Verizon Frontline delivers FDNY a critical communications upgrade
Verizon Frontline has completed a major communications upgrade for the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), replacing their legacy Centrex phone system with a modern VoIP solution. The implementation involved migrating over 2,500 existing Centrex telephone lines to Verizon's One Talk T67 LTE devices, primarily at FDNY Headquarters.
The FDNY, which operates across NYC's 302 square miles with 218 firehouses and 39 EMS stations, has operationally tested the solution at various locations and confirmed its reliability. The new system enables seamless communication between office workers and field personnel across the department's facilities.
This implementation represents a significant partnership between Verizon (NYSE: VZ) and the largest fire department in the United States, completed within a short timeline to ensure continuous emergency service delivery across New York's five boroughs.
Verizon Frontline ha completato un importante aggiornamento delle comunicazioni per il Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco di New York (FDNY), sostituendo il loro obsoleto sistema telefonico Centrex con una moderna soluzione VoIP. L'implementazione ha previsto la migrazione di oltre 2.500 linee telefoniche Centrex esistenti ai dispositivi One Talk T67 LTE di Verizon, principalmente presso il Quartier Generale del FDNY.
Il FDNY, che opera su una superficie di 302 miglia quadrate di NYC con 218 caserme e 39 stazioni EMS, ha testato operativamente la soluzione in varie sedi e ne ha confermato l'affidabilità. Il nuovo sistema consente comunicazioni fluide tra i lavoratori d'ufficio e il personale operativo nelle strutture del dipartimento.
Questa implementazione rappresenta una partnership significativa tra Verizon (NYSE: VZ) e il più grande dipartimento dei vigili del fuoco degli Stati Uniti, completata in un breve lasso di tempo per garantire la continuità nella fornitura dei servizi di emergenza in tutti e cinque i distretti di New York.
Verizon Frontline ha completado una importante actualización de comunicaciones para el Departamento de Bomberos de Nueva York (FDNY), reemplazando su sistema telefónico legado Centrex con una moderna solución VoIP. La implementación involucró la migración de más de 2,500 líneas telefónicas Centrex existentes a los dispositivos One Talk T67 LTE de Verizon, principalmente en el cuartel general del FDNY.
El FDNY, que opera en las 302 millas cuadradas de la ciudad de Nueva York con 218 estaciones de bomberos y 39 estaciones de EMS, ha probado operativamente la solución en diversas ubicaciones y ha confirmado su confiabilidad. El nuevo sistema permite una comunicación fluida entre los trabajadores de oficina y el personal de campo en las instalaciones del departamento.
Esta implementación representa una asociación significativa entre Verizon (NYSE: VZ) y el departamento de bomberos más grande de los Estados Unidos, completada en un corto período de tiempo para garantizar la continuidad en la entrega de servicios de emergencia en los cinco distritos de Nueva York.
Verizon Frontline은 뉴욕시 소방국(FDNY)을 위한 주요 커뮤니케이션 업그레이드를 완료했습니다. 이는 기존의 센트렉스 전화 시스템을 현대적인 VoIP 솔루션으로 대체하는 작업이었습니다. 이번 구현에는 FDNY 본부를 중심으로 2,500개 이상의 기존 센트렉스 전화선이 Verizon의 원 토크 T67 LTE 장치로 이전되었습니다.
FDNY는 218개의 소방서와 39개의 EMS 스테이션으로 이루어진 302평방 마일의 뉴욕시 전역에서 운영되며, 다양한 장소에서 솔루션을 운영적으로 테스트하여 신뢰성을 확인했습니다. 새로운 시스템은 부서의 시설에서 사무직 직원과 현장 인력 간의 원활한 통신을 가능하게 합니다.
이번 구현은 Verizon (NYSE: VZ)와 미국 최대의 소방국 간의 중요한 파트너십을 나타내며, 뉴욕의 5개 자치구에서 지속적으로 긴급 서비스를 제공하기 위해 짧은 시간 안에 완료되었습니다.
Verizon Frontline a réalisé une mise à niveau majeure des communications pour le Service d'incendie de New York (FDNY), remplaçant leur ancien système téléphonique Centrex par une solution VoIP moderne. La mise en œuvre a impliqué la migration de plus de 2 500 lignes téléphoniques Centrex existantes vers les appareils One Talk T67 LTE de Verizon, principalement au siège du FDNY.
Le FDNY, qui opère dans les 302 miles carrés de NYC avec 218 casernes de pompiers et 39 stations de secours médical, a testé la solution dans divers endroits et a confirmé sa fiabilité. Le nouveau système permet une communication fluide entre les employés de bureau et le personnel sur le terrain dans les installations du département.
Cette mise en œuvre représente un partenariat significatif entre Verizon (NYSE : VZ) et le plus grand service d'incendie des États-Unis, achevée dans un court laps de temps pour garantir la continuité de la fourniture de services d'urgence dans les cinq arrondissements de New York.
Verizon Frontline hat ein großes Kommunikations-Upgrade für die Feuerwehr von New York City (FDNY) abgeschlossen, das ihr veraltetes Centrex-Telefonsystem durch eine moderne VoIP-Lösung ersetzt. Die Implementierung umfasste die Migration von über 2.500 bestehenden Centrex-Telefonleitungen zu den One Talk T67 LTE-Geräten von Verizon, hauptsächlich im Hauptquartier der FDNY.
Die FDNY, die innerhalb der 302 Quadratmeilen von NYC mit 218 Feuerwachen und 39 EMS-Stationen tätig ist, hat die Lösung an verschiedenen Standorten betrieblich getestet und deren Zuverlässigkeit bestätigt. Das neue System ermöglicht nahtlose Kommunikation zwischen Büromitarbeitern und Einsatzkräften in den Einrichtungen des Departments.
Diese Implementierung stellt eine bedeutende Partnerschaft zwischen Verizon (NYSE: VZ) und der größten Feuerwehr in den Vereinigten Staaten dar, die in kurzer Zeit abgeschlossen wurde, um eine kontinuierliche Notfallversorgung in den fünf Stadtbezirken New Yorks zu gewährleisten.
- Secured major contract with largest US fire department for communication systems upgrade
- Successfully migrated 2,500 telephone lines to new VoIP solution
- Demonstrated ability to execute large-scale public safety infrastructure projects
- None.
The FDNY communications upgrade represents a strategic win for Verizon in the highly competitive public safety communications sector. The successful migration of 2,500 legacy phone lines to the One Talk VoIP system demonstrates Verizon's capabilities in handling mission-critical infrastructure transformations for major emergency services.
This implementation carries several key implications for investors:
- The contract with America's largest fire department serves as a powerful reference case for Verizon Frontline, potentially catalyzing similar modernization projects across other major metropolitan emergency services still operating on legacy systems
- The successful deployment validates Verizon's technical expertise in mission-critical communications, strengthening its competitive position against AT&T's FirstNet and other competitors in the lucrative first responder market
- The migration from Centrex to VoIP services typically generates higher margins and creates opportunities for upselling additional services, potentially improving average revenue per user (ARPU) in Verizon's enterprise segment
- This showcase project in NYC, combined with Verizon's three-decade track record in public safety, positions the company favorably for upcoming federal and state funding initiatives focused on emergency services modernization
While this single contract may not materially impact Verizon's
NEW YORK, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon Frontline today announced the completion of a communications upgrade for the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), replacing a legacy central exchange (Centrex) phone system with a more modern solution.
FDNY selected Verizon Frontline to provide an advanced, secure, and reliable connectivity solution after deciding to upgrade their Centrex system. Verizon Frontline delivered One Talk T67 LTE devices to serve as the new Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution.
The FDNY has migrated over 2,500 existing Centrex telephone lines to Verizon’s One Talk wireless desktop devices within the past year, with the majority located at FDNY Headquarters.
According to the FDNY, the agency has been operationally assessing the solution for several months at various FDNY locations (Firehouses, EMS Stations, etc.) and have found that the devices have proven reliable.
The new system is designed to help enable every person in the agency–from office workers at their desks running operations to fire marshals protecting the five boroughs in the field–to reliably communicate with each other at any time.
“Having the largest fire department in the United States choose us to help it accomplish its mission is a true honor,” said Alex Sims, a Verizon Business Client Executive for New York City. “Working with, and through, our partner vendors and Verizon solutions architects, we were able to meet the short timeline to implement this solution so the FDNY could continue to serve and protect the citizens of New York’s five boroughs.”
The FDNY responds to millions of emergency calls each year across NYC’s 302 square miles. The department has 218 firehouses, 39 EMS stations, and additional support facilities like fleet services, fire alarm and emergency medical dispatch, and health services.
Verizon Frontline is the advanced network and technology built for first responders – developed over three decades of partnership with public safety officials and agencies on the front lines – to meet their unique and evolving needs.
Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of
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