Gold Reserve Announces Portugal Court Enters Judgment Against Venezuela Confirming Arbitration Award Valued in Excess of $1.1 Billion
Gold Reserve (GDRZF) has achieved a significant legal victory as the Lisbon Court of Appeal confirmed its arbitration award against Venezuela. The court entered a judgment of $713,032,000 plus pre-award interest of $22,299,576, post-award interest at LIBOR plus 2% (compounded annually from September 2014), and $5 million in legal fees.
The total judgment now exceeds $1.1 billion. The company has secured attachment orders on multiple Portuguese bank accounts totaling over $1.4 billion. However, recovery remains uncertain due to various factors, including required additional court orders and attachment priority issues.
This enforcement effort runs parallel to proceedings in the United States, including participation in the sales process of PDV Holdings (PDVH), CITGO Petroleum Corp's indirect parent company. Any recovery from either jurisdiction will offset the amount recoverable in the other.
Gold Reserve (GDRZF) ha ottenuto una vittoria legale significativa poiché la Corte d'Appello di Lisbona ha confermato il suo lodo arbitrale contro il Venezuela. La corte ha emesso una sentenza di $713.032.000 più interessi pre-lodo di $22.299.576, interessi post-lodo al LIBOR più 2% (composti annualmente dal settembre 2014) e $5 milioni in spese legali.
La sentenza totale ora supera $1,1 miliardi. L'azienda ha ottenuto ordini di sequestro su diversi conti bancari portoghesi per un totale di oltre $1,4 miliardi. Tuttavia, il recupero rimane incerto a causa di vari fattori, tra cui ulteriori ordini di corte richiesti e questioni di priorità del sequestro.
Questo sforzo di esecuzione procede parallelamente ai procedimenti negli Stati Uniti, inclusa la partecipazione al processo di vendita di PDV Holdings (PDVH), la società madre indiretta di CITGO Petroleum Corp. Qualsiasi recupero da una delle giurisdizioni andrà a compensare l'importo recuperabile nell'altra.
Gold Reserve (GDRZF) ha logrado una victoria legal significativa, ya que el Tribunal de Apelación de Lisboa confirmó su laudo arbitral contra Venezuela. El tribunal emitió un fallo de $713,032,000 más intereses previos al laudo de $22,299,576, intereses posteriores al laudo al LIBOR más 2% (compuestos anualmente desde septiembre de 2014) y $5 millones en honorarios legales.
El fallo total ahora supera $1.1 mil millones. La empresa ha asegurado órdenes de embargo sobre múltiples cuentas bancarias portuguesas que suman más de $1.4 mil millones. Sin embargo, la recuperación sigue siendo incierta debido a varios factores, incluidos los órdenes judiciales adicionales requeridos y problemas de prioridad de embargo.
Este esfuerzo de ejecución avanza en paralelo a los procedimientos en los Estados Unidos, incluida la participación en el proceso de venta de PDV Holdings (PDVH), la empresa matriz indirecta de CITGO Petroleum Corp. Cualquier recuperación de cualquiera de las jurisdicciones compensará el monto recuperable en la otra.
골드 리저브 (GDRZF)는 리스본 항소 법원이 베네수엘라에 대한 중재 판정을 확인하면서 중요한 법적 승리를 거두었습니다. 법원은 $713,032,000의 판결과 함께 $22,299,576의 중재 전 이자, LIBOR 플러스 2%의 중재 후 이자(2014년 9월부터 연간 복리 계산) 및 $5백만의 법적 비용을 부과했습니다.
총 판결액은 이제 $1.1억 달러를 초과합니다. 회사는 총 $1.4억 달러에 달하는 여러 포르투갈 은행 계좌에 대한 압류 명령을 확보했습니다. 그러나 추가 법원 명령 및 압류 우선 순위 문제와 같은 여러 요인으로 인해 회수는 여전히 불확실합니다.
이 집행 노력은 미국 내 절차와 병행하여 진행되며, CITGO 석유 회사의 간접 모회사인 PDV 홀딩스(PDVH)의 판매 과정에 참여하고 있습니다. 어느 관할권에서의 회수는 다른 관할권에서 회수 가능한 금액을 상계할 것입니다.
Gold Reserve (GDRZF) a remporté une victoire juridique significative, la Cour d'appel de Lisbonne ayant confirmé son arbitrage contre le Venezuela. La cour a rendu un jugement de $713.032.000 plus des intérêts avant l'arbitrage de $22.299.576, des intérêts après l'arbitrage au LIBOR plus 2% (composés annuellement depuis septembre 2014) et $5 millions en frais juridiques.
Le jugement total dépasse désormais $1,1 milliard. L'entreprise a obtenu des ordonnances de saisie sur plusieurs comptes bancaires portugais totalisant plus de $1,4 milliard. Cependant, la récupération reste incertaine en raison de divers facteurs, y compris des ordonnances judiciaires supplémentaires requises et des problèmes de priorité de saisie.
Ce processus d'exécution se déroule parallèlement à des procédures aux États-Unis, y compris la participation au processus de vente de PDV Holdings (PDVH), la société mère indirecte de CITGO Petroleum Corp. Toute récupération dans l'une ou l'autre juridiction compensera le montant récupérable dans l'autre.
Gold Reserve (GDRZF) hat einen bedeutenden juristischen Sieg errungen, da das Berufungsgericht Lissabon seinen Schiedsspruch gegen Venezuela bestätigt hat. Das Gericht erließ ein Urteil von $713.032.000 zuzüglich Vorzinsen von $22.299.576, Nachzinsen in Höhe von LIBOR plus 2% (jährlich ab September 2014) und $5 Millionen an Anwaltskosten.
Das Gesamturteil übersteigt nun $1,1 Milliarden. Das Unternehmen hat Sicherungsanordnungen für mehrere portugiesische Bankkonten in Höhe von insgesamt über $1,4 Milliarden erwirkt. Der Rückgewinn bleibt jedoch aufgrund verschiedener Faktoren, einschließlich erforderlicher zusätzlicher Gerichtsbeschlüsse und Prioritätsfragen, unsicher.
Dieser Vollstreckungsversuch verläuft parallel zu Verfahren in den Vereinigten Staaten, einschließlich der Teilnahme am Verkaufsprozess von PDV Holdings (PDVH), der indirekten Muttergesellschaft von CITGO Petroleum Corp. Jede Rückgewinnung aus einer der Jurisdiktionen wird den in der anderen zurückgewinnbaren Betrag ausgleichen.
- Court judgment confirms arbitration award worth over $1.1 billion
- Successfully obtained attachment orders on $1.4 billion in Portuguese bank accounts
- Multiple recovery paths through both Portuguese and U.S. legal systems
- Recovery of funds remains uncertain due to legal complexities
- Company faces competition from other creditors for priority claims
- Additional court orders required before accessing attached funds
On February 20, 2025, the
The total amount of Judgment at present, inclusive of interest, exceeds
The Judgment supports the Company’s ongoing efforts to enforce the Award in
The Company’s recognition and enforcement efforts in
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking statements
This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable
We caution that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other risks that may cause the actual events, outcomes or results of Gold Reserve to be materially different from our estimated outcomes, results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: the Judgment is subject to appeal by
Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to Gold Reserve or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. Gold Reserve disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements or the foregoing list of assumptions or factors, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, subject to its disclosure obligations under applicable rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and applicable Canadian provincial and territorial securities laws.
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For further information regarding Gold Reserve Ltd., please contact:
Rosebank Centre, 5th Floor, 11 Bermudiana Road, Pembroke HM 08,
Source: Gold Reserve Ltd.
What is the total value of Gold Reserve's (GDRZF) court judgment against Venezuela?
How much money has GDRZF secured through attachment orders in Portugal?
What are the main challenges for GDRZF in collecting the Venezuela judgment?