Desktop Metal Qualifies Continuum’s Recycled Superalloy for Use on its Metal Binder Jet 3D Printers

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Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) has qualified a 100% recycled nickel-based superalloy for use in its metal binder jet 3D printing systems. The Mar-M247 alloy, processed by Continuum Powders, is now R&D Qualified for use on DM's X25Pro platform. This high-strength material, suitable for temperatures up to 1000°C, enhances the sustainability of DM's rapid, area-wide binder jet printing technology.

The qualification process involved rigorous testing to ensure the recycled powder met all material property requirements. DM CEO Ric Fulop sees this as a first step towards more eco-conscious materials offering significant ROI. The partnership with Continuum Powders aims to develop more recycled powders for metal binder jet 3D printing, potentially shortening supply chains and reducing costs.

Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) ha qualificato una superlega a base di nichel riciclato al 100% per l'utilizzo nei suoi sistemi di stampa 3D con legante metallico. La lega Mar-M247, lavorata da Continuum Powders, è ora qualificata per la R&S per l'uso sulla piattaforma X25Pro di DM. Questo materiale ad alta resistenza, adatto a temperature fino a 1000 °C, migliora la sostenibilità della tecnologia di stampa con legante a getto d'area rapida di DM.

Il processo di qualificazione ha comportato test rigorosi per garantire che la polvere riciclata soddisfacesse tutti i requisiti delle proprietà dei materiali. Il CEO di DM, Ric Fulop, vede questo come un primo passo verso materiali più ecologici che offrono un ROI significativo. La collaborazione con Continuum Powders mira a sviluppare altre polveri riciclate per la stampa 3D con legante metallico, con la possibilità di accorciare le catene di approvvigionamento e ridurre i costi.

Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) ha calificado una superaleación a base de níquel reciclado al 100% para su uso en sus sistemas de impresión 3D con aglutinante metálico. La aleación Mar-M247, procesada por Continuum Powders, ahora está calificada para I+D para su uso en la plataforma X25Pro de DM. Este material de alta resistencia, adecuado para temperaturas de hasta 1000 °C, mejora la sostenibilidad de la tecnología de impresión de aglutinante por chorro de área rápida de DM.

El proceso de calificación implicó pruebas rigurosas para garantizar que el polvo reciclado cumpliera con todos los requisitos de propiedades de los materiales. El CEO de DM, Ric Fulop, ve esto como un primer paso hacia materiales más ecológicos que ofrecen un importante retorno de inversión. La asociación con Continuum Powders tiene como objetivo desarrollar más polvos reciclados para la impresión 3D con aglutinante metálico, potencialmente acortando las cadenas de suministro y reduciendo costos.

데스크탑 메탈 (NYSE: DM)은 100% 재활용된 니켈 기반 슈퍼합금을 금속 바인더 잿 3D 프린팅 시스템에서 사용할 수 있도록 자격을 부여했습니다. Continuum Powders에서 가공된 Mar-M247 합금은 현재 DM의 X25Pro 플랫폼에서 사용을 위한 R&D 자격을 갖추었습니다. 이 고강도 소재는 1000°C까지 견딜 수 있어 DM의 신속한 광범위한 바인더 잿 인쇄 기술의 지속 가능성을 높입니다.

자격 부여 과정은 재활용된 분말이 모든 물질 속성 요구사항을 충족하는지 확인하기 위해 엄격한 테스트를 포함했습니다. DM CEO인 Ric Fulop은 이를 중요한 투자 수익을 제공하는 더 친환경적인 소재를 향한 첫 번째 단계로 보고 있습니다. Continuum Powders와의 파트너십은 금속 바인더 잿 3D 프린팅을 위한 더 많은 재활용 분말을 개발하여 공급망을 단축하고 비용을 절감하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) a qualifié un superalliage à base de nickel recyclé à 100 % pour son utilisation dans ses systèmes d'impression 3D à liant métallique. L'alliage Mar-M247, traité par Continuum Powders, est désormais qualifié pour la R&D sur la plateforme X25Pro de DM. Ce matériau à haute résistance, adapté à des températures allant jusqu'à 1000°C, améliore la durabilité de la technologie d'impression par jet de liant de DM.

Le processus de qualification a impliqué des tests rigoureux pour garantir que la poudre recyclée répondait à toutes les exigences de propriétés des matériaux. Le PDG de DM, Ric Fulop, considère cela comme un premier pas vers des matériaux plus écologiques offrant un retour sur investissement significatif. Le partenariat avec Continuum Powders vise à développer davantage de poudres recyclées pour l'impression 3D à liant métallique, ce qui pourrait potentiellement réduire les chaînes d'approvisionnement et les coûts.

Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) hat eine zu 100 % recycelte nickelbasierte Superlegierung für den Einsatz in seinen metallbindenden 3D-Drucksystemen qualifiziert. Die von Continuum Powders verarbeitete Mar-M247-Legierung ist nun F&E-qualifiziert für den Einsatz auf der X25Pro-Plattform von DM. Dieses hochfeste Material, das Temperaturen von bis zu 1000 °C standhält, erhöht die Nachhaltigkeit von DMs schneller, flächendeckender Binderdrucktechnologie.

Der Qualifizierungsprozess umfasste strenge Tests, um sicherzustellen, dass das recycelte Pulver alle Materialeigenschaftsanforderungen erfüllte. Der CEO von DM, Ric Fulop, sieht dies als einen ersten Schritt zu umweltfreundlicheren Materialien, die eine signifikante Rendite bieten. Die Partnerschaft mit Continuum Powders zielt darauf ab, weitere recycelte Pulver für den metallbindenden 3D-Druck zu entwickeln, um möglicherweise die Lieferketten zu verkürzen und die Kosten zu senken.

  • Qualification of 100% recycled nickel-based superalloy for binder jet 3D printing
  • Expansion of material portfolio with sustainable option
  • Potential for cost reduction and supply chain optimization
  • Alignment with industry trend towards eco-conscious materials
  • None.

The qualification of Continuum's 100% recycled Mar-M247 superalloy for Desktop Metal's binder jet 3D printing is a significant advancement in sustainable additive manufacturing. This nickel-based alloy, known for its high-temperature strength up to 1000°C, now offers a more eco-friendly option for critical applications.

The successful R&D qualification demonstrates that recycled powders can meet the stringent material property requirements of conventional powders. This breakthrough could lead to reduced raw material costs and shortened supply chains for manufacturers. The ability to maintain high-performance characteristics in a recycled material is particularly noteworthy for superalloys, which are typically challenging to recycle due to their complex compositions.

Looking ahead, this development could pave the way for more recycled materials in additive manufacturing, potentially revolutionizing the industry's approach to sustainability without compromising on quality or performance.

Desktop Metal's qualification of Continuum's recycled Mar-M247 for their X25Pro platform marks a pivotal moment in metal binder jet technology. This advancement aligns with the growing demand for sustainable manufacturing solutions without sacrificing performance.

The use of Triple Advanced Compaction Technology (ACT) in the X25Pro is important here, as it likely contributes to achieving the necessary density and material properties from recycled powder. This qualification expands Desktop Metal's material portfolio to about 40 metals and ceramics, enhancing the versatility of their binder jet systems.

For investors, this development signals Desktop Metal's commitment to innovation and sustainability, potentially opening new market opportunities in industries requiring high-performance, eco-friendly components. It also positions the company favorably in the competitive landscape of additive manufacturing, where material capabilities often differentiate market leaders.

The qualification of a 100% recycled superalloy for binder jet 3D printing represents a significant leap in circular economy practices within advanced manufacturing. This development addresses two critical sustainability challenges: resource conservation and waste reduction in high-value metal production.

Binder jet technology already offers sustainability benefits, with powders being reusable up to 16 times in the process. The introduction of fully recycled input material further enhances this eco-friendly profile. For companies aiming to reduce their carbon footprint, this innovation provides a tangible solution in the production of high-performance parts.

Investors should note that this advancement aligns with growing ESG criteria and could potentially attract environmentally conscious clients and partners. It also mitigates risks associated with raw material supply volatility, offering a more resilient and sustainable business model for Desktop Metal and its customers.

  • The nickel-based superalloy is the first 100% recycled metal to be qualified for use on Desktop Metal binder jet 3D printing platforms
  • DM and Continuum Powders will continue to partner on development of recycled powders for metal binder jet 3D printing applications
  • Technical experts will be on hand at IMTS 2024 to discuss this powder in DM’s booth on Level 3 of the West Building at McCormick Place from Sept. 9-14

BOSTON & HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), a global leader in Additive Manufacturing 2.0 technologies for mass production, today announced that it has qualified a 100% recycled nickel-based superalloy processed with proprietary technology from Continuum Powders, a leader in high-performance, sustainable metal powders.

Continuum’s <percent>100%</percent> re-atomized Mar-M247 powder is now listed as R&D Qualified in Desktop Metal’s binder jet 3D printing portfolio, which includes about 40 metals and ceramics. The powder is qualified for use on Desktop Metal’s X25Pro binder jet 3D printer platform. (Photo: Business Wire)

Continuum’s 100% re-atomized Mar-M247 powder is now listed as R&D Qualified in Desktop Metal’s binder jet 3D printing portfolio, which includes about 40 metals and ceramics. The powder is qualified for use on Desktop Metal’s X25Pro binder jet 3D printer platform. (Photo: Business Wire)

The nickel-based superalloy, Mar-M247, is used for applications requiring high strength at elevated temperatures of up to about 1000°C.

Continuum’s 100% re-atomized Mar-M247 powder is now listed as R&D Qualified in Desktop Metal’s binder jet 3D printing portfolio, which includes about 40 metals and ceramics. This addition further enhances the sustainability of Desktop Metal’s rapid, area-wide binder jet printing technology.

“We see a bright future for high-quality, sustainable powder options for our additive manufacturing technologies,” says Ric Fulop, CEO of Desktop Metal. “Having a qualified 100% reclaimed metal powder from Continuum Powders is just a first step in what we hope is a long line of recycled, eco-conscious materials that offer a significant return on investment.”

As with all of Desktop Metal’s R&D qualified materials, Continuum’s recycled Mar-M247 received thorough evaluation and rigorous testing to determine that it met all of the material property requirements of the same alloy from conventional metal powder production. The new material is qualified for use on Desktop Metal’s X25Pro binder jet 3D printer platform, which uses Triple Advanced Compaction Technology (ACT).

“The fact that we’re seeing reclaimed metal powders validated by Desktop Metal, along with other leading AM OEMs, signals that these materials are now a proven resource for manufacturers,” says Continuum Powders’ CEO Rob Higby. “Use of recycled powders can shorten supply chains, reduce costs and support corporate goals for carbon footprint reduction.”

Continuum Powders is a portfolio company of Ara Partners, a private equity firm specializing in industrial decarbonization investments. Desktop Metal joins Velo3D, Renishaw, and other leaders in the additive manufacturing space who are qualifying 100% reclaimed materials with Continuum Powders.

Desktop Metal’s Material Qualification Process

Because Desktop Metal binder jet technology can 3D print almost any powder, the company has a tiered material qualification system for metals to signify the varying levels of material property results produced by our technology:

  • DM Qualified: Printing and sintering profiles developed by DM, with fully characterized material and mechanical properties. Meets MPIF or other similar standards, where available.
  • Customer-Qualified: These materials have been qualified by our customers with their own standards and are being successfully printed for their own applications.
  • R&D Materials: Initial testing completed by DM demonstrating binder and process compatibility. Printing and sintering profiles are under final development.

Binder jet 3D printing already delivers high sustainability, with powders being directly reusable in the process up to 16 times, according to a 2020 research paper in the Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Material Society.

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About Desktop Metal

Desktop Metal (NYSE:DM) is driving Additive Manufacturing 2.0, a new era of on-demand, digital mass production of industrial, medical, and consumer products. Our innovative 3D printers, materials, and software deliver the speed, cost, and part quality required for this transformation. We’re the original inventors and world leaders of the 3D printing methods we believe will empower this shift, binder jetting and digital light processing. Today, our systems print metal, polymer, sand and other ceramics, as well as foam and recycled wood. Manufacturers use our technology worldwide to save time and money, reduce waste, increase flexibility, and produce designs that solve the world’s toughest problems and enable once-impossible innovations. Learn more about Desktop Metal and our #TeamDM brands at

About Continuum Powders

Continuum Powders is the leader in high-performance, sustainable metal powders with locations across the United States and Singapore. Continuum is the creator of The Greyhound M2P (melt to powder) Platform, a patented cradle-to-cradle process of recycling alloyed metal waste-stream products into powder in a single processing step. The platform affords customers the same high-quality spherical metal powder they use today while contributing significantly to their decarbonization and sustainability programs by utilizing Continuum Powders’ nearly carbon-free powder materials.

Continuum Powders is the only company that can combine industry-leading quality with extreme alloy flexibility, supply chain independence, and cost competitiveness while dramatically reducing carbon footprint versus traditional powders. For more information on Continuum Powders products, please visit

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Renette Youssef

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Source: Desktop Metal, Inc.


What new material has Desktop Metal (DM) qualified for its 3D printers?

Desktop Metal has qualified a 100% recycled nickel-based superalloy, Mar-M247, processed by Continuum Powders, for use in its metal binder jet 3D printing systems.

Which Desktop Metal (DM) 3D printer is the recycled Mar-M247 qualified for?

The recycled Mar-M247 superalloy is qualified for use on Desktop Metal's X25Pro binder jet 3D printer platform.

What are the potential benefits of using recycled powders in Desktop Metal (DM) 3D printers?

Using recycled powders can potentially shorten supply chains, reduce costs, and support corporate goals for carbon footprint reduction in additive manufacturing processes.

What is the temperature range for the Mar-M247 superalloy qualified by Desktop Metal (DM)?

The Mar-M247 superalloy is used for applications requiring high strength at elevated temperatures of up to about 1000°C.

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