TiVo Broadband Adds Five New Operators

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TiVo Broadband, a solution for operators' broadband-only customers, has added five new operators to its portfolio, now totaling ten. The service, powered by the TiVo IPTV Platform, offers integrated access to various streaming services and content discovery features. TiVo+ has expanded its content offerings with over 200 new FAST channels in the U.S., including local news, Spanish-language programming, and sports channels.

The rollout of Plex represents a significant step in enhancing monetization opportunities for FAST channels, opening up new revenue-sharing possibilities between content providers and operators. TiVo Broadband aims to help operators offer innovative streaming solutions to enhance their broadband services and subscriber experiences.

TiVo Broadband, una soluzione per i clienti solo broadband degli operatori, ha aggiunto cinque nuovi operatori al suo portafoglio, portandolo a un totale di dieci. Il servizio, alimentato dalla piattaforma TiVo IPTV, offre accesso integrato a vari servizi di streaming e funzionalità di scoperta dei contenuti. TiVo+ ha espanso la sua offerta di contenuti con oltre 200 nuovi canali FAST negli USA, inclusi notizie locali, programmi in lingua spagnola e canali sportivi.

Il lancio di Plex rappresenta un passo significativo nell'incremento delle opportunità di monetizzazione per i canali FAST, aprendo nuove possibilità di condivisione dei ricavi tra i fornitori di contenuti e gli operatori. TiVo Broadband si propone di aiutare gli operatori a offrire soluzioni di streaming innovative per migliorare i loro servizi broadband e l'esperienza degli abbonati.

TiVo Broadband, una solución para clientes de banda ancha únicamente de los operadores, ha añadido cinco nuevos operadores a su cartera, sumando un total de diez. El servicio, impulsado por la Plataforma TiVo IPTV, ofrece acceso integrado a varios servicios de streaming y características de descubrimiento de contenido. TiVo+ ha ampliado su oferta de contenido con más de 200 nuevos canales FAST en EE. UU., incluidos noticias locales, programación en español y canales deportivos.

El despliegue de Plex representa un paso significativo para mejorar las oportunidades de monetización para los canales FAST, abriendo nuevas posibilidades de reparto de ingresos entre proveedores de contenido y operadores. TiVo Broadband tiene como objetivo ayudar a los operadores a ofrecer soluciones de streaming innovadoras para mejorar sus servicios de banda ancha y la experiencia de los suscriptores.

TiVo Broadband는 단순한 초고속 인터넷 고객을 위한 솔루션으로, 다섯 개의 새로운 사업자를 포트폴리오에 추가하여 총 열 개로 늘어났습니다. 이 서비스는 TiVo IPTV 플랫폼에서 구동되며 다양한 스트리밍 서비스와 콘텐츠 발견 기능에 대한 통합 접근을 제공합니다. TiVo+는 미국에서 지역 뉴스, 스페인어 프로그램 및 스포츠 채널을 포함하여 200개 이상의 새로운 FAST 채널을 추가하여 콘텐츠 제공을 확장했습니다.

Plex의 도입은 FAST 채널의 수익화 기회를 향상시키는 중요한 단계로, 콘텐츠 제공자와 사업자 간의 새로운 수익 분배 가능성을 열어줍니다. TiVo Broadband는 사업자가 초고속 인터넷 서비스를 개선하고 구독자 경험을 향상시키기 위해 혁신적인 스트리밍 솔루션을 제공하도록 도울 것입니다.

TiVo Broadband, une solution pour les clients uniquement en haut débit des opérateurs, a ajouté cinq nouveaux opérateurs à son portefeuille, portant le total à dix. Ce service, propulsé par la plateforme TiVo IPTV, offre un accès intégré à divers services de streaming et des fonctionnalités de découverte de contenu. TiVo+ a élargi son offre de contenus avec plus de 200 nouvelles chaînes FAST aux États-Unis, y compris des nouvelles locales, des programmes en espagnol et des chaînes sportives.

Le déploiement de Plex représente une avancée significative dans l'amélioration des opportunités de monétisation pour les chaînes FAST, ouvrant de nouvelles possibilités de partage des revenus entre les fournisseurs de contenu et les opérateurs. TiVo Broadband vise à aider les opérateurs à proposer des solutions de streaming innovantes pour améliorer leurs services de haut débit et l'expérience des abonnés.

TiVo Broadband, eine Lösung für reine Breitbandkunden der Anbieter, hat fünf neue Anbieter hinzugefügt und kommt nun auf insgesamt zehn. Der Service, der von der TiVo IPTV-Plattform unterstützt wird, bietet integrierten Zugang zu verschiedenen Streaming-Diensten und Funktionen zur Inhaltsentdeckung. TiVo+ hat seine Inhaltsangebote ausgebaut und bietet nun über 200 neue FAST-Kanäle in den USA, darunter lokale Nachrichten, spanischsprachige Programmierung und Sportkanäle.

Die Einführung von Plex stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt zur Verbesserung der Monetarisierungsmöglichkeiten für FAST-Kanäle dar und eröffnet neue Einnahmeteilen zwischen Inhaltsanbietern und Betreibern. TiVo Broadband zielt darauf ab, den Betreibern zu helfen, innovative Streaming-Lösungen anzubieten, um ihre Breitbanddienste und das Nutzererlebnis der Abonnenten zu verbessern.

  • Addition of five new operators to TiVo Broadband portfolio, totaling ten
  • Expansion of TiVo+ content with over 200 new FAST channels
  • Introduction of revenue-sharing opportunities through Plex partnership
  • Increased monetization potential for FAST channels
  • None.

TiVo's expansion of its TiVo Broadband solution to include five new operators, bringing the total to ten, signals positive market traction. The significant expansion of TiVo+ content offerings, with over 200 new FAST channels, demonstrates strong content acquisition capabilities. This diversification, including local news, Spanish-language programming and sports, enhances TiVo's value proposition to operators and end-users alike.

The partnership with Plex for content aggregation is a strategic move to boost monetization. By facilitating revenue-sharing opportunities between content providers and operators, TiVo is positioning itself as a valuable intermediary in the streaming ecosystem. This could lead to increased adoption of TiVo Broadband among operators looking to enhance their broadband services with OTT video solutions.

However, the highly competitive streaming market and the ongoing cord-cutting trend present challenges. TiVo's success will depend on its ability to continually innovate and differentiate its offerings in a crowded field.

TiVo Broadband's technological approach addresses key pain points in the fragmented TV landscape. The solution's integration of various streaming services (FAST, AVOD, OTT, live TV and SVOD) into a unified, operator-branded platform is a significant technical achievement. This consolidation, coupled with advanced search and recommendation features, enhances user experience and potentially reduces churn for operators.

The platform's flexibility in supporting operator-driven content and linear channels, alongside streaming apps, demonstrates adaptability to diverse operator needs. The emphasis on quick deployment and integration with existing broadband infrastructure is crucial for rapid market penetration. However, the success of this technology will heavily depend on its scalability and performance as more operators and users come onboard.

The integration of TiVo+ with over 800 FAST channels presents both opportunities and challenges. While it offers a rich content library, effective content discovery and personalization algorithms will be critical to prevent user overwhelm and ensure engagement.

TiVo+ channel lineup expands, offering more content options for operators

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- TiVo Platform Technologies LLC (TiVo), the company that brings entertainment together and a wholly owned subsidiary of entertainment technology company Xperi Inc. (NYSE: XPER), today announced that TiVo Broadband, a solution specifically tailored for operators’ broadband-only customers, has added five new operators to its portfolio, which now totals ten operators, in addition to expanding its channel lineup on TiVo+ and further solidified the rollout of monetization efforts.

TiVo Broadband is powered by the TiVo IPTV Platform and is designed to alleviate the challenges TV fragmentation and content discovery typically cause end users. As an operator-branded solution, TiVo Broadband provides integrated access and advanced search, discovery and recommendations to free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST), advertising-based video on demand (AVOD), over-the-top and live TV, as well as content from a variety of subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) channels tailored to a broadband-only customer base.

Recently, TiVo+ has significantly expanded its content offerings, which recently added over 200 FAST channels in the U.S. This includes a strong emphasis on local news, with more than 100 channels dedicated to various regions across the U.S. Additionally, more Spanish-language programming, Black entertainment, classic TV and westerns have been added. Sports channel lineups have also greatly increased with 20 new channels showcasing tennis, boxing, MMA and even cornhole. Operators can now provide content that better resonates with their audiences by offering more familiar programming.

To achieve an expanded offering, TiVo is leveraging partnerships with content aggregators such as Plex. The rollout of Plex is particularly significant as it represents a major step forward in enhancing monetization opportunities for FAST channels. This development not only increases viewership potential but also opens up new revenue-sharing opportunities. Revenue from subscriptions or advertising will be shared between the content provider and the operator based on the agreed terms.

“TiVo Broadband aims to offer streaming technology solutions to operators, many of whom are exploring ways in which OTT video solutions can enhance their higher-level broadband services and subscriber experiences,” said Bill Routt, senior vice president, global sales at TiVo. “A connected device powered by a robust entertainment platform provides broadband providers with the means to offer customers a rich variety of streaming services and personalized content offerings. We feel strongly that the substantial growth of TiVo Broadband throughout the first half of 2024 showcases its power to provide operators with a way to stay innovative and offer the best TV for their audiences.”

“In an age where the traditional video tier costs continue to skyrocket, which results in higher and higher customer bills, we determined we had to adapt and review alternative video consumption opportunities. With the continued meteoric growth in OTT utilization, it was obvious to our company that we needed our own alternative programming avenue; one we could attach to our broadband service specifically. TiVo+ fit that need,” said Geoff Shook, president of Buckeye Broadband. “We can now offer our customers additional video programming as a value add just for being a valued, HSD customer. This is something our wireline competitors can’t do.”

The key features and benefits of TiVo Broadband include:

  • Engaging User Interface: Provides customers with a visually-rich interface, designed to enhance personalized content recommendations, user engagement and reduced churn.
  • Unified Streaming and Flexible Content: Integrates streaming apps and supports operator-driven content and linear channels, offering a convenient and versatile viewing experience.
  • TiVo+ Integration: Includes TiVo+, which offers content curated from over 800 FAST channels integrated within the content-centric user interface and electronic program guide.
  • Seamless Integration and Easy Deployment: Integrates with existing broadband infrastructure, allowing for quick, high-quality, and scalable content delivery. The turnkey solution ensures straightforward implementation by operators, avoiding the complexities of traditional solutions and ecosystem development.

For more information on TiVo Broadband, please visit:

About TiVo

TiVo brings entertainment together, making it easy to find, watch and enjoy. We serve up the best movies, shows and videos from across live TV, on-demand, streaming services and countless apps, helping people to watch on their terms. For studios, networks and advertisers, TiVo targets a passionate group of watchers to increase viewership and engagement across all screens. TiVo is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xperi Inc. Go to and enjoy watching.

About Xperi Inc.

Xperi invents, develops, and delivers technologies that enable extraordinary experiences. Xperi technologies, delivered via its brands (DTS®, HD Radio™, TiVo®), and by its startup, Perceive, are integrated into billions of consumer devices and media platforms worldwide, powering smart devices, connected cars and entertainment experiences, including IMAX® Enhanced, a certification and licensing program operated by IMAX Corporation and DTS, Inc. Xperi has created a unified ecosystem that reaches highly engaged consumers, driving increased value for partners, customers and consumers.

©2024 Xperi Inc. All Rights Reserved. Xperi®, TiVo®, DTS®, HD Radio™, Play-Fi®, Perceive® and their respective logos are trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of Xperi Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. IMAX® is a registered trademark of IMAX Corporation. All other trademarks and content are the property of their respective owners.

SOURCE: Xperi Inc.

Xperi Media:

Allyse Sanchez, Xperi

Source: Xperi Inc


How many new operators has TiVo Broadband added recently?

TiVo Broadband has recently added five new operators to its portfolio, bringing the total number of operators to ten.

What new content has been added to TiVo+ for XPER stock?

TiVo+ has added over 200 new FAST channels in the U.S., including local news, Spanish-language programming, Black entertainment, classic TV, westerns, and sports channels featuring tennis, boxing, MMA, and cornhole.

How is TiVo Broadband enhancing monetization opportunities?

TiVo Broadband is enhancing monetization opportunities through the rollout of Plex, which opens up new revenue-sharing possibilities between content providers and operators for FAST channels.

What are the key features of TiVo Broadband for XPER stock?

Key features of TiVo Broadband include an engaging user interface, unified streaming with flexible content, TiVo+ integration with over 800 FAST channels, and seamless integration with existing broadband infrastructure for easy deployment.

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