Emerson's New Ovation 4.0 to Deliver Software-Defined, AI-Ready Automation Platform for Power and Water Industries

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Emerson (NYSE: EMR) has announced the release of Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform, an updated version of its industry-leading automation solution for the power and water industries. This new software-defined architecture aims to help utilities better leverage data, new technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI) to meet the increasing demand for reliable, affordable, and sustainable power and water.

Key features of Ovation 4.0 include:

  • Advanced automation, simulation, and AI capabilities
  • Grid edge ecosystem for managing distributed energy resources (DERs)
  • Integration with Ovation Green renewable supervisory control and data acquisition software
  • Generative AI models for prescriptive guidance on operational and maintenance practices
  • Digital twin technology with AI models for data-driven decision-making

The platform is designed to modernize power and water operations, enabling utilities to keep pace with rapidly changing markets and work smarter, better, and faster.

Emerson (NYSE: EMR) ha annunciato il rilascio della Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform, una versione aggiornata della sua soluzione di automazione leader di settore per le industrie dell'energia e dell'acqua. Questa nuova architettura software-definita mira ad aiutare le utility a sfruttare meglio i dati, le nuove tecnologie e l'intelligenza artificiale (IA) per soddisfare la crescente domanda di energia e acqua affidabili, accessibili e sostenibili.

Le funzionalità chiave di Ovation 4.0 includono:

  • Automazione avanzata, simulazione e capacità di IA
  • Ecosistema grid edge per la gestione delle risorse energetiche distribuite (DER)
  • Integrazione con il software di supervisione e acquisizione dati Ovation Green rinnovabile
  • Modelli di IA generativa per indicazioni prescrittive sulle pratiche operative e di manutenzione
  • Tecnologia del gemello digitale con modelli di IA per decisioni basate sui dati

La piattaforma è progettata per modernizzare le operazioni di energia e acqua, consentendo alle utility di tenere il passo con i mercati in rapido cambiamento e di lavorare in modo più intelligente, migliore e più veloce.

Emerson (NYSE: EMR) ha anunciado el lanzamiento de la Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform, una versión actualizada de su solución de automatización líder en la industria para los sectores de energía y agua. Esta nueva arquitectura definida por software tiene como objetivo ayudar a los servicios públicos a aprovechar mejor los datos, nuevas tecnologías y inteligencia artificial (IA) para satisfacer la creciente demanda de energía y agua confiables, asequibles y sostenibles.

Las características clave de Ovation 4.0 incluyen:

  • Automatización avanzada, simulación y capacidades de IA
  • Ecosistema de borde de red para gestionar recursos energéticos distribuidos (DER)
  • Integración con el software de control y adquisición de datos renovable Ovation Green
  • Modelos de IA generativa para orientación prescriptiva sobre prácticas operativas y de mantenimiento
  • Tecnología de gemelo digital con modelos de IA para la toma de decisiones basada en datos

La plataforma está diseñada para modernizar las operaciones de energía y agua, permitiendo a los servicios públicos mantenerse al día con los mercados que cambian rápidamente y trabajar de manera más inteligente, mejor y más rápida.

Emerson (NYSE: EMR)은 전력 및 수자원 산업을 위한 업계 선도적인 자동화 솔루션의 업데이트된 버전인 Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform 출시를 발표했습니다. 이 새로운 소프트웨어 정의 아키텍처는 유틸리티가 데이터, 새로운 기술 및 인공지능 (AI)를 더 잘 활용하여 신뢰할 수 있고 저렴하며 지속 가능한 전력과 물에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족하도록 돕는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Ovation 4.0의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 고급 자동화, 시뮬레이션 및 AI 기능
  • 분산 에너지 자원 (DER)을 관리하기 위한 그리드 엣지 생태계
  • Ovation Green 재생 가능 감시 제어 및 데이터 수집 소프트웨어와의 통합
  • 운영 및 유지 관리 관행에 대한 처방 안내를 위한 생성적 AI 모델
  • 데이터 기반 의사 결정을 위한 AI 모델을 포함한 디지털 트윈 기술

이 플랫폼은 전력 및 수자원 운영을 현대화하기 위해 설계되어 있으며, 유틸리티가 급변하는 시장에 발맞추어 더 스마트하고, 더 나은, 더 빠르게 작업할 수 있도록 합니다.

Emerson (NYSE: EMR) a annoncé le lancement de la Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform, une version mise à jour de sa solution d'automatisation de pointe pour les industries de l'énergie et de l'eau. Cette nouvelle architecture définie par le logiciel vise à aider les services publics à mieux tirer parti des données, des nouvelles technologies et de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) pour répondre à la demande croissante en énergies et en eaux fiables, abordables et durables.

Les caractéristiques clés d'Ovation 4.0 incluent :

  • Automatisation avancée, simulation et capacités d'IA
  • Écosystème de proximité de réseau pour gérer les ressources énergétiques distribuées (DER)
  • Intégration avec le logiciel de contrôle de supervision et d'acquisition de données renouvelables Ovation Green
  • Modèles d'IA générative pour des recommandations prescriptives concernant les pratiques opérationnelles et de maintenance
  • Technologie de jumeau numérique avec des modèles d'IA pour une prise de décision basée sur les données

La plateforme est conçue pour moderniser les opérations d'énergie et d'eau, permettant aux services publics de suivre le rythme des marchés en évolution rapide et de travailler de manière plus intelligente, plus efficace et plus rapide.

Emerson (NYSE: EMR) hat die Veröffentlichung der Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform angekündigt, einer aktualisierten Version seiner branchenführenden Automatisierungslösung für die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft. Diese neue softwaredefinierte Architektur soll den Versorgungsunternehmen helfen, Daten, neue Technologien und künstliche Intelligenz (KI) besser zu nutzen, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach zuverlässiger, erschwinglicher und nachhaltiger Energie und Wasser gerecht zu werden.

Zu den Hauptmerkmalen von Ovation 4.0 gehören:

  • Erweiterte Automatisierung, Simulation und KI-Funktionen
  • Grid-Edge-Ökosystem zur Verwaltung verteilter Energiequellen (DER)
  • Integration mit der Ovation Green Software für erneuerbare Überwachung, Steuerung und Datenerfassung
  • Generative KI-Modelle für präscriptive Anleitungen zu Betriebs- und Wartungspraktiken
  • Digitale Zwillingstechnologie mit KI-Modellen für datengestützte Entscheidungsfindung

Die Plattform wurde entwickelt, um die Energie- und Wasserbetriebe zu modernisieren, sodass die Versorgungsunternehmen Schritt halten können mit den sich schnell ändernden Märkten und intelligenter, besser und schneller arbeiten können.

  • Introduction of Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform with advanced AI and software-defined architecture
  • Enhanced capabilities for managing distributed energy resources (DERs) and grid edge ecosystem
  • Integration of Ovation Green renewable supervisory control and data acquisition software
  • Implementation of generative AI models for operational and maintenance guidance
  • Addition of digital twin technology with AI models for data-driven decision-making
  • None.

Emerson's launch of the Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform is a significant technological advancement for the power and water industries. This platform integrates software-defined architecture and AI capabilities, which can drastically enhance the efficiency and reliability of operations. The use of AI-driven analytics and real-time data processing is key to optimizing energy production and distribution, making it possible to manage diverse energy resources more effectively. This technology not only modernizes plant operations but also aligns with global sustainability efforts, providing a competitive edge to Emerson in these sectors.

From a market perspective, Emerson’s enhancement of its Ovation Automation Platform could significantly impact its market share and customer base. The integration of advanced AI and data-driven tools meets the growing demand for smarter, more sustainable energy solutions. This positions Emerson well against competitors, particularly in an era where utilities are under pressure to modernize and adopt green technologies. The improved operational efficiencies and predictive maintenance capabilities promised by Ovation 4.0 could lead to reduced operational costs for utilities, making it an attractive proposition for potential clients.

Financially, the introduction of Ovation 4.0 could enhance Emerson’s revenue streams by attracting new clients and retaining existing ones through its comprehensive technology upgrade. The platform’s ability to integrate seamlessly with existing infrastructure reduces capital expenditure for utilities, making the investment more appealing. Additionally, as utilities achieve better performance and lower costs through this platform, it could lead to longer-term contracts and higher customer satisfaction, ultimately boosting Emerson’s financial stability and growth.

New automation architecture accelerates plant modernization with a more flexible and user-centric approach

PITTSBURGH, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Global automation and technology leader Emerson (NYSE: EMR) is updating its industry-leading Ovation™ Automation Platform to include a software-defined architecture that will help utilities better leverage data, new technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). This enhancement will enable the industries to achieve new levels of operational excellence and meet the increasing demand for reliable, affordable and sustainable power and water.

Today's progress toward energy transition, global sustainability targets and "electrification of everything" is transforming the power and water industries. These complex challenges require modern, adaptive technologies that interconnect previously siloed data and provide a holistic operational view to improve performance and availability.

Emerson's Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform builds upon the company's Boundless Automation™ vision to integrate and deliver valuable reliability, safety, production and sustainability data across enterprises to optimize operations. The software-defined platform enhancements include advanced automation, simulation and AI capabilities.

"Our next-generation platform will help modernize power and water operations, unlocking predictive strategies to help utilities meet the evolving pressures of the industries," said Bob Yeager, president of Emerson's power and water business. "Ovation 4.0 offers a single automation platform with real-time data, enabling customers to keep pace with rapidly changing markets, providing the insights they need to work smarter, better and faster."

Power or water operators with a complex portfolio of distributed energy resources (DERs) – including combined cycle plants, wind farms, hydro facilities, solar panels, battery storage, microgrids and electric vehicle charging stations – can rely on Ovation 4.0's grid edge ecosystem to manage real-time, bidirectional inputs and deliver distributed data across their entire network. Grid edge controllers provide a more granular view of the grid through high-speed, localized computing environments across DERs, securely putting rich data closer to operators to improve load and demand management.

Emerson's newest Ovation software-based platform is part of a robust solutions portfolio designed to help future-proof utilities, including a full suite of advanced pattern recognition and machine learning technologies to monitor, control and optimize assets. These technologies can be used in local or remote operation control centers to centralize knowledge, predict maintenance requirements and optimize operations. The new Ovation View Human Machine Interface and integration of Ovation Green renewable supervisory control and data acquisition software provide a clear view of operations, advanced analytics and forecasting tools. This Ovation 4.0 integration, combined with these new features, improves holistic awareness across traditional and renewable generation and energy storage segments, reducing costs while increasing plant safety, reliability and sustainability.

The Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform also offers generative AI models trained on a foundation of secure Ovation knowledge-based data that will offer prescriptive guidance on operational and maintenance practices. Ovation digital twin technology with AI models will provide infinite analytical computing power that enables data-driven decisions, business-wide collaboration and on-demand support.

All Ovation 4.0 technologies will be seamlessly supported through the Guardian™ digital customer experience, a single point of access to real-time monitoring, in-depth analytics and actionable insights.

"With our extensive portfolio unified under the Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform, power and water companies now have access to a comprehensive technology ecosystem, unmatched industry expertise, cohesive customer support, and decades of engineering innovation and efficiencies," Yeager said. "This enhancement will help us strengthen our position as a go-to partner, helping our customers modernize with a software-defined architecture that provides the most advanced control systems without completely overhauling existing infrastructure."


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About Emerson
Emerson (NYSE: EMR) is a global technology and software company providing innovative solutions for the world's essential industries. Through its leading automation portfolio, including its majority stake in AspenTech, Emerson helps hybrid, process and discrete manufacturers optimize operations, protect personnel, reduce emissions and achieve their sustainability goals. For more information, visit

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What is Emerson's new Ovation 4.0 Automation Platform?

Emerson's Ovation 4.0 is a software-defined automation platform for the power and water industries. It leverages data, new technologies, and AI to help utilities achieve operational excellence and meet demands for reliable, affordable, and sustainable power and water.

How does Ovation 4.0 help manage distributed energy resources (DERs)?

Ovation 4.0 includes a grid edge ecosystem that manages real-time, bidirectional inputs from various DERs such as combined cycle plants, wind farms, and solar panels. It delivers distributed data across the entire network, providing a more granular view of the grid.

What AI capabilities does Emerson's Ovation 4.0 (EMR) offer?

Ovation 4.0 offers generative AI models trained on secure Ovation knowledge-based data, providing prescriptive guidance on operational and maintenance practices. It also includes digital twin technology with AI models for data-driven decision-making and business-wide collaboration.

How does Ovation 4.0 integrate with renewable energy management?

Ovation 4.0 integrates with Ovation Green renewable supervisory control and data acquisition software, providing advanced analytics and forecasting tools. This integration improves holistic awareness across traditional and renewable generation and energy storage segments.

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