Industry Analyst Reports Confirm Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) Are Must-Have Enterprise Technology As Category Reaches New Heights

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WalkMe, a leading digital adoption solutions provider, has been recognized as the leader in generative AI capabilities within the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) market. Recent industry analyst reports highlight WalkMe's position as the most comprehensive DAP solution for enterprises. The integration of generative AI, particularly WalkMe's creation of the first proactive contextual AI copilot, WalkMeX, has ushered in a new era for DAPs.

Key points:

  • WalkMe is the only vendor meeting all vendor capabilities analyzed by Gartner in their Market Guide for Digital Adoption Platforms
  • WalkMe's GenAI feature uses context sensitivity and 12 years of user behavior data to provide proactive suggestions
  • SAP's $1.5 billion acquisition of WalkMe validates the company's essential role in the enterprise
  • WalkMe continues to lead the DAP category into the AI transformation era

WalkMe, fornitore leader di soluzioni per l'adozione digitale, è stato riconosciuto come leader nelle capacità di intelligenza artificiale generativa nel mercato delle Piattaforme per l'Adozione Digitale (DAP). I recenti rapporti di analisi del settore evidenziano la posizione di WalkMe come la soluzione DAP più completa per le imprese. L'integrazione dell'IA generativa, in particolare la creazione del primo copilota AI contestuale e proattivo di WalkMe, WalkMeX, ha inaugurato una nuova era per le DAP.

Punti chiave:

  • WalkMe è l'unico fornitore che soddisfa tutte le capacità richieste analizzate da Gartner nella loro Guida di Mercato per le Piattaforme per l'Adozione Digitale
  • La funzione GenAI di WalkMe utilizza la sensibilità al contesto e 12 anni di dati sul comportamento degli utenti per fornire suggerimenti proattivi
  • L'acquisizione da 1,5 miliardi di dollari da parte di SAP di WalkMe convalida il ruolo essenziale della società nell'impresa
  • WalkMe continua a guidare la categoria DAP nell'era della trasformazione AI

WalkMe, proveedor líder de soluciones de adopción digital, ha sido reconocido como el líder en capacidades de inteligencia artificial generativa dentro del mercado de plataformas de adopción digital (DAP). Los recientes informes de analistas de la industria destacan la posición de WalkMe como la solución DAP más completa para las empresas. La integración de la IA generativa, en particular la creación del primer copiloto de IA contextual y proactivo de WalkMe, WalkMeX, ha dado paso a una nueva era para las DAP.

Puntos clave:

  • WalkMe es el único proveedor que cumple con todas las capacidades analizadas por Gartner en su Guía de Mercado para Plataformas de Adopción Digital
  • La función GenAI de WalkMe utiliza sensibilidad al contexto y 12 años de datos sobre el comportamiento del usuario para ofrecer sugerencias proactivas
  • La adquisición de WalkMe por parte de SAP por 1.5 mil millones de dólares valida el papel esencial de la empresa en la organización
  • WalkMe sigue liderando la categoría DAP hacia la era de la transformación de IA

WalkMe는 디지털 채택 솔루션의 선도 제공업체로서 디지털 채택 플랫폼(DAP) 시장에서 생성형 AI 기능의 리더로 인정받았습니다. 최근 산업 분석가 보고서는 WalkMe가 기업을 위한 가장 포괄적인 DAP 솔루션으로서의 위치를 강조하고 있습니다. 생성형 AI의 통합, 특히 WalkMeX라는 최초의 능동적 상황적 AI 코파일럿의 개발은 DAP의 새로운 시대를 열었습니다.

주요 사항:

  • WalkMe는 Gartner의 디지털 채택 플랫폼 시장 가이드에서 분석된 모든 공급업체 기능을 충족하는 유일한 공급업체입니다.
  • WalkMe의 GenAI 기능은 상황 인식과 12년간의 사용자 행동 데이터를 사용하여 능동적인 제안들을 제공합니다.
  • SAP의 15억 달러 규모의 WalkMe 인수는 이 회사의 기업에서의 필수적인 역할을 검증합니다.
  • WalkMe는 AI 혁신 시대에 DAP 카테고리를 계속 선도하고 있습니다.

WalkMe, un fournisseur leader de solutions d'adoption numérique, a été reconnu comme le leader des capacités d'IA générative sur le marché des plateformes d'adoption numérique (DAP). Les récents rapports d'analystes du secteur soulignent la position de WalkMe comme la solution DAP la plus complète pour les entreprises. L'intégration de l'IA générative, en particulier la création par WalkMe du premier copilote AI contextuel et proactif, WalkMeX, a marqué le début d'une nouvelle ère pour les DAP.

Points clés :

  • WalkMe est le seul fournisseur répondant à toutes les capacités des fournisseurs analysées par Gartner dans leur Guide de marché pour les plateformes d'adoption numérique.
  • La fonction GenAI de WalkMe utilise la sensibilité contextuelle et 12 ans de données sur le comportement des utilisateurs pour fournir des suggestions proactives.
  • L'acquisition de WalkMe par SAP pour 1,5 milliard de dollars valide le rôle essentiel de l'entreprise dans l'organisation.
  • WalkMe continue de diriger la catégorie DAP vers l'ère de la transformation par l'IA.

WalkMe, ein führender Anbieter von digitalen Adoptionslösungen, wurde als Marktführer in den Fähigkeiten generativer KI im Markt für digitale Adoptionsplattformen (DAP) anerkannt. Jüngste Branchenanalystenberichte heben WalkMes Position als die umfassendste DAP-Lösung für Unternehmen hervor. Die Integration von generativer KI, insbesondere WalkMes Schaffung des ersten aktiven kontextuellen KI-Co-Piloten, WalkMeX, hat eine neue Ära für DAPs eingeleitet.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • WalkMe ist der einzige Anbieter, der alle von Gartner in seinem Marktbericht für digitale Adoptionsplattformen analysierten Anbieterfähigkeiten erfüllt.
  • Die GenAI-Funktion von WalkMe nutzt Kontextsensitivität und 12 Jahre Nutzerdatenverhalten, um proaktive Vorschläge zu machen.
  • Die 1,5 Milliarden Dollar schwere Übernahme von WalkMe durch SAP bestätigt die wesentliche Rolle des Unternehmens im Geschäft.
  • WalkMe führt die DAP-Kategorie weiterhin in die Ära der KI-Transformation.
  • Recognition as the leader in generative AI capabilities within the DAP market
  • Only vendor meeting all vendor capabilities analyzed by Gartner
  • $1.5 billion acquisition by SAP
  • Introduction of WalkMeX, the first proactive contextual AI copilot
  • Extensive database of 12 years of user behavior for context-aware suggestions
  • None.


WalkMe's recognition as a leader in generative AI capabilities within the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) market is significant. The integration of AI, particularly the creation of WalkMeX, a proactive contextual AI copilot, represents a major advancement in how users interact with software. This positions WalkMe at the forefront of the AI transformation in enterprise technology.

Key points:

  • WalkMe is the only vendor meeting all capabilities analyzed by Gartner among 13 DAP vendors
  • The company's AI-powered solutions offer personalization, efficiency and improved ROI
  • WalkMe's context-sensitive GenAI feature can proactively suggest solutions based on 12 years of user behavior data
  • The $1.5 billion acquisition by SAP validates WalkMe's essential role in enterprise technology

This development could significantly impact WalkMe's market position and potential growth, especially as enterprises increasingly prioritize AI-driven solutions for digital adoption and transformation.

The DAP market is experiencing a paradigm shift, with generative AI becoming a important differentiator. Industry reports highlight several key trends:

  • 95% of employees emphasize the importance of improving digital technology skills
  • 75.1% believe enhancing AI skills is vital for career advancement
  • 34% struggle to find necessary information for job performance

These statistics underscore the growing demand for AI-powered DAPs like WalkMe. The company's leadership in GenAI capabilities, combined with its comprehensive feature set, positions it favorably in a market where AI transformation is becoming imperative. The SAP acquisition further solidifies WalkMe's market position and could lead to expanded enterprise reach. For investors, this suggests potential for significant growth as more organizations recognize the need for advanced DAP solutions in their digital transformation strategies.

WalkMe’s generative AI capabilities shine amid AI transformation imperative

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WalkMe, a leading provider of digital adoption solutions for effectively navigating technology change, has been recognized as the leader in generative AI (GenAI) capabilities within the DAP market. Recent industry analyst reports emphasize WalkMe's position as the most comprehensive DAP solution available for enterprises aiming to accelerate adoption, boost productivity, and deliver ROI from their software investments.

DAPs in the era of AI transformation

The market imperative created by steep investments in GenAI and WalkMe's creation of the first proactive contextual AI copilot, WalkMeX, have ushered in a new era for DAPs.

“The integration of generative AI marks a pivotal shift in the evolution of Digital Adoption Platforms, fundamentally transforming how users engage with software,” said Dr. Bob Sutor, Vice President, Emerging Technologies, The Futurum Group. “WalkMe, at the forefront of this change, is pioneering AI-powered solutions that not only guide but also anticipate and automate workflows across applications. This new generation of DAPs is driving unprecedented levels of personalization, efficiency, and ROI, making them indispensable for organizations navigating complex digital landscapes and accelerating true digital transformation.”

Gartner finds that “Ninety-five percent of employees say improving their digital technology skills for work effectiveness is very important. Additionally, on average, 75.1% say improving everyday AI skills is important to advancing their career, yet 34% struggle to find the information or data they need to effectively perform their jobs at least sometimes.” Gartner, Market Guide for Digital Adoption Platforms, Melissa Hilbert, Stephen Emmott, Maria Marino, Joe Mariano, 17 September 2024.

DAPs must be AI-powered, contextual, proactive, and omnipresent across today’s digital workspace. Out of the 13 vendors featured in the Gartner Market Guide for Digital Adoption Platforms, WalkMe is the only vendor who meets all the vendor capabilities analyzed by Gartner.

Context matters

An effective copilot should seamlessly put AI to work across every application and workflow in the enterprise and have a deep understanding of the user’s role. Doing that requires a profound understanding of context.

“WalkMe is the first digital adoption platform (DAP) to introduce generative AI (GenAI), and uses context sensitivity to identify user problems, suggest appropriate solutions, and resolve the problem with one or two clicks,” Omdia Research recently said in its report: WalkMe Introduces Push Generative AI for Digital Adoption.

“Combined with a database of 12 years of user behavior, the WalkMe GenAI feature is able to “push” context-aware and historically proven suggestions to users. The traditional model of AI interaction involves a “pull” approach, where the user initiates the interaction by asking a question or requesting information,” Omdia Research notes.

“There is perhaps no greater validation that what we’ve built has become essential to the enterprise than our $1.5 billion acquisition by SAP,” said Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder of WalkMe. “On the coattails of recent major industry awards such as two Globee Awards for Artificial Intelligence and AI Chatbot Innovation of the Year Award, WalkMe is thrilled to continue to lead the DAP category into the AI transformation era and beyond. Together with SAP, WalkMe is better suited than ever to continue leading the DAP category forward with our relentless pursuit of innovation.”

About WalkMe
WalkMe, an SAP company, pioneered the world’s leading Digital Adoption Platform, enabling organizations to navigate the change brought on by technology. Leveraging over a decade of experience, WalkMe’s platform integrates generative AI to deliver proactive, accessible, and actionable insights. Our context-aware solutions guide users through any workflow, identifying and resolving digital friction to ensure seamless execution of critical processes across all departments. Trusted by global leaders like IBM, Nestlé, ThermoFisher Scientific, and the U.S. Department of Defense, WalkMe empowers organizations to maximize software ROI and drive people-centric digital transformation. Visit

Media Contact:
Melanie Pasch


What is WalkMe's position in the Digital Adoption Platform market according to recent analyst reports?

According to recent industry analyst reports, WalkMe is recognized as the leader in generative AI capabilities within the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) market and is positioned as the most comprehensive DAP solution available for enterprises.

How does WalkMe's GenAI feature work in the context of Digital Adoption Platforms?

WalkMe's GenAI feature uses context sensitivity to identify user problems, suggest appropriate solutions, and resolve issues with minimal clicks. It combines this with a database of 12 years of user behavior to 'push' context-aware and historically proven suggestions to users proactively.

What is the significance of SAP's acquisition of WalkMe (WKME) for $1.5 billion?

The $1.5 billion acquisition of WalkMe by SAP is seen as a major validation of WalkMe's essential role in the enterprise. It also positions WalkMe to continue leading the DAP category forward with enhanced resources and capabilities.

What unique feature has WalkMe introduced in the Digital Adoption Platform market?

WalkMe has introduced WalkMeX, which is described as the first proactive contextual AI copilot in the Digital Adoption Platform market. This innovation marks a significant advancement in AI-powered digital adoption solutions.

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