HII is Awarded Amphibious Multi-Ship Procurement Contracts
HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding division has been awarded a $9.6 billion multi-ship procurement contract for the construction of three San Antonio-class (LPD 17) amphibious ships and a contract modification for the next America-class (LHA 6) large-deck amphibious ship. This combined procurement, a first for amphibious ships, covers the construction of LPDs 33, 34, 35, and LHA 10 for the U.S. Navy.
Ingalls President Kari Wilkinson emphasized the stability this award provides to shipbuilders and surrounding communities. The contract supports the Navy and Marine Corps' goal of meeting the minimum 31-amphibious-ship requirement. Approximately half of Ingalls shipbuilders work on amphibious ships, with 650 supplier partners across 39 states contributing components.
To date, Ingalls has delivered 13 San Antonio-class ships and 15 large-deck amphibious ships to the U.S. Navy. The company is currently constructing several other amphibious ships, including Bougainville (LHA 8), Fallujah (LHA 9), Harrisburg (LPD 30), and Pittsburgh (LPD 31).
La divisione Ingalls Shipbuilding di HII ha ricevuto un contratto per l'acquisto di navi del valore di 9,6 miliardi di dollari per la costruzione di tre navi anfibie di classe San Antonio (LPD 17) e una modifica contrattuale per la prossima nave anfibia di grande ponte di classe America (LHA 6). Questo acquisto combinato, una prima per le navi anfibie, copre la costruzione di LPD 33, 34, 35 e LHA 10 per la Marina degli Stati Uniti.
Il presidente di Ingalls, Kari Wilkinson, ha sottolineato la stabilità che questo riconoscimento fornisce ai costruttori navali e alle comunità circostanti. Il contratto supporta l'obiettivo della Marina e del Corpo dei Marines di soddisfare il requisito minimo di 31 navi anfibie. Circa la metà dei costruttori navali di Ingalls lavora su navi anfibie, con 650 partner fornitori distribuiti in 39 stati che contribuiscono con componenti.
Fino ad oggi, Ingalls ha consegnato 13 navi di classe San Antonio e 15 navi anfibie di grande ponte alla Marina degli Stati Uniti. L'azienda sta attualmente costruendo diverse altre navi anfibie, tra cui Bougainville (LHA 8), Fallujah (LHA 9), Harrisburg (LPD 30) e Pittsburgh (LPD 31).
La división de construcción naval Ingalls de HII ha recibido un contrato de adquisición multimodal por un valor de 9.6 mil millones de dólares para la construcción de tres barcos anfibios de clase San Antonio (LPD 17) y una modificación del contrato para el próximo barco anfibio de gran cubierta de clase America (LHA 6). Esta adquisición combinada, un primer caso para barcos anfibios, cubre la construcción de LPDs 33, 34, 35 y LHA 10 para la Marina de los EE. UU.
La presidenta de Ingalls, Kari Wilkinson, enfatizó la estabilidad que este premio proporciona a los astilleros y a las comunidades circundantes. El contrato apoya el objetivo de la Marina y el Cuerpo de Marines de cumplir con el requisito mínimo de 31 barcos anfibios. Aproximadamente la mitad de los constructores navales de Ingalls trabaja en barcos anfibios, con 650 socios proveedores en 39 estados contribuyendo con componentes.
Hasta la fecha, Ingalls ha entregado 13 barcos de clase San Antonio y 15 barcos anfibios de gran cubierta a la Marina de los EE. UU. La empresa actualmente está construyendo varios otros barcos anfibios, incluidos Bougainville (LHA 8), Fallujah (LHA 9), Harrisburg (LPD 30) y Pittsburgh (LPD 31).
HII의 잉걸스 조선소가 96억 달러 규모의 다선 조달 계약을 체결하여 세 척의 산안토니오급( LPD 17) 수륙 양용 수송선을 건조하고 차기 아메리카급(LHA 6) 대형 수륙 양용 수송선에 대한 계약 수정안을 받았습니다. 이번 조달은 수륙 양용 선박에 대한 최초의 사례로, 미국 해군을 위한 LPDs 33, 34, 35, 그리고 LHA 10의 건조를 포함합니다.
잉걸스의 사장인 카리 윌킨슨은 이번 수상이 조선업체와 주변 지역사회에 제공하는 안정성을 강조했습니다. 이 계약은 해군과 해병대의 최소 31척의 수륙 양용 선박 요구 사항을 충족하는 목표를 지원합니다. 잉걸스 조선소의 약 절반이 수륙 양용 선박을 건조하고 있으며, 39개 주의 650개 공급업체가 부품을 제공하고 있습니다.
현재까지 잉걸스는 13척의 산안토니오급 선박과 15척의 대형 수륙 양용 선박을 미국 해군에 인도했습니다. 이 회사는 현재 부가인빌( LHA 8), 팔루자( LHA 9), 해리스버그( LPD 30), 그리고 피츠버그( LPD 31)를 포함한 여러 다른 수륙 양용 선박을 건조하고 있습니다.
La division Ingalls Shipbuilding de HII a reçu un contrat d'approvisionnement multi-bateaux de 9,6 milliards de dollars pour la construction de trois navires amphibies de classe San Antonio (LPD 17) et un contrat modifié pour le prochain navire amphibie à grand pont de classe America (LHA 6). Cet achat combiné, une première pour des navires amphibies, couvre la construction des LPD 33, 34, 35 et LHA 10 pour la Marine américaine.
La présidente d'Ingalls, Kari Wilkinson, a souligné la stabilité que cette récompense offre aux dockers et aux communautés environnantes. Le contrat soutient l'objectif de la Marine et du Corps des Marines de répondre à l'exigence minimale de 31 navires amphibies. Environ la moitié des dockers d'Ingalls travaillent sur des navires amphibies, avec 650 partenaires fournisseurs répartis dans 39 États fournissant des composants.
À ce jour, Ingalls a livré 13 navires de classe San Antonio et 15 navires amphibies à grand pont à la Marine américaine. L'entreprise construit actuellement plusieurs autres navires amphibies, y compris Bougainville (LHA 8), Fallujah (LHA 9), Harrisburg (LPD 30) et Pittsburgh (LPD 31).
Die Ingalls Werft von HII hat einen Multi-Schiff-Beschaffungsvertrag in Höhe von 9,6 Milliarden Dollar zum Bau von drei amphibischen Schiffen der San Antonio-Klasse (LPD 17) sowie eine Vertragsänderung für das nächste Amphibien-Schiff der America-Klasse (LHA 6) erhalten. Diese kombinierte Beschaffung, eine Premiere für amphibische Schiffe, umfasst den Bau von LPDs 33, 34, 35 und LHA 10 für die US Navy.
Ingalls Präsidentin Kari Wilkinson betonte die Stabilität, die diese Auszeichnung den Schiffbauern und den umliegenden Gemeinden bietet. Der Vertrag unterstützt das Ziel der Marine und des Marine Corps, den Mindestbedarf von 31 amphibischen Schiffen zu decken. Rund die Hälfte der Arbeiter von Ingalls beschäftigt sich mit amphibischen Schiffen, sodass 650 Zulieferer in 39 Bundesstaaten Komponenten bereitstellen.
Bis heute hat Ingalls 13 Schiffe der San Antonio-Klasse und 15 große amphibische Schiffe an die US Navy geliefert. Das Unternehmen baut derzeit mehrere weitere amphibische Schiffe, darunter Bougainville (LHA 8), Fallujah (LHA 9), Harrisburg (LPD 30) und Pittsburgh (LPD 31).
- None.
- None.
PASCAGOULA, Miss., Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII (NYSE: HII) announced today that its Ingalls Shipbuilding division was awarded a
"We greatly appreciate the stability that this award provides to all Ingalls shipbuilders and our surrounding communities,” Ingalls President Kari Wilkinson said. “It is an honor to continue our support of the joint Navy and Marine Corps mission to meet the minimum 31-amphibious-ship requirement.”
Approximately half of all Ingalls shipbuilders build amphibious ships today, with another 650 supplier partners in 39 states across the country that provide components for the construction of amphibious ships.
“We stand ready to reinforce an already strong team of capable shipbuilders with the ideas and skills of new shipbuilders that want to make a difference in the world,” Wilkinson said. “There is no greater sense of accomplishment than doing something difficult in support of our nation’s military.”
Photos accompanying this release are available at: https://hii.com/news/hii-is-awarded-amphibious-multi-ship-procurement-contracts/.
To date, Ingalls has delivered 13 San Antonio-class ships and 15 large-deck amphibious ships to the U.S. Navy. Currently, the LHA production line includes the construction of Bougainville (LHA 8) and Fallujah (LHA 9). In addition, Ingalls has two Flight II LPDs under construction including Harrisburg (LPD 30) and Pittsburgh (LPD 31). In March 2023, Ingalls was awarded a modification to the contract for the procurement of the detail design and construction of Philadelphia (LPD 32), the 16th ship in the San Antonio class.
HII builds LPD 17 San Antonio and LHA America classes of amphibious warships. Designed and built for survivability and flexibility, U.S. Navy amphibious warships are unique combat warships that make possible complex joint U.S. military operations to respond swiftly to crisis anywhere in the world, from deterrence and major combat operations to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.
As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
- HII on the web: hii.com
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- HII on X: x.com/WeAreHII
- HII on Instagram: instagram.com/WeAreHII
Kimberly K. Aguillard
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/927a1241-a160-489a-a7c7-f939aebf0198

What is the value of the multi-ship procurement contract awarded to HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding division?
How many San Antonio-class (LPD 17) ships are included in the new HII contract?
What is the significance of this combined procurement for HII?
How many supplier partners are involved in the construction of amphibious ships for HII?