City Holding Company Increases Quarterly Dividend On Common Shares

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City Holding Company (NASDAQ: CHCO), a $6.3 billion bank holding company based in Charleston, has declared a dividend of 79 cents per common share for shareholders of record as of October 15, 2024, payable on October 31, 2024. This represents a 10% increase from the previous quarter's dividend of 71.5 cents per share.

President and CEO Charles (Skip) Hageboeck stated that this decision reflects the company's commitment to returning value to shareholders. The increased dividend, now $3.16 on an annualized basis, is based on the company's strong capital and liquidity position, financial performance in 2024, and confidence in sustaining this performance. City Holding Company is the parent of City National Bank of West Virginia, which operates 97 branches across four states.

City Holding Company (NASDAQ: CHCO), una società di holding bancaria da 6,3 miliardi di dollari con sede a Charleston, ha dichiarato un dividendo di 79 centesimi per azione ordinaria per gli azionisti registrati al 15 ottobre 2024, pagabile il 31 ottobre 2024. Questo rappresenta un aumento del 10% rispetto al dividendo del trimestre precedente di 71,5 centesimi per azione.

Il presidente e CEO Charles (Skip) Hageboeck ha dichiarato che questa decisione riflette l'impegno dell'azienda nel restituire valore agli azionisti. Il dividendo aumentato, ora 3,16 dollari su base annuale, si basa sulla forte posizione di capitale e liquidità dell'azienda, sulle performance finanziarie del 2024 e sulla fiducia nel mantenere tali risultati. City Holding Company è la società madre di City National Bank of West Virginia, che opera in 97 filiali in quattro stati.

City Holding Company (NASDAQ: CHCO), una compañía de holdings bancarios de 6.3 mil millones de dólares con sede en Charleston, ha declarado un dividendo de 79 centavos por acción ordinaria para los accionistas registrados al 15 de octubre de 2024, pagadero el 31 de octubre de 2024. Esto representa un incremento del 10% en comparación con el dividendo del trimestre anterior de 71.5 centavos por acción.

El presidente y CEO Charles (Skip) Hageboeck declaró que esta decisión refleja el compromiso de la empresa de devolver valor a los accionistas. El dividendo incrementado, ahora 3.16 dólares en base anual, se basa en la sólida posición de capital y liquidez de la compañía, el rendimiento financiero en 2024 y la confianza en mantener este desempeño. City Holding Company es la matriz de City National Bank of West Virginia, que opera 97 sucursales en cuatro estados.

City Holding Company (NASDAQ: CHCO)은 찰스턴에 본사를 둔 63억 달러 규모의 은행 지주회사로, 2024년 10월 15일 기준 주주에게 보통주 1주당 79센트의 배당금을 발표하였습니다. 이 배당금은 2024년 10월 31일에 지급될 예정입니다. 이는 이전 분기 1주당 71.5센트의 배당금에서 10% 상승한 것입니다.

회장 겸 CEO인 Charles (Skip) Hageboeck는 이 결정이 주주에게 가치를 반환하겠다는 회사의 약속을 반영한다고 밝혔습니다. 증가한 배당금은 이제 연간 3.16달러가 되며, 이는 회사의 강력한 자본 및 유동성 상태, 2024년 재무 성과, 그리고 이 성과를 지속할 수 있다는 신뢰를 기반으로 하고 있습니다. City Holding Company는 웨스트 버지니아의 City National Bank의 모회사로, 네 개 주에 걸쳐 97개의 지점을 운영하고 있습니다.

City Holding Company (NASDAQ: CHCO), une société de holding bancaire de 6,3 milliards de dollars basée à Charleston, a déclaré un dividende de 79 cents par action ordinaire pour les actionnaires enregistrés au 15 octobre 2024, payable le 31 octobre 2024. Cela représente une augmentation de 10% par rapport au dividende du trimestre précédent de 71,5 cents par action.

Le président et PDG Charles (Skip) Hageboeck a déclaré que cette décision reflète l'engagement de l'entreprise à restituer de la valeur aux actionnaires. Le dividende accru, désormais 3,16 dollars sur une base annualisée, repose sur la solide position de capital et de liquidité de l'entreprise, ses performances financières en 2024 et la confiance dans le maintien de cette performance. City Holding Company est la société mère de City National Bank of West Virginia, qui opère 97 agences dans quatre États.

City Holding Company (NASDAQ: CHCO), eine 6,3 Milliarden Dollar schwere Bankholdinggesellschaft mit Sitz in Charleston, hat eine Dividende von 79 Cent pro Stammaktie für die Aktionäre erklärt, die am 15. Oktober 2024 im Register stehen, zahlbar am 31. Oktober 2024. Dies stellt einen 10%igen Anstieg gegenüber der Dividende des vorherigen Quartals von 71,5 Cent pro Aktie dar.

Präsident und CEO Charles (Skip) Hageboeck erklärte, dass diese Entscheidung das Engagement des Unternehmens widerspiegelt, den Aktionären einen Wert zurückzugeben. Die erhöhte Dividende, die nun 3,16 Dollar auf annualisierter Basis beträgt, basiert auf der starken Kapital- und Liquiditätsposition des Unternehmens, der finanziellen Leistung im Jahr 2024 und dem Vertrauen, diese Leistung aufrechterhalten zu können. City Holding Company ist die Muttergesellschaft der City National Bank of West Virginia, die 97 Filialen in vier Bundesstaaten betreibt.

  • Dividend increased by 10% to 79 cents per share
  • Annualized dividend raised to $3.16
  • Strong current capital and liquidity position
  • Positive financial performance in 2024
  • Confidence in sustaining performance
  • None.

CHARLESTON, W. Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- City Holding Company, “the Company” (NASDAQ: CHCO), a $6.3 billion bank holding company headquartered in Charleston, on September 25, 2024 declared a dividend of 79 cents per common share for shareholders of record as of October 15, 2024. The dividend is payable on October 31, 2024. The dividend represents a 10% increase from the 71.5 cents per share cash dividend paid for the second quarter of 2024.

“Today our board reaffirmed the Company’s commitment of returning value to its shareholders by voting to approve an increase in the quarterly cash dividend by 7.5 cents to 79 cents,” stated Charles (Skip) Hageboeck, President and CEO. “The decision to increase the dividend to $3.16 on an annualized basis is based on the Company's strong current capital and liquidity position, our financial performance during 2024, and our confidence in the Company's ability to sustain this performance.”

City Holding Company is the parent company of City National Bank of West Virginia. City National Bank operates 97 branches across West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, and Ohio. The Company’s stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the quotation symbol “CHCO”.

Forward-Looking Information

This news release contains certain forward-looking statements that are included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward looking statements express only management’s beliefs regarding future results or events and are subject to inherent uncertainty, risks, and changes in circumstances, many of which are outside of management’s control. Uncertainty, risks, changes in circumstances and other factors could cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from those discussed in such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to those set forth in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 under “ITEM 1A Risk Factors” and the following: (1) general economic conditions, especially in the communities and markets in which we conduct our business; (2) credit risk, including risk that negative credit quality trends may lead to a deterioration of asset quality, risk that our allowance for credit losses may not be sufficient to absorb actual losses in our loan portfolio, and risk from concentrations in our loan portfolio; (3) changes in the real estate market, including the value of collateral securing portions of our loan portfolio; (4) changes in the interest rate environment; (5) operational risk, including cybersecurity risk and risk of fraud, data processing system failures, and network breaches; (6) changes in technology and increased competition, including competition from non-bank financial institutions; (7) changes in consumer preferences, spending and borrowing habits, demand for our products and services, and customers’ performance and creditworthiness; (8) difficulty growing loan and deposit balances; (9) our ability to effectively execute our business plan, including with respect to future acquisitions; (10) changes in regulations, laws, taxes, government policies, monetary policies and accounting policies affecting bank holding companies and their subsidiaries, including changes in deposit insurance premiums; (11) deterioration in the financial condition of the U.S. banking system may impact the valuations of investments the Company has made in the securities of other financial institutions; (12) regulatory enforcement actions and adverse legal actions; (13) difficulty attracting and retaining key employees; and (14) other economic, competitive, technological, operational, governmental, regulatory, and market factors affecting our operations. Forward-looking statements made herein reflect management's expectations as of the date such statements are made. Such information is provided to assist stockholders and potential investors in understanding current and anticipated financial operations of the Company and is included pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date such statements are made. Further, the Company is required to evaluate subsequent events through the filing of its June 30, 2024 Form 10-Q. The Company will continue to evaluate the impact of any subsequent events on the preliminary June 30, 2024 results and will adjust the amounts if necessary.

David L. Bumgarner, EVP & CFO

(304) 769-1169

Source: City Holding Company


What is the new dividend amount for City Holding Company (CHCO)?

City Holding Company (CHCO) has declared a new dividend of 79 cents per common share, representing a 10% increase from the previous quarter.

When will City Holding Company (CHCO) pay its next dividend?

City Holding Company (CHCO) will pay its next dividend on October 31, 2024, to shareholders of record as of October 15, 2024.

How much has City Holding Company (CHCO) increased its dividend?

City Holding Company (CHCO) has increased its quarterly dividend by 7.5 cents, from 71.5 cents to 79 cents per share, representing a 10% increase.

What is the new annualized dividend for City Holding Company (CHCO)?

The new annualized dividend for City Holding Company (CHCO) is $3.16 per share, based on the quarterly dividend of 79 cents.

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United States of America