Pizza Hut Indonesia Is Advancing Sustainability Through New EV Charging Stations

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Pizza Hut Indonesia has announced a new collaboration with Voltron to install electric vehicle charging stations at selected restaurants. This initiative is part of the Pizza Hut Peduli 8P -- Renewable Energy program, demonstrating the company's commitment to sustainability and renewable energy solutions.

The partnership was formalized through an MoU Signing Ceremony attended by Boy Lukito, CEO of Pizza Hut Indonesia, Abdul Rahman Elly, Founder & CEO of Voltron Indonesia, and Hariyadi Kaimuddin, CEO of HAKA AUTO. The charging stations are currently in development and will be launched soon, aiming to make sustainable energy more accessible to the public.

This move aligns with Pizza Hut Indonesia's broader efforts to advance sustainability and promote positive change in the community. The company views this initiative as a significant step towards a greener future and encourages customers to stay tuned for further developments.

Pizza Hut Indonesia ha annunciato una nuova collaborazione con Voltron per installare stazioni di ricarica per veicoli elettrici presso alcuni ristoranti selezionati. Questa iniziativa fa parte del programma Pizza Hut Peduli 8P -- Energia Rinnovabile, dimostrando l'impegno dell'azienda verso la sostenibilità e le soluzioni di energia rinnovabile.

La partnership è stata formalizzata attraverso una Cerimonia di Firma del MoU a cui hanno partecipato Boy Lukito, CEO di Pizza Hut Indonesia, Abdul Rahman Elly, Fondatore e CEO di Voltron Indonesia, e Hariyadi Kaimuddin, CEO di HAKA AUTO. Le stazioni di ricarica sono attualmente in fase di sviluppo e saranno lanciate a breve, con l'obiettivo di rendere l'energia sostenibile più accessibile al pubblico.

Questa iniziativa si allinea con gli sforzi più ampi di Pizza Hut Indonesia per promuovere la sostenibilità e favorire un cambiamento positivo nella comunità. L'azienda considera questo passo come un importante progresso verso un futuro più verde e invita i clienti a rimanere aggiornati su ulteriori sviluppi.

Pizza Hut Indonesia ha anunciado una nueva colaboración con Voltron para instalar estaciones de carga para vehículos eléctricos en restaurantes seleccionados. Esta iniciativa forma parte del programa Pizza Hut Peduli 8P -- Energía Renovable, demostrando el compromiso de la empresa con la sostenibilidad y las soluciones de energía renovable.

La asociación se formalizó a través de una Ceremonia de Firma de MoU que contó con la presencia de Boy Lukito, CEO de Pizza Hut Indonesia, Abdul Rahman Elly, Fundador y CEO de Voltron Indonesia, y Hariyadi Kaimuddin, CEO de HAKA AUTO. Las estaciones de carga están actualmente en desarrollo y se lanzarán pronto, con el objetivo de hacer que la energía sostenible sea más accesible al público.

Esta medida se alinea con los esfuerzos más amplios de Pizza Hut Indonesia para avanzar en la sostenibilidad y promover un cambio positivo en la comunidad. La empresa considera esta iniciativa como un paso significativo hacia un futuro más verde y anima a los clientes a estar atentos a nuevos desarrollos.

피자헛 인도네시아는 선택된 레스토랑에 전기차 충전소를 설치하기 위해 볼트론과의 새로운 협력 관계를 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 피자헛 페둘리 8P -- 재생 가능 에너지 프로그램의 일환이며, 회사의 지속 가능성과 재생 가능 에너지 솔루션에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.

파트너십은 피자헛 인도네시아 CEO인 보이 루키토, 볼트론 인도네시아의 창립자이자 CEO인 압둘 라흐만 엘리, HAKA AUTO의 CEO인 하리야디 카이무딘이 참석한 양해각서(MoU) 서명식을 통해 공식화되었습니다. 충전소는 현재 개발 중이며 곧 출시될 예정으로, 대중에게 지속 가능한 에너지를 더 쉽게 이용할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이러한 움직임은 피자헛 인도네시아의 더 넓은 지속 가능성 증진 노력과 긍정적인 변화 촉진을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 회사는 이 이니셔티브를 더 푸른 미래를 향한 중요한 발걸음으로 여기며, 고객에게 추가 개발 사항에 대한 기대감을 가지도록 장려하고 있습니다.

Pizza Hut Indonésie a annoncé une nouvelle collaboration avec Voltron pour installer des stations de recharge pour véhicules électriques dans des restaurants sélectionnés. Cette initiative fait partie du programme Pizza Hut Peduli 8P -- Énergies Renouvelables, démontrant l'engagement de l'entreprise en faveur de la durabilité et des solutions énergétiques renouvelables.

Le partenariat a été officialisé lors d'une Cérémonie de Signature de MoU à laquelle ont assisté Boy Lukito, CEO de Pizza Hut Indonésie, Abdul Rahman Elly, fondateur et CEO de Voltron Indonésie, et Hariyadi Kaimuddin, CEO de HAKA AUTO. Les stations de recharge sont actuellement en cours de développement et seront bientôt lancées, visant à rendre l'énergie durable plus accessible au public.

Cette initiative s'inscrit dans les efforts plus larges de Pizza Hut Indonésie pour promouvoir la durabilité et favoriser un changement positif dans la communauté. L'entreprise considère ce projet comme un pas significatif vers un avenir plus vert et invite les clients à rester attentifs aux développements futurs.

Pizza Hut Indonesien hat eine neue Zusammenarbeit mit Voltron angekündigt, um Ladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge in ausgewählten Restaurants zu installieren. Diese Initiative ist Teil des Pizza Hut Peduli 8P -- Erneuerbare Energien Programms und demonstriert das Engagement des Unternehmens für Nachhaltigkeit und Lösungen im Bereich erneuerbare Energien.

Die Partnerschaft wurde durch eine MoU-Unterzeichnungszeremonie formalisiert, an der Boy Lukito, CEO von Pizza Hut Indonesien, Abdul Rahman Elly, Gründer und CEO von Voltron Indonesien, sowie Hariyadi Kaimuddin, CEO von HAKA AUTO, teilnahmen. Die Ladestationen befinden sich derzeit in der Entwicklung und werden bald eingeführt, um nachhaltige Energie der Öffentlichkeit besser zugänglich zu machen.

Dieser Schritt steht im Einklang mit den umfassenderen Bemühungen von Pizza Hut Indonesien, Nachhaltigkeit voranzutreiben und positive Veränderung in der Gemeinschaft zu fördern. Das Unternehmen betrachtet diese Initiative als wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer grüneren Zukunft und ermutigt die Kunden, weitere Entwicklungen im Auge zu behalten.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 30, 2024 / Yum! Brands

Pizza Hut Indonesia

Pizza Hut Indonesia Advancing Sustainability!

As part of our Pizza Hut Peduli 8P -- Renewable Energy initiative, we're excited to announce our new collaboration with Voltron to install electric vehicle charging stations at selected Pizza Hut restaurants. This milestone was marked by the MoU Signing Ceremony with Boy Lukito, CEO of Pizza Hut Indonesia, Abdul Rahman Elly, Founder & CEO of Voltron Indonesia, and Hariyadi Kaimuddin, CEO of HAKA AUTO.

This initiative underscores our commitment to a greener future by advancing renewable energy solutions. The charging stations are currently in development and will be launched soon-bringing us closer to making sustainable energy more accessible for everyone.

Stay tuned as we continue to power positive change!

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SOURCE: Yum! Brands

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What sustainability initiative has Pizza Hut Indonesia announced?

Pizza Hut Indonesia has announced a collaboration with Voltron to install electric vehicle charging stations at selected Pizza Hut restaurants as part of their Pizza Hut Peduli 8P -- Renewable Energy initiative.

Who are the key partners involved in Pizza Hut Indonesia's EV charging station project?

The key partners involved are Pizza Hut Indonesia, Voltron Indonesia, and HAKA AUTO. The MoU was signed by Boy Lukito (CEO of Pizza Hut Indonesia), Abdul Rahman Elly (Founder & CEO of Voltron Indonesia), and Hariyadi Kaimuddin (CEO of HAKA AUTO).

When will Pizza Hut Indonesia launch its EV charging stations?

The exact launch date is not specified, but the press release states that the charging stations are currently in development and will be launched soon.

How does this initiative align with Pizza Hut's (YUM) broader sustainability goals?

This initiative aligns with Pizza Hut's (YUM) broader sustainability goals by advancing renewable energy solutions and demonstrating the company's commitment to a greener future and making sustainable energy more accessible.

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