 million increase in general and administrative expenses
  • Downward revision of previously reported financial results


The revision of Interactive Brokers Group's Q3 2024 results due to a $78 million settlement is a significant development. This unexpected expense will materially impact the company's profitability for the quarter. The settlement, relating to past events, raises questions about potential regulatory or legal issues that may have been overlooked.

Key points to consider:

  • The $78 million addition to general and administrative expenses will likely result in a substantial decrease in net income for Q3 2024.
  • This revision may affect investor confidence and could lead to increased scrutiny of the company's risk management and compliance practices.
  • The timing of the settlement, just after the initial earnings release, suggests a rapid resolution of the disputes, which could be viewed positively as the company addresses legacy issues.

Investors should closely monitor any further disclosures about the nature of these disputes and assess potential long-term implications for IBKR's operations and reputation in the highly regulated brokerage industry.

The $78 million settlement disclosed in IBKR's 8-K/A filing is a significant legal development that warrants attention. Key legal considerations include:

  • The nature of the "certain disputes" remains undisclosed, which could range from regulatory violations to customer complaints or operational issues.
  • The fact that these disputes "relate back to events that took place prior to the end of the quarter" suggests they were known contingencies that perhaps should have been accounted for earlier.
  • The timing of the settlement agreements in principle, coming shortly after the initial earnings release, raises questions about the company's disclosure practices and internal controls.

This situation underscores the importance of robust legal risk management and timely disclosure in the financial services sector. Investors and regulators may scrutinize IBKR's handling of these disputes and the circumstances leading to this material revision of financial results.

GREENWICH, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: IBKR) (the “Company”), an automated global electronic broker, yesterday filed a Form 8-K/A disclosing revised operating results for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.

On October 15, 2024, Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. (the “Company”) issued a press release reporting its financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2024. Subsequently, Interactive Brokers LLC reached agreements in principle to settle certain disputes which relate back to events that took place prior to the end of the quarter. The settlement will add $78 million to reported general and administrative expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2024. For more information, go to:

About Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.:
Interactive Brokers Group affiliates provide automated trade execution and custody of securities, commodities, and foreign exchange around the clock on over 150 markets in numerous countries and currencies, from a single unified platform to clients worldwide. We serve individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, financial advisors and introducing brokers. Our four decades of focus on technology and automation has enabled us to equip our clients with a uniquely sophisticated platform to manage their investment portfolios. We strive to provide our clients with advantageous execution prices and trading, risk and portfolio management tools, research facilities and investment products, all at low or no cost, positioning them to achieve superior returns on investments. Interactive Brokers has consistently earned recognition as a top broker, garnering multiple awards and accolades from respected industry sources such as Barron’s, Investopedia,, and many others.

Contacts for Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. Media: Katherine Ewert,

Source: Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.


Why did Interactive Brokers (IBKR) file a Form 8-K/A for Q3 2024?

Interactive Brokers filed a Form 8-K/A to revise its Q3 2024 operating results due to settlements of certain disputes that occurred before the end of the quarter, adding $78 million to reported general and administrative expenses.

How much will the settlement impact Interactive Brokers' (IBKR) Q3 2024 expenses?

The settlement will add $78 million to Interactive Brokers' reported general and administrative expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.

When did Interactive Brokers (IBKR) originally report its Q3 2024 financial results?

Interactive Brokers originally reported its financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, on October 15, 2024.

What type of disputes led to the revision of Interactive Brokers' (IBKR) Q3 2024 results?

The press release doesn't specify the nature of the disputes, only stating that they relate to events that took place prior to the end of the third quarter of 2024.

Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.


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