West Fraser Timber (TSX and NYSE: WFG) has announced the renewal of its Normal Course Issuer Bid (NCIB), authorized by the Toronto Stock Exchange. The company can purchase up to 3,868,177 shares, representing 5% of its outstanding shares, starting March 3, 2025.
The NCIB allows share repurchases through TSX, NYSE, and alternative trading systems in Canada/US. The daily purchase limit is 34,408 shares on TSX and 25% of average daily trading volume on NYSE. The program will terminate on March 2, 2026, or earlier if the maximum shares are purchased.
Under the previous NCIB expiring February 28, 2025, West Fraser purchased 2,061,804 shares at a weighted-average price of US$81.14 per share. The company plans to implement an automatic purchase plan during self-imposed blackout periods.
West Fraser Timber (TSX e NYSE: WFG) ha annunciato il rinnovo del suo Normal Course Issuer Bid (NCIB), autorizzato dalla Borsa di Toronto. L'azienda può acquistare fino a 3.868.177 azioni, che rappresentano il 5% delle sue azioni in circolazione, a partire dal 3 marzo 2025.
Il NCIB consente il riacquisto di azioni attraverso TSX, NYSE e sistemi di trading alternativi in Canada e negli Stati Uniti. Il limite di acquisto giornaliero è di 34.408 azioni su TSX e del 25% del volume medio giornaliero di scambi su NYSE. Il programma terminerà il 2 marzo 2026, o prima se vengono acquistate il numero massimo di azioni.
Sotto il precedente NCIB che scade il 28 febbraio 2025, West Fraser ha acquistato 2.061.804 azioni a un prezzo medio ponderato di 81,14 USD per azione. L'azienda prevede di implementare un piano di acquisto automatico durante i periodi di blackout autoimposti.
West Fraser Timber (TSX y NYSE: WFG) ha anunciado la renovación de su Normal Course Issuer Bid (NCIB), autorizado por la Bolsa de Valores de Toronto. La compañía puede comprar hasta 3,868,177 acciones, que representan el 5% de sus acciones en circulación, comenzando el 3 de marzo de 2025.
El NCIB permite la recompra de acciones a través de TSX, NYSE y sistemas de comercio alternativos en Canadá y EE. UU. El límite de compra diario es de 34,408 acciones en TSX y del 25% del volumen medio diario de negociación en NYSE. El programa finalizará el 2 de marzo de 2026, o antes si se compran el número máximo de acciones.
Bajo el NCIB anterior que expira el 28 de febrero de 2025, West Fraser compró 2,061,804 acciones a un precio promedio ponderado de 81.14 USD por acción. La compañía planea implementar un plan de compra automática durante los períodos de bloqueo autoimpuestos.
웨스트 프레이저 목재 (TSX 및 NYSE: WFG)는 토론토 증권 거래소에서 승인한 정상적인 발행자 입찰(NCIB)의 갱신을 발표했습니다. 회사는 2025년 3월 3일부터 시작하여 최대 3,868,177주를 구매할 수 있으며, 이는 발행 주식의 5%를 나타냅니다.
NCIB는 캐나다 및 미국의 TSX, NYSE 및 대체 거래 시스템을 통해 주식 재매입을 허용합니다. TSX의 일일 구매 한도는 34,408주이며 NYSE의 경우 평균 일일 거래량의 25%입니다. 이 프로그램은 2026년 3월 2일에 종료되며, 최대 주식이 구매되면 조기 종료될 수 있습니다.
2025년 2월 28일에 만료되는 이전 NCIB에 따라, 웨스트 프레이저는 주당 81.14 USD의 가중 평균 가격으로 2,061,804주를 구매했습니다. 회사는 자발적으로 설정한 블랙아웃 기간 동안 자동 구매 계획을 시행할 예정입니다.
West Fraser Timber (TSX et NYSE : WFG) a annoncé le renouvellement de son Normal Course Issuer Bid (NCIB), autorisé par la Bourse de Toronto. L'entreprise peut acheter jusqu'à 3 868 177 actions, représentant 5 % de ses actions en circulation, à partir du 3 mars 2025.
Le NCIB permet des rachats d'actions via la TSX, la NYSE et des systèmes de négociation alternatifs au Canada et aux États-Unis. La limite d'achat quotidienne est de 34 408 actions sur la TSX et de 25 % du volume moyen quotidien de négociation sur la NYSE. Le programme prendra fin le 2 mars 2026, ou plus tôt si le nombre maximum d'actions est acheté.
Dans le cadre du NCIB précédent qui expire le 28 février 2025, West Fraser a acheté 2 061 804 actions à un prix moyen pondéré de 81,14 USD par action. L'entreprise prévoit de mettre en œuvre un plan d'achat automatique pendant les périodes de blackout auto-imposées.
West Fraser Timber (TSX und NYSE: WFG) hat die Erneuerung seines Normal Course Issuer Bid (NCIB) angekündigt, das von der Toronto Stock Exchange genehmigt wurde. Das Unternehmen kann bis zu 3.868.177 Aktien erwerben, was 5% seiner ausstehenden Aktien entspricht, beginnend am 3. März 2025.
Das NCIB ermöglicht den Rückkauf von Aktien über TSX, NYSE und alternative Handelssysteme in Kanada und den USA. Das tägliche Kauflimit beträgt 34.408 Aktien auf TSX und 25% des durchschnittlichen täglichen Handelsvolumens auf NYSE. Das Programm endet am 2. März 2026 oder früher, wenn die maximalen Aktien gekauft werden.
Im Rahmen des vorherigen NCIB, das am 28. Februar 2025 ausläuft, hat West Fraser 2.061.804 Aktien zu einem gewichteten Durchschnittspreis von 81,14 USD pro Aktie gekauft. Das Unternehmen plant, während selbst auferlegter Sperrfristen einen automatischen Kaufplan umzusetzen.
- Return of capital to shareholders through share repurchases
- Implementation of automatic purchase plan for consistent buyback execution
- Flexibility to purchase shares when they are undervalued
- Reduced float and potentially lower trading liquidity
- Use of cash reserves that could be used for operations or growth
West Fraser's renewal of its Normal Course Issuer Bid (NCIB) authorizes the repurchase of up to 3,868,177 shares (5% of outstanding shares), representing approximately
The execution pattern of their previous NCIB is noteworthy - West Fraser purchased only 52% of their authorized amount (2,061,804 of 3,971,380 shares) at an average price of
This capital allocation decision comes amid significant volatility in lumber markets. By implementing an automatic purchase plan, management ensures continuous execution during blackout periods, potentially providing price support during market downturns. The program's flexibility allows West Fraser to be opportunistic with repurchases while maintaining liquidity for operational needs.
For investors, this NCIB represents a meaningful return of capital without the tax implications of dividends. The 5% reduction in share count should provide modest EPS accretion, assuming consistent operational performance. However, the buyback also reflects organic growth opportunities in the mature forest products industry, where companies often struggle to find attractive capital deployment alternatives beyond returning cash to shareholders.
Purchases under the NCIB may be made through the facilities of the TSX, the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") and alternative trading systems in
The rules and policies of the TSX contain restrictions on the number of Shares that can be purchased under the NCIB, based on the average daily trading volumes on the TSX. Similarly, the safe harbor conditions of Rule 10b-18 under the Exchange Act impose certain limitations on the number of Shares that can be purchased on the NYSE each day. As a result of the restrictions, subject to certain exceptions for block purchases, the maximum number of Shares that can be purchased per day during the NCIB on the TSX is 34,408 based on
The NCIB will terminate on March 2, 2026 or earlier if the maximum number of Shares authorized for repurchase under the NCIB have been purchased. West Fraser reserves the right to terminate the NCIB earlier if it feels it is appropriate to do so.
West Fraser plans to enter into an automatic purchase plan with a broker, which will enable West Fraser to provide standard instructions and purchase Shares on the open market during self-imposed blackout periods. Outside of these blackout periods, Shares may be purchased in accordance with management's discretion.
West Fraser's prior normal course issuer bid for the purchase of up to 3,971,380 Shares will expire on February 28, 2025. As of the date of this news release, in aggregate, West Fraser purchased a total of 2,061,804 Shares at a volume weighted-average price of
About West Fraser
West Fraser is a diversified wood products company with more than 50 facilities in
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking information or forward-looking statements (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including future purchases of West Fraser's Shares under the NCIB, including pursuant to private agreements or a specific share repurchase program under an issuer bid exemption order issued by applicable securities regulatory authorities, and the return of capital to West Fraser's shareholders. Any such forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to us and are based on assumptions and analyses made by us in light of our experience and our perception of historical trends and current conditions. Readers should also refer to the risk factors set forth in the Company's annual information form and management's discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2024 each dated February 12, 2025, available at SEDAR+ (www.sedarplus.ca) and EDGAR (www.sec.gov/edgar). There can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which forward-looking statements are based will be realized. Actual results may differ, and the difference may be material and adverse to the Company and its shareholders.
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/west-fraser-announces-renewal-of-normal-course-issuer-bid-302386707.html
SOURCE West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.
How many shares can West Fraser (WFG) repurchase under the new NCIB program?
What is the daily purchase limit for WFG shares under the NCIB on TSX?
When does West Fraser's new NCIB program start and end?