Hybrid Power Solutions Secures Government Test Order for Innovative Battery Power Systems & Amends Outstanding Secured Convertible Debentures

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Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. (CSE: HPSS) (OTCQB: HPSIF) has received a test order for two Batt Pack Energy (BPEs) from a prominent U.S. government agency focused on emergency response. This order, facilitated through a strategic distribution partner, marks a significant step in Hybrid's relationship with key government bodies. The Batt Pack Energy offers clean, portable energy solutions suitable for various applications.

Key features of Hybrid's battery power systems include zero emissions, high portability, durability, reliability, and versatile application. This test order is an important milestone in Hybrid's efforts to supply clean energy solutions to government and emergency management sectors.

Additionally, Hybrid has amended the terms of its outstanding secured convertible debentures representing a principal amount of approximately $141,111. The maturity date has been extended by 30 days to November 16, 2024, and the conversion price has been decreased from $0.14 per share to $0.05 per share for the remainder of the principal amount.

Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. (CSE: HPSS) (OTCQB: HPSIF) ha ricevuto un ordine di prova per due Batt Pack Energy (BPEs) da un'importante agenzia governativa statunitense focalizzata sulla risposta alle emergenze. Questo ordine, facilitato attraverso un partner strategico per la distribuzione, segna un passo significativo nella relazione di Hybrid con enti governativi chiave. Il Batt Pack Energy offre soluzioni energetiche pulite e portatili adatte per varie applicazioni.

Le caratteristiche principali dei sistemi di alimentazione a batteria di Hybrid includono zero emissioni, alta portabilità, durata, affidabilità e versatilità nell’applicazione. Questo ordine di prova rappresenta un importante traguardo negli sforzi di Hybrid per fornire soluzioni energetiche pulite ai settori governativi e di gestione delle emergenze.

Inoltre, Hybrid ha modificato i termini delle sue obbligazioni convertibili garantite in essere per un importo principale di circa $141.111. La data di scadenza è stata protratta di 30 giorni al 16 novembre 2024, e il prezzo di conversione è stato ridotto da $0.14 per azione a $0.05 per azione per il resto dell'importo principale.

Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. (CSE: HPSS) (OTCQB: HPSIF) ha recibido un pedido de prueba para dos Batt Pack Energy (BPEs) de una importante agencia gubernamental de EE.UU. enfocada en la respuesta a emergencias. Este pedido, facilitado a través de un socio estratégico de distribución, marca un paso significativo en la relación de Hybrid con organismos gubernamentales clave. El Batt Pack Energy ofrece soluciones energéticas limpias y portátiles adecuadas para diversas aplicaciones.

Las características clave de los sistemas de energía a batería de Hybrid incluyen cero emisiones, alta portabilidad, durabilidad, fiabilidad y versatilidad de aplicación. Este pedido de prueba es un hito importante en los esfuerzos de Hybrid por suministrar soluciones energéticas limpias a los sectores gubernamentales y de gestión de emergencias.

Además, Hybrid ha modificado los términos de sus obligaciones convertibles garantizadas pendientes que representan un monto principal de aproximadamente $141,111. La fecha de vencimiento se ha extendido 30 días hasta el 16 de noviembre de 2024, y el precio de conversión ha sido reducido de $0.14 por acción a $0.05 por acción por el resto del monto principal.

Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. (CSE: HPSS) (OTCQB: HPSIF)는 비상 대응에 초점을 맞춘 미국의 저명한 정부 기관으로부터 두 개의 배터리 팩 에너지(BPEs)의 시험 주문을 받았습니다. 이 주문은 전략적 유통 파트너를 통해 이루어졌으며, Hybrid와 주요 정부 기관 간의 관계에 중요한 진전을 나타냅니다. 배터리 팩 에너지는 다양한 응용 분야에 적합한 청정하고 휴대 가능한 에너지 솔루션을 제공합니다.

Hybrid의 배터리 전원 시스템의 주요 특징은 제로 배출, 높은 휴대성, 내구성, 신뢰성 및 다양한 적용 가능성입니다. 이 시험 주문은 정부 및 비상 관리 부문에 청정 에너지 솔루션을 공급하기 위한 Hybrid의 노력에서 중요한 이정표입니다.

또한, Hybrid는 기존의 담보 전환 사채 조건을 수정했습니다. 이 사채는 약 $141,111의 원금을 나타냅니다. 만기일은 2024년 11월 16일로 30일 연장되었으며, 나머지 원금을 위해 전환 가격이 주당 $0.14에서 $0.05로 인하되었습니다.

Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. (CSE: HPSS) (OTCQB: HPSIF) a reçu une commande d'essai pour deux Batt Pack Energy (BPEs) d'une importante agence gouvernementale américaine axée sur la réponse aux urgences. Cette commande, facilitée par un partenaire de distribution stratégique, marque une étape significative dans la relation de Hybrid avec des organismes gouvernementaux clés. Le Batt Pack Energy offre des solutions énergétiques propres et portables adaptées à diverses applications.

Les caractéristiques clés des systèmes d'énergie par batterie de Hybrid incluent zéro émission, haute portabilité, durabilité, fiabilité et polyvalence d'application. Cette commande d'essai représente une étape importante dans les efforts de Hybrid pour fournir des solutions énergétiques propres aux secteurs gouvernementaux et de gestion des urgences.

De plus, Hybrid a modifié les conditions de ses obligations convertibles garanties en cours représentant un montant principal d'environ 141 111 $. La date d'échéance a été prolongée de 30 jours jusqu'au 16 novembre 2024, et le prix de conversion a été réduit de 0,14 $ par action à 0,05 $ par action pour le reste du montant principal.

Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. (CSE: HPSS) (OTCQB: HPSIF) hat eine Testbestellung über zwei Batt Pack Energy (BPEs) von einer prominenten US-Regierungsbehörde erhalten, die sich auf Notfallmaßnahmen konzentriert. Diese Bestellung, die durch einen strategischen Vertriebspartner ermöglicht wurde, markiert einen bedeutenden Schritt in der Beziehung von Hybrid zu wichtigen Regierungsstellen. Der Batt Pack Energy bietet saubere, tragbare Energielösungen, die für verschiedene Anwendungen geeignet sind.

Die Hauptmerkmale von Hybrids Batteriesystemen umfassen null Emissionen, hohe Portabilität, Haltbarkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Vielseitigkeit in der Anwendung. Diese Testbestellung ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein in Hybrids Bemühungen, saubere Energielösungen für Regierungs- und Notfallmanagementsektoren bereitzustellen.

Zusätzlich hat Hybrid die Bedingungen seiner ausstehenden gesicherten wandelbaren Anleihen geändert, die einen Hauptbetrag von etwa $141.111 repräsentieren. Das Fälligkeitsdatum wurde um 30 Tage auf den 16. November 2024 verlängert, und der Umwandlungspreis wurde von $0.14 pro Aktie auf $0.05 pro Aktie für den Rest des Hauptbetrags gesenkt.

  • Received test order for two Batt Pack Energy systems from a U.S. government agency
  • Potential for larger future orders in government and emergency management sectors
  • Extended maturity date of convertible debentures by 30 days
  • Decreased conversion price of convertible debentures from $0.14 to $0.05 per share, potentially leading to increased dilution

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 23, 2024) - Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. (CSE: HPSS) (OTCQB: HPSIF) (FSE: E092) ("Hybrid" or the "Company"), a leading provider of clean energy solutions, is pleased to announce that it has received a test order for two Batt Pack Energy (BPEs) from a prominent U.S. government agency focused on emergency response. This order, facilitated through one of the Company's strategic distribution partners, marks a significant step in Hybrid's growing relationship with key government bodies.

The Batt Pack Energy, designed for highly efficient and sustainable power delivery, offers clean, portable energy solutions suitable for a wide range of applications. The test order signifies a potential shift in the adoption of greener, battery-powered solutions by government agencies in critical operations for rapid power deployment.

"We are excited about this initial test order and the opportunity to demonstrate the value of our technology in real-world, mission-critical environments where simplicity of operation and multiple charging sources is important," said Francois Byrne, CEO of Hybrid Power Solutions. "Our Batt Pack Energies are designed to provide reliable, zero-emission power in challenging conditions, and we believe this test could pave the way for larger orders in the future."

Key Features of Hybrid Power Solutions' Battery Power Systems

  • Zero Emissions: Completely battery-powered for environmentally friendly operations.

  • High Portability: Compact design that allows for easy deployment in the field.

  • Durable & Reliable: Built for rugged environments and extreme conditions.

  • Versatile Application: Can power a wide range of equipment, from communications to medical devices.

This test order is an important milestone in Hybrid's efforts to supply clean energy solutions to government and emergency management sectors. As the demand for sustainable, portable power grows, Hybrid Power Solutions is well-positioned to meet the needs of various sectors looking to transition away from traditional fossil fuel-based energy systems.

In addition, Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. announces that it has amended the terms of its outstanding secured convertible debentures representing a principal amount of approximately $141,111 (the "Debentures"). The Debentures are held by one arm's length party (the "Debentureholder") and were originally purchased in August, 2023 and amended in August, 2024 (see the Company's news releases dated August 29, 2023 and August 19, 2024 for more information). Pursuant to the previous amendment, the Debentures were set to mature on October 17, 2024, and the Debentureholder has agreed to extend this maturity date by 30 days to November 16, 2024. In addition, the conversion price of the previously amended Debentures has been decreased from $0.14 per share to $0.05 per share for the remainder of the principal amount. Other than the amendments disclosed above, the original terms of the Debentures remain in full force and effect.

On behalf of the Company:

Francois Byrne
CEO and Director
1 (866) 549-2743

About Hybrid Power Solutions Inc.

Hybrid Power Solutions Inc. is a Canadian clean energy innovator listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the symbol "HPSS". The company specializes in developing sustainable energy solutions that redefine power access and storage across industries. With a focus on innovation and environmental responsibility, Hybrid continues to lead the charge in providing scalable, cost-effective power solutions for a greener future.

The Canadian Securities Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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What is the test order Hybrid Power Solutions (HPSIF) received from the U.S. government agency?

Hybrid Power Solutions received a test order for two Batt Pack Energy (BPEs) systems from a prominent U.S. government agency focused on emergency response.

What are the key features of Hybrid Power Solutions' (HPSIF) battery power systems?

The key features include zero emissions, high portability, durability, reliability, and versatile application for powering a wide range of equipment in challenging conditions.

How has Hybrid Power Solutions (HPSIF) amended its outstanding secured convertible debentures?

Hybrid Power Solutions has extended the maturity date of the debentures by 30 days to November 16, 2024, and decreased the conversion price from $0.14 to $0.05 per share for the remaining principal amount of approximately $141,111.



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Electrical Equipment & Parts
United States of America