Entravision, AltaMed Health Services, and BSP Research Unveil 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll to Shape Election Insights

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Entravision (EVC), in collaboration with AltaMed Health Services and BSP Research, is launching the 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll on September 11, 2024. This weekly survey will provide real-time insights into Latino voter priorities ahead of the November election. The poll will survey 500 registered Latino voters each week for 8 weeks, covering topics such as voting intentions, key issues, healthcare concerns, and candidate favorability.

Results will be released weekly, starting September 18, 2024. A virtual press event will be held on the same day at 1pm ET/10am PT to discuss initial findings. This initiative aims to offer candidates, organizations, media, and voters a unique resource to understand how key issues resonate with Latino voters, recognizing the intersection of healthcare, civic engagement, and policy within the Latino community.

Entravision (EVC), in collaborazione con AltaMed Health Services e BSP Research, lancerà il 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll l'11 settembre 2024. Questo sondaggio settimanale fornirà approfondimenti in tempo reale sulle priorità degli elettori latini in vista delle elezioni di novembre. Il sondaggio interrogerà 500 elettori latini registrati ogni settimana per 8 settimane, coprendo temi come le intenzioni di voto, le questioni chiave, le preoccupazioni sanitarie e la favorabilità dei candidati.

I risultati saranno pubblicati settimanalmente, a partire dal 18 settembre 2024. Un evento stampa virtuale si svolgerà lo stesso giorno alle 13:00 ET/10:00 PT per discutere i risultati iniziali. Questa iniziativa ha lo scopo di offrire ai candidati, alle organizzazioni, ai media e agli elettori una risorsa unica per comprendere come le questioni chiave risuonano tra gli elettori latini, riconoscendo l'intersezione tra sanità, partecipazione civica e politiche all'interno della comunità latina.

Entravision (EVC), en colaboración con AltaMed Health Services y BSP Research, lanzará el 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll el 11 de septiembre de 2024. Esta encuesta semanal proporcionará información en tiempo real sobre las prioridades de los votantes latinos de cara a las elecciones de noviembre. La encuesta entrevistará a 500 votantes latinos registrados cada semana durante 8 semanas, abarcando temas como intenciones de voto, cuestiones clave, preocupaciones de salud y favorabilidad de los candidatos.

Los resultados se publicarán semanalmente, comenzando el 18 de septiembre de 2024. Se llevará a cabo un evento de prensa virtual el mismo día a la 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT para discutir los hallazgos iniciales. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo ofrecer a candidatos, organizaciones, medios de comunicación y votantes un recurso único para comprender cómo resuenan las cuestiones clave entre los votantes latinos, reconociendo la intersección de salud, participación cívica y políticas dentro de la comunidad latina.

Entravision (EVC)는 AltaMed Health Services 및 BSP Research와 협력하여 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll을 2024년 9월 11일에 시작합니다. 이번 주간 조사는 11월 선거를 앞두고 라틴계 유권자의 우선 사항에 대한 실시간 통찰력을 제공합니다. 이 조사는 매주 500명의 등록된 라틴계 유권자를 조사하며, 투표 의향, 주요 이슈, 건강 문제 및 후보자 호감도와 같은 주제를 다룹니다.

결과는 2024년 9월 18일부터 매주 발표되며, 같은 날 오후 1시 ET/오전 10시 PT에 초기 결과를 논의하기 위한 가상 언론 행사가 열릴 예정입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 후보자, 조직, 언론 및 유권자에게 라틴계 유권자들 사이에서 중요한 이슈가 어떻게 공감되는지를 이해하는 독특한 자원을 제공할 것을 목표로 하며, 라틴계 커뮤니티 내에서 건강 관리, 시민 참여 및 정책의 교차점을 인식합니다.

Entravision (EVC), en collaboration avec AltaMed Health Services et BSP Research, lancera le 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll le 11 septembre 2024. Cette enquête hebdomadaire fournira des informations en temps réel sur les priorités des électeurs latinos avant les élections de novembre. L'enquête interrogera chaque semaine 500 électeurs latinos enregistrés pendant 8 semaines, abordant des thèmes tels que les intentions de vote, les questions clés, les préoccupations relatives à la santé et la favorabilité des candidats.

Les résultats seront publiés chaque semaine à partir du 18 septembre 2024. Un événement de presse virtuel se tiendra le même jour à 13h00 ET/10h00 PT pour discuter des premiers résultats. Cette initiative vise à offrir aux candidats, aux organisations, aux médias et aux électeurs une ressource unique pour comprendre comment les questions clés résonnent auprès des électeurs latinos, reconnaissant l'intersection de la santé, de l'engagement civique et des politiques au sein de la communauté latino.

Entravision (EVC) startet in Zusammenarbeit mit AltaMed Health Services und BSP Research die 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll am 11. September 2024. Diese wöchentliche Umfrage bietet Echtzeiteinblicke in die Prioritäten von Latino-Wählern vor den Wahlen im November. Die Umfrage wird wöchentlich 500 registrierte Latino-Wähler über einen Zeitraum von 8 Wochen befragen und dabei Themen wie Wahlabsichten, wichtige Probleme, gesundheitliche Anliegen und die Favoritenstellung von Kandidaten abdecken.

Die Ergebnisse werden wöchentlich veröffentlicht, beginnend am 18. September 2024. Am selben Tag findet um 13 Uhr ET/10 Uhr PT eine virtuelle Presseveranstaltung statt, um die ersten Ergebnisse zu diskutieren. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, Kandidaten, Organisationen, Medien und Wähler mit einer einzigartigen Ressource auszustatten, um zu verstehen, wie zentrale Themen bei Latino-Wählern ankommen, wobei die Schnittstelle von Gesundheitsversorgung, bürgerschaftlichem Engagement und Politik innerhalb der Latino-Gemeinschaft anerkannt wird.

  • Launch of a unique weekly national poll focused specifically on Latino voters
  • Collaboration with AltaMed Health Services and BSP Research enhances credibility and reach
  • Potential for increased visibility and influence in political discourse
  • None.

Weekly survey offers exclusive, real-time data on Latino voter priorities ahead of November election

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Entravision, in partnership with AltaMed Health Services and BSP Research, announces the launch of the 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll, beginning September 11, 2024. This timely initiative will provide critical insights into the political perspectives and engagement of Latino voters as the November election approaches.

“Entravision is committed to amplifying the voices of the Latino community, and this poll is an essential tool for understanding the political landscape as it relates to Latino voters,” said Michael Christenson, CEO of Entravision. “By partnering with AltaMed and BSP Research, we are offering a unique resource for candidates, organizations, media, and voters to see how key issues and candidates resonate with Latino voters.”

“At AltaMed, we recognize that healthcare and civic engagement are deeply intertwined, especially within the Latino community. We understand that access to healthcare and social determinants of health are linked to policy, politics, and elections and that’s why we launched our My Vote. My Health. initiative,” said Cástulo de la Rocha, President and CEO of AltaMed. “Nearly 80% of the patients we serve are Latino and our partnership allows us to hear from our community in real time, and ensure that policy makers and candidates address the healthcare and social determinant issues that are most important to Latinos.”

My Vote. My Health. was launched by AltaMed to mobilize patients, families, and residents in their Southern California service areas to address the social and political determinants of health. My Vote. My Health. partners with other community healthcare providers and local civic engagement organizations to help increase Latino civic participation to improve the quality of life of underserved and underrepresented communities.

As the only weekly national poll focused specifically on Latino voters, the survey will track the opinions of 500 registered Latino voters each week over an 8-week period, ending right before the November election. Participants will be asked about a range of political topics, including voting intentions, key issue support or opposition, healthcare concerns, and candidate favorability in both presidential and senate races. Each survey will include approximately 45 questions.

The first set of results will be released on September 18, 2024, with weekly updates every Monday thereafter continuing through Election Day. This poll will offer a real-time view of the issues and candidates most important to Latino voters.

To mark the launch, a virtual press event via zoom will be held on September 18, 2024 at 1pm ET/10am PT, where leaders from Entravision, AltaMed, and BSP Research will discuss key insights from the first results and answer media questions.

For more information about or to participate in the virtual press event, please email

About Entravision Communications Corporation

Entravision (NYSE: EVC) is a media and advertising technology company. Our broadcast properties include the largest television affiliate group of the Univision and UniMás television networks and one of the largest groups of primarily Spanish-language radio stations in the United States, providing our customers with substantial access and engagement opportunities in the top U.S. Hispanic markets. Smadex, our programmatic ad purchasing platform enables customers, primarily mobile app developers, to purchase advertising electronically and manage data-driven advertising campaigns. Learn more about our offerings at

About AltaMed Health Services

AltaMed understands that when people have health care that looks at their individual health needs and respects their cultural preferences; they grow healthy—and help their families do the same. So we’re delivering complete medical services to communities across Southern California. Since 1969, our team of qualified multicultural and bilingual professionals—from these same communities—has focused on eliminating barriers to primary care services, senior care programs, and even essential community services. With more than 60 accredited health centers and service facilities, we remain committed and ready to help you grow healthy at any age.

About AltaMed Health Services My Vote. My Health.

My Vote. My Health. is a campaign led by AltaMed Health Services, one of the nation’s largest federally qualified community health centers, to mobilize patients, families and residents in our Southern California service areas to address the social and political determinants of health. My Vote. My Health. partners with other community healthcare providers and local civic engagement organizations to help increase Latino civic participation to improve the quality of life of underserved and underrepresented communities locally and across California.

About BSP Research

BSP Research is a Latino-owned polling, research and analytics firm headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and directed by four PhD-holding political scientists.

Marcelo Gaete, EVP, Public and Government Relations, Entravision

Christina Sanchez, Vice President, Public Affairs, AltaMed

Source: Entravision Communications Corporation


When does Entravision's (EVC) 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll begin?

Entravision's 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll begins on September 11, 2024.

How many registered Latino voters will Entravision's (EVC) poll survey each week?

The poll will survey 500 registered Latino voters each week over an 8-week period.

When will the first results of Entravision's (EVC) Latino Tracking Poll be released?

The first set of results will be released on September 18, 2024, with weekly updates every Monday thereafter until Election Day.

What topics will Entravision's (EVC) 2024 National Latino Tracking Poll cover?

The poll will cover voting intentions, key issue support or opposition, healthcare concerns, and candidate favorability in both presidential and senate races.

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