DoubleVerify Has Partnered With Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Through AaaS (Advertising as a Service) to Deliver Better Business Results for Brands

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

DoubleVerify (DV) has partnered with Hakuhodo DY Media Partners to enhance digital advertising effectiveness through the Advertising as a Service (AaaS) model. This collaboration integrates DV's AI-driven technology with AaaS to optimize ad delivery, minimize brand risk, and achieve business goals for advertisers. The partnership focuses on:

1. Improving ad quality using AI technology
2. Ensuring effective and secure ad delivery
3. Utilizing media quality data, bidding optimization, and operations management

A proof-of-concept (POC) is currently underway to demonstrate the enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of this integrated approach. This partnership marks a significant step towards providing safer and more impactful advertising solutions in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

DoubleVerify (DV) ha collaborato con Hakuhodo DY Media Partners per migliorare l'efficacia della pubblicità digitale attraverso il modello di Advertising as a Service (AaaS). Questa collaborazione integra la tecnologia basata sull'intelligenza artificiale di DV con AaaS per ottimizzare la consegna degli annunci, ridurre il rischio per i marchi e raggiungere gli obiettivi aziendali degli inserzionisti. Il partenariato si concentra su:

1. Migliorare la qualità degli annunci utilizzando la tecnologia AI
2. Garantire una consegna degli annunci efficace e sicura
3. Utilizzare dati sulla qualità dei media, ottimizzazione delle offerte e gestione delle operazioni

Un proof-of-concept (POC) è attualmente in corso per dimostrare l'efficienza e l'efficacia migliorate di questo approccio integrato. Questa partnership segna un passo significativo verso la fornitura di soluzioni pubblicitarie più sicure e impattanti nel panorama digitale in rapida evoluzione.

DoubleVerify (DV) se ha asociado con Hakuhodo DY Media Partners para mejorar la efectividad de la publicidad digital a través del modelo de Advertising as a Service (AaaS). Esta colaboración integra la tecnología impulsada por IA de DV con AaaS para optimizar la entrega de anuncios, minimizar el riesgo de marca y alcanzar los objetivos comerciales de los anunciantes. La asociación se centra en:

1. Mejorar la calidad de los anuncios utilizando tecnología de IA
2. Garantizar una entrega de anuncios eficaz y segura
3. Utilizar datos de calidad de medios, optimización de pujas y gestión de operaciones

Actualmente se está llevando a cabo un proof-of-concept (POC) para demostrar la eficiencia y efectividad mejoradas de este enfoque integrado. Esta asociación marca un paso significativo hacia la provisión de soluciones publicitarias más seguras y de mayor impacto en el rápidamente cambiante paisaje digital.

더블Verify (DV)는 Hakuhodo DY Media Partners와 협력하여 Advertising as a Service (AaaS) 모델을 통해 디지털 광고 효과를 향상시키고 있습니다. 이 협업은 DV의 AI 기반 기술을 AaaS와 통합하여 광고 전송을 최적화하고 브랜드 리스크를 최소화하며 광고주를 위한 비즈니스 목표를 달성하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 다음에 중점을 둡니다:

1. AI 기술을 활용한 광고 품질 개선
2. 효과적이고 안전한 광고 전송 보장
3. 미디어 품질 데이터, 입찰 최적화 및 운영 관리 활용

현재 이 통합 접근 방식의 향상된 효율성과 효과성을 입증하기 위해 개념 증명(POC)이 진행 중입니다. 이번 파트너십은 빠르게 변화하는 디지털 환경에서 더 안전하고 영향력 있는 광고 솔루션을 제공하는 중요한 단계를 나타냅니다.

DoubleVerify (DV) s'est associé à Hakuhodo DY Media Partners pour améliorer l'efficacité de la publicité numérique à travers le modèle Advertising as a Service (AaaS). Cette collaboration intègre la technologie alimentée par l'IA de DV avec AaaS afin d'optimiser la livraison des annonces, de minimiser le risque pour les marques et d'atteindre les objectifs commerciaux des annonceurs. Le partenariat se concentre sur :

1. Amélioration de la qualité des annonces grâce à la technologie IA
2. Garantie d'une livraison d'annonces efficace et sécurisée
3. Utilisation des données de qualité des médias, optimisation des enchères et gestion des opérations

Un proof-of-concept (POC) est actuellement en cours pour démontrer l'efficacité et l'efficience améliorées de cette approche intégrée. Ce partenariat marque une étape importante vers la fourniture de solutions publicitaires plus sûres et plus percutantes dans un paysage numérique en rapide évolution.

DoubleVerify (DV) hat sich mit Hakuhodo DY Media Partners zusammengeschlossen, um die Effektivität der digitalen Werbung durch das Modell Advertising as a Service (AaaS) zu verbessern. Diese Zusammenarbeit integriert die KI-gesteuerte Technologie von DV mit AaaS, um die Anzeigenauslieferung zu optimieren, das Markenrisiko zu minimieren und die Geschäftsziele der Werbetreibenden zu erreichen. Die Partnerschaft konzentriert sich auf:

1. Verbesserung der Anzeigengüte mittels KI-Technologie
2. Sicherstellung einer effektiven und sicheren Anzeigenauslieferung
3. Nutzung von Mediendatenqualität, Gebotsoptimierung und Betriebsmanagement

Derzeit wird ein Proof-of-Concept (POC) durchgeführt, um die verbesserte Effizienz und Effektivität dieses integrierten Ansatzes zu demonstrieren. Diese Partnerschaft stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt dar, um sicherere und wirkungsvollere Werbelösungen im sich schnell entwickelnden digitalen Umfeld anzubieten.

  • Partnership with Hakuhodo DY Media Partners to enhance digital advertising effectiveness
  • Integration of DV's AI-driven technology with AaaS model
  • Potential for improved ad quality and secure ad delivery
  • Ongoing proof-of-concept to demonstrate enhanced efficiency and effectiveness
  • None.

As a Market Research Analyst, I find this partnership between DoubleVerify and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners intriguing, albeit with immediate impact on DoubleVerify's stock. The collaboration, focusing on Advertising as a Service (AaaS), represents a strategic move in the evolving digital advertising landscape, but its financial implications remain to be seen.

The key points to consider are:

  • The partnership leverages AI-driven technology to optimize advertising effectiveness, which aligns with current industry trends.
  • The proof-of-concept (POC) phase suggests that tangible results and financial impacts are not immediate.
  • The collaboration addresses critical issues in digital ad delivery, potentially enhancing DoubleVerify's value proposition in the Japanese market.

While this partnership could strengthen DoubleVerify's position in the Asian market, particularly Japan, it's important to note that the financial impact may take time to materialize. Investors should monitor the progress of this POC and any subsequent announcements regarding its success or expansion.

In the broader context, this move reflects DoubleVerify's commitment to innovation and market expansion, which could be viewed positively by long-term investors. However, without concrete financial projections or immediate revenue implications, the short-term impact on stock performance is likely to be minimal.

From a technological standpoint, this partnership between DoubleVerify and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners is noteworthy, though its immediate impact on DoubleVerify's market position may be The integration of DoubleVerify's solutions with Hakuhodo's AaaS model represents an innovative approach to digital advertising optimization.

Key technological aspects to consider:

  • AI-driven technology: The use of artificial intelligence for ad optimization aligns with cutting-edge industry trends, potentially giving DoubleVerify a competitive edge.
  • Media quality data integration: This could enhance the precision and effectiveness of ad targeting, a important factor in the digital advertising ecosystem.
  • Bidding optimization: AI-powered bidding could lead to more cost-effective ad placements, potentially improving ROI for advertisers.

While technologically promising, it's important to note that the partnership is still in the proof-of-concept stage. The real test will be in the scalability and effectiveness of this integration in real-world applications.

For DoubleVerify, this partnership could serve as a valuable case study for similar integrations in other markets. However, investors should be cautious about overestimating its short-term impact. The true value of this technological collaboration will likely become apparent over time as the POC progresses and potentially expands into a full-fledged service offering.

Helping advertisers maximize the safety and effectiveness of their digital advertising and achieve their business goals

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DoubleVerify (“DV”), the leading software platform for digital media measurement, data, and analytics, today announced the start of its cooperation with Hakuhodo DY Media Partners.

This partnership leverages the power of AI-driven technology to optimize advertising effectiveness, delivering results through Hakuhodo’s Advertising as a Service (AaaS) model. By integrating DV's solutions with AaaS, the partnership aims to achieve business goals for advertisers while minimizing the risk of brand damage.

The collaboration will address issues in digital ad delivery, ensuring improved ad quality through AI technology and enabling advertisers to deliver their ads effectively and securely. DV and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners are currently working on a proof-of-concept (POC) to realize more efficient and effective ad serving by utilizing media quality data, bidding optimization, and operations management provided by AaaS.

“AaaS aims to contribute to advertisers' businesses through advertising effectiveness based on the concept of "from ad space to effectiveness.” We are very pleased to take a big step forward in providing safer and better effects through the power of technology by combining the important theme of brand safety with AaaS through this partnership,” said Hiroki Yajima, President & CEO of Hakuhodo DY Media Partners.

Mark Zagorski, CEO of DoubleVerify, added, "In this era of rapid innovation, AI technology is revolutionizing the digital advertising landscape. To stay competitive, advertisers must anticipate and adapt to new industry trends. We are delighted to partner with Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, confident that our advanced technology will significantly contribute to advertisers' businesses with this collaboration."

DV is driven by a mission – to make the digital advertising ecosystem stronger, safer and more secure. We help brands improve the effectiveness of their online advertising, giving them clarity and confidence in their digital investment.

About AaaS

AaaS is a next-generation model for the digital transformation of the advertising media business proposed by Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, with a view to shifting from the business of "trading ad spaces" (“reserved advertising") to "maximizing advertising effectiveness" ("programmatic advertising"), which has long been the norm in the advertising industry. Hakuhodo DY Media Partners' next-generation model.

AaaS® is a registered trademark of Hakuhodo DY Media Partners.

About DoubleVerify

DoubleVerify (“DV”) (NYSE: DV) is the industry’s leading media effectiveness platform that leverages AI to drive superior outcomes for global brands. By creating more effective, transparent ad transactions, DV strengthens the digital advertising ecosystem, ensuring a fair value exchange between buyers and sellers of digital media.

Source: DoubleVerify


What is the purpose of DoubleVerify's partnership with Hakuhodo DY Media Partners?

The partnership aims to enhance digital advertising effectiveness by integrating DoubleVerify's AI-driven technology with Hakuhodo's Advertising as a Service (AaaS) model, optimizing ad delivery and minimizing brand risk for advertisers.

How does the DoubleVerify (DV) and Hakuhodo partnership benefit advertisers?

The collaboration helps advertisers achieve their business goals by improving ad quality, ensuring effective and secure ad delivery, and utilizing media quality data, bidding optimization, and operations management through the AaaS model.

What is the current status of the DoubleVerify (DV) and Hakuhodo partnership?

DoubleVerify and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners are currently working on a proof-of-concept (POC) to demonstrate more efficient and effective ad serving by leveraging their combined technologies and expertise.

How does DoubleVerify (DV) plan to address issues in digital ad delivery?

DoubleVerify plans to address digital ad delivery issues by integrating its AI-driven technology with Hakuhodo's AaaS model, focusing on improving ad quality and enabling advertisers to deliver their ads effectively and securely.

DoubleVerify Holdings, Inc.


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