Verizon supports Davis Fire relief efforts with $10,000 donation

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Verizon has donated $10,000 to the American Red Cross Northern Nevada Chapter to support relief efforts for the Davis Fire in Washoe County, Nevada. The company's cell sites remain operational in the affected area, with extensive redundancy measures and backup power solutions in place. Verizon's Frontline Crisis Response Team continues to support first responders, having delivered nearly 2,000 Frontline solutions to fire camps in 13 states this year alone.

The team has responded to over 200 requests from more than 60 agencies dealing with nearly 100 different named wildfires. In the first nine months of 2024, they've addressed over 1,000 requests from more than 500 agencies in 46 states. Verizon provides emergency assistance to government agencies and emergency responders 24/7 at no cost, offering portable cell sites, Wi-Fi hotspots, and charging stations.

Verizon ha donato 10.000 dollari al capitolo della American Red Cross del Nevada settentrionale per supportare gli sforzi di soccorso per l'incendio di Davis nella contea di Washoe, Nevada. I siti cellulari dell'azienda rimangono operativi nella zona colpita, con misure di ridondanza estese e soluzioni di alimentazione di emergenza in atto. Il Team di Risposta alle Crisi di Verizon continua a supportare i primi soccorritori, avendo fornito quasi 2.000 soluzioni Frontline ai campi antincendio in 13 stati solo quest'anno.

Il team ha risposto a oltre 200 richieste provenienti da più di 60 agenzie che affrontano quasi 100 diversi incendi boschivi. Nei primi nove mesi del 2024, hanno gestito oltre 1.000 richieste da più di 500 agenzie in 46 stati. Verizon fornisce assistenza d'emergenza alle agenzie governative e ai soccorritori 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, senza alcun costo, offrendo siti cellulari portatili, hotspot Wi-Fi e stazioni di ricarica.

Verizon ha donado $10,000 a la Cruz Roja Americana, Capítulo del Norte de Nevada, para apoyar los esfuerzos de socorro por el incendio de Davis en el condado de Washoe, Nevada. Los sitios celulares de la compañía continúan operando en la zona afectada, con extensas medidas de redundancia y soluciones de energía de respaldo en su lugar. El Equipo de Respuesta a Crisis de Verizon sigue apoyando a los primeros respondedores, habiendo entregado casi 2,000 soluciones Frontline a campamentos de incendios en 13 estados solo este año.

El equipo ha respondido a más de 200 solicitudes de más de 60 agencias que están lidiando con casi 100 incendios forestales diferentes. En los primeros nueve meses de 2024, han abordado más de 1,000 solicitudes de más de 500 agencias en 46 estados. Verizon proporciona asistencia de emergencia a agencias gubernamentales y a servicios de emergencia las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, sin costo alguno, ofreciendo sitios celulares portátiles, puntos de acceso Wi-Fi y estaciones de carga.

Verizon은 네바다주 와쇼 카운티의 데이비스 화재 구호 작업을 지원하기 위해 미국적으로 $10,000를 기부했습니다. 회사의 이동통신 기지는 영향을 받은 지역 내에서 운영되고 있으며, 광범위한 중복 조치와 백업 전력 솔루션이 마련되어 있습니다. Verizon의 프론트라인 위기 대응 팀은 올해만 13개 주의 화재 캠프에 거의 2,000개의 프론트라인 솔루션을 제공하며, 최초 응답자들을 지원하고 있습니다.

이 팀은 거의 100개의 명명된 산불을 처리하는 60개 이상의 기관으로부터 200건 이상의 요청에 응답했습니다. 2024년의 첫 9개월 동안, 그들은 46개 주500개 이상의 기관으로부터 1,000건 이상의 요청을 처리했습니다. Verizon은 정부 기관과 긴급 구조대에 24시간 동안 무료로 이동식 통신 기지, Wi-Fi 핫스팟 및 충전소를 제공합니다.

Verizon a fait don de 10 000 $ à la Croix-Rouge américaine, chapitre du nord du Nevada, pour soutenir les efforts de secours liés à l'incendie de Davis dans le comté de Washoe, au Nevada. Les sites cellulaires de l'entreprise restent opérationnels dans la zone touchée, avec des mesures de redondance étendues et des solutions d'alimentation de secours en place. L'équipe de réponse aux crises Frontline de Verizon continue de soutenir les premiers intervenants, ayant livré près de 2 000 solutions Frontline aux camps de pompiers dans 13 États rien que cette année.

L'équipe a répondu à plus de 200 demandes provenant de plus de 60 agences traitant près de 100 incendies de forêt différents. Au cours des neuf premiers mois de 2024, ils ont répondu à plus de 1 000 demandes de plus de 500 agences dans 46 États. Verizon fournit une assistance d'urgence aux agences gouvernementales et aux intervenants d'urgence 24h/24 et 7j/7, sans frais, offrant des sites cellulaires portables, des points d'accès Wi-Fi et des stations de recharge.

Verizon hat 10.000 $ an das amerikanische Rote Kreuz, Nordnevada, gespendet, um die Hilfsmaßnahmen für das Davis-Feuer im Washoe County, Nevada, zu unterstützen. Die Mobilfunkstandorte des Unternehmens bleiben in dem betroffenen Gebiet betriebsbereit, mit umfangreichen Redundanzmaßnahmen und Backup-Stromlösungen. Das Frontline-Krisenreaktionsteam von Verizon setzt seine Unterstützung für die Ersthelfer fort, indem es in diesem Jahr fast 2.000 Frontline-Lösungen an Brandcamps in 13 Bundesstaaten geliefert hat.

Das Team hat auf über 200 Anfragen von mehr als 60 Agenturen reagiert, die sich mit fast 100 verschiedenen benannten Waldbränden befassen. In den ersten neun Monaten des Jahres 2024 haben sie über 1.000 Anfragen von mehr als 500 Agenturen in 46 Bundesstaaten bearbeitet. Verizon bietet rund um die Uhr kostenlose Notfallhilfe für Regierungsbehörden und Notfalldienste an, einschließlich tragbarer Mobilfunkstandorte, Wi-Fi-Hotspots und Ladestationen.

  • Donation of $10,000 to support Davis Fire relief efforts
  • Cell sites remain operational in affected area with backup power solutions
  • Delivered nearly 2,000 Frontline solutions to fire camps in 13 states
  • Responded to over 1,000 emergency requests from 500+ agencies in 46 states
  • None.

Funding to aid communities hardest hit by the wildfire

IRVINE, Calif., Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In light of the Davis Fire that has impacted Washoe County, Nevada, Verizon is reinforcing its commitment to the communities it serves by donating $10,000 to the American Red Cross Northern Nevada Chapter. This funding is intended to support local relief efforts.

“We send support and strength to those affected by the Davis Fire," said Steven Keller, Pacific Market President at Verizon. "Verizon understands the importance of support during times of crisis, and we hope this donation provides essential aid and hope as recovery begins.”

Verizon’s cell sites remain operational across Washoe County, Nevada. The organization is committed to keeping customers in Washoe County connected, especially during emergencies and disaster relief efforts, with extensive redundancy measures and backup power solutions across critical sites to ensure seamless service. Its fleet of over 550 mobile assets, including drone and aerial technologies, is ready to rapidly deploy and deliver essential connectivity. This capability is complemented by Verizon’s pioneering use of nearly 300 satellite-based assets, ensuring reliable communication even when traditional infrastructures are compromised.
The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team continues its support of first responders on the front lines of fire response and containment operations in Nevada and across the nation. This year alone, the team has delivered nearly 2,000 Verizon Frontline solutions to fire camps in 13 states, including Nevada, to help provide federal, state and local public safety agencies with mission-critical voice and data service as they battled wildfires. These solutions have been provided in response to more than 200 requests for support from more than 60 agencies as they dealt with nearly 100 different named wildfires.

This marks the team’s latest response to requests for support from public safety agencies engaged in emergency response operations. In the first nine months of 2024, the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team has responded to more than 1,000 such requests from more than 500 different agencies in 46 states.

The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team provides on-demand, emergency assistance during crisis situations to government agencies and emergency responders on a 24/7 basis at no cost to the supported agencies. Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team members set up portable cell sites, Wi-Fi hotspots, charging stations and other Verizon Frontline devices and solutions that enable communications and/or boost network performance.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

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Media contact:

Alexis Madrigal 


How much did Verizon donate for Davis Fire relief efforts?

Verizon donated $10,000 to the American Red Cross Northern Nevada Chapter to support relief efforts for the Davis Fire in Washoe County, Nevada.

How many Verizon Frontline solutions were delivered to fire camps in 2024?

Verizon delivered nearly 2,000 Frontline solutions to fire camps in 13 states, including Nevada, in 2024.

How many emergency requests has Verizon's Frontline Crisis Response Team addressed in 2024?

In the first nine months of 2024, Verizon's Frontline Crisis Response Team has responded to over 1,000 emergency requests from more than 500 agencies in 46 states.

What services does Verizon provide during emergencies for VZ stock?

Verizon (VZ) provides 24/7 emergency assistance at no cost, including portable cell sites, Wi-Fi hotspots, charging stations, and other Frontline devices to enable communications and boost network performance during crises.

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