Desktop Metal Announces Sale of First PureSinter™ Furnace to AmPd Labs

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Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) has announced the sale of its first PureSinter™ Furnace to AmPd Labs, a Houston-based additive manufacturing service provider. The PureSinter, launched in June, offers one-run debinding and sintering of metal parts in a 15.8L retort. It features a patent-pending design that delivers parts-per-billion purity levels in a high-efficiency, airtight environment.

AmPd Labs, a Desktop Metal customer since 2021, operates three DM Shop System printers and two other DM furnaces. The company provides services across the entire product lifecycle, from design to full-scale production. The PureSinter Furnace is expected to enable AmPd Labs to meet high-volume customer production demands rapidly.

Desktop Metal CEO Ric Fulop believes the PureSinter will revolutionize sinter-based AM and the traditional furnace industry. Shipments to customers are set to begin this quarter.

Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) ha annunciato la vendita del suo primo PureSinter™ Furnace ad AmPd Labs, un fornitore di servizi di produzione additiva con sede a Houston. Il PureSinter, lanciato a giugno, offre debinding e sinterizzazione in un'unica corsa di parti metalliche in un retorto da 15,8 litri. Presenta un design in attesa di brevetto che garantisce livelli di purezza a parti per miliardo in un ambiente ad alta efficienza, ermeticamente sigillato.

AmPd Labs, cliente di Desktop Metal dal 2021, gestisce tre stampanti DM Shop System e altri due forni DM. L'azienda fornisce servizi lungo l'intero ciclo di vita del prodotto, dalla progettazione alla produzione su larga scala. Si prevede che il forno PureSinter consenta ad AmPd Labs di soddisfare rapidamente le elevate richieste di produzione dei clienti.

Il CEO di Desktop Metal, Ric Fulop, crede che il PureSinter rivoluzionerà la produzione additiva basata sulla sinterizzazione e l'industria tradizionale dei forni. Le spedizioni ai clienti dovrebbero iniziare in questo trimestre.

Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) ha anunciado la venta de su primer PureSinter™ Furnace a AmPd Labs, un proveedor de servicios de fabricación aditiva con sede en Houston. El PureSinter, lanzado en junio, ofrece debinding y sinterización en un solo proceso de piezas metálicas en un retorte de 15.8 litros. Presenta un diseño pendiente de patente que proporciona niveles de pureza de partes por billón en un entorno de alta eficiencia y hermético.

AmPd Labs, cliente de Desktop Metal desde 2021, opera tres impresoras DM Shop System y otros dos hornos DM. La compañía ofrece servicios a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida del producto, desde el diseño hasta la producción a gran escala. Se espera que el horno PureSinter permita a AmPd Labs satisfacer rápidamente las altas demandas de producción de los clientes.

El CEO de Desktop Metal, Ric Fulop, cree que el PureSinter revolucionará la fabricación aditiva basada en sinterización y la industria tradicional de hornos. Se espera que los envíos a los clientes comiencen en este trimestre.

데스크탑 메탈 (NYSE: DM)은 휴스턴에 본사를 둔 부가 제조 서비스 제공업체 AmPd Labs에 첫 번째 PureSinter™ Furnace를 판매한다고 발표했습니다. 6월에 출시된 PureSinter는 15.8L 리토르에서 금속 부품의 단일 연속 디바인딩 및 소결을 제공합니다. 이는 고효율 밀폐 환경에서 빌리온당 순도를 제공하는 특허 출원 중 디자인을 특징으로 합니다.

AmPd Labs는 2021년부터 데스크탑 메탈의 고객으로서, 3개의 DM 샵 시스템 프린터와 2개의 다른 DM 용광로를 운영하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 설계부터 대량 생산까지 전체 제품 생애 주기 동안 서비스를 제공합니다. PureSinter Furnace는 AmPd Labs가 고객의 고량 생산 요구를 신속하게 충족할 수 있도록 할 것으로 예상됩니다.

데스크탑 메탈의 CEO인 Ric Fulop은 PureSinter가 소결 기반 AM 및 전통적인 용광로 산업에 혁신을 가져올 것이라고 믿고 있습니다. 고객에 대한 배송은 이번 분기에 시작될 예정입니다.

Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) a annoncé la vente de son premier PureSinter™ Furnace à AmPd Labs, un fournisseur de services de fabrication additive basé à Houston. Le PureSinter, lancé en juin, offre désassemblage et frittage en une seule opération de pièces métalliques dans un retort de 15,8 litres. Il se caractérise par un design en attente de brevet qui garantit des niveaux de pureté à des parties par milliard dans un environnement à haute efficacité et hermétique.

AmPd Labs, client de Desktop Metal depuis 2021, exploite trois imprimantes DM Shop System et deux autres fours DM. L'entreprise fournit des services tout au long du cycle de vie du produit, de la conception à la production à grande échelle. Le four PureSinter devrait permettre à AmPd Labs de répondre rapidement aux demandes de production en volume élevées des clients.

Le PDG de Desktop Metal, Ric Fulop, pense que le PureSinter va révolutionner la fabrication additive basée sur le frittage et l'industrie traditionnelle des fours. Les expéditions vers les clients devraient commencer ce trimestre.

Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) hat den Verkauf seines ersten PureSinter™ Furnace an AmPd Labs, einen Anbieter von additiven Fertigungsdiensten mit Sitz in Houston, bekannt gegeben. Der PureSinter, der im Juni eingeführt wurde, bietet Debinding und Sintern in einem Durchgang von Metallteilen in einem 15,8-Liter-Retort. Er zeichnet sich durch ein patentpendendes Design aus, das Reinheitsgrade im Teile-pro-Milliarde-Bereich in einer hocheffizienten, luftdichten Umgebung gewährleistet.

AmPd Labs ist seit 2021 ein Kunde von Desktop Metal und betreibt drei DM Shop System Drucker sowie zwei weitere DM Öfen. Das Unternehmen bietet Dienstleistungen über den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus hinweg, von der Gestaltung bis zur Produktion in vollem Maßstab. Es wird erwartet, dass der PureSinter Furnace AmPd Labs ermöglicht, die hohen Produktionsanforderungen der Kunden schnell zu erfüllen.

Der CEO von Desktop Metal, Ric Fulop, ist überzeugt, dass der PureSinter die sinterbasierte AM und die traditionelle Ofenindustrie revolutionieren wird. Die Lieferungen an die Kunden sollen in diesem Quartal beginnen.

  • Sale of first PureSinter™ Furnace to AmPd Labs, indicating market interest in the new product
  • PureSinter offers high-purity processing with parts-per-billion levels of purity
  • AmPd Labs, an existing customer, expanding their Desktop Metal equipment fleet
  • PureSinter is compatible with various metal manufacturing methods, including AM and traditional processes
  • None.

The sale of the first PureSinter™ Furnace to AmPd Labs is a significant development for Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM). This transaction marks a commercial validation of a product that has been in development for five years. The immediate financial impact includes the revenue from this sale, but more importantly, it represents a potential new revenue stream for Desktop Metal, which could enhance its financial stability.

From a financial perspective, the introduction of PureSinter™ adds a high-value product line and could drive future sales, especially if it meets the high-performance claims. Investors should watch for the adoption rates of this technology and any subsequent sales announcements. High adoption would signal strong market acceptance and could positively impact Desktop Metal's stock price in the long-term. Additionally, the cost-saving features of PureSinter™ might attract more customers, further boosting sales and profit margins.

PureSinter™ introduces several innovative features in the realm of metal additive manufacturing. Its design, which includes hot walls to prevent contamination and an airtight processing environment, provides a clear technological edge over traditional furnaces. The focus on achieving parts-per-billion levels of purity is particularly noteworthy, as it ensures the production of high-quality metal parts. This is important for industries requiring stringent standards, such as aerospace and medical devices.

The patent-pending design suggests a proprietary advantage that could limit competition. If the furnace performs as advertised, Desktop Metal could see substantial interest from industries that prioritize precision and low contamination levels. Tech-savvy investors should appreciate the potential for disruptive innovation here, as it could redefine standards in both additive and traditional manufacturing processes.

The introduction of the PureSinter™ Furnace aligns well with current market trends in additive manufacturing, which emphasize both cost-efficiency and high performance. The additive manufacturing market is growing rapidly, with increasing demand for sophisticated, reliable and cost-effective technologies. The PureSinter™'s one-run debinding and sintering process offers a significant time and cost advantage, which could make it an attractive option for a wide range of manufacturing applications.

AmPd Labs’ purchase is a strong endorsement and could influence other potential buyers. Market adoption will hinge on the real-world performance of the furnace, but if it lives up to its promises, Desktop Metal could capture a significant share of this expanding market. Investors should be mindful of how quickly and widely this technology is adopted, as it could serve as a strong growth driver for the company.

  • Based in Houston, Texas, AmPd Labs offers additive manufacturing services using three Desktop Metal Shop System printers, paired with two other DM furnaces, in addition to other manufacturing technologies
  • Launched in June, PureSinter offers one-run debinding and sintering of metal parts produced with either additive manufacturing or traditional manufacturing methods in a 15.8L retort
  • In development for five years, this all-new furnace was designed for ease-of-use, premium performance, reliability, and low cost of acquisition and operation
  • PureSinter features a revolutionary, patent-pending machine design that delivers parts-per-billion levels of purity in a high-efficiency, airtight processing environment — ensuring a clean and reliable furnace with low operating costs
  • PureSinter begins shipments to customers this quarter

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), a global leader in Additive Manufacturing 2.0 technologies for mass production, today announced that Houston-based AmPd Labs has placed an order for the all-new PureSinter™ Furnace – a high-purity vacuum furnace that delivers premium debind-and-sinter performance at an affordable price.

Leaders of Desktop Metal and AmPd Labs meet at RAPID + TCT in Los Angeles to finalize the sale of the new PureSinter Furnace to support AmPd Labs’ fleet of DM metal 3D printers. Pictured from left to right are DM CEO Ric Fulop, DM Director of Strategic Accounts Derek Campbell, AmPd Labs Co-Founder and President Sean Harkins, AmPd Labs CEO Tim Neal, DM SVP of Metals and Future Markets Rick Lucas, and AmPd Labs Co-Founder and Managing Partner Brien Beach. (Photo: Business Wire)

Leaders of Desktop Metal and AmPd Labs meet at RAPID + TCT in Los Angeles to finalize the sale of the new PureSinter Furnace to support AmPd Labs’ fleet of DM metal 3D printers. Pictured from left to right are DM CEO Ric Fulop, DM Director of Strategic Accounts Derek Campbell, AmPd Labs Co-Founder and President Sean Harkins, AmPd Labs CEO Tim Neal, DM SVP of Metals and Future Markets Rick Lucas, and AmPd Labs Co-Founder and Managing Partner Brien Beach. (Photo: Business Wire)

A Desktop Metal customer since 2021, AmPd Labs offers a range of AM services across the entire product lifecycle – from design and prototyping to full-scale production. In addition to Desktop Metal’s laser-free binder jetting technology, AmPd Labs also offers DLP, SLS, and traditional manufacturing technologies for metal and polymer part production.

“We are thrilled to add the Pure Sinter Furnace to our fleet of Desktop Metal equipment,” said Sean Harkins, COO & Co-Founder of AmPd Labs. “Pure Sinter is a technological game changer that will enable us to rapidly meet high-volume customer production demands.”

“AmPd Labs is one of our standout Super Fleet customers with three or more of our laser-free metal printers, and we’re delighted to see them embrace our breakthrough new furnace technology,” said Ric Fulop, Founder and CEO of Desktop Metal. “PureSinter is an exemplary demonstration of the innovation for which Desktop Metal and our engineers are known. We believe this furnace will revolutionize sinter-based AM and the traditional furnace industry.”

Launched in June at RAPID + TCT in Los Angeles, the PureSinter furnace reinvents furnace design from the ground up to eliminate traditional furnace challenges with an all-new, patent-pending approach. PureSinter features hot walls that prevent contamination buildup and an airtight processing environment to ensure efficient waste exit and the highest levels of purity.

PureSinter is compatible with powder metal parts 3D printed with Additive Manufacturing, such as Bound Metal Deposition® (BMD) and Binder Jetting (BJT) processes, as well as traditional Metal Injection Molding (MIM) or Press and Sinter (PM) manufacturing methods.

For more information about the PureSinter Furnace, visit

About Desktop Metal

Desktop Metal (NYSE:DM) is driving Additive Manufacturing 2.0, a new era of on-demand, digital mass production of industrial, medical, and consumer products. Our innovative 3D printers, materials, and software deliver the speed, cost, and part quality required for this transformation. We’re the original inventors and world leaders of the 3D printing methods we believe will empower this shift, binder jetting and digital light processing. Today, our systems print metal, polymer, sand and other ceramics, as well as foam and recycled wood. Manufacturers use our technology worldwide to save time and money, reduce waste, increase flexibility, and produce designs that solve the world’s toughest problems and enable once-impossible innovations. Learn more about Desktop Metal and our #TeamDM brands at

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This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “plan,” “may,” “should,” “will,” “would,” “will be,” “will continue,” “will likely result,” and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this document, including but not limited to the risks and uncertainties set forth in Desktop Metal, Inc.'s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Desktop Metal, Inc. assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

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Sarah Webster

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Source: Desktop Metal, Inc.


What is the PureSinter™ Furnace by Desktop Metal (DM)?

The PureSinter™ Furnace is a high-purity vacuum furnace developed by Desktop Metal (DM) that offers one-run debinding and sintering of metal parts in a 15.8L retort. It features a patent-pending design delivering parts-per-billion purity levels in an airtight environment.

Who purchased the first PureSinter™ Furnace from Desktop Metal (DM)?

AmPd Labs, a Houston-based additive manufacturing service provider, purchased the first PureSinter™ Furnace from Desktop Metal (DM).

When will Desktop Metal (DM) begin shipping the PureSinter™ Furnace?

Desktop Metal (DM) will begin shipping the PureSinter™ Furnace to customers in the current quarter of 2024.

What manufacturing processes is the PureSinter™ Furnace compatible with?

The PureSinter™ Furnace is compatible with powder metal parts produced by Additive Manufacturing methods like Bound Metal Deposition (BMD) and Binder Jetting (BJT), as well as traditional Metal Injection Molding (MIM) and Press and Sinter (PM) manufacturing methods.

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