HII is Awarded $65 Million Contract to Support Joint Warfighting Development
HII's Mission Technologies division has been awarded a $65 million task order to support the Joint Staff J7, Deputy Director, Joint Warfighting Development. The contract focuses on three key areas: futures and concepts, joint experimentation, and wargaming for the Joint Staff J4 Logistics enterprise. HII will leverage its expertise in live, virtual, constructive solutions to prepare warfighters for cross-domain battles and support the development of joint concepts addressing emerging operational challenges. The task order was awarded under the Department of Defense's Information Analysis Center (IAC) Multiple Award Contract (MAC) vehicle, emphasizing HII's role in enhancing defense research and development capabilities.
La divisione Mission Technologies di HII ha ricevuto un ordine di incarico del valore di 65 milioni di dollari per supportare il Joint Staff J7, Direttore Aggiunto dello Sviluppo Congiunto delle Operazioni Militari. Il contratto si concentra su tre aree principali: futuri e concetti, sperimentazione congiunta e wargaming per l'impresa logistica del Joint Staff J4. HII utilizzerà la propria esperienza in soluzioni live, virtuali e costruttive per preparare i combattenti a battaglie interdomain e per supportare lo sviluppo di concetti congiunti che affrontano le sfide operative emergenti. L'ordine di incarico è stato assegnato attraverso il contratto multiple award dell'Information Analysis Center (IAC) del Dipartimento della Difesa, sottolineando il ruolo di HII nel potenziare le capacità di ricerca e sviluppo della difesa.
La división de Tecnologías de Misión de HII ha sido otorgada una orden de tarea de 65 millones de dólares para apoyar al Joint Staff J7, Director Adjunto de Desarrollo de Guerra Conjunta. El contrato se centra en tres áreas clave: futuros y conceptos, experimentación conjunta y wargaming para la empresa logística del Joint Staff J4. HII aprovechará su experiencia en soluciones en vivo, virtuales y constructivas para preparar a los combatientes para batallas interdominio y apoyar el desarrollo de conceptos conjuntos que aborden desafíos operativos emergentes. La orden de tarea fue otorgada bajo el vehículo de Contrato de Premio Múltiple (MAC) del Centro de Análisis de Información (IAC) del Departamento de Defensa, enfatizando el papel de HII en mejorar las capacidades de investigación y desarrollo en defensa.
HII의 미션 기술 부문은 6,500만 달러의 과제 발주를 수여받았습니다, 이는 Joint Staff J7, 공동 전쟁 개발의 부국장을 지원하기 위한 것입니다. 이 계약은 세 가지 주요 분야에 중점을 두고 있습니다: 미래 및 개념, 공동 실험, 그리고 전쟁 게임입니다. HII는 실시간, 가상, 구축 솔루션에 대한 전문 지식을 활용하여 전투원들을 교차 도메인 전투에 대비시키고, 새로운 운영상의 도전과제를 다루는 공동 개념 개발을 지원할 것입니다. 이 과제 발주는 국방부의 정보 분석 센터(IAC)의 다수 수상 계약(MAC) 수단을 통해 수여되었으며, 이는 방위 연구 및 개발 능력 강화를 위한 HII의 역할을 강조합니다.
La division Technologies de Mission de HII a été pour soutenir le Joint Staff J7, Directeur adjoint au développement de la guerre conjointe. Le contrat se concentre sur trois domaines clés : futurs et concepts, expérimentation conjointe et wargaming pour l'entreprise logistique du Joint Staff J4. HII mettra à profit son expertise en solutions en direct, virtuelles et constructives pour préparer les combattants aux batailles interdomaines et soutenir le développement de concepts conjoints répondant aux défis opérationnels émergents. L'ordre de mission a été attribué dans le cadre du contrat à prix multiples (MAC) du Centre d'analyse de l'information (IAC) du ministère de la Défense, soulignant le rôle de HII dans l'amélioration des capacités de recherche et développement en matière de défense.
Die Technologiedivision von HII hat einen Auftrag im Wert von 65 Millionen Dollar erhalten, um das Joint Staff J7, den stellvertretenden Direktor der gemeinsamen Kriegsführung, zu unterstützen. Der Vertrag konzentriert sich auf drei Schlüsselbereiche: Zukunft und Konzepte, gemeinsame Experimente und Wargaming für das Joint Staff J4 Logistikunternehmen. HII wird sein Fachwissen in live, virtuellen, konstruktiven Lösungen nutzen, um Kämpfer auf interdomänliche Kämpfe vorzubereiten und die Entwicklung gemeinsamer Konzepte zu unterstützen, die auf neue operationale Herausforderungen reagieren. Der Auftrag wurde im Rahmen des Multiple Award Contract (MAC) des Information Analysis Center (IAC) des Verteidigungsministeriums vergeben, was HII's Rolle zur Verbesserung der Forschungs- und Entwicklungskapazitäten in der Verteidigung unterstreicht.
- Secured a $65 million contract, boosting revenue
- Expands existing relationship with Joint Staff J7 and J4
- Leverages ongoing work in Joint Training Synthetic Environment
- Strengthens position in defense research and development sector
- None.
MCLEAN, Va., July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII’s Mission Technologies division was awarded a
HII will support research and analysis in three areas. The first will focus on futures and concepts, to include developing a comprehensive view of the future operating environment. The second will focus on joint experimentation, to include informing and facilitating joint war gaming and integrated learning opportunities. The third will focus on wargaming for the Joint Staff J4 Logistics enterprise.
“HII’s live, virtual, constructive solutions prepare warfighters for cross-domain battle,” said Andy Green, executive vice president of HII and president of HII’s Mission Technologies division. “We are thrilled to expand on our existing relationship with the Joint Staff J7 and J4 to further support their mission of achieving overmatch in the changing conditions of war.”
Brian Teer, acting president of Mission Technologies’ LVC Solutions business group, said HII will leverage its ongoing work in the Joint Training Synthetic Environment.
“HII will support the government lead in the development, experimentation and socialization of futures, joint concepts that address emerging and future joint operational challenges,” Teer said. “We look forward to working with the Joint Staff, combatant commands and military branches to create the advantage for the Joint Force now and in the future.”
An image accompanying this release is available at: https://hii.com/news/hii-is-awarded-65-million-contract-to-support-joint-warfighting-development/.
HII was awarded the task order under the Department of Defense’s Information Analysis Center (IAC) Multiple Award Contract (MAC) vehicle. IAC MAC task orders are awarded by the U.S. Air Force's 774th Enterprise Sourcing Squadron to support the development and creation of new knowledge for the enhancement of the Defense Technical Information Center repository and the research and development and science and technology community.
About J-7 and J-4
The J-7 supports the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the joint warfighter through Joint Force Development (JFD) in order to advance the operational effectiveness of the current and future joint force. Joint Staff J-7 performs its duties across the spectrum of joint force development. Its mission is to train, educate, develop, design and adapt the globally integrated, partnered Joint Force to achieve overmatch in the continuum of conflict under conditions of accelerating change in the character of war. Logistics are key to any JFD effort.
About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world. As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
- HII on the web: https://www.HII.com/
- HII on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeamHII
- HII on X: https://www.x.com/wearehii
- HII on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WeAreHII
The DoD IAC, sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center, provides technical data management and research support for DoD and federal government users. Established in 1946, the IAC program serves the DoD science and technology and acquisition communities to drive innovation and technological developments by enhancing collaboration through integrated scientific and technical information development and dissemination for the DoD and broader science and technology community.
This material is based upon work supported by the DoD Information Analysis Center Program (DoD IAC), sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) under Contract No. FA807518D0002.
Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DoD.
Greg McCarthy
(202) 264-7126
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/891d400f-a340-4082-b2c1-5957fffb1cd6

What is the value of the contract HII (HII) was awarded for Joint Warfighting Development support?
What are the three main areas of research and analysis HII (HII) will focus on under this contract?
How will HII (HII) contribute to the Joint Staff's mission under this contract?