Broadcom, Charter Communications and Comcast to Jointly Develop Unified DOCSIS Chipsets Capable of 25Gbps Speeds

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Broadcom, Charter Communications, and Comcast have announced a joint development of Unified DOCSIS chipsets for network nodes, smart amps, and cable modems. This collaboration aims to enable both FDX and ESD versions of the DOCSIS 4.0 specification, potentially delivering speeds up to 25 Gbps over existing networks. The initiative includes:

1. Economies of scale for the industry
2. A robust vendor ecosystem
3. Streamlined CableLabs certification

The technology will incorporate advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning capabilities, utilizing Broadcom's embedded Neural Processing Unit (NPU). This will enhance network performance, security, and reliability through features like channel anomaly detection, predictive network management, and advanced cybersecurity.

The collaboration also sets the stage for the next generation of DOCSIS, with plans to develop a path to 25 Gbps speeds by expanding supported bandwidth on hybrid fiber coax networks up to 3 GHz.

Broadcom, Charter Communications e Comcast hanno annunciato uno sviluppo congiunto di chipset DOCSIS unificati per nodi di rete, amplificatori intelligenti e modem via cavo. Questa collaborazione mira a consentire sia le versioni FDX che ESD della specifica DOCSIS 4.0, potenzialmente offrendo velocità fino a 25 Gbps su reti esistenti. L'iniziativa comprende:

1. Economie di scala per l'industria
2. Un ecosistema di fornitori robusto
3. Certificazione semplificata di CableLabs

La tecnologia incorporerà capacità di intelligenza artificiale avanzata e apprendimento automatico, utilizzando l'Unità di Elaborazione Neurale (NPU) integrata di Broadcom. Ciò migliorerà le prestazioni, la sicurezza e l'affidabilità della rete attraverso funzionalità come il rilevamento di anomalie nei canali, la gestione predittiva della rete e una cybersecurity avanzata.

La collaborazione prepara anche il terreno per la prossima generazione di DOCSIS, con piani per sviluppare un percorso verso velocità di 25 Gbps espandendo la larghezza di banda supportata sulle reti fibra ibrida coassiale fino a 3 GHz.

Broadcom, Charter Communications y Comcast han anunciado un desarrollo conjunto de chipsets DOCSIS unificados para nodos de red, amplificadores inteligentes y módems por cable. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo habilitar tanto versiones FDX como ESD de la especificación DOCSIS 4.0, con la posibilidad de ofrecer velocidades de hasta 25 Gbps sobre redes existentes. La iniciativa incluye:

1. Economías de escala para la industria
2. Un ecosistema de proveedores robusto
3. Certificación simplificada por parte de CableLabs

La tecnología incorporará capacidades de inteligencia artificial avanzada y aprendizaje automático, utilizando la Unidad de Procesamiento Neural (NPU) integrada de Broadcom. Esto mejorará el rendimiento, la seguridad y la fiabilidad de la red mediante características como la detección de anomalías en los canales, la gestión predictiva de redes y ciberseguridad avanzada.

La colaboración también establece las bases para la próxima generación de DOCSIS, con planes para desarrollar un camino hacia velocidades de 25 Gbps ampliando el ancho de banda admitido en redes híbridas de fibra coaxial hasta 3 GHz.

브로드컴, 차터 커뮤니케이션즈, 그리고 Comcast는 네트워크 노드, 스마트 앰프 및 케이블 모뎀을 위한 통합 DOCSIS 칩셋의 공동 개발을 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 기존 네트워크에서 최대 25 Gbps의 속도를 전달할 가능성이 있는 DOCSIS 4.0 사양의 FDX 및 ESD 버전을 가능하게 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

1. 산업의 규모의 경제
2. 강력한 공급업체 생태계
3. 간소화된 CableLabs 인증

이 기술은 브로드컴의 내장형 뉴럴 프로세싱 유닛(NPU)을 활용하여 고급 인공지능 및 머신러닝 기능을 통합합니다. 이는 채널 이상 감지, 예측 네트워크 관리 및 고급 사이버 보안과 같은 기능을 통해 네트워크 성능, 보안 및 신뢰성을 향상시킵니다.

이 협력은 또한 25 Gbps 속도를 개발하기 위한 길을 마련하며, 하이브리드 섬유 동축 네트워크에서 지원 대역폭을 최대 3 GHz까지 확장할 계획을 가지고 있습니다.

Broadcom, Charter Communications et Comcast ont annoncé un développement conjoint de chipsets DOCSIS unifiés pour les nœuds de réseau, les amplificateurs intelligents et les modems câble. Cette collaboration vise à permettre à la fois les versions FDX et ESD de la spécification DOCSIS 4.0, offrant potentiellement des vitesses allant jusqu'à 25 Gbps sur les réseaux existants. L'initiative comprend :

1. Des économies d'échelle pour l'industrie
2. Un écosystème de fournisseurs robuste
3. Une certification CableLabs rationalisée

La technologie intégrera des capacités d'intelligence artificielle avancée et d'apprentissage automatique, en utilisant l'Unité de Traitement Neural (NPU) intégrée de Broadcom. Cela améliorera la performance, la sécurité et la fiabilité du réseau grâce à des fonctions telles que la détection d'anomalies de canal, la gestion prédictive du réseau et la cybersécurité avancée.

La collaboration ouvre également la voie à la prochaine génération de DOCSIS, avec des plans pour développer un chemin vers des vitesses de 25 Gbps en élargissant la bande passante prise en charge sur les réseaux hybrides à fibre coaxiale jusqu'à 3 GHz.

Broadcom, Charter Communications und Comcast haben eine gemeinsame Entwicklung von einheitlichen DOCSIS-Chipsätzen für Netzwerkknoten, intelligente Verstärker und Kabelmodems angekündigt. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, sowohl FDX- als auch ESD-Versionen der DOCSIS 4.0-Spezifikation zu ermöglichen, die möglicherweise Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 25 Gbps über bestehende Netzwerke liefern kann. Die Initiative umfasst:

1. Skaleneffekte für die Branche
2. Ein robustes Lieferanten-Ökosystem
3. Vereinfachte CableLabs-Zertifizierung

Die Technologie wird fortschrittliche Künstliche Intelligenz- und Machine Learning-Funktionen integrieren und dabei Broadcoms eingebettete Neural Processing Unit (NPU) nutzen. Dies wird die Netzwerkleistung, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit durch Funktionen wie Kanal-Anomalieerkennung, prädiktives Netzwerkmanagement und fortschrittliche Cybersicherheit verbessern.

Die Zusammenarbeit legt auch den Grundstein für die nächste Generation von DOCSIS, mit Plänen zur Entwicklung eines Weges zu 25 Gbps Geschwindigkeiten durch Erweiterung der unterstützten Bandbreite auf hybriden Glasfaser-Koaxialnetzen bis zu 3 GHz.

  • Joint development of Unified DOCSIS chipsets enabling speeds up to 25 Gbps over existing networks
  • Integration of advanced AI and ML capabilities to improve network performance and security
  • Potential for increased operational efficiency and improved customer experience
  • Development of a path to 25 Gbps speeds without requiring new infrastructure
  • Creation of economies of scale and a robust vendor ecosystem for the industry
  • None.


This collaboration between Broadcom, Charter Communications and Comcast represents a significant leap forward in cable internet technology. The development of Unified DOCSIS chipsets capable of 25Gbps speeds over existing infrastructure is a game-changer for the industry. Key points include:

  • Support for both FDX and ESD versions of DOCSIS 4.0, enabling flexibility for operators
  • Embedded AI/ML capabilities for improved performance and reliability
  • Potential for 25Gbps speeds without requiring new infrastructure
  • Enhanced network security and operational efficiency through AI-driven features

This initiative could significantly extend the lifespan and capabilities of existing cable networks, potentially delaying the need for costly fiber-to-the-home deployments. For investors, this could mean improved long-term prospects for cable operators and equipment manufacturers in the face of increasing competition from fiber and 5G technologies.

This joint development has several positive financial implications for the companies involved and the broader cable industry:

  • Economies of scale: A unified standard should reduce R&D and production costs
  • Increased competitiveness: 25Gbps speeds could help cable operators better compete with fiber offerings
  • Extended infrastructure lifespan: Leveraging existing networks for higher speeds may defer costly upgrades
  • New revenue streams: Advanced AI/ML capabilities could enable new services and improve customer retention

For Charter Communications (CHTR), this could mean improved capital efficiency and a stronger competitive position. However, investors should monitor the costs associated with implementing these new technologies and the potential impact on CAPEX in the coming years. The collaboration also suggests a positive outlook for Broadcom as a key technology provider in this space.

Embedded AI/ML Capabilities to Improve Performance and Reliability, Create Economies of Scale and Chart a Path to 25Gbps Future Over Existing Network Infrastructure

PALO ALTO, Calif. and STAMFORD, Conn. and PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Broadcom Inc., Charter Communications, and Comcast today announced a joint development of Unified DOCSIS chipsets for network nodes, smart amps, and cable modems, enabling both FDX and ESD versions of the DOCSIS 4.0 specification, and setting the stage to deliver upwards of 25 Gbps speeds over existing networks. This specification brings together all the benefits of both DOCSIS ESD and DOCSIS FDX and includes support for both mid-split and high-split configurations.

Designed for compliance with the existing DOCSIS 4.0 standard and creating a foundation for the next generation, the technology solutions will enable all operators through a single and open standard, delivering on the following advantages:

  • Economies of scale for the industry
  • Robust vendor ecosystem
  • Streamlined CableLabs certification and operator qualification

"By pushing the benefits of AI and ML to the edge of our network, we are maximizing network performance, improving the internet experience, and introducing new and exciting services to support our customers' incredible appetite for more, higher quality data," said Charlie Herrin, President, Technology, Product, Experience, Comcast. "Supporting a single technology that can be used by all operators efficiently, over their existing networks, allows the industry to leverage its collective investment, and to increase the benefits of AI at the edge."

This collaboration also will dramatically enhance DOCSIS networks with advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, utilizing Broadcom's embedded Neural Processing Unit (NPU) in the network nodes, smart amps, and modems. Operators will be able to increase operational efficiency and improve network security and reliability through specific advancements, including:

  • Channel anomaly detection and network self-healing
  • Predictive network power management and reduction
  • Real-time network pattern detection, classification, and optimization
  • Advanced cybersecurity, intrusion detection, and phishing protection to fight AI-based attacks
  • Monitoring and optimizing home IoT and WiFi device performance

"Charter, Comcast, and Broadcom are collaboratively driving industry innovation through the Unified DOCSIS 4.0 specification," said Rich DiGeronimo, President of Product and Technology, Charter Communications, which operates the Spectrum brand. "By integrating Broadcom's cutting-edge technology into our network infrastructure and cable modems, our network will leverage artificial intelligence to enhance power, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, ultimately delivering superior services to our customers."

Setting the Stage for the Next Generation

This three-way collaboration also augments each company's investment in the future of DOCSIS through an agreement to start developing a path to 25 Gbps. Among the enhancements of this evolution will be the extension of DOCSIS to higher spectrum. By expanding the supported bandwidth on hybrid fiber coax (HFC) networks up to 3 GHz, this pioneering technology delivers many benefits to cable operators' existing networks without requiring them to build new infrastructure. While this initiative is in the early planning stages, it would ultimately allow for increased network speeds for continued competitive service offerings and the ability to apply operator software into next generation advanced products.

"Broadcom is pleased to work with our operator partners in bringing the industry together around Unified DOCSIS," added Charlie Kawwas, Ph. D., President of Broadcom's Semiconductor Solutions Group. "With the 3 GHz capabilities, we're providing the tools for cable operators to continue to enhance the leading capabilities of their networks while competing with higher and higher speed offerings. We've seen the huge benefits to operators and consumers of embedded AI/ML in access networks. From advanced diagnostics and network self-healing to state-of-the-art AI-based cybersecurity, the sky's the limit for innovative machine learning applications."

Comcast is showcasing early versions of technology supporting 25 Gbps speed and support for up to 3 Ghz during the SCTE TechExpo in Atlanta.

About Broadcom
Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) is a global technology leader that designs, develops, and supplies a broad range of semiconductor, enterprise software and security solutions. Broadcom's category-leading product portfolio serves critical markets including cloud, data center, networking, broadband, wireless, storage, industrial, and enterprise software. Our solutions include service provider and enterprise networking and storage, mobile device and broadband connectivity, mainframe, cybersecurity, and private and hybrid cloud infrastructure. Broadcom is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Palo Alto, CA. For more information, go to

About Charter Communications
Charter Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: CHTR) is a leading broadband connectivity company and cable operator with services available to more than 57 million homes and businesses in 41 states through its Spectrum brand. Over an advanced communications network, the Company offers a full range of state-of-the-art residential and business services including Spectrum Internet®, TV, Mobile and Voice.

For small and medium-sized companies, Spectrum Business® delivers the same suite of broadband products and services coupled with special features and applications to enhance productivity, while for larger businesses and government entities, Spectrum Enterprise® provides highly customized, fiber-based solutions. Spectrum Reach® delivers tailored advertising and production for the modern media landscape. The Company also distributes award-winning news coverage and sports programming to its customers through Spectrum Networks. More information about Charter can be found at  

About Comcast Corporation
Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and technology company. From the connectivity and platforms we provide, to the content and experiences we create, our businesses reach hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide. We deliver world-class broadband, wireless, and video through Xfinity, Comcast Business, and Sky; produce, distribute, and stream leading entertainment, sports, and news through brands including NBC, Telemundo, Universal, Peacock, and Sky; and bring incredible theme parks and attractions to life through Universal Destinations & Experiences. Visit for more information.

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SOURCE Charter Communications, Inc.


What is the maximum speed potential of the new Unified DOCSIS chipsets being developed by Broadcom, Charter Communications, and Comcast?

The new Unified DOCSIS chipsets being developed have the potential to deliver speeds upwards of 25 Gbps over existing networks.

How will AI and ML be integrated into the new DOCSIS technology?

AI and ML will be integrated through Broadcom's embedded Neural Processing Unit (NPU) in network nodes, smart amps, and modems, enabling features like channel anomaly detection, predictive network management, and advanced cybersecurity.

What is the significance of expanding supported bandwidth to 3 GHz in the DOCSIS development?

Expanding supported bandwidth to 3 GHz on hybrid fiber coax networks allows for increased network speeds without requiring new infrastructure, setting the stage for future 25 Gbps capabilities.

How will the Unified DOCSIS chipsets benefit Charter Communications (CHTR) and other cable operators?

The Unified DOCSIS chipsets will enable Charter Communications (CHTR) and other operators to leverage AI for improved network performance, security, and reliability, while creating economies of scale and a robust vendor ecosystem for the industry.

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