Deutsche Telekom and Broadcom expand partnership

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Deutsche Telekom's T-Systems and Broadcom have expanded their long-standing partnership. T-Systems has achieved the highest VMware Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) Pinnacle tier partner status in the Broadcom Advantage Partner Program. This status signifies T-Systems' deep technological expertise and close collaboration with Broadcom to help customers adopt advanced digital technologies.

Key highlights of the expanded partnership include:

  • T-Systems will offer managed private cloud services, including sovereign cloud services, based on VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF)
  • As a Pinnacle Partner, T-Systems supports the VCSP White Label model, enabling other partners to offer VMware products under their own brand
  • The partnership strengthens T-Systems' multi-cloud strategy and global service offerings
  • T-Systems and VMware (now Broadcom) have collaborated for 20 years, with T-Systems offering tool-based migration to VMware technology and establishing a VMware Cloud Center of Excellence

T-Systems di Deutsche Telekom e Broadcom hanno ampliato la loro lunga collaborazione. T-Systems ha raggiunto il massimo livello di partner Pinnacle nel programma Advantage Partner di Broadcom per i fornitori di servizi cloud VMware (VCSP). Questo status rappresenta la profonda expertise tecnologica di T-Systems e la stretta collaborazione con Broadcom per aiutare i clienti ad adottare tecnologie digitali avanzate.

Tra i punti salienti della partnership ampliata ci sono:

  • T-Systems offrirà servizi di cloud privato gestito, inclusi servizi di cloud sovrano, basati su VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF)
  • In qualità di partner Pinnacle, T-Systems supporta il modello White Label VCSP, permettendo ad altri partner di offrire prodotti VMware sotto il proprio marchio
  • La partnership rafforza la strategia multi-cloud di T-Systems e la sua offerta di servizi globali
  • T-Systems e VMware (ora Broadcom) collaborano da 20 anni, con T-Systems che offre migrazioni basate su strumenti verso la tecnologia VMware e ha istituito un Centro di Eccellenza VMware Cloud

T-Systems de Deutsche Telekom y Broadcom han ampliado su asociación de larga data. T-Systems ha alcanzado el nivel de socio Pinnacle más alto en el programa Advantage Partner de Broadcom para proveedores de servicios en la nube de VMware (VCSP). Este estatus significa la profunda experiencia tecnológica de T-Systems y su estrecha colaboración con Broadcom para ayudar a los clientes a adoptar tecnologías digitales avanzadas.

Los puntos destacados de la asociación ampliada incluyen:

  • T-Systems ofrecerá servicios de nube privada gestionada, incluidos servicios de nube soberana, basados en VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF)
  • Como socio Pinnacle, T-Systems apoya el modelo de marca blanca VCSP, permitiendo a otros socios ofrecer productos VMware con su propia marca
  • La asociación refuerza la estrategia de múltiples nubes de T-Systems y su oferta de servicios globales
  • T-Systems y VMware (ahora Broadcom) han colaborado durante 20 años, con T-Systems ofreciendo migración basada en herramientas hacia la tecnología VMware y estableciendo un Centro de Excelencia VMware Cloud

도이치 텔레콤의 T-시스템즈와 브로드컴이 오랜 파트너십을 확대했습니다. T-시스템즈는 브로드컴 어드밴티지 파트너 프로그램의 VMware 클라우드 서비스 제공업체(VCSP) 피나클(Pinnacle) 파트너 등급을 달성했습니다. 이 지위는 T-시스템즈의 깊은 기술 전문성과 브로드컴과의 밀접한 협력을 의미하며, 고객이 고급 디지털 기술을 채택할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

확대된 파트너십의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • T-시스템즈는 VMware 클라우드 재단(VCF)을 기반으로 하는 주권 클라우드 서비스를 포함한 관리형 프라이빗 클라우드 서비스를 제공합니다.
  • 피나클 파트너로서 T-시스템즈는 다른 파트너가 자신의 브랜드로 VMware 제품을 제공할 수 있도록 하는 VCSP 화이트 레이블 모델을 지원합니다.
  • 이 파트너십은 T-시스템즈의 멀티클라우드 전략과 글로벌 서비스 제공을 강화합니다.
  • T-시스템즈와 VMware(현재 브로드컴)는 20년 동안 협력해 왔으며, T-시스템즈는 VMware 기술로의 도구 기반 마이그레이션을 제공하고 VMware 클라우드 우수 센터를 설립했습니다.

T-Systems de Deutsche Telekom et Broadcom ont élargi leur partenariat de longue date. T-Systems a atteint le statut de partenaire Pinnacle le plus élevé dans le cadre du programme Advantage Partner de Broadcom pour les fournisseurs de services cloud VMware (VCSP). Ce statut témoigne de l'expertise technologique approfondie de T-Systems et de la collaboration étroite avec Broadcom pour aider les clients à adopter des technologies numériques avancées.

Les principaux points forts de l'élargissement du partenariat incluent :

  • T-Systems proposera des services de cloud privé géré, y compris des services de cloud souverain, basés sur VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF)
  • En tant que partenaire Pinnacle, T-Systems soutient le modèle de marque blanche VCSP, permettant à d'autres partenaires d'offrir des produits VMware sous leur propre marque
  • Le partenariat renforce la stratégie multi-cloud de T-Systems et son offre de services globaux
  • T-Systems et VMware (maintenant Broadcom) collaborent depuis 20 ans, T-Systems proposant des migrations basées sur des outils vers la technologie VMware et établissant un Centre d'Excellence VMware Cloud

T-Systems von Deutsche Telekom und Broadcom haben ihre langjährige Partnerschaft erweitert. T-Systems hat den höchsten Pinnacle-Partnerstatus im Advantage Partner Programm von Broadcom für VMware Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) erreicht. Dieser Status zeigt die tiefgehende technologische Expertise von T-Systems und die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Broadcom, um Kunden bei der Einführung fortschrittlicher digitaler Technologien zu unterstützen.

Zu den wichtigsten Aspekten der erweiterten Partnerschaft gehören:

  • T-Systems wird verwaltete private Cloud-Dienste anbieten, einschließlich souveräner Cloud-Dienste, die auf VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) basieren
  • Als Pinnacle-Partner unterstützt T-Systems das VCSP-White-Label-Modell, das anderen Partnern die Möglichkeit gibt, VMware-Produkte unter ihrer eigenen Marke anzubieten
  • Die Partnerschaft stärkt die Multi-Cloud-Strategie und das globale Dienstleistungsangebot von T-Systems
  • T-Systems und VMware (nun Broadcom) arbeiten seit 20 Jahren zusammen, wobei T-Systems werkzeugbasierte Migrationen zur VMware-Technologie anbietet und ein VMware Cloud Center of Excellence gegründet hat
  • T-Systems achieves highest VMware Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) Pinnacle tier partner status
  • Expansion of nearly 20-year long collaboration between T-Systems and Broadcom
  • T-Systems to offer managed private cloud services based on VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) globally
  • T-Systems gains ability to support VCSP White Label model, expanding service offerings
  • Partnership strengthens T-Systems' multi-cloud strategy
  • None.


The expanded partnership between Deutsche Telekom's T-Systems and Broadcom marks a significant development in the cloud services market. T-Systems achieving the highest VMware Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) Pinnacle tier status demonstrates their deep technological expertise and strong market position. This collaboration has several key implications:

  • Enhanced service offerings: T-Systems can now provide managed private cloud services based on VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF), including sovereign cloud services. This expands their product portfolio and potential revenue streams.
  • Global reach: The ability to offer VCF-based services globally strengthens T-Systems' international presence and competitiveness.
  • White Label opportunities: As a Pinnacle Partner, T-Systems can support other VCSP partners, potentially creating a new revenue channel through licensing and support services.
  • Long-term stability: The 20-year partnership history suggests a stable, long-term relationship that could provide consistent revenue and technological advantages for both companies.

For Broadcom (AVGO), this partnership reinforces its position in the enterprise cloud market and could drive increased adoption of its VMware products. The collaboration aligns with Broadcom's strategy to leverage VMware's strong enterprise presence following its recent acquisition. While the immediate financial impact may be , the long-term potential for revenue growth and market expansion is significant, particularly in the rapidly growing cloud infrastructure and services sector.

This partnership expansion showcases the strategic importance of hybrid and multi-cloud solutions in the enterprise IT landscape. Key technological aspects include:

  • VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF): This platform is important for modernizing infrastructure and providing a seamless cloud experience. It offers significant Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) benefits and enhanced security, which are critical factors for enterprise adoption.
  • Sovereign cloud services: With increasing data regulations globally, T-Systems' ability to offer sovereign cloud services addresses a growing market need for data residency and jurisdictional control.
  • AI adoption and cyber resilience: The partnership's focus on these areas aligns with current enterprise priorities, potentially driving innovation and security enhancements.
  • Future Cloud Infrastructure (FCI): This tool-based migration solution could significantly reduce barriers to cloud adoption, potentially accelerating customer transitions to VMware technology.

The establishment of a VMware Cloud Center of Excellence by T-Systems indicates a commitment to technical expertise and service quality. This could lead to improved implementation processes and customer satisfaction, potentially driving wider adoption of Broadcom's VMware solutions in the enterprise market.

  • T-Systems reaches highest VMware Cloud Service Provider partner status
  • White Label option makes VMware portfolio more broadly available
  • Customers benefit from services worldwide

BONN, Germany and PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems and Broadcom have expanded their nearly 20-year long collaboration. T-Systems is now a VMware Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) Pinnacle tier partner, the highest and most strategic level in the Broadcom Advantage Partner Program. Pinnacle partners such as T-Systems are Broadcom’s most invested and strategic partners, with extensive certifications, a track record of significant sales and service achievements, and broad international coverage. Holding Pinnacle status signifies a partner's deep technological know-how and proficiency, and Pinnacle partners work closely with Broadcom to help customers solve complex challenges and adopt advanced digital technologies.

VMware Cloud Foundation: Private cloud as a service from T-Systems
Moving forward, T-Systems will support customers' innovation by offering managed private cloud services, including sovereign cloud services, based on VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF). The VCF private cloud platform helps organizations modernize infrastructure with outstanding TCO, delivers a frictionless cloud experience, and provides enterprise-grade resiliency and security. T-Systems will offer VCF-based services globally, helping customers reach their full potential and allowing them to benefit from long-term stability in the provisioning of cloud infrastructure.

White Label – Services under your own brand
As a Pinnacle Partner, T-Systems also supports the VCSP White Label model. This enables T-Systems to provide VCSP Registered tier partners with licenses, support, and optional hosting services. These partners can then offer the services under their own brand and thus integrate VMware products into their portfolio.

“The partnership with Broadcom is an important component of our multi-cloud strategy. Complemented by our Hyperscaler solutions, we can provide our customers exactly what they need. Always and worldwide,” says Ferri Abolhassan, CEO of T-Systems and board member of Deutsche Telekom.

“Broadcom will continue its close collaboration with T-Systems, one of our most valued partners, to accelerate our mutual customers’ infrastructure modernization, AI adoption, and cyber resilience while also supporting their needs with sovereign cloud services that enable data residency and other jurisdictional controls,” said Hock Tan, President and CEO of Broadcom Inc.

Strengthening a long-term partnership
T-Systems and VMware, now Broadcom, have had a close collaboration for 20 years. With Future Cloud Infrastructure (FCI), T-Systems already offers customers a tool-based migration from any IT infrastructure to VMware technology. Additionally, T-Systems has established a VMware Cloud Center of Excellence, making it simpler, faster, and less costly for organizations to move to the cloud. Customers gain access to the VMware portfolio of cloud infrastructure, application modernization and security services.

About Broadcom
Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) is a global technology leader that designs, develops, and supplies a broad range of semiconductor, enterprise software and security solutions. Broadcom's category-leading product portfolio serves critical markets including cloud, data center, networking, broadband, wireless, storage, industrial, and enterprise software. Our solutions include service provider and enterprise networking and storage, mobile device and broadband connectivity, mainframe, cybersecurity, and private and hybrid cloud infrastructure. Broadcom is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Palo Alto, CA. For more information, go to

About Deutsche Telekom

Media Relations Contacts:

Roger Fortier

Eloy Ontiveros
Broadcom Global Communications

Deutsche Telekom AG
Corporate Communications
Kathrin Langkamp

Tel.: +49 228 181 – 49494

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What is the new partnership status between T-Systems and Broadcom for VMware services?

T-Systems has achieved the highest VMware Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) Pinnacle tier partner status in the Broadcom Advantage Partner Program, expanding their nearly 20-year collaboration.

What new services will T-Systems offer as part of this expanded partnership with Broadcom (AVGO)?

T-Systems will offer managed private cloud services, including sovereign cloud services, based on VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF). They will also support the VCSP White Label model, allowing other partners to offer VMware products under their own brand.

How does the expanded partnership between T-Systems and Broadcom (AVGO) benefit customers?

Customers will benefit from T-Systems' global offering of VCF-based services, access to advanced digital technologies, and support for infrastructure modernization, AI adoption, and cyber resilience. Additionally, customers can access sovereign cloud services that enable data residency and other jurisdictional controls.

What is the significance of T-Systems achieving Pinnacle tier partner status with Broadcom (AVGO) for VMware services?

Achieving Pinnacle tier partner status signifies T-Systems' deep technological expertise, extensive certifications, and track record of significant sales and service achievements. It also indicates close collaboration with Broadcom to help customers solve complex challenges and adopt advanced digital technologies.

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