Verizon Frontline supports public safety agencies during national political convention

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Verizon Frontline's Crisis Response Team recently supported public safety agencies during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. The team's 18-month preparation involved collaboration with various agencies to ensure critical communications capabilities for first responders. They provided over 900 Verizon Frontline solutions, including smartphones with specialized apps, deployable assets like Satellite Picocells on Trailers (SPOTs), and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for enhanced situational awareness.

The team also assisted with network monitoring and deployed extra routers to maintain constant contact for first responders. Derek Mayer, Deputy Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service's Chicago Field Office, emphasized the importance of Verizon Frontline's support in enabling successful agency collaboration and communication during both conventions.

Il Team di Risposta alle Crisi di Verizon Frontline ha recentemente supportato le agenzie di pubblica sicurezza durante il Congresso Nazionale Democratico a Chicago e il Congresso Nazionale Repubblicano a Milwaukee. La preparazione di 18 mesi del team ha comportato una collaborazione con diverse agenzie per garantire capacità di comunicazione critica per i primi soccorritori. Hanno fornito oltre 900 soluzioni Verizon Frontline, tra cui smartphone con app specializzate, risorse dispiegabili come Satellite Picocells su rimorchi (SPOTs) e sistemi aerei senza pilota (UAS) per una consapevolezza situazionale migliorata.

Il team ha anche assistito con il monitoraggio della rete e ha dispiegato router extra per mantenere un contatto costante per i primi soccorritori. Derek Mayer, Vicedirettore dell'Ufficio del Servizio Segreto degli Stati Uniti a Chicago, ha sottolineato l'importanza del supporto di Verizon Frontline nel rendere possibile una collaborazione e una comunicazione di successo tra le agenzie durante entrambi i congressi.

El Equipo de Respuesta a Crisis de Verizon Frontline apoyó recientemente a las agencias de seguridad pública durante la Convención Nacional Demócrata en Chicago y la Convención Nacional Republicana en Milwaukee. La preparación de 18 meses del equipo implicó colaboración con diversas agencias para asegurar capacidades de comunicación crítica para los primeros respondedores. Proporcionaron más de 900 soluciones de Verizon Frontline, incluyendo smartphones con aplicaciones especializadas, recursos desplegables como Satellite Picocells en remolques (SPOTs) y sistemas aéreos no tripulados (UAS) para mejorar la conciencia situacional.

El equipo también asistió con el monitoreo de la red y desplegó enrutadores adicionales para mantener un contacto constante con los primeros respondedores. Derek Mayer, Agente Especial Adjunto a Cargo de la Oficina de Campo del Servicio Secreto de EE. UU. en Chicago, destacó la importancia del apoyo de Verizon Frontline para facilitar la colaboración y la comunicación exitosa entre las agencias durante ambas convenciones.

버라이즌 프론트라인의 위기 대응 팀은 최근 시카고에서 열린 민주당 전당대회와 밀워키에서 열린 공화당 전당대회 동안 공공 안전 기관을 지원했습니다. 팀의 18개월 준비는 최초 대응자들을 위한 중요한 통신 능력을 보장하기 위해 다양한 기관과 협력하는 것을 포함했습니다. 그들은 900개 이상의 버라이즌 프론트라인 솔루션을 제공했으며, 여기에는 전문 앱이 설치된 스마트폰, 트레일러에 장착된 위성 피코셀(SPOT)과 상황 인식을 향상시키기 위한 무인 항공 시스템(UAS)과 같은 배치 가능한 자산이 포함됩니다.

팀은 또한 네트워크 모니터링을 도왔으며, 최초 대응자들과의 지속적인 접촉을 유지하기 위해 추가 라우터를 배포했습니다. 시카고 필드 사무소의 미국 비밀경찰 부국장인 데릭 메이어는 두 전당대회 동안 기관 협업과 통신의 성공을 가능하게 한 버라이즌 프론트라인의 지원의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

L'équipe de réponse aux crises de Verizon Frontline a récemment soutenu les agences de sécurité publique lors de la Convention nationale démocrate à Chicago et de la Convention nationale républicaine à Milwaukee. La préparation de 18 mois de l'équipe a impliqué une collaboration avec diverses agences pour garantir des capacités de communication critique pour les premiers intervenants. Ils ont fourni plus de 900 solutions Verizon Frontline, y compris des smartphones avec des applications spécialisées, des ressources déployables comme les Satellite Picocells sur remorques (SPOTs) et des systèmes aériens sans pilote (UAS) pour améliorer la conscience situationnelle.

L'équipe a également assisté à la surveillance du réseau et déployé des routeurs supplémentaires pour maintenir un contact constant avec les premiers intervenants. Derek Mayer, agent spécial adjoint à la tête du bureau de terrain de Secret Service des États-Unis à Chicago, a souligné l'importance du soutien de Verizon Frontline pour permettre une collaboration et une communication réussies entre les agences pendant les deux conventions.

Das Krisenreaktionsteam von Verizon Frontline hat kürzlich öffentliche Sicherheitsbehörden während des Demokratischen Nationalkonvents in Chicago und des Republikanischen Nationalkonvents in Milwaukee unterstützt. Die 18-monatige Vorbereitung des Teams umfasste die Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Behörden, um kritische Kommunikationsfähigkeiten für Ersthelfer sicherzustellen. Sie stellten über 900 Verizon Frontline-Lösungen zur Verfügung, darunter Smartphones mit spezialisierten Apps, einsetzbare Ressourcen wie Satelliten-Picocells auf Anhängern (SPOTs) und unbemanntes Luftsysteme (UAS) zur Verbesserung des Situationsbewusstseins.

Das Team unterstützte auch beim Netzwerkmonitoring und setzte zusätzliche Router ein, um den ständigen Kontakt zu den Ersthelfern aufrechtzuerhalten. Derek Mayer, stellvertretender Sonderagent in Charge des Chicagoer Feldbüros des US-Geheimdienstes, betonte die Bedeutung der Unterstützung von Verizon Frontline für die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation zwischen den Behörden während beider Konvente.

  • Provided over 900 Verizon Frontline solutions to first responders during two national political conventions
  • Collaborated with dozens of federal, state, and county agencies to ensure critical communications capabilities
  • Offered advanced technologies including UAS support and Satellite Picocells on Trailers (SPOTs)
  • Received positive feedback from U.S. Secret Service Deputy Special Agent in Charge
  • None.

CHICAGO, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team recently completed a deployment in support of federal, state and local public safety agencies during the Democratic National Convention.

The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team’s preparations for this high-profile event started more than 18 months ago and required close collaboration with dozens of federal, state and county agencies to help ensure first responders had the mission-critical communications capabilities they needed as they worked to maintain the safety of Chicago’s residents, attendees and visitors.

During the deployment, the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team provided agencies with Verizon Frontline solutions ranging from smartphones loaded with public safety-specific applications to deployable communications assets like Satellite Picocells on Trailers (SPOTs).

The team also provided unmanned aerial system (UAS) support to public safety agencies during the convention, helping provide broader situational awareness at multiple locations, as well as boosting network coverage for specialized missions. Additionally, the team assisted in network monitoring to ensure total coverage for public safety agencies and deployed extra routers to command centers and high-traffic locations to help first responders maintain constant contact.

The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team also supported public safety agencies during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During the two conventions, the team provided first responders with more than 900 Verizon Frontline solutions.

“The support of the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team in both Chicago and Milwaukee was a key aspect of helping ensure all involved agencies were able to successfully achieve their missions through collaboration and communication,” said Derek Mayer, Deputy Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service’s Chicago Field Office, the office for the entire states of Illinois, Wisconsin, the Quad Cities portion of Iowa and the northern part of Indiana.

The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team provides on-demand, emergency assistance during crisis situations to government agencies and emergency responders on a 24/7 basis at no cost to the supported agencies. Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team members set up portable cell sites, Wi-Fi hotspots, charging stations and other Verizon Frontline devices and solutions that enable communications and/or boost network performance.

Verizon Frontline is the advanced network and technology built for first responders – developed over three decades of partnership with public safety officials and agencies on the front lines – to meet their unique and evolving needs. Learn more at our site.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

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Media contact:
Chandler Baker
757 725 4806


What support did Verizon Frontline (VZ) provide during the 2024 national political conventions?

Verizon Frontline provided over 900 solutions including smartphones with specialized apps, deployable assets like Satellite Picocells on Trailers (SPOTs), unmanned aerial systems (UAS) support, network monitoring, and extra routers for command centers and high-traffic locations.

How long did Verizon Frontline (VZ) prepare for the 2024 Democratic National Convention?

Verizon Frontline's Crisis Response Team began preparations more than 18 months before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Did Verizon Frontline (VZ) support both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions in 2024?

Yes, Verizon Frontline supported public safety agencies during both the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in 2024.

What is the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team's service cost to supported agencies?

The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team provides on-demand, emergency assistance during crisis situations to government agencies and emergency responders at no cost to the supported agencies.

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