8x8 Delivers Latest Platform Innovations Adding Video Engagement to 8x8 Contact Center

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8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT) has expanded the availability of Video Elevation capabilities for its Contact Center platform. This new feature enables contact center agents to visually diagnose and resolve issues, reducing the need for onsite technical assistance and improving customer experience. Key benefits include:

1. 150% quarter-over-quarter growth in video interactions initiated by agents
2. Reduced support costs and unnecessary onsite visits
3. Enhanced first contact resolution for various industries
4. Improved customer satisfaction and resolution time
5. Easy-to-use, mobile-first engagement for multiple sectors

The Video Elevation feature is part of 8x8's integrated cloud UCaaS and CCaaS solution, which offers a 99.999% uptime SLA.

8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT) ha ampliato la disponibilità delle funzionalità di Video Elevation per la sua piattaforma di Contact Center. Questa nuova funzione consente ai team di contatto di diagnosticare e risolvere visivamente i problemi, riducendo la necessità di assistenza tecnica in loco e migliorando l'esperienza del cliente. I principali vantaggi includono:

1. Crescita del 150% rispetto al trimestre precedente nelle interazioni video avviate dagli agenti
2. Riduzione dei costi di supporto e visite in loco non necessarie
3. Maggiore risoluzione al primo contatto per vari settori
4. Migliore soddisfazione del cliente e tempi di risoluzione
5. Engagement facile da usare, orientato al mobile per più settori

La funzione Video Elevation è parte della soluzione UCaaS e CCaaS integrata di 8x8, che offre un SLA di uptime del 99,999%.

8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT) ha ampliado la disponibilidad de las capacidades de Video Elevation para su plataforma de Contact Center. Esta nueva característica permite a los agentes del centro de contacto diagnosticar y resolver problemas visualmente, reduciendo la necesidad de asistencia técnica en el lugar y mejorando la experiencia del cliente. Los beneficios clave incluyen:

1. Crecimiento del 150% trimestre a trimestre en interacciones de video iniciadas por los agentes
2. Costos de soporte reducidos y visitas innecesarias al sitio
3. Mejora en la resolución en el primer contacto para diversas industrias
4. Mayor satisfacción del cliente y tiempos de resolución
5. Compromiso fácil de usar, orientado al móvil para múltiples sectores

La función Video Elevation es parte de la solución integrada UCaaS y CCaaS de 8x8, que ofrece un SLA de tiempo de actividad del 99.999%.

8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT)는 자사 연락 센터 플랫폼을 위해 Video Elevation 기능의 가용성을 확장했습니다. 이 새로운 기능은 연락 센터 상담원이 문제를 시각적으로 진단하고 해결할 수 있도록 해, 현장 기술 지원의 필요성을 줄이고 고객 경험을 개선합니다. 주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 상담원이 시작한 비디오 상호작용에서 분기별 150% 성장
2. 지원 비용 감소 및 불필요한 현장 방문 감소
3. 다양한 산업에 대한 첫 번째 접촉 해결 개선
4. 향상된 고객 만족도 및 해결 시간
5. 여러 분야를 위한 모바일 우선 사용 용이성

Video Elevation 기능은 8x8의 통합 클라우드 UCaaS 및 CCaaS 솔루션의 일부로, 99.999%의 가동 시간 SLA를 제공합니다.

8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT) a élargi la disponibilité des capacités de Video Elevation pour sa plateforme de Contact Center. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité permet aux agents du centre de contact de diagnostiquer et de résoudre visuellement des problèmes, réduisant ainsi le besoin d'assistance technique sur site et améliorant l'expérience client. Les principaux avantages incluent :

1. Croissance de 150 % d'un trimestre à l'autre des interactions vidéo initiées par les agents
2. Réduction des coûts de support et des visites sur site inutiles
3. Meilleure résolution au premier contact pour divers secteurs
4. Amélioration de la satisfaction client et des temps de résolution
5. Engagement facile à utiliser, axé sur le mobile pour plusieurs secteurs

La fonctionnalité Video Elevation fait partie de la solution UCaaS et CCaaS intégrée d'8x8, qui offre un SLA de disponibilité de 99,999%.

8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT) hat die Verfügbarkeit der Video Elevation-Funktionen für seine Contact Center-Plattform erweitert. Diese neue Funktion ermöglicht den Kontakcentermitarbeitern, Probleme visuell zu diagnostizieren und zu lösen, wodurch die Notwendigkeit vor Ort technischer Unterstützung verringert und das Kundenerlebnis verbessert wird. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören:

1. 150% Wachstum im Vergleich zum Vorquartal bei den von Agents initiierten Video-Interaktionen
2. Reduzierte Supportkosten und unnötige Vor-Ort-Besuche
3. Verbesserte Erstkontaktlösung für verschiedene Branchen
4. Höhere Kundenzufriedenheit und kürzere Lösungszeiten
5. Benutzerfreundliche, mobil-first Interaktion für verschiedene Sektoren

Die Video Elevation-Funktion ist Teil der integrierten Cloud-Lösung UCaaS und CCaaS von 8x8, die einen SLA von 99,999% Verfügbarkeit bietet.

  • 150% quarter-over-quarter growth in video interactions initiated by agents
  • Reduced support costs and unnecessary onsite visits
  • Enhanced first contact resolution for various industries
  • Improved customer satisfaction by 41.4% and resolution time by 40.6% when using video
  • Platform Housing Group saved £50,000 on communications hardware per year
  • Expanded recording storage with up to 130 days of hot storage and up to ten years of cold storage
  • None.

8x8's Video Elevation for Contact Center represents a significant advancement in customer service technology. By enabling visual diagnosis and resolution of issues, this innovation addresses key pain points in customer support:

  • Improved first contact resolution, potentially reducing support costs
  • 150% quarter-over-quarter growth in video interactions, indicating strong adoption
  • Enhanced ability to assess urgency and resolve issues remotely

The platform's integration with 8x8's unified communications suite offers a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to streamline their communication infrastructure. With features like expanded recording storage and native video functionality, 8x8 is positioning itself as a leader in the evolving landscape of customer engagement technologies.

The introduction of Video Elevation aligns with broader market trends in customer service preferences. Metrigy's research indicating that 97% of consumers want video and screen-sharing for troubleshooting suggests a strong market fit for this product. Key market impacts include:

  • Potential for significant improvements in customer satisfaction (41.4%) and resolution time (40.6%)
  • Competitive advantage in industries like insurance, manufacturing and retail
  • Addressing the growing demand for personalized, efficient customer interactions

This innovation could drive market share growth for 8x8 in the competitive cloud communications sector, particularly among businesses prioritizing customer experience enhancements.

While specific financial figures aren't provided, the Video Elevation feature presents several positive financial implications for 8x8 (NASDAQ: EGHT) and its clients:

  • Potential for increased revenue through higher customer retention and upselling opportunities
  • Cost savings for clients, exemplified by Platform Housing Group's £50,000 annual savings on communications hardware
  • Scalability without proportional cost increases, as demonstrated by Platform Housing Group adding 300 users with minimal cost impact

The 99.999% uptime SLA across integrated UCaaS and CCaaS solutions further strengthens 8x8's value proposition. However, investors should monitor adoption rates and the impact on 8x8's revenue and market share in upcoming quarterly reports to fully assess the financial impact of this innovation.

Enables Contact Center Agents to Improve First Contact Resolution, Enhance Customer Experiences, and Reduce Support Costs By Using Embedded Video Escalation Capabilities

CAMPBELL, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT), a leading business communications, CX and CPaaS platform provider, today announced expanded availability of Video Elevation capabilities for 8x8 Contact Center. The new digital engagement capabilities enable contact center agents to visually diagnose and resolve issues, such as property damage or the assembly of a recently purchased product, reducing the need for onsite technical assistance and improving the overall customer experience. Since introducing Video Elevation, video interactions initiated by agents using 8x8 Contact Center to assess and resolve customer inquiries have grown by 150% quarter-over-quarter.

The video escalation feature enables agents to evaluate and determine the best course of action on a case-by-case basis, reducing support costs and unnecessary time spent on onsite visits. For instance in the UK, housing associations have used Video Elevation to address tenant concerns remotely by assessing the urgency of repair and resolving routine maintenance requests without the need for an onsite visit from a technician, enhancing first contact resolution.

UK public housing association, Platform Housing Group, used the one-way video capabilities to handle 31% of issues remotely as well as replace more than 20 on-premises computer servers. “The £50,000 saved on communications hardware per year is just the beginning, once you factor in a host of time-savings. The phone bill is almost zero each month and when we added 300 users, our costs remained virtually static,” said Mohammed Zabir, Director of Technology & Delivery at Platform Housing Group.

“Video is widely used for business meetings and personal interactions, so why not extend its value for customer interactions, especially considering consumers overwhelmingly want to use video and screen-sharing when they interact with companies,” says Robin Gareiss, CEO of Metrigy. “For example, nearly 97% say they want to use these technologies when they are troubleshooting new products. This may explain why customer satisfaction improves by 41.4% and resolution time improves by 40.6% when video and/or screen-sharing are used.”

For the retail sector, 8x8 customers have leveraged Video Elevation to enable their customers to ask agents for help with assembly or identifying a missing part quickly and easily. Further, contact center agents can reduce average handling time by clarifying confusing discussions and overcoming language barriers.

“Video Elevation is incredibly user-friendly and intuitive. It allows our contact center agents to easily interact with a dealership through video or screen sharing to troubleshoot and resolve issues,” said Tom Gustine, Lead Technical Service Specialist at Manitou Group, a French heavy equipment manufacturer of forklifts, cherry pickers, telehandlers, and other heavy equipment. “It has enabled us to solve complex issues quickly and efficiently while saving time and resources.”

Example use cases and key benefits of 8x8 Contact Center video elevation capabilities include:

  • Easy to Use, Mobile-first Engagement for Automobile Insurance Providers: Contact center agents share a secure, one-way video link via SMS, allowing customers to easily grant the agent permission to see their mobile device camera and geolocation in real time, reducing the need for onsite technicians to assess automobile damage and speeding up insurance claim processing times.
  • Reduce Cost and Time for Manufacturers: Assess issues with complex manufacturing equipment quickly to determine if an issue can be resolved remotely or if an onsite visit is necessary.
  • Meet Rising Tenant Expectations for UK Public Housing Associations: Video Elevation provides tenants of housing associations with a new video engagement channel capability to resolve issues more quickly and in a more empathetic and personalized way.
  • Easy Access to the Full Customer Story for Retailers: In today’s omnichannel environment, consumers often interact with retailers across several channels before making a purchase. Video recording history can be found in the 8x8 Agent Workspace and any still screenshots, metadata, and the recordings themselves are stored within the 8x8 CRM, making it easy for the agents to access all the customer context they need to deliver a personalized experience.
  • Dynamic Agent Controls for Utilities: Agents are given multiple, dynamic controls to assist the customer as efficiently as possible, including the ability to take a screenshot of a water meter, for example, on the customer’s camera, request exact location of an issue, as well as request to flip to the other camera on their device.
  • Great Agent Experience: Native video elevation functionality allows agents to utilize the capabilities directly in 8x8 Contact Center, providing additional privacy as they handle video interactions.
  • Expanded Recording Storage: 8x8 supports up to 130 days of hot storage and up to ten years of cold storage for expanded coverage of video recordings.

“The ability to elevate customer support issues to video is an incredible way to optimize contact center operations while driving a higher level of customer experience and satisfaction,” said Hunter Middleton, Chief Product Officer at 8x8, Inc. “The new one-way video capabilities reduce average handling times and increase first contact resolution for so many industries, including retail, manufacturing, and housing, while also improving the contact center agent experience, empowering them to provide faster, more seamless customer support.”

Video Elevation is part of 8x8’s cloud contact center and unified communications platform, which includes cloud contact center, business phone, video meetings, team chat, and SMS capabilities. The 8x8 platform is a resilient, secure, and compliant platform, offering the highest levels of reliability with a financially backed, platform-wide 99.999% uptime SLA across an integrated cloud UCaaS and CCaaS solution.

About 8x8 Inc.

8x8, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGHT) is a leading provider of integrated contact center, voice communications, video, chat, and SMS solutions built on one global cloud platform. 8x8 uniquely eliminates the silos across the entire organization to power the communications and customer engagement requirements of all employees globally as they work together to deliver differentiated customer experiences. For additional information, visit, or follow 8x8 on LinkedIn, X and Facebook.

8x8® is a trademark of 8x8, Inc.

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Source: 8x8, Inc.


What is 8x8's Video Elevation feature for Contact Center?

8x8's Video Elevation is a capability that allows contact center agents to visually diagnose and resolve customer issues through video interactions, reducing the need for onsite technical assistance and improving overall customer experience.

How has the adoption of Video Elevation grown for 8x8 (EGHT)?

Video interactions initiated by agents using 8x8 Contact Center have grown by 150% quarter-over-quarter since the introduction of Video Elevation.

What industries can benefit from 8x8's Video Elevation feature?

Industries that can benefit include housing associations, retail, manufacturing, automobile insurance, and utilities. It helps in assessing property damage, product assembly, equipment issues, and more.

How does Video Elevation impact customer satisfaction and resolution time?

According to Metrigy, customer satisfaction improves by 41.4% and resolution time improves by 40.6% when video and/or screen-sharing are used in customer interactions.

What storage options does 8x8 (EGHT) offer for video recordings?

8x8 supports up to 130 days of hot storage and up to ten years of cold storage for expanded coverage of video recordings.

8x8, Inc.


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