ZoomInfo Data Reveals Best and Worst Times of Year to Send Email

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ZoomInfo's analysis of millions of global emails in 2023 reveals the best and worst times to reach email recipients. Key findings include:

- Autumn (mid-September to mid-November) is one of the best times to connect via email, with a 2.4% out-of-office (OOO) reply rate.

- The week of Christmas saw the highest OOO reply rate at 6.8%.

- The second week of January had the lowest weekly OOO rate at 1.1%.

- The period from mid-January to mid-March had the lowest extended OOO reply rate at 1.8%.

- Summer months (June-August) saw an elevated OOO rate around 3.0%.

This data can help businesses optimize their email outreach strategies, considering that 77% of B2B buyers prefer email contact.

L'analisi di ZoomInfo su milioni di email globali nel 2023 rivela i momenti migliori e peggiori per raggiungere i destinatari delle email. I risultati chiave includono:

- Autunno (metà settembre a metà novembre) è uno dei migliori momenti per connettersi via email, con un tasso di risposta fuori ufficio (OOO) del 2,4%.

- La settimana di Natale ha registrato il tasso di risposta OOO più alto al 6,8%.

- La seconda settimana di gennaio ha avuto il tasso OOO settimanale più basso all'1,1%.

- Il periodo da metà gennaio a metà marzo ha mostrato il tasso di risposta OOO esteso più basso all'1,8%.

- I mesi estivi (giugno-agosto) hanno visto un tasso OOO elevato intorno al 3,0%.

Questi dati possono aiutare le aziende a ottimizzare le loro strategie di outreach via email, considerando che il 77% degli acquirenti B2B preferisce il contatto via email.

El análisis de ZoomInfo de millones de correos electrónicos globales en 2023 revela los mejores y peores momentos para alcanzar a los destinatarios de correo electrónico. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- Otoño (mediados de septiembre a mediados de noviembre) es uno de los mejores momentos para conectarse por correo electrónico, con una tasa de respuesta fuera de la oficina (OOO) del 2,4%.

- La semana de Navidad tuvo la tasa de respuesta OOO más alta, del 6,8%.

- La segunda semana de enero tuvo la tasa OOO semanal más baja, del 1,1%.

- El período de mediados de enero a mediados de marzo tuvo la tasa de respuesta OOO extendida más baja, del 1,8%.

- Los meses de verano (junio-agosto) presentaron una tasa OOO elevada de alrededor del 3,0%.

Estos datos pueden ayudar a las empresas a optimizar sus estrategias de contacto por correo electrónico, considerando que el 77% de los compradores B2B prefiere el contacto por correo electrónico.

ZoomInfo의 2023년 전 세계 이메일 수백만 통에 대한 분석은 이메일 수신자에게 연락하기 가장 좋고 나쁜 시간을 보여줍니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 가을 (9월 중순부터 11월 중순까지)은 이메일로 연결하기 가장 좋은 시기로, 2.4%의 부재 중 응답(OOO) 비율을 보였습니다.

- 크리스마스 주는 6.8%로 가장 높은 OOO 응답 비율을 기록했습니다.

- 1월 두 번째 주는 1.1%로 가장 낮은 주간 OOO 비율을 보였습니다.

- 1월 중순부터 3월 중순까지의 기간은 1.8%의 가장 낮은 연장 OOO 응답 비율을 기록했습니다.

- 여름 달 (6월부터 8월까지)은 약 3.0%의 높은 OOO 비율을 보였습니다.

이 데이터는 이메일을 통해 사업을 최적화하는 데 도움이 될 수 있으며, 77%의 B2B 구매자가 이메일 연락을 선호합니다.

L'analyse de ZoomInfo sur des millions d'emails à travers le monde en 2023 révèle les meilleurs et pires moments pour atteindre les destinataires des emails. Les résultats clés incluent :

- Automne (mi-septembre à mi-novembre) est l'un des meilleurs moments pour se connecter par email, avec un taux de réponse hors du bureau (OOO) de 2,4 %.

- La semaine de Noël a enregistré le taux de réponse OOO le plus élevé, à 6,8 %.

- La deuxième semaine de janvier a eu le taux OOO hebdomadaire le plus bas, à 1,1 %.

- La période de mi-janvier à mi-mars avait le taux de réponse OOO prolongé le plus bas, à 1,8 %.

- Les mois d'été (juin-août) ont connu un taux OOO élevé d'environ 3,0 %.

Ces données peuvent aider les entreprises à optimiser leurs stratégies de contact par email, sachant que 77 % des acheteurs B2B préfèrent le contact par email.

Die Analyse von ZoomInfo, die Millionen von globalen E-Mails im Jahr 2023 untersucht hat, zeigt die besten und schlechtesten Zeiten, um E-Mail-Empfänger zu erreichen. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

- Herbst (Mitte September bis Mitte November) ist eine der besten Zeiten, um per E-Mail Kontakt aufzunehmen, mit einer Abwesenheitsantwort-Rate (OOO) von 2,4%.

- Die Weihnachtswoche verzeichnete die höchste OOO-Antwortrate mit 6,8%.

- Die zweite Januarwoche hatte die niedrigste wöchentliche OOO-Rate mit 1,1%.

- Der Zeitraum von Mitte Januar bis Mitte März wies die niedrigste verlängerte OOO-Antwortrate von 1,8% auf.

- Die Sommermonate (Juni bis August) hatten eine erhöhte OOO-Rate von etwa 3,0%.

Diese Daten können Unternehmen helfen, ihre E-Mail-Strategien zu optimieren, da 77% der B2B-Käufer E-Mail-Kontakt bevorzugen.

  • ZoomInfo's analysis provides valuable insights for optimizing email marketing strategies
  • The research covers millions of global emails, offering a comprehensive dataset
  • Findings can help businesses improve their email outreach effectiveness
  • None.

This data on email engagement patterns provides valuable insights for B2B marketers and sales professionals. The 2.4% out-of-office (OOO) reply rate during fall suggests an optimal window for outreach campaigns. Conversely, the 6.8% OOO rate during Christmas week indicates a period to avoid for critical communications.

For businesses relying heavily on email marketing, these insights can significantly impact campaign timing and effectiveness. The data underscores the importance of strategic timing in email outreach, potentially improving open rates and engagement. However, it's important to note that while this information is useful for general planning, individual industry patterns may vary, necessitating sector-specific analysis for optimal results.

ZoomInfo's analysis of millions of global emails showcases the power of big data in deriving actionable business intelligence. This large-scale data mining exercise demonstrates how companies can leverage their internal data to generate valuable market insights. The findings could potentially be integrated into AI-driven marketing automation tools to optimize email send times.

However, it's important to consider potential biases in the data set, such as geographical or industry-specific variations that might not be captured in ZoomInfo's employee email data. Future iterations of this analysis could benefit from incorporating machine learning algorithms to identify more nuanced patterns and predict optimal contact times on an individual recipient basis.

Analysis of out of office email reply rates shows when people are most likely to respond


  • Autumn is one of the best times of year to connect with people, according to ZoomInfo’s research into email data from 2023.
  • Out of office replies spiked to 6.8% during the week of Christmas.
  • Shortly thereafter, the second week of January returned the lowest weekly rate of OOO replies at 1.1%.

VANCOUVER, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI), the go-to-market platform to find, acquire, and grow customers, published an analysis of millions of global emails that reveals the best and worst times to reach email recipients.

Autumn is one of the best times of year to connect with people, according to ZoomInfo’s research into email data from 2023. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Autumn is one of the best times of year to connect with people, according to ZoomInfo’s research into email data from 2023. (Graphic: Business Wire)

ZoomInfo’s research team compiled the report by analyzing millions of emails sent globally by the company’s employees in 2023, and the rates at which they received OOO replies from their intended recipients.

With a 2.4% OOO reply rate, the fall stretch from mid-September to mid-November offers emailers one of their best chances all year at connecting with prospects, customers, colleagues, and counterparts via email.

According to Forbes, 77% of B2B buyers say their preferred form of contact is email, and more than 360 billion emails are sent worldwide every day.

Other findings include:

  • The two-month window after the new year – spanning mid-January to mid-March (1.8% OOO reply rate) – was the most optimal extended stretch of time to avoid OOO replies.
  • Fourth of July week had the second-highest OOO reply rate for any week at 4.1%.
  • The summer months of June-August saw an elevated OOO reply rate around 3.0%.
  • The median OOO rate for the year was approximately 2.7%.

Read the ZoomInfo blog to learn more about implementing sales outreach strategies to help you navigate OOO replies.

Media interested in more detailed insights from this data can reach out to the ZoomInfo PR team.

About ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) is the trusted go-to-market platform for businesses to find, acquire, and grow their customers. It delivers accurate, real-time data, insights, and technology to more than 35,000 companies worldwide. Businesses use ZoomInfo to increase efficiency, consolidate technology stacks, and align their sales and marketing teams — all in one platform. ZoomInfo is a recognized leader in data privacy, with industry-leading GDPR and CCPA compliance and numerous data security and privacy certifications. For more information about how ZoomInfo can help businesses grow their revenue at scale, please visit

Rob Morse

Senior Communications Manager

Source: ZoomInfo


What is the best time of year to send emails according to ZoomInfo's data?

According to ZoomInfo's research, autumn (mid-September to mid-November) is one of the best times to connect via email, with a low out-of-office (OOO) reply rate of 2.4%.

When does ZoomInfo's data show the highest out-of-office reply rate for emails?

ZoomInfo's data reveals that the week of Christmas had the highest out-of-office (OOO) reply rate at 6.8%.

What period did ZoomInfo's research identify as having the lowest extended out-of-office reply rate?

ZoomInfo's analysis found that the period from mid-January to mid-March had the lowest extended out-of-office (OOO) reply rate at 1.8%.

How did summer months perform in terms of out-of-office replies according to ZoomInfo's study?

ZoomInfo's research showed that summer months (June-August) saw an elevated out-of-office (OOO) reply rate of around 3.0%.

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