HII Hosts Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at Newport News Shipbuilding

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HII (NYSE: HII) hosted Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at its Newport News Shipbuilding division. Brown emphasized the importance of maintaining warfighting skills and praised the collaboration between the Navy's shipbuilding team and defense industry partners. During his visit, Brown toured the John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), observed construction progress on Virginia- and Columbia-class submarine modules, and met with shipyard leadership.

Accompanied by Adm. William Houston and Vice Adm. Jim Downey, Brown's visit highlighted the critical role of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines in national security. NNS President Jennifer Boykin expressed gratitude for Brown's visit and reaffirmed the shipbuilders' commitment to supporting the Department of Defense. NNS is the sole designer, builder, and refueler of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the U.S. and one of only two shipyards capable of designing and building nuclear-powered submarines.

HII (NYSE: HII) ha ospitato il Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., presidente dello Stato Maggiore congiunto, nella sua divisione Newport News Shipbuilding. Brown ha sottolineato l'importanza di mantenere le competenze nella guerra e ha lodato la collaborazione tra il team di costruzione navale della Marina e i partner dell'industria della difesa. Durante la sua visita, Brown ha visitato la John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), ha osservato i progressi nella costruzione dei moduli per sottomarini della classe Virginia e Columbia e ha incontrato la leadership del cantiere.

Accompagnato dall'ammiraglio William Houston e dal viceammiraglio Jim Downey, la visita di Brown ha messo in evidenza il ruolo cruciale delle portaerei e dei sottomarini nucleari nella sicurezza nazionale. La Presidente di NNS, Jennifer Boykin, ha espresso gratitudine per la visita di Brown e ha riaffermato l'impegno dei costruttori navali nel sostenere il Dipartimento della Difesa. NNS è l'unico progettista, costruttore e rifornitore di portaerei a propulsione nucleare negli Stati Uniti e uno dei soli due cantieri navali in grado di progettare e costruire sottomarini a propulsione nucleare.

HII (NYSE: HII) recibió al General Charles Q. Brown Jr., presidente del Estado Mayor Conjunto, en su división de Newport News Shipbuilding. Brown enfatizó la importancia de mantener las habilidades de combate y elogió la colaboración entre el equipo de construcción naval de la Armada y los socios de la industria de defensa. Durante su visita, Brown recorrió el John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), observó el progreso de la construcción de módulos para submarinos de clases Virginia y Columbia, y se reunió con la dirección del astillero.

Acompañado por el almirante William Houston y el vicealmirante Jim Downey, la visita de Brown destacó el papel crítico de los portaaviones y submarinos de propulsión nuclear en la seguridad nacional. La Presidenta de NNS, Jennifer Boykin, expresó su gratitud por la visita de Brown y reafirmó el compromiso de los constructores navales de apoyar al Departamento de Defensa. NNS es el único diseñador, constructor y reabastecedor de portaaviones de propulsión nuclear en EE. UU. y uno de solo dos astilleros capaces de diseñar y construir submarinos de propulsión nuclear.

HII (NYSE: HII)는 합참 의장인 찰스 Q. 브라운 중장을 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소에서 초청했습니다. 브라운은 전투 능력을 유지하는 것의 중요성을 강조하며 해군 조선 팀과 방산 산업 파트너 간의 협력을 칭찬했습니다. 그의 방문 동안 브라운은 존 F. 케네디 (CVN 79)를 견학하고 버지니아컬럼비아급 잠수함 모듈의 건설 진행 상황을 관찰하였으며, 조선소의 리더십과 만났습니다.

윌리엄 휴스턴 제독과 짐 다우니 중장을 동반한 브라운의 방문은 국가 안전에서 핵 추진 항공모함과 잠수함의 중요한 역할을 강조했습니다. NNS의 제니퍼 보이킨 사장은 브라운의 방문에 감사하며 방위부를 지원하는 조선업체들의 헌신을 재확인했습니다. NNS는 미국의 핵 추진 항공모함을 설계, 건조 및 연료 보급하는 유일한 업체이며, 핵 추진 잠수함을 설계하고 건조할 수 있는 두 개의 조선소 중 하나입니다.

HII (NYSE: HII) a accueilli le Général Charles Q. Brown Jr., président des chefs d'état-major interarmées, dans sa division Newport News Shipbuilding. Brown a souligné l'importance de maintenir les compétences de combat et a loué la collaboration entre l'équipe de construction navale de la Marine et les partenaires de l'industrie de la défense. Au cours de sa visite, Brown a visité le John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), a observé les progrès de la construction des modules de sous-marins de classe Virginie et Columbia, et a rencontré la direction du chantier naval.

Accompagné de l'Amiral William Houston et du Vice-Amiral Jim Downey, la visite de Brown a mis en évidence le rôle crucial des porte-avions et des sous-marins à propulsion nucléaire dans la sécurité nationale. La présidente de NNS, Jennifer Boykin, a exprimé sa gratitude pour la visite de Brown et a réaffirmé l'engagement des constructeurs navals à soutenir le Département de la Défense. NNS est le seul designer, constructeur et ravitailleur de porte-avions à propulsion nucléaire aux États-Unis et l'un des deux seuls chantiers navals capables de concevoir et de construire des sous-marins à propulsion nucléaire.

HII (NYSE: HII) empfing General Charles Q. Brown Jr., den Vorsitzenden der Joint Chiefs of Staff, in seiner Newport News Shipbuilding Division. Brown betonte die Wichtigkeit der Beibehaltung der Kriegsfähigkeiten und lobte die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Bau-Team der Marine und den Partnern der Rüstungsindustrie. Während seines Besuchs besichtigte Brown die John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), beobachtete den Fortschritt beim Bau der Module der Virginia und Columbia Klasse U-Boote und traf sich mit der Unternehmensführung.

Begleitet von Admiral William Houston und Vizeadmiral Jim Downey hob Browns Besuch die entscheidende Rolle von nukleargetriebenen Flugzeugträgern und U-Booten für die nationale Sicherheit hervor. NNS-Präsidentin Jennifer Boykin drückte ihre Dankbarkeit für Browns Besuch aus und bekräftigte das Engagement der Schiffbauer, das Verteidigungsministerium zu unterstützen. NNS ist der einzige Designer, Hersteller und Nachfüller von nukleargetriebenen Flugzeugträgern in den USA und einer von nur zwei Werften, die in der Lage sind, nukleargetriebene U-Boote zu entwerfen und zu bauen.

  • HII hosted the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, showcasing its importance in national defense
  • NNS is the sole designer, builder, and refueler of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the U.S.
  • NNS is one of only two shipyards capable of designing and building nuclear-powered submarines
  • None.

NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII (NYSE: HII) hosted Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the company’s Newport News Shipbuilding division Thursday.

“I firmly believe that honing our warfighting skills has primacy in all we do,” Brown said. “It was great to see the hard work of the Navy’s shipbuilding team alongside our defense industry partners ensuring we maintain our edge through the construction of the next Ford-class carrier and Columbia-class submarine. These efforts provide our military with unmatched capabilities, reinforcing our ability to operate effectively across any mission, in any domain, and in any region of the world.”

While at NNS, Brown visited shipbuilders and sailors on John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), saw construction progress on Virginia- and Columbia- class submarine modules, and met with shipyard leadership. Adm. William Houston, director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, and Vice Adm. Jim Downey, commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, accompanied the chairman.

“Our shipbuilders’ commitment to supporting the Department of Defense is unwavering, and we are grateful General Brown invested time to see that for himself,” NNS President Jennifer Boykin said. “The nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines we build and maintain are vital to our national security, and we are proud to deliver these critical capabilities to those who defend our freedoms.”


Photos accompanying this release are available at:

NNS is the nation’s sole designer, builder and refueler of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and one of only two shipyards capable of designing and building nuclear‐powered submarines.

About HII

HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.

As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:


Todd Corillo
(757) 688-3220

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What did Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. visit at Newport News Shipbuilding?

Gen. Brown visited the John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) aircraft carrier, observed construction progress on Virginia- and Columbia-class submarine modules, and met with shipyard leadership.

Who accompanied Gen. Brown during his visit to HII's Newport News Shipbuilding?

Adm. William Houston, director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, and Vice Adm. Jim Downey, commander of Naval Sea Systems Command, accompanied Gen. Brown during his visit.

What unique capabilities does Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) have according to the HII press release?

NNS is the nation's sole designer, builder, and refueler of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and one of only two shipyards capable of designing and building nuclear-powered submarines.

What did Gen. Brown emphasize during his visit to HII's Newport News Shipbuilding?

Gen. Brown emphasized the importance of honing warfighting skills and maintaining an edge through the construction of next-generation carriers and submarines, providing unmatched capabilities to the military.

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.


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