WPP 2024 Preliminary Results

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WPP (NYSE: WPP) reported its 2024 Preliminary Results, showing mixed performance with margin improvements despite revenue challenges. The company posted a -0.7% reported revenue but achieved +2.3% like-for-like (LFL) revenue growth. Revenue less pass-through costs declined -4.2%, with LFL at -1.0%.

Key financial highlights include:

  • Headline operating profit of £1,707m with margin improvement to 15.0%
  • Structural cost savings of £85m from Burson, GroupM and VML initiatives
  • Adjusted operating cash flow increased to £1,460m
  • Adjusted net debt reduced by £0.8bn to £1.7bn

Strategic progress includes simplifying to six agency networks representing 92% of WPP, increasing AI investment in WPP Open to £300m, and achieving significant client wins including Amazon, J&J, Kimberly-Clark and Unilever. For 2025, WPP guides LFL revenue less pass-through costs of flat to -2% with performance expected to improve in second half.

WPP (NYSE: WPP) ha riportato i risultati preliminari per il 2024, mostrando una performance mista con miglioramenti nei margini nonostante le sfide sui ricavi. L'azienda ha registrato un -0,7% di ricavi riportati, ma ha ottenuto una crescita dei ricavi +2,3% a parità di condizioni (LFL). I ricavi al netto dei costi pass-through sono diminuiti del -4,2%, con LFL a -1,0%.

I principali punti finanziari includono:

  • Utile operativo principale di £1.707 milioni con un miglioramento del margine al 15,0%
  • Risparmi strutturali sui costi di £85 milioni grazie alle iniziative di Burson, GroupM e VML
  • Flusso di cassa operativo rettificato aumentato a £1.460 milioni
  • Debito netto rettificato ridotto di £0,8 miliardi a £1,7 miliardi

I progressi strategici includono la semplificazione in sei reti agenziali che rappresentano il 92% di WPP, l'aumento degli investimenti in intelligenza artificiale in WPP Open a £300 milioni e il conseguimento di importanti vittorie con clienti come Amazon, J&J, Kimberly-Clark e Unilever. Per il 2025, WPP prevede ricavi LFL al netto dei costi pass-through stabili o in calo fino al -2%, con una performance attesa in miglioramento nella seconda metà dell'anno.

WPP (NYSE: WPP) informó sus resultados preliminares para 2024, mostrando un desempeño mixto con mejoras en los márgenes a pesar de los desafíos en los ingresos. La compañía reportó un -0,7% de ingresos reportados, pero logró un crecimiento de ingresos +2,3% a igual condiciones (LFL). Los ingresos menos costos de paso disminuyeron un -4,2%, con LFL en -1,0%.

Los puntos financieros clave incluyen:

  • Beneficio operativo principal de £1,707 millones con mejora del margen al 15,0%
  • Ahorros estructurales de costos de £85 millones de las iniciativas de Burson, GroupM y VML
  • Flujo de caja operativo ajustado aumentó a £1,460 millones
  • Deuda neta ajustada reducida en £0,8 mil millones a £1,7 mil millones

Los avances estratégicos incluyen la simplificación a seis redes de agencias que representan el 92% de WPP, el aumento de la inversión en inteligencia artificial en WPP Open a £300 millones y la obtención de importantes victorias con clientes como Amazon, J&J, Kimberly-Clark y Unilever. Para 2025, WPP prevé ingresos LFL menos costos de paso estables o con una caída de hasta el -2%, con un rendimiento que se espera mejore en la segunda mitad.

WPP (NYSE: WPP)는 2024년 예비 결과를 보고하며 수익 문제에도 불구하고 마진 개선이 이루어진 혼합 성과를 보여주었습니다. 회사는 -0.7%의 보고된 수익을 기록했지만 +2.3%의 동등 조건(LFL) 수익 성장을 달성했습니다. 패스스루 비용을 제외한 수익은 -4.2% 감소했으며, LFL은 -1.0%였습니다.

주요 재무 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 헤드라인 운영 이익 £1,707백만으로 마진이 15.0%로 개선됨
  • Burson, GroupM 및 VML 이니셔티브로 인한 구조적 비용 절감 £85백만
  • 조정된 운영 현금 흐름이 £1,460백만으로 증가
  • 조정된 순부채가 £0.8억 감소하여 £1.7억으로 줄어듦

전략적 진전에는 WPP의 92%를 차지하는 6개의 에이전시 네트워크로의 단순화, WPP Open의 AI 투자 증가를 £300백만으로 확대, Amazon, J&J, Kimberly-Clark 및 Unilever와 같은 주요 고객 확보가 포함됩니다. 2025년을 위해 WPP는 패스스루 비용을 제외한 LFL 수익이 0%에서 -2%까지 평평할 것으로 예상하며, 하반기에는 성과가 개선될 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

WPP (NYSE: WPP) a annoncé ses résultats préliminaires pour 2024, montrant une performance mitigée avec des améliorations de marge malgré les défis de revenus. L'entreprise a affiché un -0,7% de revenus rapportés, mais a atteint une croissance de +2,3% des revenus à périmètre constant (LFL). Les revenus hors coûts de passage ont diminué de -4,2%, avec un LFL à -1,0%.

Les points financiers clés incluent :

  • Bénéfice opérationnel principal de £1,707 millions avec une amélioration de la marge à 15,0%
  • Économies de coûts structurels de £85 millions grâce aux initiatives de Burson, GroupM et VML
  • Flux de trésorerie opérationnel ajusté augmenté à £1,460 millions
  • Dette nette ajustée réduite de £0,8 milliard à £1,7 milliard

Les progrès stratégiques incluent la simplification en six réseaux d'agences représentant 92% de WPP, l'augmentation de l'investissement en IA dans WPP Open à £300 millions, et l'acquisition de clients importants tels qu'Amazon, J&J, Kimberly-Clark et Unilever. Pour 2025, WPP prévoit des revenus LFL hors coûts de passage stables à -2%, avec des performances attendues en amélioration dans la seconde moitié de l'année.

WPP (NYSE: WPP) hat seine vorläufigen Ergebnisse für 2024 veröffentlicht, die eine gemischte Leistung mit Margenverbesserungen trotz Umsatzherausforderungen zeigen. Das Unternehmen meldete einen -0,7% berichteten Umsatz, konnte jedoch ein +2,3% Umsatzwachstum bei vergleichbaren Bedingungen (LFL) erzielen. Der Umsatz abzüglich Durchlaufkosten sank um -4,2%, wobei LFL bei -1,0% lag.

Wichtige finanzielle Highlights sind:

  • Hauptbetriebsgewinn von £1.707 Millionen mit einer Margenverbesserung auf 15,0%
  • Strukturelle Kosteneinsparungen von £85 Millionen durch Initiativen von Burson, GroupM und VML
  • Bereinigter operativer Cashflow stieg auf £1.460 Millionen
  • Bereinigte Nettoverschuldung um £0,8 Milliarden auf £1,7 Milliarden gesenkt

Strategische Fortschritte umfassen die Vereinfachung auf sechs Agenturnetzwerke, die 92% von WPP repräsentieren, die Erhöhung der KI-Investitionen in WPP Open auf £300 Millionen und bedeutende Kundengewinne, darunter Amazon, J&J, Kimberly-Clark und Unilever. Für 2025 prognostiziert WPP einen LFL-Umsatz abzüglich Durchlaufkosten von stabil bis -2%, wobei eine Verbesserung der Leistung in der zweiten Jahreshälfte erwartet wird.

  • Improved operating margin to 15.0% from 14.8%
  • £85m structural cost savings achieved
  • Adjusted operating cash flow up to £1,460m from £1,280m
  • Net debt reduced by £0.8bn
  • Top 25 clients grew by 2.0%
  • Major new business wins including Amazon and J&J
  • Revenue less pass-through costs declined 4.2%
  • Q4 showed weakness with -2.3% LFL revenue less pass-through costs
  • China market declined significantly (-21.2%)
  • Weaker client discretionary spending in Q4
  • Other Global Integrated Agencies declined 3.9%

Strategic progress driving stronger margin and improved cash conversion, despite top line pressures

NEW YORK & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- WPP (NYSE: WPP) today reported its 2024 Preliminary Results.

Key figures (£m)


+/(-) %


+/(-) %








Revenue less pass-through costs















Operating profit





Operating profit margin3





Profit before tax





Diluted EPS (p)





Dividends per share (p)














Operating profit





Operating profit margin





Diluted EPS (p)





*including proposed final dividend.

Full year and Q4 financial highlights

  • FY reported revenue -0.7%, LFL revenue +2.3%. FY revenue less pass-through costs -4.2%, LFL revenue less pass-through costs -1.0%
  • Q4 LFL revenue less pass-through costs -2.3% with growth in Western Continental Europe +1.4% offset by declines in North America -1.4%, UK -5.1% and Rest of World -4.8%, including -21.2% in China
  • Global Integrated Agencies FY LFL revenue less pass-through costs -0.8% (Q4: -2.2%): GroupM, our media planning and buying business, +2.7% (Q4: +2.4%), offset by -3.9% in other Global Integrated Agencies (Q4: -6.5%)
  • FY headline operating profit £1,707m. Headline operating margin of 15.0% (2023: 14.8%) a 0.4pt LFL improvement reflecting structural cost savings of £85m from Burson, GroupM and VML initiatives; disciplined cost control and continued investment in our AI and data offer; with a 0.2pt FX drag. FY reported operating profit £1,325m up 149.5% primarily reflecting lower amortisation charges and higher gains on disposals
  • Adjusted operating cash flow increased to £1,460m (2023: £1,280m) and adjusted free cash flow rose to £738m (2023: £637m) benefiting from strong working capital management
  • Adjusted net debt at 31 December 2024 £1.7bn down £0.8bn year-on-year
  • Final dividend of 24.4p proposed (2023: 24.4p)

Delivering on strategic priorities

  • Simpler client-facing structure: six agency networks represent c92%5 of WPP; more integrated offer across creative, production, commerce and media; improving new business performance in the second half of 2024
  • WPP Open: AI, data and technology increasingly central to the way we serve our clients; critical to new business wins including Amazon, J&J, Kimberly-Clark and Unilever; increasing annual investment to £300m (from £250m)
  • More efficient operations: stronger headline operating margin, cash conversion and balance sheet

Focus and outlook for 2025

  • Lead through AI, data and technology: Increase our investment in WPP Open to keep it at the forefront of AI and further deploy it across the business and our clients
  • Accelerate growth through the power of creative transformation: Drive transformation across our clients with an increasingly integrated offer across creative, production, commerce and media
  • Build world-class, market-leading brands: Improve the competitiveness of our media offer, globally, with a focus on the US
  • Execute efficiently to drive financial returns: Increase our operational efficiency and optimise our investment allocation
  • 2025 guidance: LFL revenue less pass-through costs of flat to -2% with performance improving in the second half, and headline operating profit margin expected to be around flat (excluding the impact of FX)

Mark Read, Chief Executive Officer of WPP, said:

“We achieved significant progress against our strategy in 2024 with the creation of VML, Burson and the simplification of GroupM – some 70% of our business. We sold our stake in FGS Global to create significant value for shareholders. And we increased our margin, while stepping up our investment in AI through WPP Open, which is now used by 33,0006 people across WPP.

“The top line was lower, however, with Q4 impacted by weaker client discretionary spend. We did see growth from our top 25 clients of 2.0% and an improving new business performance in the second half of the year with wins from Amazon, J&J, Kimberly-Clark and Unilever reflecting the strength of our integrated offer.

“The actions we are taking across WPP will strengthen our existing client relationships and drive our new business results. We expect some improvement in the performance of our integrated creative agencies in the year ahead. At the same time, we have comprehensive efforts underway to improve our competitive positioning through new leadership at GroupM, with further investment in AI, data and proprietary media.

“Though we remain cautious given the overall macro environment, we are confident in our medium-term targets and believe our focus on innovation, a simpler client-facing offer and operational excellence will support our growth and deliver greater value for our shareholders.”

This announcement contains information that qualifies or may qualify as inside information. The person responsible for arranging the release of this announcement on behalf of WPP plc is Balbir Kelly-Bisla, Company Secretary

To access WPP's 2024 preliminary results financial tables, please visit

Strategic progress

We are one year into executing on the strategy we outlined in January 2024 – ‘Innovating to Lead’ – and have made significant progress on each of the four strategic pillars: leading through AI, data and technology, accelerating growth through the power of creative transformation, building world-class brands and executing efficiently to drive financial returns.

Lead through AI, data and technology

The past year in AI has been marked by significant advancements in AI technology with increasing capabilities, greater speed and lower cost. This acceleration in the pace of innovation is broadening the capabilities that we can deploy through WPP Open.

These developments reinforce our conviction that AI will be the single most transformational development in our industry since the internet. It will impact every element of how we work, freeing up our creative people to do better work, increasing the efficiency of our production teams to produce much greater volumes of high-quality work and empowering our media teams to develop and deploy more effective plans in a fraction of the time.

To deliver on this potential, we are accelerating our investment in WPP Open, our AI-powered marketing operating system, increasing cash investment to £300m in 2025 from £250m in 2024. We are making this investment to keep WPP Open at the forefront of our industry, enabling us to use AI more effectively in our work and delivering an end-to-end marketing platform that gets from ideas to results more efficiently and quickly.

WPP Open is being broadly adopted by our people and our clients are seeing tangible benefits. It is enabling our teams to generate insights more rapidly, move seamlessly from idea to near-finished executions and test these ideas on synthetic audiences. These are just some of the capabilities built into WPP Open in the past year and why 33,000 of our people are now active users.

As our people are increasingly embedding AI in the way that we work this is resulting in increasing client adoption with major clients including Google, IBM, L'Oréal, LVMH, Nestlé and The Coca-Cola Company seeing benefits both in how we work and the effectiveness of what we do together.

WPP Open Creative Studio has been rolling out a new user interface, Canvas, which is augmenting our strategic and creative teams with AI capabilities. Canvas empowers teams to leverage data insights and WPP's knowledge to generate effective campaign ideas, such as strategies to overcome audience barriers identified by AI models, which can then be instantly visualised for clients as storyboards and finished work.

WPP Open Media Studio continued its rollout to clients and was central to our successful pitch at Amazon in 2024. Media Studio provides an end-to-end media workflow solution accessing GroupM’s scale and Choreograph data and technology.

GroupM and Choreograph’s approach to data leverages AI-powered federated learning. Federated learning uses AI agents operating across client, WPP and third-party data sources to create new knowledge about customers. Establishing this data connectivity in place of a dependence on legacy ID-first solutions and lookalike models maintains data integrity and provides superior insight.

Accelerate growth through the power of creative transformation

We continue to see growing demand from clients for more integrated marketing solutions and WPP is moving quickly to be even more effective in bringing together our many capabilities around the world in teams to service clients. The reason for this is clear. Managing multiple agency partners is complex, leads to fragmentation of marketing efforts and smaller, more integrated teams promise greater agility and speed. In our view, AI will only accelerate this trend as clients face the challenge that complex agency rosters, spread across multiple companies and independent agencies, are unable to deliver the transformation required. The simplest analogy is that procuring marketing services is becoming more like procuring technology services, requiring greater strategic focus, technology due diligence and attention to long-term partnerships.

This trend has been reflected in the growth of WPP's top 25 clients in 2024 (+2.0%) and this demand for integration also aligns with WPP’s position. We have a very well-balanced business with strong geographic positions in critical markets combined with strength in creativity, production commerce and influencer. When powered by AI, data and technology and a world-leading global media platform, this forms an unparalleled integrated offer to clients.

As well as the relatively stronger growth we delivered across WPP's largest clients in 2024, which included expanded scope for many top clients, the quality of our offer is evidenced by recent wins including creative assignments for Kimberly-Clark, media assignments for Amazon and Johnson & Johnson, and creative and commerce assignments for Unilever. 2024 net new billings were $4.5bn (2023: $4.5bn).

WPP's commitment to creative excellence continues to garner industry recognition, with the company being named 'Creative Company of the Year' for 2024 at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Ogilvy took home ‘Creative Network of the Year’ at Cannes and The Coca-Cola Company, whose global marketing partner is WPP Open X, was named ‘Creative Brand of the Year’ for the first time in its history. These awards underscore WPP's ability to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations, driving both growth and expansion from across its client base.

Build world-class, market-leading brands

In 2024, we further simplified our structure making it easier for clients to access our talent and allowing us to build a more efficient operating model. WPP now has six powerful agency networks – GroupM, VML, Ogilvy, AKQA, Hogarth and Burson – which collectively account for around 92% of revenue less pass-through costs.

2025 will be the first full year of operation for our two newly created agencies: Burson, a leading global strategic communications agency formed through the consolidation of BCW and Hill & Knowlton, and VML, the world’s largest integrated creative agency, bringing together VMLY&R and Wunderman Thompson. The swift completion of these mergers in 2024 by the teams at VML and Burson has strategically aligned our brands for continued progress, leveraging their enhanced capabilities and global reach.

Brian Lesser joined as the Global CEO of GroupM, our media planning and buying business, in September 2024, and is focused on improving the competitiveness of our media offer, globally and in the US, leveraging WPP Open Media Studio and Choreograph.

Under Brian’s leadership, GroupM will bring this differentiated strategy together with next-generation proprietary trading media products, WPP Open Media Studio and the power of WPP’s broader integrated offer in creative, production and commerce to drive media effectiveness and performance for our clients.

Execute efficiently to drive financial returns

Integral to our strategy over the past year has been the imperative to execute more efficiently. Investing in AI through WPP Open will allow us to work faster and with more discipline. Integrating our offer for clients means that we can streamline the marketing process and take out duplicate roles. As a simpler company, with fewer brands, we are able to maximise our investments in client-facing roles and take out unnecessary overhead.

As well as our success in delivering, at an accelerated pace, the structural cost savings relating to the agency mergers and GroupM simplification, we continue to make good progress in our back-office efficiency programme across enterprise IT, finance, procurement and real estate. This success is reflected in the improved margin and cash conversion in 2024.

In enterprise IT, we successfully rolled out Maconomy ERP in certain markets in EMEA and South America during 2024 and will go live with Workday ERP in VML and Ogilvy in the UK in the first half of 2025.

We have a targeted programme of work around our enterprise IT to continue to modernise our estate, drive efficiencies and protect our business and are making good progress with costs reducing year-on-year in 2024. Our cloud migration continued to deliver benefits as we migrate workloads to the cloud and decommission legacy equipment and capacity.

Across IT and Finance, we continue to optimise our finance shared service centres, offshoring more back-office processes and driving further automation and efficiencies in the work we do.

WPP is also investing in Global Delivery Centres (GDCs) with a capability hub headquartered in India, accessible to all WPP agency teams around the world. Our GDCs play a critical role in WPP’s business transformation and simplification strategy with capabilities from hyper-personalisation and composable commerce to cloud modernisation and product engineering. Prashant Mehta joined WPP in 2024 from Accenture as Managing Director to lead the GDCs.

Our category-led procurement model continues to consolidate spend by sub-category to drive further savings. We are digitalising our source-to-contract processes, enabling further automation as we consolidate our ERP landscape.

In real estate, our ongoing campus programme and consolidation of leases continues to deliver benefits. Seven new campuses opened during the year, including WPP’s third London campus at One Southwark Bridge and our third campus in India, located in Chennai.

During 2024 we made further progress on the simplification of our specialist agencies with the disposal of our stake in Two Circles, the integration of BSG with Burson and other actions to rationalise and improve the performance of the tail of smaller agencies within WPP.

Purpose and ESG

WPP’s purpose is to use the power of creativity to build better futures for our people, planet, clients and communities. Read more on the ways WPP is working to deliver against its purpose in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

Full year overview

Revenue was £14.7bn, down 0.7% from £14.8bn in 2023, and up 2.3% like-for-like. Revenue less pass-through costs was £11.4bn, down 4.2% from £11.9bn in 2023, and down 1.0% like-for-like.


Q4 2024
















Revenue less pass-through costs























Revenue less pass-through costs






Segmental review

Business segments - revenue less pass-through costs

% LFL +/(-)


Integrated Agencies

Public Relations

Specialist Agencies

Q4 2024








Global Integrated Agencies: GroupM, our media planning and buying business, grew 2.7% in 2024 (2023: 4.9%), benefiting from continued client investment in media, partially offset by the impact of historical client losses and a more challenging environment in China. GroupM saw an improved new business performance in the second half of the year with the Amazon and J&J wins and an important Unilever retention, despite some losses, including Volvo.

GroupM’s growth was offset by a 3.9% LFL decline at other Global Integrated Agencies. Mid-single digit growth in Hogarth in 2024 was offset by weaker performance across integrated creative agencies, which included the impact of the 2023 loss of assignments with a large healthcare client and a challenging trading environment in China. AKQA experienced a low double digit decline in revenue less pass-through costs as spend on project-based work remained weak throughout the year. Other Global Integrated Agencies declined 6.5% in Q4 reflecting the continuation of those factors and weaker client discretionary spend than is typically seen in the final quarter, together with the lap of a particularly strong quarter for variable client incentives in Q4 2023.

Public Relations: Burson, created in June from the merger of BCW and Hill & Knowlton, made good progress with its integration and launched additional AI-powered tools.

During Q4, Burson declined high single digits as the business continued to be impacted by the 2023 loss of assignments with a large healthcare client and a more challenging environment for client discretionary spending. This was offset by continued strong growth at FGS Global, which is reflected up to early December 2024 when its disposal to KKR completed.

Specialist Agencies: CMI Media Group, our specialist healthcare media planning and buying agency, grew strongly, offset by declines at Landor and Design Bridge and Partners. Our smaller specialist agencies continued to be affected by more cautious client spending, including delays in project-based work.

Regional segments - revenue less pass-through costs

% LFL +/(-)

North America

United Kingdom

Western Continental Europe

Rest of World

Q4 2024










North America declined by 0.7% in 2024 with good growth in automotive, TME and financial services client spending, offset by lower revenues in healthcare, due to a 2023 client loss, and a tough comparison for CPG in 2023. Revenues from technology clients continued to stabilise in the second half with good growth in North America in Q4.

The United Kingdom declined in 2024 reflecting a strong comparison (2023: +5.6%) and the impact of slower client spending in Q4 with further weakness in project-based work across creative and specialist agencies exacerbated by an uncertain macro outlook, only partially offset by growth in GroupM and Ogilvy.

In Western Continental Europe, France, Spain and Italy grew during 2024. Our largest market, Germany, declined 1.0% reflecting macro pressures on client spending in automotive and travel & leisure sectors, but saw stronger performance in Q4, growing 4.0%, lapping a softer comparison (Q4 2023: -5.3%), benefiting from growth in spend at financial services clients and a good overall performance at GroupM.

The Rest of World declined 2.6%. India grew 2.8% with a decline in Q4 lapping a tough comparison (Q4 2023: 22.0%) influenced by the timing of sporting events. This was offset by China which declined 20.8% on client assignment losses and persistent macroeconomic pressures impacting across our agencies.

The new management team in China is focused on stabilising performance and evolving our offer to bring together the best of our talent and capabilities and build on our leading market position.

We expect performance to continue to be challenging in China in the first half of 2025, with some improvement later in the year as we begin to lap easier comparisons from the second quarter onwards. We remain confident the actions we are taking in China will strengthen our business over the medium-term in what is an important strategic market for WPP.

Top five markets - revenue less pass-through costs

% LFL +/(-)






Q4 2024












Client sector - revenue less pass-through costs



Q4 2024

% LFL +/(-)



% LFL +/(-)



% share,

revenue less







Tech & Digital Services




Healthcare & Pharma












Telecom, Media & Entertainment




Financial Services








Travel & Leisure




Government, Public Sector & Non-profit




†. Proportion of WPP group revenue less pass-through costs in 2024; table made up of clients representing 79% of WPP total revenue less pass-through costs.

Financial results

Unaudited headline income statement:

£ million



+/(-) % reported

+/(-) % LFL











Revenue less pass-through costs





Operating profit





Operating profit margin %





Earnings from associates










Net finance costs





Profit before taxation





Tax charge





Profit after taxation





Non-controlling interests





Profit attributable to shareholders





Diluted EPS















Operating profit





Profit before taxation





Diluted EPS





*margin points
Non-GAAP measures in this table are reconciled in Appendix 4.

Operating profit

Headline operating profit was £1,707m (2023: £1,750m), with the year-on-year decline reflecting lower revenue less pass-through costs and investment in WPP Open, AI and data partially offset by continued cost discipline and structural cost savings. Headline operating profit margin was 15.0% (2023: 14.8%), equivalent to an improvement of 0.4 points on a constant currency basis.

Total headline operating costs were down 4.5%, to £9,652m (2023: £10,110m). Headline staff costs (excluding incentives) of £7,398m were down 4.5% compared to the prior period (2023: £7,750m), reflecting wage inflation offset by lower headcount, as a result of the actions associated with our restructuring initiatives and our swift response to softer top-line performance in certain markets. Incentives of £363m were down 6.2% compared to the prior period (2023: £387m). As a percentage of revenue less pass-though costs, overall incentives were flat year on year at 3.2%.

Headline establishment costs of £472m were down 8.5% compared to the prior period (2023: £516m) driven by benefits from the campus programme and consolidation of leases. IT costs of £684m (2023: £698m) were down 2.0%, reflecting our ongoing focus on driving efficiencies to mitigate inflation. Personal costs of £209m (2023: £223m) were down 6.3% driven by savings in travel and entertainment, and other operating expenses of £526m (2023: £536m) were down 1.9%.

On a like-for-like basis, the average number of people in the Group in 2024 was 111,281 compared to 114,732 in 2023. The total number of people as at 31 December 2024 was 108,044 compared to 114,173 as at 31 December 2023.

Headline EBITDA (including IFRS 16 depreciation) for the period was down by 2.1% to £1,935m (2023: £1,977m).

Reported operating profit was £1,325m (2023: £531m) with the increase primarily due to lower amortisation charges, as 2023 included accelerated brand amortisation charges following the creation of VML, lower property-related restructuring costs and higher gains on disposal of subsidiaries. Reported operating profit included goodwill impairment charges of £237m (2023: £63m), primarily relating to AKQA, and legal provision charges of £68m (2023: £11m credit).

Restructuring and transformation costs included in reported operating profit were £251m (2023: £196m). Restructuring and transformation costs in 2024 include £90m (2023: £113m) in relation to the Group’s ERP and IT transformation program and £144m (2023: £73m) relating to the continuing transformation program including the creation of VML and Burson and simplification of GroupM.

Net finance costs

Headline net finance costs of £280m were up 6.9% compared to the prior period (2023: £262m), primarily due to the impact of refinancing bonds at higher rates.

Reported net finance costs were £330m (2023: £255m), including net charges of £50m (2023: net gains £7m) relating to the revaluation and retranslation of financial instruments.


The headline effective tax rate (based on headline profit before tax) was 28.0% (2023: 27.0%). The increase in the headline effective tax rate is driven by changes in tax rates or tax bases in the markets in which we operate. Given the Group’s geographic mix of profits and the changing international tax environment, the tax rate is expected to increase over the next few years.

The reported effective tax rate was 39.0% (2023: 43.1%). The reported effective tax rate is higher than the headline effective tax rate due to non-deductible goodwill impairment charges.

Earnings per share (“EPS”) and dividend

Headline diluted EPS was 88.3p (2023: 93.8p), a decrease of 5.9% due to lower headline operating profit, higher headline net finance costs and a higher headline effective tax rate.

Reported diluted EPS was 49.4p (2023: 10.1p), an increase of 389% due to higher reported operating profit.

The Board is proposing a final dividend for 2024 of 24.4 pence per share, which together with the interim dividend paid in November 2024 gives a full-year dividend of 39.4 pence per share. The record date for the final dividend is 6 June 2025, and the dividend will be payable on 4 July 2025.

Unaudited headline cash flow statement

Twelve months ended (£ million)

31 December 2024

31 December 2023

Headline operating profit



Headline earnings from associates



Depreciation of property, plant and equipment



Amortisation of other intangibles



Depreciation of right-of-use assets



Headline EBITDA



Less: headline earnings from associates



Repayment of lease liabilities and related interest



Non-cash compensation



Non-headline cash items (including restructuring cost)






Working capital



Adjusted operating cash flow



% conversion of Headline operating profit



Dividends (to minorities)/ from associates



Contingent consideration liability payments



Net interest



Cash tax



Adjusted free cash flow



Disposal proceeds



Net initial acquisition payments






Share purchases



Adjusted net cash flow



Non-GAAP measures in this table are reconciled in Appendix 4.

Adjusted operating cash outflow was £1,460m (2023: £1,280m). The main drivers of the larger cash inflow year on year was a working capital inflow of £117m compared with an outflow of £260m in the prior year, partially offset by an increase in non-headline cash items to £261m (2023: £218m), mainly driven by costs related to the previously announced restructuring plan, including the creation of VML and Burson and the simplification of GroupM. Reported net cash from operating activities (see Note 6) increased to £1,408m (2023: £1,238m).

Cash restructuring and transformation costs of £275m, included in non-headline cash items are slightly lower than the guidance given in January 2024 and relate to actions shared at the January Capital Markets Day, primarily the structural cost saving plan relating to the creation of VML and Burson and the simplification of GroupM (£135m). These structural savings are to deliver annualised net cost savings of c.£125m in 2025, with £85m of that saving achieved in 2024 (ahead of the original plan of 40-50%).

Adjusted free cash flow was £738m (2023: £637m) with the year on year increase reflecting higher adjusted operating cash flow and contingent consideration liability payments and higher cash interest and taxes, offset by lower dividends to minorities. Adjusted net cash flow of £745m was higher than the prior period (2023: £2m), primarily due to higher disposal proceeds and lower net acquisition payments.

A summary of the Group’s unaudited cash flow statement and notes for the years to 31 December 2024 is provided in Appendix 1.

Unaudited balance sheet

As at 31 December 2024, the Group had total equity of £3,734m (31 December 2023: £3,833m).

Non-current assets decreased by £831m to £11,848m (31 December 2023: £12,679m), primarily driven by a decrease in goodwill of £779m. Lower goodwill is primarily due to goodwill derecognised on disposal of FGS Global of £448m and goodwill impairment charges of £237m.

Current assets of £13,661m decreased by £283m (31 December 2023: £13,944m). The decrease is principally driven by lower trade and other receivables, (decrease of £738m), partially offset by higher cash and cash equivalents (increase of £420m).

Current liabilities of £15,516m decreased by £789m (31 December 2023: £16,305m), primarily due to lower borrowings and lower trade and other payables. Lower borrowings is predominantly due to $750m in bonds that were repaid in September 2024, partially offset by an increase as a result of the reclassification from current liabilities of €500m of bonds due within the next 12 months.

The decrease in both current trade and other receivables and trade and other payables is primarily due to client activity and timing of payments.

Non-current liabilities decreased by £226m, to £6,259m (31 December 2023: £6,485m). This reduction primarily reflects lower long-term lease liabilities and non-current payables.

Recognised within total equity, other comprehensive loss of £62m (2023: £329m loss) for the year includes a £72m loss (2023: £427m loss) for foreign exchange differences on translation of foreign operations, and a £3m loss (2023: gain of £108m) on the Group’s net investment hedges. Other equity movements include the net decrease in the movement in non-controlling interest of £218m (2023: increase of £12m), in part from the derecognition of FGS Global non-controlling interest.

A summary of the Group’s unaudited balance sheet and selected notes as at 31 December 2024 is provided in Appendix 1.

Adjusted net debt

As at 31 December 2024, the Group had cash and cash equivalents of £2.6bn (31 December 2023: £2.2bn) and borrowings of £4.3bn (31 December 2023: £4.7bn).

The Group has current liquidity of £4.5bn (31 December 2023: £3.8bn), comprising cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts, and undrawn credit facilities.

As at 31 December 2024 adjusted net debt was £1.7bn, against £2.5bn as at 31 December 2023, down £0.8bn reflecting free cash flow generation and disposal proceeds, including proceeds from the disposal of FGS Global completed in December 2024. Average adjusted net debt in 2024 was £3.5bn (31 December 2023: £3.6bn).

The average adjusted net debt to headline EBITDA ratio in the 12 months ended 31 December 2024 is 1.80x (12 months ended 31 December 2023: 1.83x).

In February 2024, we refinanced our five-year Revolving Credit Facility of $2.5bn, with the new facility running for five years, with two one-year extension options maturing in February 2029 (excluding options) and with no financial covenants. The first of the two-year extension option was triggered in January 2025, effective from February 2025 to extend the maturity to February 2030.

In March 2024, we refinanced $750m of 3.75% bonds due September 2024 and €500m of 1.375% bonds due March 2025 as planned, issuing €600m of 3.625% bonds due September 2029 and €650m of 4.0% bonds due September 2033.

In December 2024, we repurchased €200m of 4.125% bonds due May 2028, €249 million of 3.625% bonds due September 2029 and €150m of 4% bonds due September 2033.

Our bond portfolio as at 31 December 2024 had an average maturity of 6.3 years (31 December 2023: 6.2 years).


Our guidance for 2025 is as follows:

Like-for-like revenue less pass-through costs growth of flat to -2%, with performance improving in H2.

Headline operating margin expected to be around flat (excluding the impact of FX)

Other 2025 financial indications:

  • Mergers and acquisitions will reduce revenue less pass-through costs by around 3.0 points primarily due to the disposal of FGS Global, partially offset by anticipated M&A
  • FX impact: current rates (at 18 February 2025) imply a c.0.1% drag on FY 2025 revenue less pass-through costs, with no meaningful impact expected on FY 2025 headline operating margin
  • Headline earnings from associates around £40m
  • Non-controlling interests around £65m
  • Headline net finance costs of around £280m
  • Effective tax rate (measured as headline tax as a % of headline profit before tax) of around 29%. Cash taxes will include tax in relation to the FGS Global disposal
  • Capex of around £250m
  • Cash restructuring costs of around £110m
  • Adjusted operating cash flow before working capital of around £1.4bn (2024: £1.3bn)

Medium-term targets

In January 2024 we presented updated medium-term financial framework including the following three targets:

  • 3%+ LFL growth in revenue less pass-through costs
  • 16-17% headline operating profit margin
  • Adjusted operating cash flow conversion of 85%+

Business sector and regional analysis

Business sector7

Revenue analysis

£ million



+/(-) %


+/(-) % LFL

Global Int. Agencies





Public Relations





Specialist Agencies





Total Group





Revenue less pass-through costs analysis

£ million



+/(-) % reported

+/(-) % LFL

Global Int. Agencies





Public Relations





Specialist Agencies





Total Group





Headline operating profit analysis

£ million


% margin*


% margin*

Global Int. Agencies





Public Relations





Specialist Agencies





Total Group





* Headline operating profit as a percentage of revenue less pass-through costs.


Revenue analysis

£ million



+/(-) % reported

+/(-) % LFL

N. America





United Kingdom





W Cont. Europe










Total Group





Revenue less pass-through costs analysis

£ million



+/(-) % reported

+/(-) % LFL

N. America





United Kingdom





W Cont. Europe










Total Group





Headline operating profit analysis

£ million


% margin*


% margin*

N. America





United Kingdom





W Cont. Europe










Total Group





* Headline operating profit as a percentage of revenue less pass-through costs.

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements

This document contains statements that are, or may be deemed to be, “forward-looking statements”. Forward- looking statements give the Company’s current expectations or forecasts of future events.

These forward-looking statements may include, among other things, plans, objectives, beliefs, intentions, strategies, projections and anticipated future economic performance based on assumptions and the like that are subject to risks and uncertainties. These statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as ‘aim’, ‘anticipate’, ‘believe’, ‘estimate’, ‘expect’, ‘forecast’, ‘guidance’, ‘intend’, ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘should’, ‘potential’, ‘possible’, ‘predict’, ‘project’, ‘plan’, ‘target’, and other words and similar references to future periods but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. As such, all forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances that are beyond the control of the Company. Actual results or outcomes may differ materially from those discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made, as a prediction of actual results or otherwise. Important factors which may cause actual results to differ include but are not limited to: the unanticipated loss of a material client or key personnel; delays, suspensions or reductions in client advertising budgets; shifts in industry rates of compensation; regulatory compliance costs or litigation; changes in competitive factors in the industries in which we operate and demand for our products and services; changes in client advertising, marketing and corporate communications requirements; our inability to realise the future anticipated benefits of acquisitions; failure to realise our assumptions regarding goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets; natural disasters or acts of terrorism; the Company’s ability to attract new clients; the economic and geopolitical impact of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East; the risk of global economic downturn; slower growth, increasing interest rates and high and sustained inflation; supply chain issues affecting the distribution of our clients’ products; technological changes and risks to the security of IT and operational infrastructure, systems, data and information resulting from increased threat of cyber and other attacks; effectively managing the risks, challenges and efficiencies presented by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI technologies and partnerships in our business; risks related to our environmental, social and governance goals and initiatives, including impacts from regulators and other stakeholders, and the impact of factors outside of our control on such goals and initiatives; the Company’s exposure to changes in the values of other major currencies (because a substantial portion of its revenues are derived and costs incurred outside of the UK); and the overall level of economic activity in the Company’s major markets (which varies depending on, among other things, regional, national and international political and economic conditions and government regulations in the world’s advertising markets). In addition, you should consider the risks described in Item 3D, captioned ‘Risk Factors’ in the Group’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2023, which could also cause actual results to differ from forward-looking information. Neither the Company, nor any of its directors, officers or employees, provides any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of any events anticipated, expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements will actually occur. Accordingly, no assurance can be given that any particular expectation will be met and investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements.

Other than in accordance with its legal or regulatory obligations (including under the Market Abuse Regulation, the UK Listing Rules and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority), the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of the Group speak only as of the date they are made and are based upon the knowledge and information available to the Directors at the time.



Percentage change in reported sterling.


Like-for-like. LFL comparisons are calculated as follows: current year, constant currency actual results (which include acquisitions from the relevant date of completion) are compared with prior year, constant currency actual results, adjusted to include the results of acquisitions and disposals for the commensurate period in the prior year.


Reported operating profit divided by revenue (including pass-through costs).


In this press release not all of the figures and ratios used are readily available from the unaudited results included in Appendix 1. Management believes these non-GAAP measures, including constant currency and like-for-like growth, revenue less pass-through costs and headline profit measures, are both useful and necessary to better understand the Group’s results. Details of how these have been arrived at are shown in Appendix 4.


2024 pro forma for the disposal of FGS Global.


Monthly active users in December 2024.


Prior year figures have been re-presented to reflect the reallocation of a number of businesses between Global Integrated Agencies and Specialist Agencies. The impact of the re-presentation is not material.


Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa & Middle East and Central & Eastern Europe.



Chris Wade +44 20 7282 4600

Richard Oldworth, +44 7710 130 634

Burson Buchanan +44 20 7466 5000

Investors and analysts

Thomas Singlehurst, CFA +44 7876 431922

Anthony Hamilton +44 7464 532903

Caitlin Holt +44 7392 280178

Source: WPP


What is WPP's revenue performance for 2024?

WPP reported -0.7% in reported revenue but +2.3% like-for-like revenue growth, with revenue less pass-through costs declining -4.2% and -1.0% like-for-like.

How much is WPP investing in AI technology through WPP Open in 2025?

WPP is increasing its investment in WPP Open to £300m in 2025, up from £250m in 2024.

What are WPP's major client wins in 2024?

WPP secured significant wins from Amazon, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark, and Unilever, with total net new billings of $4.5bn.

What is WPP's financial guidance for 2025?

WPP expects flat to -2% like-for-like revenue less pass-through costs, with performance improving in the second half, and headline operating profit margin around flat.

How much did WPP reduce its net debt in 2024?

WPP reduced its adjusted net debt by £0.8bn year-on-year to £1.7bn at December 31, 2024.

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