TiVo Expands European Presence with Advanced Content Discovery Platform and TiVo Broadband

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TiVo, a subsidiary of Xperi Inc. (NYSE: XPER), has expanded its personalized content discovery platform across 38 European markets and 18 major brands. The platform uses AI to analyze viewing habits and preferences, integrating data from multiple streaming services to offer a seamless user experience. TiVo Broadband, now available in Europe, provides super aggregation and advanced discovery for broadband-only customers.

Key offerings include comprehensive metadata coverage, live and scheduled sports discoverability, enhanced CTV attribution, advanced ad targeting, and monetization support for FAST channels. TiVo's solutions aim to address the growing challenge of content discovery in a fragmented streaming landscape, with the upcoming U.K. Video Trends Report revealing that consumers use an average of 6.5 content sources and spend nearly £75 monthly on streaming services.

TiVo, una sussidiaria di Xperi Inc. (NYSE: XPER), ha ampliato la sua piattaforma di scoperta dei contenuti personalizzati in 38 mercati europei e 18 marchi principali. La piattaforma utilizza l'IA per analizzare le abitudini di visione e le preferenze, integrando dati da diversi servizi di streaming per offrire un'esperienza utente senza soluzione di continuità. TiVo Broadband, ora disponibile in Europa, fornisce super aggregazione e scoperta avanzata per i clienti solo broadband.

Le offerte principali includono una copertura completa dei metadati, scoperta di eventi sportivi dal vivo e programmati, attribuzione CTV migliorata, targeting pubblicitario avanzato e supporto per la monetizzazione dei canali FAST. Le soluzioni di TiVo mirano ad affrontare la crescente sfida della scoperta dei contenuti in un paesaggio di streaming frammentato, con il prossimo Rapporto sulle tendenze video del Regno Unito che rivela che i consumatori utilizzano in media 6,5 fonti di contenuti e spendono quasi £75 al mese per i servizi di streaming.

TiVo, una subsidiaria de Xperi Inc. (NYSE: XPER), ha ampliado su plataforma de descubrimiento de contenido personalizado en 38 mercados europeos y 18 marcas principales. La plataforma utiliza IA para analizar los hábitos de visualización y preferencias, integrando datos de múltiples servicios de streaming para ofrecer una experiencia de usuario fluida. TiVo Broadband, ahora disponible en Europa, proporciona super agregación y descubrimiento avanzado para clientes solo de banda ancha.

Las ofertas clave incluyen cobertura completa de metadatos, descubribilidad de deportes en vivo y programados, atribución CTV mejorada, segmentación de anuncios avanzada y soporte para la monetización de canales FAST. Las soluciones de TiVo tienen como objetivo enfrentar el creciente desafío del descubrimiento de contenido en un panorama de streaming fragmentado, con el próximo Informe de Tendencias de Video del Reino Unido revelando que los consumidores utilizan un promedio de 6.5 fuentes de contenido y gastan casi £75 mensuales en servicios de streaming.

TiVo는 Xperi Inc.의 자회사로 (NYSE: XPER), 38개 유럽 시장과 18개 주요 브랜드에 걸쳐 개인화된 콘텐츠 발견 플랫폼을 확장했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 AI를 활용하여 시청 습관 및 선호도를 분석하고, 여러 스트리밍 서비스의 데이터를 통합하여 원활한 사용자 경험을 제공합니다. 이제 유럽에서 사용할 수 있는 TiVo Broadband는 브로드밴드 전용 고객을 위한 슈퍼 집계 및 고급 발견 기능을 제공합니다.

주요 제공 사항으로는 포괄적인 메타데이터 범위, 실시간 및 예정된 스포츠 발견 가능성, 향상된 CTV 귀속, 고급 광고 타겟팅, FAST 채널의 수익화 지원이 포함됩니다. TiVo의 솔루션은 파편화된 스트리밍 환경에서 콘텐츠 발견의 증가하는 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하며, 다가오는 영국 비디오 트렌드 보고서에서는 소비자들이 평균 6.5개의 콘텐츠 소스를 이용하고 있으며 스트리밍 서비스에 거의 £75를 지출하고 있음을 보여줍니다.

TiVo, une filiale de Xperi Inc. (NYSE: XPER), a étendu sa plateforme de découverte de contenu personnalisé à 38 marchés européens et 18 grandes marques. La plateforme utilise l'IA pour analyser les habitudes de visionnage et les préférences, intégrant des données de plusieurs services de streaming pour offrir une expérience utilisateur fluide. TiVo Broadband, désormais disponible en Europe, fournit une super agrégation et une découverte avancée pour les clients purement à large bande.

Les principales offres incluent une couverture complète des métadonnées, la découvrabilité des sports en direct et programmés, une attribution CTV améliorée, un ciblage publicitaire avancé et un soutien à la monétisation des chaînes FAST. Les solutions de TiVo visent à relever le défi croissant de la découverte de contenu dans un paysage de streaming fragmenté, le prochain rapport sur les tendances vidéo du Royaume-Uni révélant que les consommateurs utilisent en moyenne 6,5 sources de contenu et dépensent près de £75 par mois en services de streaming.

TiVo, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Xperi Inc. (NYSE: XPER), hat seine personalisierte Content-Discovery-Plattform auf 38 europäische Märkte und 18 große Marken ausgeweitet. Die Plattform nutzt KI, um das Sehverhalten und die Vorlieben zu analysieren und integriert Daten von mehreren Streaming-Diensten, um ein nahtloses Nutzererlebnis zu bieten. TiVo Broadband, das jetzt in Europa verfügbar ist, bietet Superaggregation und fortschrittliche Discovery für reine Breitbandkunden.

Zu den wichtigsten Angeboten gehören umfassende Metadatenabdeckung, Entdeckbarkeit von Live- und geplanten Sportereignissen, verbesserte CTV-Zuordnung, gezielte Werbung und Monetarisierungsunterstützung für FAST-Kanäle. Die Lösungen von TiVo zielen darauf ab, die wachsende Herausforderung der Inhaltserkennung in einer fragmentierten Streaming-Landschaft anzugehen, wobei der bevorstehende Video-Trends-Bericht des Vereinigten Königreichs zeigt, dass Verbraucher im Durchschnitt 6,5 Inhaltsquellen nutzen und fast £75 monatlich für Streaming-Dienste ausgeben.

  • Expansion into 38 European markets and across 18 major brands
  • Launch of TiVo Broadband in Europe, offering integrated access to various streaming services
  • Comprehensive metadata coverage across Europe for more accurate content discovery
  • Enhanced CTV attribution for deeper insights into viewer behavior and ad effectiveness
  • Monetization support for the growing SVOD, AVOD/FAST channel ecosystem
  • None.

TiVo's expansion in Europe marks a significant move in the content discovery landscape. With consumers in the U.K. using an average of 6.5 content sources and spending £75 monthly, the market is ripe for streamlined solutions. The pain point of browsing multiple apps, experienced by 61% of users, presents a clear opportunity for TiVo's super aggregation platform.

TiVo's AI-driven personalization could be a game-changer, potentially increasing user engagement and retention for partnered brands. The expansion to 38 European markets and 18 major brands suggests a robust growth strategy, which could translate to increased market share and revenue streams for Xperi Inc. (NYSE: XPER). However, the highly competitive nature of the European streaming market means TiVo will need to continuously innovate to maintain its edge.

TiVo's content discovery platform leverages cutting-edge AI algorithms to tackle the 'paradox of choice' in streaming. The integration of metadata solutions with normalized program data is a technical feat that enables universal search capabilities - a significant value proposition for operators and end-users alike.

The introduction of TiVo Broadband in Europe is particularly noteworthy. This super aggregation solution for broadband-only customers could potentially disrupt the market by offering a comprehensive entertainment package without traditional TV subscriptions. The platform's ability to integrate FAST, AVOD, OTT and SVOD channels showcases TiVo's adaptability to evolving content consumption patterns.

TiVo's enhanced CTV attribution and advanced ad targeting features also position it well in the growing addressable TV advertising market, potentially opening new revenue streams for Xperi Inc.

  • Personalized search and discovery now helping consumers better connect with content across 38 European countries
  • TiVo Broadband offers a comprehensive entertainment solution for broadband-only customers

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- TiVo, a wholly-owned subsidiary of entertainment technology company Xperi Inc. (NYSE: XPER), announced today it has expanded its footprint across Europe with its personalized content discovery platform for smart TV, operator and automotive solutions, now in 38 European markets and across 18 major brands. The expanded footprint for content discovery services allows TiVo to aid its partners in addressing the continuously growing challenge of discovery in a fragmented streaming landscape.

In the upcoming U.K. Video Trends Report for Q2 2024, it is revealed that consumers in the U.K. use an average of 6.5 content sources, with an average monthly spending of nearly £75. Additionally, 61% of consumers use more than one app in a typical viewing session and over 50% of respondents consider it a significant pain point to browse multiple apps to find something to watch.

TiVo’s personalized content discovery platform leverages artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze viewing habits, preferences and regional cultural nuances. By integrating data from multiple streaming services, traditional broadcasters and local content providers, TiVo’s super aggregation offers a seamless user experience in discovering relevant shows, movies, live TV and even sports programs. The platform provides consumers with personalized and curated content, helping viewers navigate the vast sea of available content while also enabling content creators to reach their target audiences more effectively.

The personalized content discovery platform is backed by TiVo’s advanced metadata solutions, which aim to solve common user frustrations around finding and accessing desired content across multiple platforms. By pairing content availability data with normalized program metadata, TiVo enables seamless universal search, discovery and personalization capabilities for its operators.

TiVo Broadband, which launched in the U.S. earlier this year and is now available in Europe, is transforming the content experience through super aggregation and advanced discovery for broadband-only customers. This operator-branded solution provides integrated access and advanced search, discovery and recommendations to free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST), advertising-based video on demand (AVOD), over-the-top and live TV, as well as content from a variety of subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) channels tailored to a broadband-only customer base.

“Our goal is to revolutionize the way viewers discover content by providing a seamless and personalized experience,” said Gabriel Cosgrave, general manager of EMEA for Xperi. “Our expanded European offerings represent a significant step forward in addressing the complex needs of our customers. We are not only simplifying content discovery but also enabling our partners to deliver more engaging and relevant content to their audiences through the introduction of TiVo Broadband. With this solution, we are bringing TV and OTT content to broadband-only customers which is attractive to the growing broadband market.”

Key highlights of TiVo’s offerings include:

  • Comprehensive metadata coverage: TiVo provides extensive metadata across all of Europe, enabling more accurate content discovery and personalization.
  • Live and scheduled sports: TiVo offers enhanced discoverability and engagement for exceptional premium sports experiences.
  • Enhanced CTV attribution: TiVo’s CTV solutions help solve the persistent attribution problem for operators, offering deeper insights into viewer behavior and ad effectiveness.
  • Advanced ad targeting: TiVo’s deeper-level tagging solutions allow for more precise advertising placement across various forms of content.
  • Monetization support for FAST channels: TiVo offers expanded monetization opportunities specifically tailored for the growing SVOD, AVOD/FAST channel ecosystem.

TiVo's solutions are designed for easy integration and rapid deployment. The enhanced metadata and tagging capabilities enable more granular content categorization, supporting hyper-targeted content search and discovery initiatives across diverse programming types.

TiVo is collaborating with content partners across the globe to provide relevant and timely media to its users. Hundreds of thousands of hours of content are available via TiVo+, the robust streaming content network offering the greatest hits of streaming TV and VOD in the living room and on the road.

TiVo remains committed to developing innovative solutions for the growing European market, aiming to drive value for content providers and end users alike. As a longstanding provider of entertainment metadata, TiVo continues to evolve its offerings to meet the changing needs of the entertainment industry. TiVo aims to help its customers leverage programming effectively to maximize audience engagement and monetization in the streaming era.

Visit Xperi at IBC between Sept. 13-16, 2024, Hall 5.C70 to learn more and see TiVo in action.

About TiVo

TiVo brings entertainment together, making it easy to find, watch and enjoy. We serve up the best movies, shows and videos from across live TV, on-demand, streaming services and countless apps, helping people to watch on their terms. For studios, networks and advertisers, TiVo targets a passionate group of watchers to increase viewership and engagement across all screens. TiVo is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xperi Inc. Go to and enjoy watching.

About Xperi Inc.

Xperi invents, develops, and delivers technologies that enable extraordinary experiences. Xperi technologies, delivered via its brands (DTS®, HD Radio™, TiVo®), and by its startup, Perceive, are integrated into billions of consumer devices and media platforms worldwide, powering smart devices, connected cars and entertainment experiences, including IMAX® Enhanced, a certification and licensing program operated by IMAX Corporation and DTS, Inc. Xperi has created a unified ecosystem that reaches highly engaged consumers, driving increased value for partners, customers and consumers.

©2024 Xperi Inc. All Rights Reserved. Xperi, TiVo, DTS, HD Radio, DTS Play-Fi, Perceive and their respective logos are trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of Xperi Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. IMAX is a registered trademark of IMAX Corporation. All other trademarks and content are the property of their respective owners.

SOURCE: Xperi Inc.

Xperi Media:

Amy Brennan, Xperi

Source: Xperi Inc


How many European markets does TiVo's content discovery platform now cover?

TiVo's personalized content discovery platform now covers 38 European markets and is used across 18 major brands.

What is TiVo Broadband and where is it available?

TiVo Broadband is a comprehensive entertainment solution for broadband-only customers, offering super aggregation and advanced discovery. It was launched in the U.S. earlier this year and is now available in Europe.

What are the key features of TiVo's offerings in Europe?

Key features include comprehensive metadata coverage, live and scheduled sports discoverability, enhanced CTV attribution, advanced ad targeting, and monetization support for FAST channels.

How does TiVo's platform address content discovery challenges?

TiVo's platform uses AI algorithms to analyze viewing habits and preferences, integrating data from multiple streaming services to offer personalized and curated content, helping viewers navigate the vast sea of available content.

What does the upcoming U.K. Video Trends Report reveal about streaming habits?

The report reveals that U.K. consumers use an average of 6.5 content sources, spend nearly £75 monthly on streaming services, and 61% use more than one app in a typical viewing session.

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