Agency Hackers and Wix Studio Unveil Agency Forecast Report

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Tags (NASDAQ: WIX) and Agency Hackers have released the Agency Forecast Report, offering insights into the current state of the agency world. The report, based on surveys from over 80 agency leaders globally, reveals key trends and challenges in the evolving marketing industry. Notable findings include:

- Average confidence level of 6.6 out of 10 among agency leaders
- 72% cite talent acquisition and retention as a significant challenge
- 62% are exploring new market opportunities or niche offerings
- 55% report increased client demand for shorter contracts or project-based work
- 75% plan to increase investment in their own marketing efforts
- 55% focus on strengthening existing client relationships for growth

The report highlights the need for adaptability and strategic foresight in the rapidly changing agency landscape, with Wix Studio supporting agencies through innovative products to enhance efficiency and quality. (NASDAQ: WIX) e Agency Hackers hanno pubblicato il Rapporto sulle Previsioni delle Agenzie, fornendo approfondimenti sullo stato attuale del mondo delle agenzie. Il rapporto, basato su sondaggi condotti tra oltre 80 leader di agenzie a livello globale, rivela tendenze e sfide chiave nell'industria del marketing in evoluzione. Tra i risultati degni di nota troviamo:

- Livello di fiducia medio di 6,6 su 10 tra i leader delle agenzie
- Il 72% cita l'acquisizione e la retention dei talenti come una sfida significativa
- Il 62% sta esplorando nuove opportunità di mercato o offerte di nicchia
- Il 55% riporta un aumento della domanda dei clienti per contratti più brevi o lavori basati su progetti
- Il 75% prevede di aumentare gli investimenti nei propri sforzi di marketing
- Il 55% si concentra sul rafforzamento delle relazioni esistenti con i clienti per favorire la crescita

Il rapporto evidenzia la necessità di adattabilità e visione strategica nel paesaggio delle agenzie in rapido cambiamento, con Wix Studio che supporta le agenzie attraverso prodotti innovativi per migliorare efficienza e qualità. (NASDAQ: WIX) y Agency Hackers han publicado el Informe de Pronóstico de Agencias, que ofrece información sobre el estado actual del mundo de las agencias. El informe, basado en encuestas de más de 80 líderes de agencias a nivel mundial, revela tendencias clave y desafíos en la industria del marketing en evolución. Algunos hallazgos notables incluyen:

- Nivel de confianza promedio de 6.6 sobre 10 entre los líderes de agencias
- El 72% cita la adquisición y retención de talento como un desafío significativo
- El 62% está explorando nuevas oportunidades de mercado u ofertas de nicho
- El 55% informa de una mayor demanda de los clientes por contratos más cortos o trabajo por proyectos
- El 75% planea aumentar la inversión en sus propios esfuerzos de marketing
- El 55% se centra en fortalecer las relaciones existentes con los clientes para impulsar el crecimiento

El informe destaca la necesidad de adaptabilidad y previsión estratégica en el cambiante panorama de las agencias, con Wix Studio apoyando a las agencias a través de productos innovadores para mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad. (NASDAQ: WIX)와 Agency Hackers가 에이전시 예측 보고서를 발표하여 현재 에이전시 세계의 상태에 대한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 이 보고서는 80명 이상의 에이전시 리더들로부터의 설문 조사를 바탕으로 하여, 진화하는 마케팅 산업의 주요 트렌드와 도전을 드러냅니다. 주목할 만한 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 에이전시 리더들 사이의 평균 신뢰 수준은 10점 만점에 6.6
- 72%는 인재 확보 및 유지를 중요한 도전 과제로 언급
- 62%는 새로운 시장 기회나 틈새 제공을 탐색 중
- 55%는 짧은 계약이나 프로젝트 기반 작업에 대한 고객 수요 증가 보고
- 75%는 자체 마케팅 노력을 위한 투자 증가 계획
- 55%는 성장을 위한 기존 고객 관계 강화에 집중

이 보고서는 빠르게 변하는 에이전시 환경에서의 적응력과 전략적 통찰력의 필요성을 강조하며, Wix Studio는 에이전시가 효율성과 품질을 향상시킬 수 있도록 혁신적인 제품으로 지원하고 있습니다. (NASDAQ: WIX) et Agency Hackers ont publié le Rapport de Prévisions des Agences, offrant des aperçus sur l'état actuel du monde des agences. Le rapport, basé sur des sondages menés auprès de plus de 80 leaders d'agences à l'échelle mondiale, révèle des tendances clés et des défis dans l'industrie du marketing en évolution. Parmi les résultats notables, on trouve :

- Niveau de confiance moyen de 6,6 sur 10 parmi les leaders d'agences
- 72% citent l'acquisition et la fidélisation des talents comme un défi majeur
- 62% explorent de nouvelles opportunités de marché ou des offres de niche
- 55% rapportent une demande accrue des clients pour des contrats plus courts ou du travail par projet
- 75% prévoient d'augmenter leurs investissements dans leurs propres efforts de marketing
- 55% se concentrent sur le renforcement des relations existantes avec les clients pour favoriser la croissance

Le rapport souligne la nécessité d'adaptabilité et de prévoyance stratégique dans le paysage des agences en rapide évolution, Wix Studio soutenant les agences par des produits innovants pour améliorer l'efficacité et la qualité. (NASDAQ: WIX) und Agency Hackers haben den Agentur-Prognosebericht veröffentlicht, der Einblicke in den aktuellen Stand der Agenturwelt bietet. Der Bericht basiert auf Umfragen von über 80 Agenturleitern weltweit und offenbart wichtige Trends und Herausforderungen in der sich entwickelnden Marketingbranche. Zu den bemerkenswerten Ergebnissen zählen:

- Durchschnittliches Vertrauensniveau von 6,6 von 10 unter den Agenturleitern
- 72% nennen Talentakquise und -bindung als bedeutende Herausforderung
- 62% erkunden neue Marktchancen oder Nischenangebote
- 55% berichten von einer erhöhten Kundennachfrage nach kürzeren Verträgen oder projektbasierter Arbeit
- 75% planen, ihre Investitionen in eigene Marketingmaßnahmen zu erhöhen
- 55% konzentrieren sich darauf, bestehende Kundenbeziehungen für Wachstum zu stärken

Der Bericht hebt die Notwendigkeit von Anpassungsfähigkeit und strategischer Weitsicht in der sich schnell verändernden Agenturlandschaft hervor, wobei Wix Studio Agenturen durch innovative Produkte unterstützt, um Effizienz und Qualität zu steigern.

  • Average confidence level of 6.6 out of 10 among agency leaders, indicating resilience
  • 62% of agencies are exploring new market opportunities or niche offerings
  • 75% plan to increase investment in their own marketing efforts
  • 55% focus on strengthening existing client relationships as a primary growth strategy
  • 42% of agencies saw revenue growth in the last six months
  • 72% cite talent acquisition and retention as a significant challenge, particularly in tech roles
  • 55% report a rise in client demand for shorter contracts or project-based work, potentially impacting long-term stability

The inaugural report reveals key trends and challenges in the evolving agency landscape

LONDON, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ltd. (NASDAQ: WIX), the leading SaaS website builder platform globally1, in collaboration with Agency Hackers, one of the world's largest communities for independent agencies, today releases the Agency Forecast Report. This report dives into the current state of the agency world, spotlighting key trends, emerging challenges, and new opportunities shaping the marketing industry.

Drawing on Agency Hackers' vast network and Wix Studio's expertise in cutting-edge digital solutions, the report features insights from over 80 agency leaders worldwide. Among those surveyed, confidence levels averaged a solid 6.6 out of 10, reflecting resilience and a positive outlook in today's dynamic business environment. The report also provides actionable tips and highlights the key strategies agencies are identifying to navigate a rapidly evolving market. Other key findings from the Agency Forecast Report include:

  • 72% cite talent acquisition and retention as a significant challenge, particularly in tech roles.
  • 62% are exploring new market opportunities or niche offerings.
  • 55% report a rise in client demand for shorter contracts or project-based work.
  • 75% plan to increase investment in their own marketing efforts.
  • 55% are focused on strengthening existing client relationships as a primary growth strategy.
  • 42% of agencies saw revenue growth in the last six months.

"Agencies today are navigating a landscape that demands adaptability, creativity, and strategic foresight, and this report explores how leaders are finding their footing in this fast-paced, ever-changing landscape," said Kobi Gamliel, Head of Agency Growth at Wix Studio. "Identifying future trends is vital for an agency's success, and at Wix Studio we're helping them to stay ahead of the curve by innovating new products that not only help agencies keep pace with industry changes, but also elevate the quality and efficiency of their output. We're proud to partner on this report with Agency Hackers and to continue supporting agency leaders as they chart their path forward."

Agency Hackers, founded in 2017, connects a diverse mix of marketing agencies specialising in digital, web development, branding and design, business transformation, communications, and more.

Agency Hackers Founder, Ian Harris said: "The agency world is facing real challenges, but it is, as always, remaining resilient in a turbulent marketplace. What especially stands out in our inaugural Agency Forecast Report is how independent agencies, especially within the Agency Hackers community, are adapting.

"From navigating client demands to exploring new markets and embracing AI, agencies are finding practical ways to stay competitive and future proof their businesses. While the uncertainty isn't going away, what's clear is that agencies are evolving to meet it head-on."

The Agency Forecast Report is available for download here.

About Ltd.
Wix is the leading SaaS website builder platform globally1 to create, manage and grow a digital presence. What began as a website builder in 2006 is now a complete platform providing users with enterprise-grade performance, security and a reliable infrastructure. Offering a wide range of commerce and business solutions, advanced SEO and marketing tools, Wix enables users to take full ownership of their brand, their data and their relationships with their customers. With a focus on continuous innovation and delivery of new features and products, anyone can build a powerful digital presence to fulfill their dreams on Wix.

For more about Wix, please visit our Press Room
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About Agency Hackers
Agency Hackers is one of the world's largest communities for independent agencies. Founded in 2017, we bring together a diverse mix of marketing agencies specialising in digital, web development, branding and design, business transformation, communications, and more. Our members are typically independent agencies with revenues between £1m-£6m and headcounts of 20-60 employees. Agency Hackers is 100% independent and committed to supporting the growth and success of all independent agencies across the UK. For more information on Agency Hackers visit

For media enquiries about Agency Hackers please contact Sarah Jackson, +44 (0)7306 256 148

1 Based on number of active live sites as reported by competitors' figures, independent third-party data and internal data as of H1 2024.

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What are the key findings of the Agency Forecast Report by Wix (WIX) and Agency Hackers?

The report reveals that 72% of agencies face talent acquisition challenges, 62% are exploring new markets, 55% see increased demand for shorter contracts, 75% plan to increase marketing investment, and 55% focus on strengthening client relationships for growth.

How confident are agency leaders according to the Wix (WIX) Agency Forecast Report?

The report indicates that agency leaders have an average confidence level of 6.6 out of 10, reflecting resilience and a positive outlook in the current business environment.

What percentage of agencies saw revenue growth in the last six months according to the Wix (WIX) report?

According to the Agency Forecast Report, 42% of agencies reported revenue growth in the last six months.

What is the main challenge faced by agencies according to the Wix (WIX) and Agency Hackers report?

The report identifies talent acquisition and retention as the main challenge, with 72% of agencies citing it as a significant issue, particularly for tech roles. Ltd.


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