HilltopSecurities Public Entity Survey Results Now Available

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HilltopSecurities has released the results of its 2024 Public Entity Survey, offering insights into the challenges and priorities of municipalities, school districts, and other public entities across the US. The survey, conducted from May to August, gathered responses from over 1,200 public sector employees and municipal market participants from all 50 states and DC.

Key findings include:

  • Labor and staffing, along with aging infrastructure, were identified as the biggest challenges
  • 75% of responses came from employees of cities, counties, and school districts
  • The survey covered topics such as debt issuance priorities, remote work impact, and the importance of municipal bond tax-exemption

HilltopSecurities President and CEO Brad Winges emphasized the firm's commitment to assisting public entities and providing valuable insights to market participants. The company plans to expand this annual survey in future years.

HilltopSecurities ha pubblicato i risultati del suo 2024 Public Entity Survey, offrendo spunti sulle sfide e le priorità dei comuni, dei distretti scolastici e di altre entità pubbliche negli Stati Uniti. Il sondaggio, condotto da maggio ad agosto, ha raccolto le risposte di oltre 1.200 dipendenti del settore pubblico e partecipanti al mercato municipale provenienti da tutti e 50 gli stati e dal DC.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Il lavoro e il personale, insieme all'infrastruttura invecchiata, sono stati identificati come le sfide più grandi
  • Il 75% delle risposte proviene da dipendenti di città, contee e distretti scolastici
  • Il sondaggio ha trattato temi come le priorità nell'emissione di debito, l'impatto del lavoro remoto e l'importanza dell'esenzione fiscale sui bond municipali

Il Presidente e CEO di HilltopSecurities, Brad Winges, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nell'assistere le entità pubbliche e nel fornire spunti preziosi ai partecipanti al mercato. L'azienda prevede di ampliare questo sondaggio annuale negli anni a venire.

HilltopSecurities ha publicado los resultados de su 2024 Public Entity Survey, ofreciendo información sobre los desafíos y prioridades de los municipios, distritos escolares y otras entidades públicas en los EE. UU. La encuesta, realizada de mayo a agosto, reunió respuestas de más de 1,200 empleados del sector público y participantes del mercado municipal de los 50 estados y DC.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • La mano de obra y el personal, junto con la infraestructura envejecida, fueron identificados como los mayores desafíos
  • El 75% de las respuestas provino de empleados de ciudades, condados y distritos escolares
  • La encuesta cubrió temas como las prioridades de emisión de deuda, el impacto del trabajo remoto y la importancia de la exención fiscal de bonos municipales

El presidente y CEO de HilltopSecurities, Brad Winges, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de asistir a las entidades públicas y proporcionar información valiosa a los participantes del mercado. La empresa planea expandir esta encuesta anual en los próximos años.

HilltopSecurities는 2024 공공 기관 조사 결과를 발표하여 미국 전역의 지방자치단체, 교육구 및 기타 공공 기관의 도전 과제와 우선 사항에 대한 통찰을 제공하였습니다. 이 조사는 5월부터 8월까지 진행되었으며, 50개 주 및 DC의 1,200명 이상의 공공 부문 직원과 지방 시장 참가자로부터 응답을 수집하였습니다.

주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 노동 및 인력과 노후 인프라가 가장 큰 도전 과제로 지목되었습니다
  • 응답자의 75%는 도시, 카운티 및 교육구의 직원이었습니다
  • 조사는 채무 발행 우선 순위, 원격 근무의 영향, 및 지방 채권 세금 면제의 중요성과 같은 주제를 다루었습니다

HilltopSecurities의 회장 및 CEO인 Brad Winges는 공공 기관을 지원하고 시장 참가자에게 유용한 통찰을 제공하겠다는 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다. 회사는 향후 몇 년 동안 이 연례 조사를 확장할 계획입니다.

HilltopSecurities a publié les résultats de son 2024 Public Entity Survey, offrant des perspectives sur les défis et priorités des municipalités, des districts scolaires et d'autres entités publiques aux États-Unis. L'enquête, réalisée de mai à août, a recueilli les réponses de plus de 1 200 employés du secteur public et participants au marché municipal de tous les États et du DC.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Le travail et le personnel, ainsi qu'une infrastructure vieillissante, ont été identifiés comme les plus grands défis
  • 75 % des réponses provenaient d'employés de villes, de comtés et de districts scolaires
  • L'enquête a couvert des sujets tels que les priorités d'émission de dettes, l'impact du télétravail et l'importance de l'exemption fiscale des obligations municipales

Brad Winges, président et PDG de HilltopSecurities, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à aider les entités publiques et à fournir des informations précieuses aux participants du marché. L'entreprise prévoit d'élargir cette enquête annuelle dans les années à venir.

HilltopSecurities hat die Ergebnisse seiner 2024 Public Entity Survey veröffentlicht, die Einblicke in die Herausforderungen und Prioritäten von Städten, Schulbezirken und anderen öffentlichen Einrichtungen in den USA bietet. Die Umfrage, die von Mai bis August durchgeführt wurde, sammelte Antworten von über 1.200 Mitarbeitern des öffentlichen Sektors und Marktteilnehmern aus allen 50 Bundesstaaten und dem Distrikt Columbia.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse sind:

  • Arbeitskräfte und Personal sowie veraltete Infrastruktur wurden als die größten Herausforderungen identifiziert
  • 75 % der Antworten kamen von Mitarbeitern aus Städten, Landkreisen und Schulbezirken
  • Die Umfrage behandelte Themen wie die Prioritäten bei der Schuldenaufnahme, die Auswirkungen von Homeoffice und die Bedeutung der Steuerbefreiung für kommunale Anleihen

Brad Winges, Präsident und CEO von HilltopSecurities, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, öffentlichen Einrichtungen zu helfen und wertvolle Einblicke für Marktteilnehmer zu bieten. Das Unternehmen plant, diese jährliche Umfrage in den kommenden Jahren auszubauen.

  • None.
  • None.

Over 1,200 Respondents Identify Challenges, Priorities Facing Public Entities

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hilltop Securities Inc. (HilltopSecurities) has released the results of its 2024 Public Entity Survey, highlighting the key priorities and challenges facing municipalities, school districts, and other public entities across the United States. The complete survey results are available here.

“As a leading municipal investment bank and wealth advisory firm with more than 78 years of history in public finance, HilltopSecurities is deeply invested in assisting public entities address the challenges and opportunities that directly affect their communities,” said HilltopSecurities President and CEO Brad Winges. “Our public entity survey provides important insights for the issuers, investors, and other market participants who play an important role in this vital sector of our economy. We are excited for the opportunity to expand this annual survey in future years.”

The survey was conducted from May to August of this year with responses submitted by more than 1,200 public sector employees and municipal market participants from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The survey responses provided insights on a range of topics including:

  • Challenges facing public entities
  • Top priorities for debt issuance
  • Impact of remote work
  • Labor and staffing
  • Importance of the municipal bond tax-exemption

Of those taking the survey, employees of cities, counties, and school districts accounted for 75% of the responses. The majority of the remaining responses were from special district, state, and utility employees. Labor and staffing, along with aging infrastructure, were the top two areas cited as the biggest challenges facing public entities.

“We were extremely pleased at the level of engagement and participation in this first annual Public Entity Survey that touches on the most important issues facing the public sector and the municipal markets,” said HilltopSecurities Co-Head of Public Finance David Medanich.

Co-Head of Public Finance Mike Bartolotta added, “HilltopSecurities is uniquely positioned to gather and analyze information about the key priorities and challenges facing public entities across the nation. We look forward to providing more insight on these important topics in the future.”

About Hilltop Securities Inc.

HilltopSecurities is a full-service municipal investment bank and wealth advisory firm providing a full suite of financial services for public entities, institutional investors, housing finance agencies, broker-dealers, and individual investors. Founded in 1946, its primary areas of focus include public finance, capital markets, structured finance, retail brokerage, clearing services, and securities lending. Hilltop Securities Inc.’s goal is to build long-term relationships to help communities, businesses, and individuals thrive. A wholly owned subsidiary of Hilltop Holdings Inc. (NYSE: HTH), HilltopSecurities’ affiliates include Momentum Independent Network, HilltopSecurities Asset Management, HilltopSecurities Insurance, PlainsCapital Bank, and PrimeLending. Learn more at Member: NYSE/FINRA/SIPC.

Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made and, except as required by law, we do not assume any duty to update forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning such things as our plans, objectives, strategies, expectations, intentions and other statements that are not statements of historical fact, and may be identified by words such as “believe,” “continue,” “expects,” “expand,” “focus,” “may,” “plan,” “seeks,” “will” or “would” or the negative of these words and phrases or similar words or phrases. See the risk factors described in Hilltop Holdings Inc.’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and other reports that are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

Hilltop Holdings Inc.

Ben Brooks


Source: Hilltop Securities Inc.


What were the main findings of HilltopSecurities' 2024 Public Entity Survey (HTH)?

The main findings of HilltopSecurities' 2024 Public Entity Survey (HTH) identified labor and staffing, along with aging infrastructure, as the biggest challenges facing public entities. The survey also provided insights on debt issuance priorities, remote work impact, and the importance of municipal bond tax-exemption.

How many respondents participated in HilltopSecurities' 2024 Public Entity Survey (HTH)?

Over 1,200 public sector employees and municipal market participants from all 50 states and the District of Columbia responded to HilltopSecurities' 2024 Public Entity Survey (HTH).

When was the HilltopSecurities 2024 Public Entity Survey (HTH) conducted?

The HilltopSecurities 2024 Public Entity Survey (HTH) was conducted from May to August of the current year.

What percentage of survey responses came from city, county, and school district employees in the HilltopSecurities survey (HTH)?

In the HilltopSecurities 2024 Public Entity Survey (HTH), 75% of the responses came from employees of cities, counties, and school districts.



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