Gold Reserve Provides Update on Recent Delaware Proceedings
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) provided an update on the sale process for PDVH shares, the indirect parent of CITGO Petroleum Corp. The Special Master has selected Amber Energy Inc., an affiliate of Elliott Investment Management L.P., as the Successful Bidder. The proposed purchase price is equivalent to a total CITGO enterprise value of up to US$7.286 billion, subject to adjustments.
Key points:
- Cash consideration will be placed in escrow accounts
- Release of escrowed proceeds subject to resolution of Ascertained Alter Ego Claims and CITGO Holding Pledge
- Buyer may terminate if the court denies the Alter Ego Motion
- 45-day Topping Period to consider alternative proposals after Final Recommendation
Gold Reserve's Executive Vice Chair, Paul Rivett, stated it's unclear what, if any, monies the company would receive under the proposed agreement, with significant risk of no recovery.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) ha fornito un aggiornamento sul processo di vendita delle azioni PDVH, la società madre indiretta di CITGO Petroleum Corp. Il Master Speciale ha selezionato Amber Energy Inc., un'affiliata di Elliott Investment Management L.P., come Offerente Vincente. Il prezzo di acquisto proposto equivale a un valore totale dell'impresa CITGO fino a 7,286 miliardi di dollari USA, soggetto a regolazioni.
Punti chiave:
- Il pagamento in contante sarà depositato in conti escrow
- Il rilascio dei proventi custoditi è soggetto alla risoluzione delle Richieste di Alter Ego Accertate e del Pegno di CITGO Holding
- Il compratore può annullare se il tribunale nega il Motivo di Alter Ego
- Periodo di 45 giorni per considerare proposte alternative dopo la Raccomandazione Finale
Il Vice Presidente Esecutivo di Gold Reserve, Paul Rivett, ha dichiarato che non è chiaro quali, se del caso, somme la società riceverebbe ai sensi del contratto proposto, con un significativo rischio di nessun recupero.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) proporcionó una actualización sobre el proceso de venta de acciones de PDVH, la empresa matriz indirecta de CITGO Petroleum Corp. El Maestro Especial ha seleccionado a Amber Energy Inc., una afiliada de Elliott Investment Management L.P., como el Postor Exitoso. El precio de compra propuesto es equivalente a un valor total de la empresa CITGO de hasta 7.286 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses, sujeto a ajustes.
Puntos clave:
- La consideración en efectivo se colocará en cuentas de escrow
- La liberación de los ingresos en escrow está sujeta a la resolución de las Reclamaciones de Alter Ego Comprobadas y del Pledge de CITGO Holding
- El comprador puede cancelar si el tribunal niega la Mocion de Alter Ego
- Período de 45 días para considerar propuestas alternativas después de la Recomendación Final
El Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Gold Reserve, Paul Rivett, declaró que no está claro qué, si acaso, cantidades recibiría la empresa según el acuerdo propuesto, con un riesgo significativo de no recuperación.
골드 리저브 주식회사(Gold Reserve Inc.)(TSX.V: GRZ)(OTCQX: GDRZF)는 CITGO 석유 회사(CITGO Petroleum Corp.)의 간접 모회사인 PDVH 주식 매각 프로세스에 대한 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 특별 마스터가 엘리엇 투자 관리( Elliott Investment Management L.P.)의 계열사인 앰버 에너지(Ambler Energy Inc.)를 성공적인 입찰자로 선정했습니다. 제안된 구매 가격은 최대 72억 8600만 달러 미국에 해당하는 CITGO의 총 기업 가치에 맞춰 조정될 수 있습니다.
주요 사항:
- 현금 대가는 에스크로 계좌에 보관될 예정입니다.
- 에스크로 자금의 해제는 확인된 변별력 요구와 CITGO 홀딩의 담보를 해결하는 데 따라 이루어집니다.
- 법원이 변별력 동의를 거부하면 구매자는 계약을 해지할 수 있습니다.
- 최종 권고 이후 대안 제안을 고려하기 위한 45일의 기한이 주어집니다.
골드 리저브의 부회장인 폴 리벳(Paul Rivett)은 제안된 계약에 따라 회사가 받을 수 있는 금액이 있는지 불확실하며, 회복이 이루어지지 않을 위험이 크다고 밝혔습니다.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) a fourni une mise à jour sur le processus de vente des actions de PDVH, la société mère indirecte de CITGO Petroleum Corp. Le Maître Spécial a sélectionné Amber Energy Inc., une filiale d'Elliott Investment Management L.P., comme le Soumissionnaire Gagnant. Le prix d'achat proposé équivaut à une valeur d'entreprise totale de CITGO jusqu'à 7,286 milliards de dollars américains, sous réserve d'ajustements.
Points clés :
- La considération en espèces sera placée sur des comptes séquestres
- La libération des fonds séquestrés est soumise à la résolution des Requêtes d'Alter Ego établies et du Pledge de CITGO Holding
- L'acheteur peut mettre fin à la vente si le tribunal rejette la Motion d'Alter Ego
- Période de 45 jours pour examiner des propositions alternatives après la Recommandation Finale
Le Vice-Président Exécutif de Gold Reserve, Paul Rivett, a déclaré qu'il était incertain de savoir quelles sommes, le cas échéant, la société recevrait en vertu de l'accord proposé, avec un risque significatif de non-récupération.
Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) hat ein Update zum Verkaufsprozess der PDVH-Anteile, der indirekten Muttergesellschaft von CITGO Petroleum Corp., bereitgestellt. Der Sonderbeauftragte hat Amber Energy Inc., ein Unternehmen von Elliott Investment Management L.P., als erfolgreichen Bieter ausgewählt. Der vorgeschlagene Kaufpreis entspricht einem Gesamtunternehmenswert von CITGO von bis zu 7,286 Milliarden US-Dollar, vorbehaltlich Anpassungen.
Wichtige Punkte:
- Der Bargeldbetrag wird in Treuhandkonten hinterlegt
- Die Freigabe der treuhänderischen Erlöse hängt von der Regelung der festgestellten Ansprüche auf Alter Ego und dem CITGO Holding-Pfand ab
- Der Käufer kann den Vertrag kündigen, wenn das Gericht den Alter Ego-Antrag ablehnt
- 45-tägige Frist für die Prüfung alternativer Angebote nach der endgültigen Empfehlung
Der Executive Vice Chair von Gold Reserve, Paul Rivett, erklärte, dass unklar sei, ob und welche Gelder das Unternehmen im Rahmen des vorgeschlagenen Vertrags erhalten würde, da ein erhebliches Risiko eines möglichen Verlusts bestehe.
- Selection of Amber Energy Inc. as Successful Bidder for PDVH shares
- Proposed purchase price equivalent to CITGO enterprise value of up to US$7.286 billion
- Potential for alternative proposals during 45-day Topping Period
- Uncertainty regarding Gold Reserve's potential recovery from the sale
- Significant risk of no recovery for Gold Reserve
- Sale contingent on resolution of Alter Ego Motion and CITGO Holding Pledge
- Buyer's right to terminate if court denies Alter Ego Motion
This update is qualified in its entirety by reference to such documentation which is available on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”) system in the
On September 27, 2024, the Special Master publicly filed a status report with the
The Special Master also publicly filed on September 27, 2024, a “Notice of Special Master’s Recommendation” with the
- The Special Master has selected Amber Energy Inc. (the “Buyer”), an affiliate of Elliott Investment Management L.P., as the “Successful Bidder” pursuant to the Sale Process.
The Special Master may recommend at a future date, in the Notice of Final Recommendation (as defined therein), the
Delaware Court approval of the Buyer’s purchase of all of the common shares of PDVH (the “PDVH Shares”) pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the proposed executed Stock Purchase Agreement attached as Exhibit A to the Notice (the “Proposed Purchase Agreement” and the transactions contemplated thereby, the “Proposed Sale Transaction”). -
In the Notice, the Special Master excerpted certain terms from the Proposed Purchase Agreement, including:
Purchase Price. The proposed purchase price for the PDVH Shares is equivalent to a total CITGO enterprise value of up to approximately
US , subject to material assumptions and adjustments pursuant to the Proposed Purchase Agreement, which terms are redacted in the attached Proposed Purchase Agreement but will be available upon the commencement of the Topping Period (as defined below) and the Special Master’s filing of his final recommendation of the Proposed Sale Transaction, as described below (the “Final Recommendation”).$7.28 6 billion - Purchase Price Escrow. Cash consideration paid by the Buyer at closing of the Proposed Sale Transaction will be placed into escrow accounts in accordance with the Trust Structure Term Sheet (as defined and attached as Exhibit A to the Proposed Purchase Agreement). The release of the escrowed proceeds will be subject to conditions including, among other things, resolution of Ascertained Alter Ego Claims and the CITGO Holding Pledge (each as defined in the Trust Structure Term Sheet).
Injunction Termination Right. In the event the
Delaware Court denies the relief sought in the Special Master’s “Motion to Enjoin the Alter Ego Claimants from Enforcing Claims Against the Republic or PDVSA by Collecting from PDVH or its Subsidiaries in Other Forums” (the “Alter Ego Motion”), which is scheduled for a hearing on October 1, 2024, the Buyer may elect to terminate the Proposed Purchase Agreement (the “Injunction Termination Right”). - Superior Proposals. From the date of execution of the Proposed Purchase Agreement until the date on which the Special Master files the Final Recommendation, the Special Master is subject to a non-solicitation and non-discussion provision and is not permitted to consider any alternative proposals to purchase the PDVH Shares. If, following the Court’s decision with respect to the Alter Ego Motion, and pursuant to the terms of the Proposed Purchase Agreement, the Special Master and the Buyer amend the Proposed Purchase Agreement and the Special Master files the Final Recommendation of the Proposed Sale Transaction, as amended, the 45-day period during which the Special Master may consider alternative proposals (the “Topping Period”) will commence during which the Special Master will be permitted to consider alternative proposals, subject to the limitations set forth in the Proposed Purchase Agreement.
Purchase Price. The proposed purchase price for the PDVH Shares is equivalent to a total CITGO enterprise value of up to approximately
In light of the Injunction Termination Right, the Special Master does not believe that a final recommendation of the Proposed Sale Transaction is appropriate at this time, nor would it be productive given the upcoming October 1, 2024 hearing on the Alter Ego Motion. Therefore, the Special Master recommends to the
Delaware Court that it adopt the following briefing schedule and process related to the Proposed Sale Transaction:- Notice filed on September 27, 2024;
- Hearing on Alter Ego Motion -- October 1, 2024;
- If the Court grants the relief requested in the Alter Ego Motion, the Special Master and the Buyer will work in good faith to make any amendments to the Proposed Purchase Agreement as are necessary to reflect the Court’s ruling and, within three business days after the execution of such amendments—i.e., the Trust Structure Effective Date (as defined in the Proposed Purchase Agreement, which itself must occur by the later of October 25, 2024 and ten business days following entry of the Delaware Court’s order on the Alter Ego Motion —the Special Master will file the “Final Recommendation”. The Final Recommendation will include (i) an amended Proposed Purchase Agreement, (ii) final Trust Documentation (as defined in the Trust Structure Term Sheet), and (iii) a proposed form of Sale Order in connection therewith;
- The deadline for objections to the Proposed Sale Transaction, and all other briefing deadlines provided in the Delaware Court’s Oral Order entered on September 20, 2024 will be based on the date of filing of the Final Recommendation;
- The Topping Period pursuant to the Proposed Purchase Agreement shall commence on the date of the filing of the Final Recommendation; and
- The Sale Hearing in connection with the Proposed Sale Transaction shall be scheduled based on the briefing schedule described in the fourth bullet above.
- Pursuant to the Sale Process Order, within seven days after the filing of the Final Recommendation, the Special Master will file a report under seal (and serve a copy to the Sale Process Parties) that provides a summary of the Bids for the PDVH Shares, including their cash and non-cash consideration components.
On October 1, 2024, the
“At present, it is not clear what, if any, monies the Company would receive under the terms of this Proposed Purchase Agreement, and there is a significant risk the Company would not receive any recovery,” said Paul Rivett, Executive Vice Chair. “All of the proposed terms appear to be contingent on the resolution of the Alter Ego Motion, as well as subject to further amendment if the motion is granted and, unfortunately, many of the terms are redacted. Gold Reserve’s recovery appears to be entirely contingent on the amount of the Purchase Price that is escrowed to resolve the CITGO Holding Pledge (related to the 2020 Notes), and the resolution of the pending litigation concerning the CITGO Holding Pledge as well as the Ascertained Alter Ego Claims. Gold Reserve looks forward to obtaining further clarity on these open issues. In the interim, Gold Reserve is considering all of its options, including in respect of its objection rights and preparations for the topping period.”
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
Paul Rivett
Executive Vice-Chairman
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking statements
This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable
We caution that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other risks that may cause the actual events, outcomes or results of Gold Reserve to be materially different from our estimated outcomes, results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: the Sale Process may not be consummated, including that it may not result in a sale of the PDVH Shares to any person, including to the Buyer; the Company may not receive any monies under the Sale Process, including under the Proposed Sale Transaction, any potential transaction of the Company solely or with one or more other parties ( “Potential Transaction”) in relation to the sale of PDVH Shares pursuant to the Sale Process, including, but not limited to: complying with the topping bid terms under the Proposed Purchase Agreement, discretion of the Special Master to otherwise considering any Potential Transaction, entering into any discussions or negotiation with respect thereto and that the Special Master may reject any Potential Transaction including without limitation because the Special Master’s view is that the Potential Transaction is not of sufficient value, does not sufficiently take account of the PDVSA 2020 Notes, does not have sufficient certainty of closing and/or for any other reason; the form of consideration and/or proceeds that may be received by the Company in any Potential Transaction; that any Potential Transaction, and/or the form of proceeds received by the Company in any Potential Transaction, may be substantially less than the amounts outstanding under the Company’s September 2014 arbitral award (the “Award”) and/or corresponding November 20, 2015 U.S. judgement; the failure of the Company to put forth or negotiate any Potential Transaction, including as a result of failing to obtain sufficient equity and/or debt financing; that any Potential Transaction of the Company will not be selected as a “Successful Bid” under the Sale Process including complying with any topping bid procedures, and if selected may not close, including as a result of
Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to Gold Reserve or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. Gold Reserve disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements or the foregoing list of assumptions or factors, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, subject to its disclosure obligations under applicable rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and applicable Canadian provincial and territorial securities laws.
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Gold Reserve Inc. Contact
Jean Charles Potvin
999 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 401
Tel: (509) 623-1500
Fax: (509) 623-1634
Source: Gold Reserve Inc.