ZoomInfo Copilot Summer Release Delivers Cutting-Edge AI Enhancements for Sellers

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ZoomInfo has unveiled enhancements to its AI-driven ZoomInfo Copilot solution, helping sellers capture nearly 25% more pipeline. Users report an average 60% productivity boost, 58% increase in engagement, and 62% increase in email response rates. Key improvements include:

1. New integrations with Gong, G2, TrustRadius, Slack, and Microsoft Teams
2. Expanded real-time signals covering funding, podcasts, partnerships, M&A, IPOs, and more
3. Advanced on-demand account insights with comprehensive overviews and real-time updates
4. Enhanced user experience with a prioritized seller homepage and mobile access

These updates aim to equip sales teams with powerful AI-guided recommendations and insights to close deals faster.

ZoomInfo ha svelato miglioramenti nella sua soluzione ZoomInfo Copilot alimentata dall'IA, che aiuta i venditori a catturare quasi il 25% in più di pipeline. Gli utenti segnalano un aumento medio della produttività del 60%, un aumento del 58% nel coinvolgimento e un aumento del 62% nei tassi di risposta alle email. I principali miglioramenti includono:

1. Nuove integrazioni con Gong, G2, TrustRadius, Slack e Microsoft Teams
2. Segnali in tempo reale ampliati che coprono finanziamenti, podcast, partnership, fusioni e acquisizioni, IPO e altro
3. Approfondimenti avanzati sugli account on-demand con panoramiche complete e aggiornamenti in tempo reale
4. Esperienza utente migliorata con una homepage per venditori prioritizzata e accesso mobile

Questi aggiornamenti mirano a fornire ai team di vendita potenti raccomandazioni e approfondimenti guidati dall'IA per chiudere le trattative più rapidamente.

ZoomInfo ha presentado mejoras en su solución ZoomInfo Copilot impulsada por IA, ayudando a los vendedores a capturar casi un 25% más de pipeline. Los usuarios informan un aumento promedio del 60% en la productividad, un 58% en el compromiso y un 62% en las tasas de respuesta a correos electrónicos. Las mejoras clave incluyen:

1. Nuevas integraciones con Gong, G2, TrustRadius, Slack y Microsoft Teams
2. Señales ampliadas en tiempo real que cubren financiación, pódcast, asociaciones, fusiones y adquisiciones, OPI y más
3. Información detallada de cuentas bajo demanda con panorámicas completas y actualizaciones en tiempo real
4. Mejorada experiencia del usuario con una página de inicio priorizada para vendedores y acceso móvil

Estas actualizaciones tienen como objetivo proporcionar a los equipos de ventas recomendaciones y conocimientos poderosos impulsados por IA para cerrar tratos más rápido.

ZoomInfo는 판매자가 거의 25% 더 많은 파이프라인을 확보할 수 있도록 돕는 AI 기반 ZoomInfo Copilot 솔루션의 개선 사항을 발표했습니다. 사용자들은 평균 60% 생산성 향상, 58% 참여도 증가, 62% 이메일 응답률 증가를 보고하고 있습니다. 주요 개선 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. Gong, G2, TrustRadius, Slack 및 Microsoft Teams와의 새로운 통합
2. 자금 조달, 팟캐스트, 파트너십, 인수 합병, IPO 및 기타를 포함하는 실시간 신호 확장
3. 포괄적인 개요와 실시간 업데이트를 제공하는 고급 주문형 계정 통찰력
4. 우선 순위가 지정된 판매자 홈페이지 및 모바일 접근으로 향상된 사용자 경험

이러한 업데이트는 판매 팀이 빠르게 거래를 성사시킬 수 있도록 강력한 AI 기반의 권장 사항과 통찰력을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

ZoomInfo a dévoilé des améliorations pour sa solution ZoomInfo Copilot alimentée par l'IA, aidant les vendeurs à capturer près de 25% de pipeline supplémentaire. Les utilisateurs rapportent une augmentation moyenne de la productivité de 60%, une augmentation de l'engagement de 58% et une augmentation des taux de réponse aux e-mails de 62%. Les principales améliorations comprennent :

1. Nouvelles intégrations avec Gong, G2, TrustRadius, Slack et Microsoft Teams
2. Signaux en temps réel élargis couvrant le financement, les podcasts, les partenariats, les fusions-acquisitions, les IPO et plus
3. Insights avancés sur demande concernant les comptes avec des aperçus complets et des mises à jour en temps réel
4. Expérience utilisateur améliorée avec une page d'accueil priorisée pour les vendeurs et un accès mobile

Ces mises à jour visent à fournir aux équipes de vente des recommandations et des insights puissants guidés par l'IA pour conclure des affaires plus rapidement.

ZoomInfo hat Verbesserungen seiner KI-gestützten ZoomInfo Copilot-Lösung präsentiert, die Verkäufern helfen, fast 25% mehr Pipeline zu erfassen. Nutzer berichten von einem durchschnittlichen Produktivitätszuwachs von 60%, einem 58%igen Anstieg des Engagements und einem 62%igen Anstieg der E-Mail-Antwortraten. Zu den wichtigsten Verbesserungen gehören:

1. Neue Integrationen mit Gong, G2, TrustRadius, Slack und Microsoft Teams
2. Erweiterte Echtzeitsignale, die Finanzierung, Podcasts, Partnerschaften, M&A, IPOs und mehr abdecken
3. Fortschrittliche On-Demand-Account-Einblicke mit umfassenden Übersichten und Echtzeit-Updates
4. Verbessertes Nutzererlebnis mit einer priorisierten Verkäufer-Startseite und mobilem Zugriff

Diese Updates sollen den Vertriebsteams leistungsstarke, KI-gestützte Empfehlungen und Einblicke bereitstellen, um Geschäfte schneller abzuschließen.

  • Users report capturing nearly 25% more pipeline with ZoomInfo Copilot
  • 60% average productivity boost reported by users
  • 58% increase in engagement reported by users
  • 62% increase in email response rates reported by early users
  • Integration with popular platforms like Gong, G2, TrustRadius, Slack, and Microsoft Teams
  • Expanded real-time signals covering various business aspects (funding, M&A, IPOs, etc.)
  • Advanced on-demand account insights with real-time updates
  • Mobile access for managing target accounts and viewing signals on-the-go
  • None.

ZoomInfo's latest Copilot enhancements showcase a significant leap in AI-driven sales tools. The 60% productivity boost and 25% increase in pipeline are impressive metrics that highlight the solution's effectiveness. Key improvements include:

  • Integration capabilities with platforms like Gong, G2 and TrustRadius, enhancing data synergy
  • Expanded real-time signals covering funding, podcasts and M&A activities
  • Advanced account insights and mobile accessibility

These features address critical pain points in the sales process, potentially giving ZoomInfo a competitive edge in the crowded sales intelligence market. The focus on AI-guided recommendations and real-time insights aligns with the industry trend towards more data-driven, efficient sales processes. However, the true test will be in sustained adoption rates and long-term impact on sales outcomes across diverse customer bases.

The enhancements to ZoomInfo Copilot represent a significant advancement in sales enablement technology. The reported 58% increase in engagement and 62% boost in email response rates are particularly noteworthy. These improvements could translate to substantial revenue gains for businesses adopting the platform. The integration of diverse data sources and AI-driven insights addresses a important challenge in modern sales: information overload and prioritization. By automating the process of identifying high-value opportunities and providing contextual information, Copilot could dramatically increase sales team efficiency. However, organizations should carefully consider how to integrate this tool into existing workflows to maximize its benefits without disrupting established processes.

ZoomInfo's Copilot enhancements reflect a keen understanding of evolving market demands in the sales intelligence sector. The expansion of signal types, including podcast mentions and competitive risks, demonstrates ZoomInfo's commitment to providing comprehensive, multi-channel insights. This could be particularly valuable as B2B buying processes become increasingly complex and digitalized. The 8-hour weekly time savings reported by early users is a compelling value proposition in a market where sales productivity is paramount. However, competitors like Salesforce and LinkedIn Sales Navigator are also investing heavily in AI-driven solutions. ZoomInfo's success will depend on its ability to maintain a technological edge and effectively communicate its unique value proposition in a crowded market. The positive user feedback and concrete performance metrics provide a strong foundation for market expansion.

Users report on average 60% productivity boost, 58% increase in engagement, and nearly 25% more pipeline secured 


  • Integrate ZoomInfo Copilot with your existing tech stack to unlock customer insights, social proof, breaking account alerts, and more so you never miss an opportunity to engage
  • Tap into our expanding universe of buyer signals that provide key account insights like earnings call summaries, podcast mentions, and competitive risks
  • Early users report saving eight hours a week and a 62% increase in email response rates, among other productivity improvements

VANCOUVER, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI), the go-to-market platform to find, acquire, and grow customers, rolled out a series of enhancements to its AI-driven ZoomInfo Copilot solution that are helping sellers capture nearly 25% more pipeline.

ZoomInfo Copilot users get instant notifications of key account activity across multiple channels including Slack, Microsoft Teams, email and in-app, so they never miss an opportunity to engage. (Photo: Business Wire)

ZoomInfo Copilot users get instant notifications of key account activity across multiple channels including Slack, Microsoft Teams, email and in-app, so they never miss an opportunity to engage. (Photo: Business Wire)

ZoomInfo Copilot equips the entire sales team with on-demand account insights and real-time buying signals, applying generative AI to predict your pipeline. You get powerful AI-guided recommendations about who to contact, when to engage, and even what to say.

ZoomInfo Copilot users say they’re booking nearly 60% more meetings and demos per week, and 51% say they’re the first sales team to engage with an account because of it, helping their teams close deals faster. The latest product enhancements include:

New Integrations Connect Your Entire Tech Stack

  • Customer Insights: You can now integrate Gong in ZoomInfo Copilot to unlock valuable insights from customer interactions.
  • Social Proof Integrations: Easily incorporate social proof into emails and detect customer dissatisfaction and potential churn risk by pulling AI-driven insights from G2 and TrustRadius.
  • Breaking Alerts: Get instant notifications of key account activity across multiple channels including Slack, Microsoft Teams, email and in-app, to ensure you never miss an opportunity to engage.
  • Tie data sources together: Our bi-directional integrations with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and others allow users to leverage their first-party data in parallel to ZoomInfo data, including setting up target accounts, writeback activity into their CRM, and advanced filtering.

An Expanding Universe of Real-Time Signals

  • Comprehensive Context: Select context-rich insights to incorporate in your AI-crafted emails, including C-suite and buying group changes, hiring plans, buyer intent, and Scoops.
  • Customizability: Provide additional freeform context to your AI-generated emails to tailor your communications even further.
  • A Signal for Every Scenario: To keep sellers updated on their accounts, ZoomInfo Copilot pulls signals from a variety of sources, including job postings, earnings call and investor conference transcripts, intent signals from TechnologyAdvice, and relationship intelligence from Ren Systems. Since launch, we’ve added signals that track:

Funding: Major funding rounds in the last 90 days.

Podcast Mention Tracking: Insights when key contacts at target accounts participate in relevant podcasts.

Partnerships: Initiatives related to service agreements, outsourcing agreements, agreement mediations, contract extensions, and other collaborative efforts.

M&A: The consolidation of companies or assets through various types of financial transactions.

IPO: Efforts related to an initial public offering or a stock market launch where company shares are sold to institutional and individual investors.

Projects: All news and internal insights related to department-specific initiatives that are being planned, currently in flight, or recently completed.

Pain Points: Challenges a company or organization might encounter that could have negative impacts.

Buying Group Changes: A contact in the Buying Group joined or departed your Target Account.

New C-Suite in Buying Group: A new contact in your Buying Group has joined the C-Suite.

Layoffs: Layoffs at a company in your ICP/Account List.

Hiring Plans: Growth or reduction in the number of roles posted in a department or buying group at a company in your ICP/Account List.

Earning Call Summaries: Insights into a company’s strategic direction through summaries of public company earnings calls.

Submitted or Abandon Forms: Submitted or abandoned forms show when website visitors' interact with forms on your website with alerts showing completed and abandoned forms.

Account Fit Score: Accounts with the greatest potential for success.

Websight Spike: A target account recently visited pages on your websites and domains.

Account Level Intent: A target account is actively researching one or more of your intent topic clusters, and has seen an increase in their Account Level Intent score in either the past day (for AI Enterprise package) or past week (for AI Advanced package).

Advanced On-Demand Account Insights

  • Comprehensive Account Overview: ZoomInfo Copilot’s Account Summary consolidates first- and third-party data into a single, easy-to-digest brief to offer a complete view of every account.
  • Real-time Account Updates: Get the most up-to-date information on your accounts through real-time insights with the Account AI.
  • Performance Analytics: Get comprehensive performance analytics through the Copilot Analytics Dashboard, which offers a consolidated view of account signals, engagement, and seller usage.
  • Engagement Funnel Visibility: Explore and filter target accounts by engagement stage — from accounts with signals to accounts that require action – thanks to the addition of Account Overlays in Copilot Analytics.

A Better Sales Experience

  • Prioritized Seller Homepage: The refreshed ZoomInfo homepage greets users with active, prioritized accounts based on key signals and insights so sellers can focus on the most important opportunities as soon as they log in.
  • Easy Engagement: The intuitive homepage provides easy engagement options so you can connect with potential buyers through AI email, the Dialer, or LinkedIn from one place.
  • Strategic Account Prioritization: Easily prioritize target accounts based on real-time account activity and insights to drive a GTM strategy that helps sellers focus on the highest-value prospects.
  • Mobile Access Anytime, Anywhere: The ZoomInfo Copilot Mobile App lets you access Copilot on the go so you can manage target accounts, view account signals, and stay productive directly from your mobile device, no matter where you are. Our new read to me feature allows users to get audio updates of account insights directly in the app.
  • Comprehensive Signal Visibility: Easily view all signals for an account within the mobile app’s signals tab to drive informed decisions and engagement.

“Because of ZoomInfo Copilot, we’ve seen a 700% increase in our team’s usage of the ZoomInfo Sales platform,” said Cass Anderson, VP of revenue operations at Drips, a conversation-as-a-service and customer engagement platform. “As a RevOps professional, I’m always looking for ways to optimize sales efficiency. ZoomInfo Copilot is a starting point for our reps and cuts out a lot of the hard work of that initial outreach by identifying the right companies and contacts and then tailoring the message with specific pain points and ways our offerings actually help them solve those problems.”

Learn more about ZoomInfo Copilot.

About ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) is the trusted go-to-market platform for businesses to find, acquire, and grow their customers. It delivers accurate, real-time data, insights, and technology to more than 35,000 companies worldwide. Businesses use ZoomInfo to increase efficiency, consolidate technology stacks, and align their sales and marketing teams — all in one platform. ZoomInfo is a recognized leader in data privacy, with industry-leading GDPR and CCPA compliance and numerous data security and privacy certifications. For more information about how ZoomInfo can help businesses grow their revenue at scale, please visit


Rob Morse

Senior Communications Manager

Source: ZoomInfo


What are the key enhancements in ZoomInfo Copilot's Summer Release?

ZoomInfo Copilot's Summer Release includes new integrations with Gong, G2, TrustRadius, Slack, and Microsoft Teams; expanded real-time signals covering funding, podcasts, partnerships, M&A, and IPOs; advanced on-demand account insights; and enhanced user experience with a prioritized seller homepage and mobile access.

How much have users improved their pipeline with ZoomInfo Copilot (ZI)?

According to the press release, ZoomInfo Copilot users report capturing nearly 25% more pipeline.

What productivity improvements have been reported by ZoomInfo Copilot (ZI) users?

Users of ZoomInfo Copilot report an average 60% productivity boost, 58% increase in engagement, and early users report a 62% increase in email response rates. Additionally, users say they're saving eight hours per week.

What new integrations are available in the ZoomInfo Copilot (ZI) Summer Release?

The ZoomInfo Copilot Summer Release includes new integrations with Gong for customer insights, G2 and TrustRadius for social proof, and Slack and Microsoft Teams for breaking alerts. It also offers bi-directional integrations with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.

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